■tr i / - T TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1958 The Weather P A G E FOURTEEN . j Averaca DaUy Net Preu Ron Fer the Week Siktod Fureeaat of D, 8. Weather Feb. 7, 1958 Sleet or rain late tonlghL «*pNP Courant’s Editor Emerjfency Doctors Women Voters 10,859 ^ 4 e rain Thuraday. About Town Learn.s Practical Angle tonight 26-32. Of Bill Collection Course Discuss Budget Member of the Audit Speak i iig T oiiight ^yaiciana of the Manches- RISLEY'S Bureau ol Ctrcnlattona Manchester— A City of Village Charm t*f ‘ th»' BrtHrtt-' Anrert- X'^IWal 'mOtt'rtc-eiverd' -some ter'-MedicAl' ■ -Asaociatton. - who, .. V ........... ....... - *¥0»r' F-rte»dljsM«HMyt- • ean Club will meet at the club- will re.spond to emergency call.a Foup local members of th e, practical Instructlona on a The. two.. apeeUl courses, apon- .. Ml .Summar Street. PROHyPT rooms tonijtht »t 7i30 afitl Troceed course in hill 'cbITeclIfig yester­ tomorrow •, afternoon- and eve­ League of Women voters'ftf'M^an-T MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY II, 1953 (TWENTY-POUR PAGES-r-IN TWO SEtTFlONS) PRICE FIVE CENTS from there to the Watkins Funeral ‘aored by Manchester Evening ning are Dr. Jacob .Segal cheater attended the State Train- ■ NO. (ClaaKfied Adrerttalag oa Pas* IS) day afteinoon in Manchester i School this winter in homemaking VOL. LXXn, 112 Home to pay respects to the late Small Claims Court'. He is (adults only), tel. 3-612.'i, a n i ing Day on National Program! FUEL OIL Mrs. Martha Sharp, xyhose son, I and in newapajjer work will' hold Dr. William Stroud, tel. 9-4708. Item II, Improved Congreaaional' OPEN Peter G. Kuciynskl of 61 I their final sessions tomorrow eve­ 0£U¥eitY Walter, is a club member. Helaine road. Brrdgetary Procedures, held .yes­ ning. terday at the Hartford Courant. The monthly meeting of the Ital- According to Attorney F.u- ' The final speakar In the news­ Altorney for VA Auditorium. SUNDAYS I k e N a m e s lan-American Society will be held gene T. Kelly, representing the paper course, at 7;.30 tomorrow •Two representatives of the Saturday at 7 p. m. instead of on Franklin Credit , School of ■ night,'.--wtH ■ be Herbert Brucker. I-eagire of Women Voters of the Get reliable delivery aerx-lce of high- Vatican Blasts Sunday. The., annual installation Roanoke, Va.. Kiicsynskl took i editor of the Hartford Coiirant, K. of C, Speaker U. S., who were training day lead- UNTII. 1 P. Ms heat-content oil on demand nr at regu­ banquet will be on Sunday. a correspondence course on and author of "Freedom of In­ er.s. diarus.sed the National League lar' Intervals. Both aervinea are available C o n s u lta n t bill collecting, or, collection formation." who - will speak on memo. "Congressional Strings on to fit your need. All deliveries metered, - The Lincoln School Child Study speciali.st, as Hje course wa.s j "The Responsibllitlea of a Free Ernest Biron. chief attorney for Uie Public Purse." Mrs. John G. loo, for your complete protection. group will meet tonight at 8 named. Total cost nf^the courac. 1 Press." Members of the puhlle who Tiie Veterans Administration , In Ije.e. Farmington, national presi­ Hartford, will be the principal Mrs, Luce Foes F o r C u r b s o'clock at the L ln ^ n School.' Dr. was $95. Kuesynski paid $4.’>, : wish to attend this last lecti’ii'e of dent, attended the meeting; Winfield Moyer will speak to the leaving a balance of $40. He I the course w i n be welcome, . , speaker at the annitsi French Those attending from Manches­ l group on ••yqur child's Physical never got around to completing Night fe.slivllies of Campbell ter were Mrs. .Stanley Lorenzen,- :T; w o o D C O . Corrncil. Knlghta of Columhu.', oh Vatican City, Feb. 11—</P)—L’Osiservatore Romano says Growth. in Itelation to His Emo­ his own paymenla and the national affairs chairman, Mrs. Jay Mrs. Clare Boothe Luce could not represent the United States Wa.shington. Feb. 11— (/P) tional Devflopment." All members school finally brought action ; Expect'Ahoiil JOO Monday, Feb. 16. at the K. of C. E. Rubinow, Mrs. Louis Heard SI BISSELL ST. PHONE HI-3.449A — President Eisenhower to­ HorneV>n Main street, both before the Italian government and the Vatican. In a of Ui%£^coln School PTA are cor- against him. Judge Charles N. and Mrs. Melvin Hathaway. day named James F. Brown­ dlaJHfWrtted to attend, Crockett entered Jrtdgment for. i . Ci< chairmen of the.affair, wlilt'h , A N D MORE I front page .article today titled “The Holy See and thO'United For Rolary Night will sirflt at 6 p.ni. are Wllbiod ' lee, New York investment the plaintiff and ordered pay­ i ; . States of America," the Vatican / Linne Lodge No; 72, Knights of ments o'f $2 weekly. ’ 1 Messier and Roland I-ePage. The ] HEARING-AID newap'aper criticized implipations banker, a government con­ Pythias, will meet tomorrow night About ion Rntarinns, Rotary supper will be French style, from that the designation of Mrs. Luce sultant 6n price and other Reds Build Up for Chiani; Raids at 8 o'clock in Orange Hall. Plans .Anns and their guests are. expccl- the appetizer to the dcs.sert. as Ambassador to Italy might Refuses Ike Call for the celebration of the 46th an­ and Mrs. Alva M. Gilchrist of Long j.ed to attend the annual I>adies' Knights ar-e rcmlnd"d to bring economic controls. BATTERIES "covertly" provide diplomatic rela­ The action was widely interpret­ niversary of the lodge, to be held Hill‘road, Andover. The fire there I Night festivities tonight at the ' new and prospective members tions between the United Stales de.stroyed ihelr home and all For All Hcaring-Aid.8 ed as meaning: ., Plan Alternate on Feb. 25, will be presented at I Manchester Country Club, Fred (;. ; Monday night .so that they may and the Vatican. 1. The Elsenhower administra­ this meeting. worldly po.sscaalons. ‘ Malln. chairman of the affair, re­ heconte acqrrainted. THANK YOU "The authors of such supposi­ Guaranteed Fresh tion has decided that remaining Both are in’ their eighties and ported today. tions," said, L’Oaservatore, "show, Mrs. Gilchrist Is a convalescent j A steak dinner will be served at price controls should be removed that they entirely ignore that any progressively rather than be wiped Last’Miiiute Plans patient at an Abington home fol­ j 7 o'clock, and a pi-ograin of enter- person officially in charge of a lowing a major surgical operation. MANCHESTER out by a Single sweeping order. ' lainment acta will follow. An or­ STATIONERY ◄ not at the same time engage in For Blockade 2. Further study ia planned, and Set on Food Sale chestra will provide rouaic for AIRMAII. - NOTE.H f diplomatic activity with the Holy dancing to close out the program. LEADING BRANDS ^ FOR YOUR OVERWHELMING^ Brownlee's advice la desired, on I-mkIics Aitl Sets Malln said that several atfinr- See ^ thi question of w'hether standby Mrs. Roy Durey, 93 Hemlock RESPONSE TO OUR GRAND OPENING "This is a rule and a practice controls legislation should be en­ Wa.shington, Feb. II—(JP)—The Eisenhower administrae tlve door prizes will be distributed, ^Arthur Dins Storesj N' from which the Holy See has not ■treet, today made last-minute Valentine Soeial j In addition, there will be special 873 Main St., Tel. MI-:i-4136 acted so that price and wage re­ tion may ask U. S. Allies to join in an embargo on all ship­ plans for a food sale to be held at deviated in the past and from straints can be quickly slapped I favors for the women. Sc ICC/f which it does not intend to devi­ ment to Red China as an alternative to proposals for a the J. Wi Hale department store The_l.aidiea Aid 'Society of the back on In event ot emergency. on Main street here, a sale that Values Galore! ate." The present controls law expires naval blockade. This move was among those some highly Emanuel Lutheran Church will placed administration offlciala ------- ■ will aid an elderly AndoVer couple L'Oi!servatore said the selection April 30. meet Thuraday afternoon at 2 FleaiUe draping foldt add of Mrs. Luce, a convert to Catholl- thought might come before the , Mdio lost their home in a fire on HALE'S charm ■ to your hearth — HUindby Controls o'clock in Luther flail (ch\irch FEB.TIRE cl.sm, a.i Amba.s.sador to Italy had' Sen. Cspehart (R-Ind.) has in­ atrategy-mdking National Secur- ! Jan. 26. vestry). Following a devotional ■nd' itop dying iparktl Mrs. Durey told The Herald she DRESSES caused deductions "touching upon troduced a bill for a standby con­ tty Council for discuaaion at a j ‘Extremist’ has received numerous offers of period and business nieetlng, a With ezehuive UnipuU the Vatican, which required expla- trols law. He is chairman of the White House meeting today. short program will be held in the Headquarters . h ^ ed ..goods .frptjj interested _ S A L E „ the curtaini open or cloae ............- ......... ....■ ngUon."-/ . — . Senate -Banking -committee which Secretary of State Dulles, who housewives who also report that form of a valentine social in con‘ FIRST LINE FIRESTONE witli one han'd. It’s the" • WOOLS ".Some say." added L'Osserva- handles such legislation, 'toici Senatbirs yesterday that s o ' nectlon with the serving of re­ FOR beauty, aafety and con­ far as he knows Eisenhower has they have no means of bringing AND FEDERAL TIRES to r e ,"th a t Mrs.
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