E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 114 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 161 WASHINGTON, MONDAY, MARCH 2, 2015 No. 35 House of Representatives The House met at noon and was lating on appropriations bills; yet that stan. Too many of our soldiers have called to order by the Speaker pro tem- is why the House comes in today facing made the ultimate sacrifice and lost pore (Mr. EMMER of Minnesota). another deadline that puts our na- their lives in service. As leaders in Congress, we have an f tional security and DHS workforce at risk—because we are trying to legislate obligation to protect and serve our DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO through appropriations. constituents and members of our TEMPORE I am completely in favor of the delib- Armed Forces. We cannot repay the The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- erative process by which this body is debt we owe these servicemembers and fore the House the following commu- supposed to conduct itself, and, while I their families, but we can work to nication from the Speaker: support the President’s executive ac- honor their legacy and recognize what tion on immigration reform, I would they have done for us. WASHINGTON, DC, We must protect the promises we March 2, 2015. also support a robust debate on it in have made to these brave individuals I hereby appoint the Honorable TOM this House. and strengthen our Nation’s commit- EMMER to act as Speaker pro tempore on this However, you know as well as I do day. that forcing this debate through hold- ment to helping them as they return JOHN A. BOEHNER, ing hostage the funding of a critical from combat. In Congress, I will do ev- Speaker of the House of Representatives. component of our Nation’s security is erything I can to protect the interests f not the proper way to go about having of Fort Drum and to ensure the 10th Mountain Division has the necessary MORNING-HOUR DEBATE this debate. At the beginning of the 114th Con- resources they need to do their work. It is critical for Fort Drum and the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- gress, you wrote an op-ed with Senate entire 21st Congressional District to ant to the order of the House of Janu- Majority Leader MITCH MCCONNELL en- ary 6, 2015, the Chair will now recog- have a voice at the table to fight on be- titled ‘‘Now We Can Get Congress half of our military families and vet- nize Members from lists submitted by Going.’’ That is what I wrote to you the majority and minority leaders for erans. and urged you to do today, Mr. Speak- To that end, I am honored to serve on morning-hour debate. er. The Chair will alternate recognition the House Armed Services Committee Let’s pass a clean DHS funding bill as the vice chair for the Subcommittee between the parties, with each party and get going with the tough legisla- limited to 1 hour and each Member on Readiness and as a member of the tive choices that we have to make this Military Personnel Subcommittee and other than the majority and minority year. leaders and the minority whip limited Intelligence, Emerging Threats, and f to 5 minutes, but in no event shall de- Capabilities Subcommittee. As a member of these subcommittees, bate continue beyond 1:50 p.m. FORT DRUM SEQUESTRATION AND CENTCOM CODEL I will work to ensure the Defense De- f partment, our troops, and Fort Drum The SPEAKER pro tempore. The DHS FUNDING have the necessary tools they require Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from to defend our Nation from those that The SPEAKER pro tempore. The New York (Ms. STEFANIK) for 5 min- wish to do us harm. Chair recognizes the gentleman from utes. However, we continue to see threats Hawaii (Mr. TAKAI) for 5 minutes. Ms. STEFANIK. Mr. Speaker, I rise to our national security increase, and Mr. TAKAI. Mr. Speaker, there is a today to recognize and honor the 10th reductions to our military remain due letter from me sitting on your desk Mountain Division, their service to to the Budget Control Act and seques- today asking you to pass a clean fund- Fort Drum, the 21st District of New tration. These substantial budget cuts ing bill for the Department of Home- York, our North Country community, will have significant negative impacts land Security. All Democrats in the and our Nation. to Fort Drum and the U.S. military. House have introduced and cosponsored For 30 years, the brave men and Under sequestration, the Pentagon’s a clean bill, and the Republican-con- women of the 10th Mountain Division proposal states that Fort Drum could trolled Senate has passed one as well. have stood in harm’s way to protect lose up to 16,000 soldiers and civilian Mr. Speaker, clause 2 of House rule and defend our country. Since Sep- jobs. This loss of jobs will have severe XXI prohibits inclusion of language tember 11, 2001, the 10th Mountain Di- and devastating effects to the installa- ‘‘changing existing law,’’ commonly re- vision has been the most actively de- tion, the North Country community, ferred to as the prohibition on legis- ployed division to Iraq and Afghani- New York, and the entire Nation. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H1503 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:49 Mar 03, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A02MR7.000 H02MRPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H1504 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 2, 2015 General Dempsey and our military CELEBRATING THE 100TH BIRTH- ONGOING IRAN NUCLEAR TALKS leaders have declared time and time DAY OF MRS. ALLIEFAIR ROG- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The again that sequestration reduces our ERS Chair recognizes the gentleman from Armed Forces’ readiness and their ca- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Alabama (Mr. BYRNE) for 5 minutes. pabilities, and it unnecessarily puts Chair recognizes the gentleman from Mr. BYRNE. Mr. Speaker, I rise our men and women in uniform at in- Georgia (Mr. LOUDERMILK) for 5 min- today to express my serious concerns creased risk. utes. about the ongoing Iran nuclear talks. Here, we expect our servicemen and Mr. LOUDERMILK. Mr. Speaker, I Iran is no friend to the United States -women to protect our Nation; how- rise today to recognize the milestone or our allies. Iran remains the foremost ever, the imposed budget cuts due to in the life of Mrs. Alliefair Rogers who, state sponsor of terrorism in the world. sequestration inhibit their readiness this week, is celebrating her 100th Iran has continued to develop inter- and threaten our national security. It birthday. Mrs. Rogers is also, inciden- continental ballistic missile tech- is our duty to ensure our Nation is pro- tally, a second-generation centurion, nology. The only legitimate purpose of tected and, in doing so, maintain the as her mother, Ida Jane, also lived to such technology is to deliver a nuclear operational readiness of our military. the age of 103. payload. I pledge to work to preserve and Don’t just take my word for it. Lieu- Throughout her life in the past cen- strengthen our Nation’s Armed Forces tenant General Vincent Stewart, the tury, Mrs. Rogers has witnessed some and follow in the footsteps of Rep- Director of the Defense Intelligence of the most significant moments that resentative John McHugh by advo- Agency, recently wrote in his state- have shaped our Nation. Born during cating for our troops and veterans sta- ment for the record to the House the onset of World War I, Mrs. Rogers tioned in the 21st Congressional Dis- Armed Services Committee: was only 2 years old when America en- trict of New York and in our sur- The Islamic Republic of Iran continues to tered the Great War, sending our rounding communities. threaten U.S. strategic interests in the Mid- doughboys across the Atlantic. Two weeks ago, I had the honor to at- dle East. Iran’s actions and policies are de- By the time she was 5 years old, the tend a small congressional delegation signed to further its goal of becoming the first radio stations were going on the dominant regional power, as well as to en- visit to Jordan, the United Arab Emir- air in America, prohibition was en- hance its strategic depth. Tehran views the ates, Kuwait, Iraq, and Afghanistan. On acted, and women for the first time had United States as its most capable adversary this trip, I was privileged to meet with the right to vote. By her 12th birthday, and has fashioned its military strategy and soldiers who are based out of Fort doctrine accordingly. Charles Lindbergh had flown across the Drum, as well as many others who have In terms of nuclear capabilities, Gen- Atlantic Ocean, and the first motion trained there. eral Stewart goes on to say: What an opportunity it was to visit picture with sound was played in thea- ters. At the age of 14, she witnessed the We continue to assess that Iran’s goal is to with the troops from the Resolute Sup- develop capabilities that would allow it to port headquarters forces, USFOR–A beginning of the Great Depression. build missile-deliverable nuclear weapons, soldiers, and counterterrorism oper- Just months before turning 25, Mrs.
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