SCHEDULE OF COMPLETED WORKS JULY – AUGUST 2015 CENTRAL AREA River Distance River Bank (LB/RB) Property Owner / Type of Work Quantity (km) Location LOWER MANAWATU SCHEME MANAWATU RIVER 8.5-99.0 km Both Foxton-Ashhurst Jet Boat Inspection 90.5km Various Floodgate Checks 8 83.0 km R/B Fitzroy Bend Groyne repair and 300m drain maintenance 66.0 km L/B Whitelock Stopbank repairs 75m 66.0 km L/B Whitlock Compost and 75m grass seeding 65.0 km R/B Tocker Gravel extraction 5730 m3 61.2 km L/B Akers (Mangawhata) Gravel extraction 250 m3 Floodgate 49.0 km L/B Kemps Lagoon 1 Maintenance 39.5 km R/B Parlato Willow Pole cutting 100 Willow Wand 39.5 km R/B Parlato 400 cutting Floodgate 38.8 km R/B Barber 1 Maintenance Floodgate 35.0 km L/B Olsen 1 Maintenance 29.6 km R/B Whakawehi Marae Mulching 200m Landcorp (Diagonal Stopbank 12.0 km R/B 10m Pump) Maintenance Diagonal and 12.0 km L/B Gorse Spraying 100m Pleuger Pumps Re-fencing after 9.0 km R/B Whirokino Cut 2280m flood 3.0 km R/B Wilson/Irvine Wave Lap Repair 20m 2.9 km R/B Wilson/Irvine Wave Lap Repair 40m 2.1 km R/B Foxton Beach SB Berm repair 20m LOWER MANAWATU SCHEME OROUA RIVER L/B AFFCO Concrete riprap 30 m Livestock R/B Improvement Co- Summer bank 200 m operation (LIC) LIC Permeable wire R/B 75 m rope groynes R/B LIC Concrete riprap 100 m (400t) L/B Kuhne Concrete riprap 35 m (130t) L/B Macaully Gravel extraction 4124 m3 L/B Harnett Fill scour hole 4124 m3 1 2 Kaimatarau Road 13 large 20.7 km R/B Tree removal Macrocarpa trees R/B Saunders Mulching 500 m 20.7 km R/B Amey Mulching 500 m L/B Kopane spillway Fencing 200 m Various Clearing flood debris 8.9 km R/B Knight Grass seeding 10.0 km R/B Flygers Line Floodgate 50m maintenance, debris clearing and disposal 7.4-7.5 km L/B Benmore Ave Bridge Berm shaping 70m L/B R/B City Reach Mowing 14.5km L/B R/B City Reach Continued channel damage monitoring LOWER MANAWATU SCHEME MAKINO Spillway R/B Clare (Makino Slide- CCTV culvert 1 gate 1) Inspection 6.8 km L/B Stock transport – Stopbank Repair 60m Awahuri Road 6.7 km L/B Stock transport – Stopbank Repair 50m Awahuri Road 6.5 km R/B Henderson – Stopbank Repair 15m Awahuri Road 6.3 km L/B Manawatu District Stopbank Repair 60m Council – Kawakawa Road LOWER MANAWATU SCHEME JACKS CREEK R/B Jurgen / Simpson Concrete riprap 65 m CH Jurgen / Simpson Remove channel 2 blockages LOWER MANAWATU SCHEME MANGAONE 17.0 km CH Mc Klean Remove channel Large poplar tree blockage LOWER MANAWATU SCHEME STONEY CREEK 4.3 km RB Teague Concrete riprap 55 m with gravel redistribution 2.9 km CH Teague/Eagle/Joe Gravel extraction 100 m3 LOWER MANAWATU SCHEME MOUTOA GATES Floodway Structure General Maintenance of building and spraying Floodway Structure Debris removal Apron Floodway Structure Run gates every 6 9 gates weeks LOWER MANAWATU SCHEME MOUTOA FLOODWAY 2 3 Check all 9 floodgates LOWER MANAWATU SCHEME MANGAORE STREAM Check Floodgates 2 LOWER MANAWATU SCHEME KARA CREEK - MANGAPUKATEA Gurines Floodgate Repair 1 LOWER MANAWATU SCHEME TOKOMARU RIVER Check Floodgates 7 Floodgate clearing 1 ASHHURST STREAM SCHEME ASHHURST Fencing 20m LOWER KIWITEA STREAM SCHEME KIWITEA 11.0 km R/B Gorton / Hare Tied tree bank protection plus 80m planting 10.6 km L/B Gorton – Makino Tied tree bank Road protection plus 90m / 50 ea planting 10.0 km R/B Wilkin / Campion – Tied tree bank Kimbolton Road protection plus 75m / 70 ea planting 9.8 km R/B Wilkin – Kimbolton Layering of 60m Road existing Willow 9.7 km L/B Wilkin – Kimbolton Tied tree bank Road protection plus 30m planting 9.3 km L/B Wilkin – Kimbolton Tied tree bank Road protection plus 60m / 15 ea planting 9.1 km R/B Wilkin – Kimbolton Rope and rail Road permeable groynes 160m / 255 ea plus planting 8.8 km L/B Williamson – Planting 30 ea Kimbolton Road 2.0 km R/B Hocken – Kimbolton Rope and rail 250m Road permeable groynes 1.9 km L/B Hocken – Kimbolton Rope and rail 200m Road permeable groynes 1.2km R/B Bailey – Pharazyn Tied tree bank 70m Road protection 1.0 km L/B Hocken – Kimbolton Rope and rail 188m Road permeable groynes 0 to 14 km LB/RB Scheme Reach Channel clearance – debris / tree 14.5km blockages 3 NORTHERN AREA River Distance River Bank Property Owner / Type of Work Quantity (km) (LB/RB) Location SCHEME NAME RANGITIKEI RIVER CONTROL SCHEME RIVER NAME RANGITIKEI 2.00 RB No 1 Floodgate Clean drain outlet 90 km 2.15 RB No 2 Floodgate Clean drain outlet 50 km 2.15 RB Scotts Ferry Pump out water in township 2.80 RB Amon Floodgate Repair floodgate – remove concrete rubble from gate 8.25 LB McKelvie – Groynes Pole planting 850 poles 14.90 RB Whiskers Pole planting 1060 poles 16.70 LB O’Donell – Groynes Beach clearing – 1.5 ha recover concrete blocks 22.30 RB Bulls Bridge Mechanical clean 460 m drain 35.00 RB Rangitikei Aggregates Beach clearing 3 ha 35.00 LB Rolston Pole planting 1800 poles 40.00 LB Lovelock Beach clearing 2 ha 41.20 LB Waituna Pines Pole planting 920 poles 45.50 RB Marshall Pole planting 1050 poles 48.20 LB Thompson Pole planting 1350 poles 59.30 RB Bull Beach clearing 2 ha Rangitikei River Boat inspection Floodgates Check and clean all X 2 floodgates SCHEME NAME POHANGINA-OROUA SCHEME RIVER NAME POHANGINA RIVER 13.70 RB Leamy Live tree bank 110 m protection work 16.00 LB Ward Pole planting 750 poles 18.80 LB Carroll Pole planting 700 poles 34.50 LB Rutherfurd Live tree bank 120 m protection work SCHEME NAME POHANGINA-OROUA SCHEME RIVER NAME OROUA 5.00 RB Malcolm Pole planting 1000 poles 17.00 RB Roberts Pole planting 1000 poles 8.30 LB Christie Live tree bank 35 m protection work 28.00 RB Hoggard Live tree bank 40 m 4 5 protection work 28.10 LB Manville Live tree bank 30 m protection work SCHEME NAME POREWA VALLEY FLOOD CONTROL SCHEME Rata to Rangitikei Remove trees from X 45 River channel All Dams Clean and inspect X 27 SCHEME NAME MATARAWA FLOOD CONTROL SCHEME Dam 3.1 Spillway repairs 250 m3 Dam 3.1 Open up inlet grill – twice Dam 3.1 Remove silt back from drain –twice Dam 3.1 Remove trees from X 4 inlet drain Dam 1.1 Remove silt from X 4 bridges Dam 1.2 Remove silt from X 1 bridge All Dams Clean and inspect all Dams – twice Diversion Structure Clean rubbish off culvert – twice SCHEME NAME TUTAENUI FLOOD CONTROL SCHEME All Dams Clean and inspect X 18 all dams Bulls River Mouth Remove metal from 300 m channel Marton to Bulls Remove fallen X 35 trees from channel Top to Marton Remove fallen X 15 trees from channel SCHEME NAME UPPER WHANGANUI RIVER MANAGEMENT SCHEME UPPER WANGANUI RIVER 244.80 RB Turaki St Development Cut and paste 75 m weeds on stopbank 244.80 RB Turaki St Development Repair flood 20 m damaged fence SCHEME NAME LOWER WHANGANUI RIVER MANAGEMENT SCHEME LB Upokongaro Jetty Burn slash 100 m residues LB Upokongaro Jetty Heap silt to maintain access LB Kowhai Park Temporary repairs 20 m to stopbank breach LB Kowhai Park Culvert inspections X 2 RB Balgownie Plant shrubs 300 SCHEME NAME WHANGAEHU-MANGAWHERO RIVER 5 6 SCHEME RIVER NAME WHANGAEHU 24.90 LB R Travers Plant 825 willows 170 m SCHEME NAME TURAKINA RIVER CONTROL SCHEME 10.70 LB M Greene Plant 175 willow 50 m 6 SOUTHERN AREA River Distance River Bank Property Owner / Type of Work Quantity (km) (LB/RB) Location SCHEME NAME: OHAU-MANAKAU RIVER NAME: OHAU RIVER Repair and reinforcement to 8 LB Ohau Dairies 20m toe of stopbank 11.2 RB Bryant Tree groynes 20m New TTW constructed and 11.5 RB Bryant 50m trees layered 12.1 RB Koot Tree groynes 20m 12.2 LB Rowe Layer existing TTW 50m 13.2 LB Campbell Tree groynes 20m 14 LB Kilsby Tree layering 80m 14.2 RB Barries Repair to TTW 100m Repair and layering to 14.4 RB Barries 50m existing TTW 14.7 RB Barries Tree layering 300m 14.8 LB Kilsby Tree layering 200m 15 RB Levin Estates Tree layering 500m 15 LB Kilsby Tree layering 500m 15.3 RB Levin Estates Concrete Riprap 50m 16 RB Levin Estates Concrete Riprap 20m Layering of willows and 16.1 LB Webb 300m repair to riprap Layering of willows and 16.6 RB Jacobs 100m repair to riprap 17.2 RB Triplow Layering of willows 400m 17.65 RB Craddock Concrete Riprap 50m Layering of TTW and 17.8 RB Senior 200m replacing holes more trees 18.25 RB Ohau Estate new tree groynes dug in 50m 18.3 RB Ohau Estate Concrete Riprap 50m 18.5 RB Ohau Estate Tree layering 300m RIVER NAME: MANAKAU STREAM 5.9 BOTH Kay Farm Removal of large debris blockage RIVER NAME: WAIKAWA STREAM 5.4 RB MacArley farm Concrete Riprap 7.9 RB Gardner farm Concrete Riprap 8.1 BOTH Tree layering and removal 1200m of debris RIVER NAME: DRAINAGE Machine clean of drain 2.5km SCHEME NAME: MAKERUA DRAINAGE Boundary Pumpstation Submersible pump 7 8 reinstalled Donnelly’s Pumpstation pump secured back to chamber wall Birnie Coombs Pumpstation Submersible pup reinstalled Okuku Large quantities of weed removed and dead livestock SCHEME NAME: MANAWATU DRAINAGE Upper Aorangi Drain Assess way culverts 2* 900mm & 750mm replaced, Upper Aorangi Drain Culvert headwalls repaired 2 Upper Aorangi Drain slumping repaired 4* 200m Campbell road Drain machine cleaned 600m SCHEME NAME: KOPUTAROA DRAINAGE Koputaroa No.2 Pumpstation Installation of new electrical switch/control board Aratangata drain Installation of new floodgated culvert SCHEME NAME: MOUTOA - WHIROKINO DRAINAGE Easton Property Repair to culvert headwall SCHEME NAME: TE KAWAU DRAINAGE No 1 Drain Bank scouring 100m No 6 Drain Culvert repairs Kopane No3 Drain Tractor Pumping 2 days Dixons Pumpstation New electrics installed Dixons Pumpstation Pump Overhauled Dixons Pumpstation Outlet structure repaired SCHEME NAME: HOKIO DRAINAGE Arawhata drain Clearing of debris and trimming of trees SCHEME NAME: FOXTON EAST
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