. \ The Weather i^EDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1960 Average Daily NetTresr Run ForecMt of C. 8. Weather Bureau PAGE T^i^NTY; JFor the W eek Ended {fianrli^atpr li^ralb . Feb. 6, I960 Oontinned Noody, turning cooler tonight. Low neskT 80. FHday The Willing Workers’ Circle, Members of the Manchester 13,075 variable cloudhieM, cooler. High WSCS, 6f ^outh MeUiodls't Church,' Italian American Club will hold a near 40. , About Town^ committee meeting Friday , ai 8 Member of the Audit will sponsor a 3-course luncheon ''BureM et ClrcnfaiiJoa. FINAL CLEARANCE OF ALL tomorrow at noon at Cooper hall. p.m. ifCithe clubhouse on Kdridge Manchester— A City af Village Charm / The Zipser Club will hbW it* Store clerks and businessmen will St., to discuss the club's -10th an- 7 " annual Valentine dance Saturday be served first at tables reserved. unal banquet to be held Feb. 27. WINTER Now69e-$1.00 from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. at the club­ (ClaMined Advertising on Page 18) PRICE FIVE CENTS Reservations may be made at the i (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, T T in i^ iv $2.oO-$3.00 house, Brainard PI. Lou Joubert's church office. William F. Barrett lU, 17, of .95 1 VOL. LXXIX, NO. 112 trio will provide mU*ic. Tickets Weishingrton St„ a senior at Man- | VAIA'ES TO $12.98 are available at the club. The Infant Jesus of Prague Chester High School, has ^ e n . Y O U GET • HATS A IX S.ALES IT N A L ... named by Sen. Thomas J. Dodd! : ■ Troop. 133 of Boy Scouts will Mothers' pircle will meet tomor­ row at 8 p.m. at the Church of (D-Conn.) with , nine other Coh ! State News ' hold its fathcr;8on banquet and necticut young men to compete for chapter night /onight in Fellow­ ihe"'AS3umption hall with the Rev. Francis T. Butler. A meeting will entrance to the Merchant Marine j i Jobs Total Sets ship hall of tibcond Congregation­ tm follow at the home of Mrs. Fied A.oademy at Kings Point, L.I. Ex- ^ I JWHAU al Church at/^:30. Applications for amlnntions will be given - rext i Roundup Ike Airs^Wew, 4-Point Plan Barrett, 84 Bowers St. Mrs. EJd- summer camp at Loke of Isles will month. • * ‘ i MANCHESTiR COHH be distributed: warrl Noonan will be co-hostess. A January Mark Waterbury, F«b. 11 Charles P. Harper of Middle- buir and Mrs, Mary Pennell l A W R E Of Beacon Falls have, resigned W ..W nelo», Feb. U fr :™ ." * " as members of the Republican Employment dropped sea­ State Central Committee. For Nuclear Tests Control LOVELY! LACY! VERY FEMININE! A January rise In employment in ^ \ . ...................................................... sonally by i;900,000 last the automobUe. machinery and They declined to make public month but the number of other ateel-uaing induatrlea. re­ the reason for their decision. Americans with jobs— 64,- flected continued recovery from Barper, a state central commit­ 020,000— was a record high the steel strike. teeman /rom the 17th District, has But this did not offset the sea­ been one of the stalwart support­ for January, the Labor De- sonal dip in the soft goods indus­ ers of former Controller Fred Zel­ Russia Rejects Offer *T>artment announced today. tries and the contraction of out­ ler,Who made an unsuccessful run | Employment wao roughly a mll- door work. for governor In 1958. i Mon higher than a: year ago despite The total of 64,020,000 employed He resigned, said Harper, ‘‘for the usual poet-holiday shrinkage includes Alaska and Hawaii in the no reason I want to talk about." At Geneva Sessions WHEN YOU SHOP in retail payrolls Md the winter nation|U labor atatiatics for the State Republican Chairman Ed- _ curtailment. of farming, building first^m e. win H. May Jr. received bot); re- ' . and other outdoor work. I EbiceptlUXCCpi. forI this, the total of em- aignation yesterday ’•with rSgret" ^ y e d woould have been 266,000 Geneva, Feb. 11 (/P)— Russia’s Semyon K. Tsarapkin said Unemployment climbed by 572 In view of their long service. today President Eisenhower’s new plan for international re­ 3 000 to a toUl of 4,149,000 in Janu lower, -aasaid Seymoi r Wolfbein, Harper Is a former depu^ con­ HALE’S SELF SERVE ^^ MEAT DEPT. deputy assistant secretary of la­ ary, about the usual increase* tw troller under Zeller. strictions on nuclear tests is unacceptable to the Soviet Union. the aeason. Joblessness was Jo.2 bor. The Middlebury man is the thN;d Tsarapkin told newsmen after a session on the nuclear.test per cent of the civilian Irdior ^rce, A prediction that the improve­ top GOP'figure to resign In recen ban talks: “This plan is unacceptable. It is impossible to the same as in Decemb^. This ment in employmen* will be *'a lit-: week.a. Orly last Monday. Frank compared wi-ih 6 per centr a year tie better than sessonal’' during reach agreement on such a basis.’’ the spring was given reporters by ■Lynch of New Haven quit in Ninth District. Prior to that Fred H. Tsarapkin earlier declared himself against the plM even GREEN STAMPS I *go- Wolfbein. The rise in unemploymant was before he had seen it. FREE He said unemployment may drop Merwln resigned in the 14th Dis­ DOUBLE not as large'as the drop in employ­ trict. DOUBLE G R E E ^ ^ A M P S to 3«'j'mi!Uon by June before stu­ ment because many of those who Washingtoi), Feb. 11 (/P)— President Eisenhower announced PARKING “ had jolM in December did not look dents leave high schools and col­ ' Record Temperature today a new 4-point U.S. plan for international restrictions on M. to 9 P.M. WITH ALL CASH SALES! Thursday, Feb. 11 From 9:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. for further work after loaing them. leges and begin job hunting. Rear of our store. TOMOR0W 9 A. This Include*, for ln*tance, »uch Because of continued hiring in NeVv Haven, Feb. ll'iAh — Rain nuclear tests. Aimed to break the deadlock with Russia, it <5- people as hou*ewive* who -worked autos and other durable good* in­ ar.j .ftiff winds slapped at Con­ would exempt low power underground test explosibns from Infant and Tot Shop, Main Floor, Rear BONELESS BEEF in retail atore* duririg the CSirist- dustries, the^ decline In employ­ necticut today as the weatherman ment in manufacturing was ^nly the proposed ban. Wonderful Buys for Gifts or for Yourself from Hale’s Domestic Dept. Here are a few Valentine ideas for the little ones maa shopping rush and students warned against flash flooding and Eisenhower told a news conference the plan was being in­ EXTRA SPECIAU-LCmTED QUANTITY! who took hoUday season Jobs, temperatures soared to a record D and the prices arc the right size, tool The department counts as un- (CkHitlDued on Page Four) high. troduced immediately at Geneva where the United States, Be Here Early for These! SLIGHT IRREGULARS OF ROUND The U.S. IVeather Bureau at Russia and Britain have been negotiating over a test prohibi­ SeWTEX CANDLELIGHT RAYON DAMASK NYLON SLIPS WITH i Windlor Locks predicted flash tion for more than 15 months. „ SALE! < li- I floods in brooks and streams'in In a 'statement, Eisenhower said^- PLASTIC PANTIES AHACHED . \; Notes Rockefeller Plan western and central portions of the the new proposal "would JOBBER'S CLOSEOUT OF TABLECLOTH SETS I state, but that these conditions forthwith, under, assured con­ ROAST ' would end later In the day. trols" the following types of ex­ Morton Lauds Sizes: Medium to $ 1 Q R Irregulars so slight you’ll have trouble local- . extra large.. * • ' I Water levels of ' largeb streams plosion : REG. $7.98 and $9.98 ing theml Tliey’ll wash and iron hhe a hand- 1 will rise*more slowly, the weather- 1. All nuclear weapons tests in kerchief! Ribicoff Would Call I man tgid, and no flood stagesWre the atmosphere. John Lodge as forecast. 2. All nuclear weapons test* in CANNON BEDSPilEADS Reg. $5.98. ^4 X 54 Cloth With 4 TT J Tempesalurea strayed far from I the ocean. Napkins. White. Yellow, Green. Set •• • I winter levels. The mercury hit 5/ I 3. All such teats "in those re- Mate for Nixon BOUFFANT SLIPS Special Tax Session I degrees at 10 a.m.. a riew record I gions in space where effective con- Full and Reg. $8.95. 54 x 72 Cloth With 6 Q Y , for the date. Previous high for trols can now be agreed-to.” by STYLE UNDIES 1 Hartford. Feb. 11 UP—GOP Na­ $ , Twin Bed Napkins. Wb.tte, Yellow, Green. Set Sa>a*a-a ! Feb. I t was 65 degrees in 1925, 1 4. All tesU "beneath the surface tional Chairmam 'Thruston Morton ; Gusty w'inds pushed through the Sizes Reg. $12.98. 66 x 86 Cloth With 8 Q ’J JUICY Ha'Ktford. Feb. 1-' — Govemor^Aieasure. which .would call for He Stayed on the Right Side I of the Earth which can be monl- said today there are many emf-. Nylon lace trim’ and all Connecticut and New Jersey to go state, at 20 to 30 miles an hour, I lored." nently qualified' cauididates for the Napkins. White, Pink. Eggshell. Set # . y # and RlblcofU said today he would not The Weather' Bureau forecast wind Snow plows did an excellent job clearing Chicago’s hlg^^ay—and burying this automobile stalled lace bottorh.
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