Established 1865 OOwyheewyhee CCountyounty FairFair pphotoshotos andand results,results, SectionSection B SSchoolchool iiss aalmostlmost hhere,ere, PPageage 33AA RRimrockimrock tteachereacher hhonored,onored, PPageage 66AA Marsing rolls out menus to help State group salutes Alan Schoen students with their nutrition for inspiring FFA work VOL. 30, NO. 32 75 CENTS HOMEDALE, OWYHEE COUNTY, IDAHO WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 12, 2015 Fair culminates with coronation Former rancher, BLM Payette girl wins boss right mixture to Retiring Owyhee County Fair and Rodeo Queen Jaycee Engle of Melba places her crown on front Initiative group Payette’s Mandy Allison after the new queen was announced Jaurena ready to Saturday night in the rodeo arena. The Saturday night coronation keep agreement’s coincided with the final night of the Owyhee County Rodeo. spirit, intent Allison was chosen queen over in forefront three other contestants. She also earned the horsemanship award. Owyhee Initiative Inc. See Page 9B for a full rundown champions an agreement built by of the queen contest people from diverse backgrounds, so perhaps it’s only fi tting that a guy like Mitch Jaurena should be selected as the organization’s fi rst executive director. The retired Marine has worked as a rancher, a military attaché, a Bureau of Land Management fi eld manager and an environmental Mitch Jaurena manager. Initiative toward the goals that the Bottom line: He has the Board of County Commissioners fortitude, the environmental and had in mind at the agreement’s bureaucratic acumen and the political savvy to help push the –– See Initiative, page 5A Crapo town meetings Father shares wisdom heading for Owyhee Bruneau’s Matt Tindall gives last-minute advice to his daughter, U.S. Sen. Mike Crapo (R-Idaho) • 6:30 Maisa before she competes in will hold three town meetings in p.m. inside Thursday’s mutton busting. Owyhee County on Thursday. McKeeth Hall See Page 9B for rodeo results Residents will be able to discuss at the Owyhee and photos issues with the senator in the County midst of his month-long tour of Historical the state. Museum, A common theme in all of 17085 Junior Livestock Sale Crapo’s appearances will be Basey St., in shatters records the federal debt, but according Murphy to spokesman Lindsay Nothern Citizens are Bruneau’s Kyle Colyer was among the Sen. Mike Crapo auctioneers to preside over history Saturday. Owyhee-specifi c issues will be encouraged to The youth showing animals at the Owyhee on the table during Thursday’s ask questions at each meeting. County Fair sold more livestock for more Owyhee County town meetings: During his time in Owyhee money than in any other previous Junior • 3 p.m. at the Homedale Senior County, Crapo is expected to talk Livestock Sale. Center, 224 W. Idaho Ave. about the latest legislative fi xes See Page 16B for more on the sale • 4:30 p.m. at the Marsing Senior Center, 218 Main St. –– See Crapo, page 5A Subscribe today School news 4A Weather 11A Get the news source of the Owyhees delivered Obituary 6A Looking Back 13A IInsidenside directly to you each Wednesday Calendar 7A Commentary 14-15A Only $31.80 in Owyhee County Final Hanley Call 337-4681 Then and Now 7A Legals 11-13B column U of I Extension 7A Classifi eds 14-15B Page 7A Page 2A Wednesday, August 12, 2015 Marsing-Homedale Cemetery District slates budget hearing Commissioners will take public for this year. input on the Marsing-Homedale “Somebody could come in Cemetery Maintenance District’s here tomorrow and buy 30 lots,” proposed budget for the 2016 Benson said. “But that doesn’t fi scal year. happen very often.” The proposed budget is 29.2 He added that because of the percent larger than the current levy, they don’t have to hope for budget; primarily because of the that much money now. two-year temporary levy patrons In FY15, the district had total passed earlier this year. revenue of $73,275. A public hearing will be held at Commissioners say 2 p.m. on Monday, Aug. 24 at the compensation for district cemetery offi ce, 4410 Cemetery employees will cost $52,000 Road, Marsing. The board of next year. Sexton Bruce Benson’s commissioners could adopt the salary is $35,000, and another budget soon after. $17,000 is for farm oversight and The budget is available for part-time help. Benson’s salary review between 9 a.m. and 4 remains the same as FY15, but p.m., Monday through Friday at the district will pay $3,000 more the cemetery offi ce. for farm oversight and part-time Following in dad’s footsteps The proposed Fiscal Year help next year. Above: Owyhee County Sheriff’s Deputy Terry McGrew, right, congratulates his son Casey and 2016 budget is $119,040, which “Even now, what it says I make prepares to pin a Homedale Police Department badge on his son’s shirt. Below: Police Chief Jeff includes a fund balance of I’m not making,” Benson said to Eidemiller administers the oath to Casey McGrew as Sgt. Mike McFetridge looks on. McGrew will $24,621 that will be carried over illustrate how the board leaves start the Idaho Peace Offi cer Standards and Training academy next month. from the current fi scal year. extra money in the budget in case The FY16 budget compares the funds are needed elsewhere. to $92,178 for FY15 when the The district expects to incur district had carryover of $18,903 expenses of $67,040 during from FY14. FY16. The most costly of those The district is anticipating line items is for equipment at total revenue of $94,419 for $18,215. Benson intends to FY16. The two-year temporary purchase a new lawnmower — at levy that was passed in May will a cost of at least $15,228 — after provide $30,000 of that fi gure. the fi rst of the year. Commissioners have reduced Other expenditures include the revenue anticipated from the repairs to cemetery grounds at sale of burial lots by nearly one- $8,000 and $5,000 in payments third of last year’s anticipated to the employees’ state pension amount of $14,500. Actual fund. income from lot sales thus far Smaller expenses for the in FY15 is less than $10,000 but district include gas and oil at cemetery sexton Bruce Benson $4,500, legal notices at $3,500 points out there are six weeks left and payroll taxes of $3,300. Fire Rescue EMS 8th Annual MRW BBQ, Auction and Don’t wait until the last minute! Cleaning, Exam, Get your kids in Flouride 22 August 2015 Treatment $ for their cleaning, & X-Rays 71 Givens Hot Springs, exams, and x-rays (for uninsured patients) Idaho 83641 before Show & Shine Parking & line up starts at 10 AM. BBQ starts at Noon - Live Auction begins at 4 PM school starts! Top Prize awarded for “Peoples Choice” $8.00 Show & Shine Car Entry Participants receive 1 BBQ Ticket ($8.00 Value) 1 Half price swim ticket. And bag full of “Swag” To get an entry form contact [email protected] Or mail MRW Fire BBQ 11606 State Hwy 78 Givens Hot Springs, ID 83641 Habla en Español Dr. Jeppe Owyhee Family Dental Center 208-337-4383 ÊÊÊ££xÊ-°Ê>ÊÊUÊi`>i www.owyheefamilydental.com * For new and existing patients with healthy mouths some restrictions may apply Wednesday, August 12, 2015 Page 3A Marsing cafeteria signage helps Homedale Elementary students make better choices switching up the way New digital breakfast is served menus provide Program aims the morning while they’re also nutritional trying to get ready for their jobs. to help students The food will be available to information the children at any of a number focus on learning of stations at school entrances, When students in the Mars- but the children can refuse the ing School District head back In an effort to boost students’ meal as they enter the school. to classes on Monday, they will learning potential, the Homedale Students will be able to eat their have tools to help them make bet- Elementary School will offer meals during the fi rst few minutes ter nutritional choices at lunch. free breakfast to every child this of class as teachers are preparing The idea behind the three new school year. for the day. Mvix digital menu screens is to Beginning Monday, Aug. 24 “My understanding is it works make students in the district’s — the fi rst day of the 2015-16 very well,” Eby said of the elementary, middle and high school calendar — children will integration of the opening meal schools more aware of their eat- have the option of taking breakfast and the opening of class. ing habits. as they enter the building for the Morning kindergarteners and Marsing students will get their fi rst real taste of what the new Bringing this technology to the start of the school day. first- through fourth-graders digital menus can do for their nutrition when school starts Monday. school district was child nutrition Homedale School District food should arrive on campus no Submitted photo director Teresa Bettleyon’s goal, services manager Vicki Eby earlier than 7:30 a.m. when and fi nding the right product in- board came out of the district’s to do is provide the company announced the new program last outdoor supervision is available. volved two years of research. child nutrition budget approved with its lunch menus. week. The elementary school building “Mvix was very cost-effective by the state. “(Mvix designs) the content, The premise is hungry children doesn’t open to students until 7:55 compared to the other providers “Child nutrition funds are accompanying art, and layout, cannot learn.
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