The Status Line Volume VII Number 3 Formerly The New Zork Times Fall 1988 BattleTech: Lots of Meching around He cursed himself for what felt like scanned the status report of his the 15th time in the last hour. The 'Mech’s condition. His concentration inside of his neuro-helmet was slick was broken by alarm bells sounding with sweat, making matters even and the warning, “Critical shot to the worse now that there was poor con- head! Man eject!” blaring into his tact with the helmet's electrodes. He ears. Numb, Jason triggered the eject remembered the message that his button, blasting the canopy off the top instructors drilled into his head again of the 'Mech and causing him to drop and again: “Controlling a 'Mech re- the 35 feet to the ground, safely quires patience and above all strate- cocooned within the seat's webbing. gic allocation of resources.” Funny Dejectedly, Jason detached himself how it was never as easy when the from the now useless seat and trudged trainer 'Mechs were firing back. back to the Citadel's training “I cannot let father down,” Jason grounds, realizing that he now had mumbled to himself as he aligned the another failure he would have to try Chameleon's twin medium lasers on to live down with the mechanics. the approaching Locust's torso. “They already hate me because of “Cannot let the computer keep fight- their station in life,” said Jason, real- ing for me, especially after last time,” izing that tomorrow's training session Jason thought, ruefully remembering would be just as brutal as today's. Check out that ‘Mech—A detailed scan of a WASP BattleMech is just one of how he had caused a critical overheat If Jason thought he had problems the features in this action-packed role-playing game based on the popular by being careless. training to be a 'MechWarrior, he BattleTech role-playing and strategy board-game series. Slowing his breathing, Jason Please turn to page 5 Zork Zero takes you back to the beginning Ever since Zork I first appeared on derground Empire. Straining our new home computers, and the Zork Trilogy "Y" development system to the limit, became our best-loved series of inter- Zork Zero is our largest game ever, active stories, countless fans have with more than 200 locations, and as begged for Zork IV. Now our Steve many puzzles as all three games of the Meretzky, doing exactly the opposite, Zork Trilogy combined. To top it off, gives you something even better by Zork Zero shatters one of computer- taking you back to before the begin- dom's most sacred barriers—the first ning. Nearly 18 months in the making, true graphical enhancements to an we are proud to reveal our most ambi- Infocom story. tious project ever, Zork Zero. Double Fanucci Zork Zero: The Revenge of Mega- Our diehard fans are probably boz takes you back to the last days of mourning the passing of an era; but the Empire. A wizard's curse has de- take heart. “Zork Zero has everything stroyed the ruling Flathead family and you've come to expect from us: lots of has threatened the kingdom itself. descriptive prose, a ton of puzzles, Although you are but one of many depth and attention to detail; it's a fortune hunters who have flooded the well-tested and polished game, all capital city of Flatheadia to try to served up in a fun, handsome pack- claim the huge reward for stemming age,” says author Meretzky. “The the curse, a carefully guarded family The now-famous Zork stone logo appears graphics simply add one more level of secret gives you a big advantage! once more, heralding the coming of Zork excellence. I tried to use them in a Every corner of the kingdom Zero, the prequel to the Zork Trilogy. Game different way; rather than illustrate As you begin your quest, you'll writer Steve Meretzky labored nearly 18 locations, the graphics are integrated meet the court jester, whose rhymes months combining the lore of the Great into the puzzles themselves. I'm really will leave you laughing, whose tricks Underground Empire, graphic puzzles and pleased with the result.” The graphics, will leave you cursing, and whose his own zany humor to create the latest chap- created by computer artist James rebuses and riddles will leave you ter of the GUE saga. Shook, make possible such graphical scratching your head. You'll travel to puzzles as Peggleboz, Snarfem, the every corner of the kingdom, visiting the defoliated Fublio Valley to the come from? And finally, most com- Tower of Bozbar, and Double exotic locales from the glaciers of the granola mines of Antharia. pelling of all, what is the origin of the Fanucci. Gray Mountains to the swamps of Zork Zero answers many of the white house where Zork I begins? But wait—there's more! Zork Zero Fenshire, from the placid shores of questions that have tormented Zorkers Epic in both size and scope, this abounds with exciting new features. It Lake Flathead to the searing heat of for ages: What is it like to play prequel covers a full century and ex- marks the introduction of our newest- the Great Underground Desert, from Double Fanucci? Where did grues plores the collapse of the Great Un- Please turn to page 6 2 The Status Line Fall 1988 The Good-bye to Status Line, hello to Escape Status Here it is--the 20th edition of The tions. Status Line. Well, of course, most of And just think, now you won't have Line those editions were called The New to take black and white film on your Zork Times until a "major metropoli- vacations anymore for those Land- Mike Dornbrook tan newspaper" marshalled their cadre mark Photos! Ruthless Slave Driver of lawsuit-thirsty lawyers. Here is a sample of what to expect After 20 newsletters we think we in the first edition of Escape: Stuart A. Kirsch have somewhat perfected the medium. James Clavell's Shogun—Dave TV Game Show Quiz Master Our combination of news, features, Lebling's adaptation promises to make nutty contests and puzzles has been this one of our most inspiring interac- Hollywood Dave Anderson praised by many, including our com- tive fiction stories. Incredible graph- Vacationing Starlet petitors. So as we are reshaping the ics, too. world of interactive fiction and othe Marc Blank sends you on a fantas- Rob Sears forms of storytelling, it is time for us tic Journey—the co-author of Zork Noisy Neighbor to push back the publishing envelope once again creates an entirely new once again. We have decided to retire way to experience a fantasy adventure Tomas Bok TSL and replace it with a full color story on your computer. Marketing Switch Hitter magazine called Escape. More conversions of Zork Zero and Don't Panic. We will still be the Next stop—Florida! BattleTech--the excitement grows as Lori Hornung same publication we have always don't worry about TSL, it is going to our latest releases find their way to Mouse Pusher been, but now in color and with more Florida to join the NZT at the retire- more and more systems. detail about gaming in general. And ment home for leading-edge publica- Plus lots more! Stu Galley Scout Master LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Steve Meretzky Prom King Dear Infocom, STATUS LINE—number of hours difficult puzzle. I like your games. I like your games you’ve been working on the same INFIDEL—someone who interrupts Christopher Erhardt so much that I’ve tried other com- puzzle. your game. Marjorie Gove pany’s games, and realized how much MARITAL STATUS LINE— DEADLINE—what you may look like Matt Hillman better yours are. something funny you tell your spouse after solving an Infocom game in 3 Elizabeth Langosy I’ve just finished Beyond Zork. I’ve to stop them from leaving because you days without stopping if you didn’t Eileen Milauskas enjoyed previous romps, but BZ—you spend all your time at the computer. start out with a big enough inventory Curtis Montague must come out with more games using A LINE—something often used at SPELLBREAKER—someone who Grave Robbers this interface, and I mean yesterday. single’s bars but which has little or no breathes while you are completing a “Define keys”—I didn’t have to type meaning to an Infocommie (except very fragile chain of thought that will (c)1988 Infocom, Inc. “roll onion,” “blow bubble” or “turn maybe at the Infocom Friday office enable you to solve a puzzle. 125 CambridgePark Drive mirror” 555 times! I never thought I’d parties). STARCROSS—when you stop day- Cambridge, Massachusetts find a companion to match Floyd (I WISHBRINGER—Mailman who dreaming about a puzzle and get back 02140 cried when I thought he was dead, just brings you the Hint Booklet you or- to work. ask my roommate), but Spunky the dered. SUSPENDED—the type of animation The Status Line is published four, minx, Stu the caterpillar, and Phil the SEASTALKER—one who chooses to you appear to be in when thinking sometimes five, times a year by pterodactyl came pretty damn close. walk on the beach to work out Info- about a puzzle. Infocom, Inc. Address changes and I thank you, my mother thanks you, com puzzles. CHESS—a nice relaxing game (of subscriptions should be sent to and my roommate thanks you for the WITNESS—some friend you call course, before you know it, Infocom The Status Line, Infocom, Inc.
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