32 THE LONDON GAZETTE, JANtTAftt 3, 1902. OTICE is hereby given, that the partnership lately Chapman.—Dated 31st day of December, 1901. N subsisting between us the undersigned, Eustace HARRIET GREGORY, Booker, Ernest Rowland Frere, Robert Walter Brown, GEO. F. CHAPMAN. and Patrick Davies Hannay, carrying on business as Chartered Accountants, at 48, Lincoln's-inn-fields, in OTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership hereto- the connty of Middlesex, under the style or firm of N fore subsisting between us the undersigned, Prideaux, Booker, Frere and Co., has this day been Benjamin Moss Goldhill and Isaac Henry Goldhill, dissolved by mutual consent so far as regards the said commonly called Shirley Goldhill, carrying on business Eustace Booker, who retires from the firm. All debts as Sponge Merchants, at 124, Houndsditch, in the city of due to or owing by the said late firm will be received London, under the style or firm of Goldhill and Co., has and paid by the undersigned, Ernest Rowland Frere, been dissolved by mutual consent as and from the Robert Walter Brown, and Patrick Davies Hannay, by fourteenth day of December, 1901. All debts due to and whom the business will in future be carried on at 48, owing by the said late firm will be received and paid by Lincoln's-inn-fields aforesaid, under the style or firm of the said Isaac Henry Goldhill, commonly called Shirley Prideaux, Frere, Brown and Hannay.—Dated this 31st Goldhill.—Dated 24th day of December, 1901. day of December, 1901. EUSTACE BOOKER. B. M. GOLDHILL. E. R. FRERE. ISAAC HENRY GOLDHILL, R. W. BROWN. known as PATRICK D. HANNAY. SHIRLEY GOLDHILL. OTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership hereto- 'OTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership here- N fore subsisting between us the undersigned N tofore subsisting between us the undersigned, George Julian Emanuel and Charles Edward Browne, John Albert Farufield and Herbert Edward Farnfleld, cairying on business as Insurance Brokers, at St. Michael's carrying on business as Solicitors, at 90, Lower Thames- House, St Michael's-alley, Cornhill, in the city of London, street, in the city of London, under the style or firm of under the style or firm of Emanuel and Browne, has J. A. and H. E. Farnfield, has been dissolved by mutual this day been dissolved by effluxion of time. All debts consent as and from the 3lst day of December, 1901, debts d»e to and owing from the said late firm will be the said John Albert Farnfield retiring from practice. respectively received and paid by me the said George All debts due to and owing by the said late firm will be Julian Emanuel.—Dated this 31st day of December, 1901. received and paid by the said Herbert Edward Farnfield, GEORGE J. EMANUEL. who will continue the business under the said style or C. E. BROWNE. firm name of J. A. and H. E. Farnfield.—Dated 31st day of December, 1901. J. A. FARNFIELD. COUNTY COURTS' JURISDICTION. HERBERT E. FARNFIELD. In the Westminster County Court of Midd'esex. Between Henry Dietz, Plaintiff, and Rowland Evans, OTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership here- Defendant. No. of Plaint, E. 7440. N tofore subsisting between us the undersigned, TVTOTICE is hereby given, that by an Order of this William George Hutchinson and John William Grout, JJl Court, made the llth day of December, 1901, the junior, carrying on business as Chemical Manufacturers, Partnership lately exiting between the plaintiff andtha at Burton-on-Trent, under the style of " Hutchinson and defendant, in the business of Laundrymen, carried on at Co.," has been dissolved by effluxion of time, as and from No. 11, Berry mead-road, Acton, and No. 19, Newport- thirty-first December, 1901. All debts due to and owing court, Charing Cross-road, both in the county of Middle- by the said late firm will be received and paid by the sex, under the style or firm of " Dietz and Evans," was said William George Hutchinson, who will continue to dissolved as from the 14th day of November, 1901.— carry on the said business alone under the same style.— Dated this 23rd day of December, 1901. Dated first January, 1902. CBRISTR. R. CDFF, WILLIAM GEORGE HUTCHINSON. C. ERNEST CUFF, Registrars. JOHN WILLIAM GROUT, JK. OTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership hereto- OTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership lately N fore subsisting between us the undersigned, Paul N subsisting between, us the undersigned, Robert Jeaunot and Albert Naine, carrying on business as Com- Longbottom the elder, Charles Longbottom, Joseph mission and Shipping Agents, at Market-buildings, 29, Longbottom the elder, James Longbottom, and Ellis Mincing-lane, in the city of London, under the style or Longbottom, all of Bingley, in the county of York, firm of " Paul Jeaunot and Co.," has been dissolved by Blacksmiths, carrying on business as Blacksmiths, mutual consent as and from the thirty-first day of Shoeing Smiths, General Mechanics, and kindred December, 1901. All debts due and owing to or by the affiliated trades, in Main-street, Bingley aforesaid, also said late firm will be received and paid by the said Paul in Burrage-street, Bingley aforesaid, and in Toller-lane, Jeaunot. And that in future such business will be in Manningham, in the city of Bradford, under the style carried on by the said Paul Jeaunot under the style of or firm of Longbottom Brothers, has this day been " Paul Jeannot and Co."—Dated this seventh dav of determined by mutual consent. The said business in December, 1901. PAUL JEAUNOT. future will be carried on, as to the Main-street, Bingley, A. NAINE. business, by Joseph Longbottom the younger, Fred Pursuant to the Partnership Act, 1890. Longbottom, George Longbottom, and Jesse Long- OTICE is hereby given, that on and from the date bottom, all of Bingley aforesaid, Blacksmiths, under N hereof Edward Arthur King, of Billiter-buildings, the style of Longbottom Brothers; as to the Burrage- 22, Billiter-street, in the city of London, carrying on street, Bingley, business, by the said Robert Long- business as Arthur King and Co., Colonial Produce and bottom and Harry Longbottom, of Biugley aforesaid, General Export Agent, has transferred the said business Blacksmith, under the style of Robert Longbottom and to Herbert Seymour Schmidt, of Billiter-buildings afore- Son; and as to the said Toller-lane, Manningham, said, who will carry on the same business alone under business, by the said Ellis Longbottom, in his own name. the style or firm of Arthur King and Co. All the debts All debts due to or owing by the late firm of Long- due and owing in respect of the said business up to the bottom Brothers will be received and paid by the said date hereof will be paid by the said Edward Arthur Robert Longbottom.—As witness our hands this first King.—Dated this 31st day of December, 1901. day of January, one thousand nine hundred and two. ROBERT LONGBOTTOM, SB. E. ARTHUR KING. CBARLES LONGBOTTOM. H. S. SCHMIDT. JOSEPH LONGBOTTOM, SB. 'OTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership hereto- JAMES LONGBOTTOM. N fore subsisting between us the undersigned, Henry ELLIS LONGBOTTOM. Hives and Benjamin George Wilmer, carrying on business JOSEPH LONGBOTTOM, JDK. as Ironfounders, Iron and Marble Merchants and Manu- FRED LONGBOTTOM. facturers, at 11, 12, 13, and 14, Bury-street, St. Mary GEORGE LONGBOTTOM. Axe, in the county of London, Bow Bridge, and Farring- JESSE LONGBOTTOM. don Wharf, Stratford, in the county of Essex, 119, HARRY LOXGBOTIOM. Victoria-street, Bristol, in the county of Gloucester, and Weston-chambers, Southend, in the county of Essex, OTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership hereto- under the style or firm of Ashton and Green Iron Com- N fore subsisting between us the undersigned Mrs. pany, has been dissolved by mutual consent as and from Harriet Gregory (of Roborough, Leyton), and Mr. the 31st day of December, 1801. All debts due to and George Frederick Chapman (of 10, Catherine-court, owing by the said late firm will be received and paid by B.C.), carrying on business as Seed Merchants, at 10, the said Benjamin George Wilmer, who will henceforth Catherine-court, London, E.C , under the style or firm of continue the said business on his own account, under Pope and Chapman, has been dissolved by mutual con- the same style or firm of Ashton and Green Iron Com- sent as and from the first day of January, 1902. All pany.—Dated this 31st day of December, 1901. debts due to and owing by the said late firm will be HENRY HIVES. received and paid by the said George Frederick B. G. WILMER..
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