MAK28637_1TO3_PS_P1 10/28/02 3:03 PM Page 1 srx5n6 @))@ kwb6 ^@ FALL 2002 ISSUE 62 • wkw5 kNo3JxactŒ5g5 • ICC General vtmi3Jxc3iEMsJ/z5 ƒ4Jxu: Assembly in Kuujjuaq: wob3yctŒ8isMsJK6 x3ÇAi @%-i Recognizing years srs3bgusactŒ5 of Circumpolar scctŒ8iE?o3bq8i4 Exchanges • wkw5 cz5bÔq5b • Air Inuit Specials xrroQx3ymAtq5 • Dog Team Secrets • e1ui4 ej5y†5 cspm/gxq5 • Saputiit Meets with • nS†5 vt1zctc3g5 wkgci4 the Elders • xyq9l xuh5¡ • And Much more! WA5pJ5 kN[s2 wkq8i4 Serving the Inuit of Nunavik MAK28637_1TO3_PS_P2 10/28/02 3:04 PM Page 2 mr[4 fxS‰n8 Ì4fNi s9lt8i / This Season mr[4 kNogcw5 tudtQ?z to/sAtc3ym5hi r=Zg3ixt9lA yKjx5ty?9oxlil wkw5 WAm/q8i4 kN[7u. wMsJdtgxc3S6 wk8i4 W?9odtÌ3ymJi4 /wu+ Xw x7ml fXw2 b3Czi xqctŒ8isymJu5. mr[4 w2WQ/cExc3S6 sW3¯aMs3g6Fxs/sMs3g6 bf[5nsMs3d6 xuhwi4 wkw5 vJytbs5yxm¯b Wix3ioEi4f5 wkoEi4f5 x7ml kN[7us5 vtc5biq8i4. Ö/5nMEsctst9lA @))@-u WsygcoEi4f5 W?9odtÌEym/q5 xqctŒ8if5. xsM5yi3jl eg3qsChx3iu9l ®Ns/i4 st3[sAt5n/i4 wkw5 wkw5 kNo3JxactŒ5g5 vtmi3Jxc3iEMsJ/z5 ƒ4Jxu wMsA8Nyd9lQ5 b3Cu ®Ns/3tA5 mrbZhx3ij5. xs=Ays2 b3ezi, x3ÇAi @%-i4 tusÔo3iui4 Makivik Corporation N9ostA5/sic3ht4. Ì4fx vtm/3gg5 gn3tyctŒAt5nq5 Makivik is the ethnic organization mandated to represent xuh7mEx¬MsJ5. and promote the interests of Nunavik. Its membership is composed of the Inuit beneficiaries of the James Bay and Northern Quebec do9l b9om9laAtQo3bzi4 wkgò5 Agreement (JBNQA). Makivik s responsibility is to ensure the proper vtmicMsJ7uJ5, s[Z3gw5 wMs/3gym7ut9lQ5, Ì8No implementation of the political, social, and cultural benefits of the agree- vtmi6 x©ticMsJ6 yñyWu, y2t7WEs2 b3ez ment, and to manage and invest the monetary compensation so as to enable the Inuit to become an integral part of the northern economy. xgy3cust9lA. wkgw8â5 Ì?i x9Mk5 fºk5 mr[4 eu3Dxq5 g1zh5tb5yxmEx¬MsJ5. bm4fx Öà5tlQ5, yeis2 mr[4f5 eu3Dxq5 kwbs?2S5 mr[s2 gnC3nix3[zk5. gis3cbs?5g5 xrc3tNQ5 wk8k5 W?9odt5n/o8k5 ryxi kw[xisi3n6 srs3bgu kNc3g5 gn3ˆi3j5 N9osi3ys- /wu+ Xwu fXw9l b3Czi xqctŒ8iu4. bf8NbsJ5 MsJ7uJ5 n9li Jä b3ez whot9lA, x7ml x3W4 ÷7u4 whmQ/sJ9l b=Zi mr[4 fxS‰ns2 S3gi3nzb¬8î5 gn3ˆi3j5 N9osi3ysDtcMsJ7uJ5 sk3g5 ƒ4Jxu. whmQ/gw8Nsq5g6. g1zh5tyKA5 x9MA5y €3ehwpj5, x7ml gnC5ni4 x9Max3ymJi9l, x5paxi9¬8î5. x†5, gÇD†5 dx3ñym8Ng6 woz5hi eMlZ3i4 vmQ/c3ik5, GyM†5H, sçA†9l wMstlQ5. W/5ncDt7mEx¬c5bXo3g6 b3ei xuhAl8i, Makivik Magazine si4vsy3bq8i4 kw5yAtQym7u/K5, wMst9lQ5 xuh5 Makivik Magazine is published quarterly by Makivik s Information eMlZ3i4 i9oDtcc5bymJ5. srsj9o trstQx[o3uZ5b, Department. It is distributed free of charge to Inuit beneficiaries of the JBNQA. The opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of csp/st5yicMsEKA5 w?4vu4 ej4yk5 Makivik Corporation or its Executive. We welcome letters to the editor hvostisc5bymo3gi5 WymJi4 ej5yti5 gn3ym/5ti4 and submissions of articles, artwork, or photographs. Please include ck6 ej5yDt5ni4 e1uc§a7m¯b your full name, address, and telephone number. mr{[f5 S3gi3nq5 Ì4fx kÌ5 eu3Dxa3cuK5 mr{[f5 eu3Dxq8i4 Wb €bu, xzJ3ç6 ckwoziq5b €3eQx3bsiq5 bf5nso3uJ5, ÷i Wb, xzJ3ç2 gzoz W5nb3[nu4 WD3Xoxt5yi3u4 WA5p[7u N3DQ5nqMsD5yQ bZ. xuhAl8i4 x5pŒ1qgi4 €bu xMf, xzJ3ç2 gzoz mrbZhx3if5 si4vv9˜W8i4 kx5yym7uJA5 kN[7u x9MbsmJi, s[Z3gk5 WD3Xoxt5yi3u4 WA5p[7u bfJuNDNsZh5g6 Wbco3uJ5 s[Z3gªozJî5ht4: kN[7u €8bi w5gñ5, ®Ns/oEp ÷p Ít, x9Mt W9lfQxo8i4 WNhZcC/3g5 r1åmN3gmEx¬7mb Wlx3gu Makivik Executive nNi3u4 WNhZ5noEi4f5. xoxQ/cD5y hfwèAyªozJi4 Pita Aatami, President ry5Jt8ixi3il, WZhx5nlQ5 WJ5nsKy¡ Johnny Peters, Resource Development Vice-President Adamie Alaku, Economic Development Vice-President Anthony Ittoshat, Treasurer There were recently several George Berthe, Secretary great gatherings of Inuit in mr{[f5 WNh5toµq8i4 Nf3nmE8it8i4 cspm/sdpKA5, Nunavik Of much importance xyoµq8il W[Qc5bMs3bt8i4 gn3tyAt5ni4 x9MbsJ5ni9l was the ICC General eu3Dxox5ti4 W5yxymt5yicMs3gi4. Assembly in Kuujjuaq last August We wish to express our sincere thanks to all Makivik staff, as well as to marking their th anniversary all others who provided assistance and materials to make the production of this magazine possible. There were tremendous exchanges of information yñyWu xoxNMsJJ3ø¡ gnc5bstAtoEi3u4 WNh5t VICKY SIMIGAK / Communications Officer between Inuit from all regions of øn dW3Dxl4 / Lisa Koperqualuk Chisasibi was wonderful! the circumpolar world wk5t©o3tyº5 / Translation The th Elders Conference with youth participation was mE-yyx9 XC§3 / Marie-C cile Brasseur held in Chisasibi early in September Inuit were greeted there with xi s4W4 / Annie Okpik µb csÜ / Martha Kauki exceptional hospitality from the Cree Meanwhile the Eastern çpx rosb6 / Harriet Keleutak Arctic Music Festival took place in Salluit in late July and the ™? Wl3©5 / Eva Pilurtuut Arkpik Jam Festival delighted crowds in Kuujjuaq ñu Sgo4 / Sammy Putulik The dilemma surrounding beluga management which has x9MymJ1awAbsmJ5 mr{[f5 gnc5bstAtoEi3u4 WA5p[zk5 kept many busy over the past few months is a topic that we pre Published by the Makivik Information Department pared an overview of including different opinions from various P.O. Box 179, Kuujjuaq, Quebec J0M 1C0 Canada people involved With winter almost here we have provided sçMstz / Telephone: (819) 964-2925 secrets from past Ivakkak dog team race participants for raising a eu3Dx2 yM2Wxzî5g6: €i fxb good team Gbo3Wxi3y6H ƒ4Jxus6 vb5/ctsJ6 This new edition of Makivik Magazine also brings a few mod xfr5gus5 x3Nq8k5 ifications to the layout design that we hope you will enjoy We Front Cover: Annie Gordon (right) of Kuujjuaq have a variety of smaller items of interest archived in our Nunavik eu3Dxq5 throat sings with Greenland Ladies. Notes and there is one important appeal in the youth section for the young: Nunavik needs more technicians in the construction ISSN 1481-3041 mr[4f5 wrm ISABELLE DUBOIS industry If you like science and math then go for it! 2 MAK28637_1TO3_PS_P3 10/25/02 7:52 PM Page 3 wkw5 cz5bÔz5b SJz Air Inuit Propwash 4 srx5n6 @))@ FALL 2002 Wix3iK5 kwb6 ^@ ISSUE 62 Piniarnivut 8 gn3ˆi3j5 N9osi3ysî5 Music Festivals 14 wkw5 kNo3JxactŒ5g5 (-aAtQobzi4 vtmiJxc3g5 18 ICC's th General Assembly cspn3itA5 w2WQ/sic3g5 Research Observations 26 e1ui4 ej5y†5 cspm/gxq5 Dog Team Secrets 36 eMlZ3i4 scctŒAtc3g5 wä5/ miC/sMs3ymÔ2 wMq5 gi/sJ5 wobE/sAtÌzi4 x?b4f5 Beluga Whale Discussions 42 VICKY SIMIGAK vtmi3Jxc3tlQ5 yñyWu. Relatives of the late Elijah Menarick accept his award of recognition during the Avataq Elders Conference in Chisasibi. kN[7u x9MymJ1absJ5 Nunavik Notes 46 s[Z3gw5 56 www.makivik.org Youth sN hNV ñM8îDtÌQx9ä5 Ô k1z6 vq3hus6 BONUS PRIZES ñMcstÌMsJ6FñM8îAtÌMs J6 R!))-i4 ˆ7mˆ5yxhi m3Î4 t3exos5ht4 Nñ4 x7ml m3Î4 WHAT IS THIS? s[iÎ4 Év9Mø4 xW3§/1axDtu4 rs5hi, baseball caps and Tshirts Ì4fx yK9oEMsJ/q8i eu3Dxi NMs5ñt5y- ñMcstÌD8NSt5FñM8îAtÌD8 AtsMsJi4. xyq5 NSt5 ßuz x5paxu4F You could win ñM8îAtÌMsJ7uJ5 sfx, x5pdtu4 hNs7m¯5 NMs5y- if you guess what Xsl gvM4, wonW lxgxD[5. hNsJE5yi3k5 this mysterious pic dW3Dxl4, ºv gfl4 NMs5yQxDtt5 x9Mb3[f5 ture is Mail your x7ml pi ¬vy. xs9Mt9lQ5 sKz gÇ3lt4 answer to "Mystery "Mystery Photo Con- Photo Contest" at test” x5paxu4 NlN3gu4 the address located Wos5pAtc3i6" s?i here Good Luck! gÇDtu. WJ8NyxdN3St5¡ NMsbsQx˜3g6 ƒ4Jxu x5paxu4 NlN3gu4 xj/sQx3li Joe Nungak of Kangirsuk Wos5pAtc3i6 ie5ygi, won by correctly mr{[f5 ª[7WE @(, answering questions in our gnc5bstAtoEi3u4 @))@-ao3X5 Reader's Quiz from the previ WA5p[z5 ous magazine Other prizes Mystery Photo Contest Drawing will be were won by Paulo Tukalak Makivik Information Department held in Kuujjuaq on Elisapee Koperqualuk Jacob PO Box Friday November Tookalook and Jeannie magazine Kuujjuaq QC JM C Lucassie MAKIVIK 3 MAK28637_4TO6_PS_P1 10/23/02 9:06 PM Page 4 wkw5 cz5bÔq5b SJz Air Inuit Propwash x9Mb[i6 „b dx+m8j5 By Peter Horsman yKi5ti wkw5 cz5bÔq5b Forthcoming Air Inuit Specials xrroQx3ymt5yiEAtQ˜3bq5 for Fall and Winter wozt9lQ5 srxu5 srsj5 During various field trips and meetings throughout Nunavik it was requested that Air Inuit provide more advance notice of specials or seat sales such that individu x3[b3isc5bMs3gi vt1zisc5bMs3gil kN[7u, als could better plan to take advantage of them The fol wkw5 cz5bÔq5 xb8is[sc5bMsJK5 cspmt5y- lowing thus outlines the program between now and nstQi3nsc5bd/s5ht4 xrroQx3ymis˜3gi4 s{?- February : l8î5 cz5bs†5 xrroQx3ymiEc5b˜3bq8i4, bm8N • Prefreeze Seat Sale: October xb8isDbsAtcMsJ6 wkw5 yKi3ui xgt˜Dm/ui4 • Shopping Special: November Dec X3NoDt4 Ì4fiz x©tZhx3[n3ui4 W[5nc5yxd- • Christmas Special (Nunavik): December Jan /siq8k5. sfx WNhAbs˜3g5 µ8Nu5 [KxE @!, • Deepfreeze Seat Sale: January Feb @))# tr9lA: The foregoing will also be advertised in Nunatsiaq • dx3NyMs3tNA cz5bs†5 is3DtsJ5: News Please contact your local agent for further details ß5gWE ! - #! including pricing and restrictions Air Inuit will provide a • is[3ixEx3g5 xrroQx3ym[sAtq5: similar schedule for the first eight months of early in ª[7WE !%u5 †y7WE !$ the New Year • d[xh{[ys3Nj5 xrroQx3ymA†5 GkN[7uH: †y7WE !% /kxE !$ • dx3Nyym9MEo3tlA xrroQx3ymA†5 Scheduled Service cz5bs†5: /kxE !& - [KxE @! b2Wfx x9MymJ1awAtQ/K5 kwtbs˜3uJ5 Enhancements for kN5yx2 gnC5nq8i. cspQx3[c3gnsKy kNo5yi the Christmas Period cz5bÔ3ixtu4 gryix3[QlQ5 ckwoz9lg3t- On a trail basis during the month of December and bsic3m¯b wMst9lQ5 xrq5 ck9lxtQ9l early January Air Inuit has planned to increase flights to xg3bsA8N[q5. wkw5 cz5bÔq5 Ì4fx accommodate the traditional increase in travelling x5plxZM5ãNq8i4 W/sA8Nt5y˜3uJ5 b3ei These will include: ybmsJ3gi WQx3lt4 kÌaizi x3ÇA6 @))#. • An extra Dash flight between Dorval and Salluit each Wednesday:
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