
lit. Council Sub-Committee Seeks Clouay Considerable cloudlnau throuth TUftday night. Show,,. Of' fIIuA. dtrshow.,. wHf Ind IIIrth T&IM­ To Stop Coralville Annexation dlY. Scattertd -'-en end ..",. denbowe,. • per ctnt TUNIIIY By PETIE SARLETTE Mayor Burger said the rat.es owan night. Cooler wMt Tuesd.y ....ht. Staff Wrlt.r prescribed by the sewer contrad oil Hith In tIM 70s. Iwould have lowered rales in Coral- Serving the University of Iowa and the People of Iowa City The Iowa City subcommittee ville, and possibly would have n­ working for a mutual boundary made them lower than the rates 10 Cents Per Copy AaIoclated Press LeaJed Wire and WIrephoto Iowa City, Jowa - Tuesday, Nov. S, 1964 tosh, agreement with Coralville said Iowa Citians pay. Monday it would ask the Iowa City City Manager Carsten Leikvold City Council to approve a resolu. said the only expenses CoralviUe • lion calling for legal action on the would have had to pay under the nullification of the recent Coral. new contract would have been ville annexation. maintenance costs. The subcommittee, composed of The statement also said, "We do Landsli I y Johnson'; Mayor Richard Burger and Coun· lIot btllieve that the Coralville cilman Max Yocum, told a press council started this action on its conference it would report to the own initiative or with any thought City Council that Coralville "has of malice toward Iowa City. More done nothing to rescInd their reo likely subtle pre s 8 u res were cent annexation west and south of Iowa City and apparenlly does not brought to bear by self· eeking intend to do so." outside inlerests. Gold wafer Pr .... di cts' 'Upset' THE STATEMENT the subcom· "We sincerely hope the Coralville E mittee issued to the press said a council will rescind its aclion and joint committee from the two city that both cities can grow and pro • councils has met and agreed upon per side by side as we have for so many years. UntJI this action is a mutual boundary. Although the Democrats Confident C Iowa City City Council accepted set aside. we will fight it with Record 71 Million the agreements, the Coralville every means at our disposal." ('nuncil did not. Both councils pre· MayOr Burger presented the viously had agreed to abide by the statement. Yocum was reported to As Iowans Vote Today decisions of the joint committee. be out of town until Wednesday. Expected T0 Vote The statement said the commit· Burger predicted the Iowa City DES MOINES (AP) - The long and sometimes explosive tee proposed the action "with deep City Council would "definitely" ap· WASHlNCTON (AP) - President Johnson and Sen. Barry 1964 election campaign ends Tuesday when an estimated prove the resolution. regret, but it is apparent that Coldwater wound up their long, bitler campaign Monday night, 1,285,000 Iowans go to the polls. Coralville's action was taken to Also reported to be out of town strangle and block the natural was Coralville Mayor Clarence WiI· each streSSing that Tuesday's election offers a fateful c110ice Voters in 42 counties will cast their ballots on voting ma­ growth and expansion of Iowa City. son, who served on the joint com­ for Americans and the world. chines with tho ·c in the otJler 57 countie voting on pape~ mittee. the University and the entire Then with the sound and fury of thomands of mile and ballol~. The polls open at 7 a.m. in cities which require regi - metropolitan area. This is an im· Coralville Councilman Vir g II millions of behind ·them, they head for home to await the possible situation which we can· Mortensen, the other representa­ word.~ \ration, and at 8 a.m. el ewhere. Voting ends at 8 p.m. in all not allow." tive to the joint committee, said verdict of an estimated 71 million American vot r - whi 11 2,476 precincts. THE JOINT committee also if Iowa City passed the resolutlon, would be a record turnout. Among those voting wUl be the subsequent legal action would agreed on a new sewer contract Both Johnson and Goldwater Area Voters D mocratic Gov. Harold Hughes between the two cities which the center on finding a flaw in the * * and Republican Ally. Gen. Evan Coralville council has al 0 failed Coralville annexation. know all the national polls point Hultman, rivals for tb governor's to accept, according to the state· "It Is possible they will find a to a vlelory for the President, Will Decide o[fice. ment. flaw," Mortensen said. many even pred Icling a landslide. HUGHES, 42, will vote In his Johnson hopes for a triumph more To Aid Iowa Four Issues home town of Ida Grove, where Baele in Iowa City- smashing than Franklin D. Roose· he went Monday afternoon. After velt's in 1936. Local campaigns will climax to- casting his ballot about 8 a.m., l day when volers decide the ques· Hughes plans to return to Des HIS AIDES will concede to Vote IProlile tions of addlog land to Iowa City, Moines and watch television cover­ Goldwater only the two Deep Sou· selling a water system to Coral· age of tbe elecLion at the govern· Music Prof. Relates thern states of Mississippi and By JON VAN ville, establishing a Johnson Coun- or's mansion. Mlnaglng Editor Alabama - and In the latter the ty Conservation Board and amend- Huitman, 39, of Waterloo, will Election results from Johnson ing the Iowa Constitution. vote there and spend the day with President's name Isn't even on the County will take on added sienj(j­ Annexation by Iowa City has al· his famUy before drIving to Des ·Europe Concert Tour ballot. cance this year as part of Ihe Net­ ready been before the voters this Moines to join other Republicans By CHUCK WANNINGER Treger preferred The Edinburgh The Republican Pre s idential work Election Service system of year. A proposal to add over nine as the returns are counted Tues. Staff Writer Festivals in Scotland. Here he candidate, howe v e r. says he "profile cou nties." square miles to the city was de- day night. Charles Treger, associate profes· played before a formally·attlred doesn·t believe the polls and Is pre. To aid communication media feated June 1. across the country In processing The current annexation measure, The two gubernatorial candi· sor of music and world-famed aU.dience which Included Queen dlcting the "upset of the century" election results lind making "pro­ If approved, would increase the dotes could attract the biggeRt vote vloilnlst, returned home Monday Elizabeth oC England. city's size by 5.64 square mUes. in the stote, although normally after completing a three·month T d W·llla . I.A Tuesday. HIS lieutenants say he jected predictions" before the final . reger an 1 m Stem ""rg. b • , The area surrounds the present more Iowans cast votes Col' presl. concert tour of Europe With the the Pittsburgh Symphony director as a chance m every state ex· vote is tabulated, lbe 10 most popu· A Nation Decides lous counties In Iowa, including city limits and would bring about dent lhan for any other offIce. lll'piece Pittsburgh Symphony Or· were presented to the Queen at tb~ cept Massachusetts, Connecticut, Johnson County, will provide spe­ 114 residences and approximately THERE HAS been a "fairly chestrs. Festival. The Queen asked Treger Rhode Island, Alaska and Hawaii. cial coverage of the races for ]0 miles of roads into Iowa City. strong sentiment among I wana The tour, sponsored by the U.S. about his position at Iowa, he And in a speech prepared for a President and governor. CITY VOTERS will also decide against both Democratic Presi· • State . Department, covered 14 said. rally Monda), in San FranCISCo _ SCHOOL TEACHERS in ach 01 24,000 Vote Predicted whether to sell the water system dent Lyndon Jobnson and the Re· countrtes in Europe, and the Near TREGER SAID European audl· wh ~ h th GOP P I the county's precincts will tie· located in Coraiville 10 that munl. publican nominee, Sen. Barry and Middle East Treger spoke er" e won e res· phl/ne results of tJle JQhnson· cipaJity. Jowa City now operates Goldwater, with the possibility f th h· hI" gh . {h j I ences were less ready to accept dential nominillion two months and 0 I r~ Ig .tlh TtshO Dt ejJtr P n an a piece of music than American 80;000 miles ago - Goldwater Goldwater, Hughes·Hultman can· From Johnson County tbe system and sells water to some may not vote for President. 1n ervlew WI e a y Jowen . audiences. They are oiten "Quite told the audience: tests to the Associated Press In Coralville. As the campaign headed inlo the FOR .SHEER BEAUTY, Treger ~nobbls~ In listening," he said, cit· "TOMORROW, It will be up to Des Moines on a special "hot More than 24,000 Johnson County residents are expected Voters in Johnson County wlll final hours Monday, there was said, hiS opening concert in At~ . I~g an wtsnce when the ~ud lence you. Tomorrow Is the day that line." to vote today, according to ounty Auditor Dolores Rogers. vote on establishing a County Con- speculation about voter reaction ens, Greece, was a great experl· hissed at a performance lD Italy. you can prove that you still run other results will be sent later ervation Board. If approved, the to accusations last FrIday by Some oFficials have dicted that as many as 15,000 ence. T~e ~oncert was h~ld in the The American audience Is more tbis country _ not the politicians.
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