Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 4-12-2000 The BG News April 12, 2000 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News April 12, 2000" (2000). BG News (Student Newspaper). 6642. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/6642 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. WEATHER WEDNESDAY Partly April 12, 2000 Cloudy WOKLI) NhWS 2. High, 48 OPINION 4_ CAMPUS _9_ Low, 28 The BG News SPORTS IO www.bgnews.com Volume 88. Issue 60 A daily mdependem snidenr pness MIKE LEHMKUHLE /The BG News VJ — Angel Johnson audi- tions to be an MTV VJ at the Interactive Vil- lage behind Anderson Arena yesterday. Hoards of stu- dents turned out to take advan- tage of the opportunity. They're here: MTV invades University ERIK PEPPI.E Moby opened the show with "My audience's kudos and appreciation, ASSISTANT ENTI KI MSMI SI EDITOR Weakness, a cut off of his latest it was clearly Bush they were there release. Play. Amidst a throbbing u in see. When frontman Gavin Ross- light show. Moby hopped around on dale took the stage the audience Alter weeks of anticipation alter stage, going from instrument to roared and in a gesture of unity start- na-rockers Hush and techno gum instrument all the while, stopping ed waving lighters back and forth. Moby stormed Anderson Arena lasl only to mop his brow with u towel. After tearing through their hit night as pan of MTV's Campus The near-capacity crowd jumped Invasion Tour. "Machinehead," from their multi- to their feel and proceeded to dance platinum debut album Sixteen and sing along with him. Moby's Stone. Bush proceeded to lead the high energ) Stage antics culminated audience through a raucous set with him standing astride his key- I.indy Perry, senior education hoards during his final song. major, said "Bush is great." but with Sophomore apparel merchandis- one minor complaint. "I do wish ing major, Mandy Errington Gavin hopped around a little more." said. "The end was the besl Some audience members were when he stood up on the not as ecstatic, however. A last keyboards.'' minute change resulted in some "He |Moby| is so down audience members being relocated, to earth and spiritual." said "I waited 13 hours the day the sophomore Nicole Cifani. "I tickets went on sale." said special burst into tears when he sang 'Go.'" education major Karen Spiegler, Other student reaction to Moby "We were told the seats were on the was unanimous in praising his spirit- lower bleachers and now we have an MIKE LEHMKUHLE/ The BG News ed performance and even finding obstructed view." JUST ANOTHER STUDENT — (above) UAO concert director Brian Engelman escorts Moby to him to he a surprising sex symbol. Echoing her statement was David Anderson Arena to prepare for his 8 p.m. performance. Angie Norton, sophomore. Rich. 22. who said that the reloca- (cutout) Pat Khumprakob watches a "spankin' new" video at the MTV Interactive Village yester- found Moby to be "erotic." tion happened "without us know- day. While Mob) earned the ing." Daredevils find fun in rapids Professor U. students fight cold water during rafting excursion speaks AMYJO L. BROWN ASSISTANT MANAGING EDITOR about book Peering from beneath my sleeping bag. I could feel the cold air forcefully hit my exposed cheeks. The bag wenl MICHELLE RUHR back over my head. I thought to myself. "This is crazy, I si Ml WHITER can't do this." Traveling with a group of 45 In preparation foi rhursday'a other University students and showing ol the Holocaust document faculty last weekend. I was tar) "Memoria." Carlo Celli spoke waking up in Hico. W. Va.. at a todaj about his interview with Mar campsite near the New Rivet cello Pezzetti, who interviewed sur- In only a couple of hours. I \ Ivors in the film. would experience my first Celli said Pezzetti acts as an while-water rafting trip, international technical consultant for despite the 30 degree morn- main Holocaust projects, including ing temperature and inch of Roberto Benigni's movie "Life is snow on the ground. Beautiful." Celli interviewed both I reassured myself. This trip Pezzetti and several ol the Italian w as one of many vigorous activi- survivors during a tup to Italy. ties sponsored by the Outdoor Pro- Pezzetti, who has criticized other gram at the University. Certainly films because of llicn unrealistic they knew what they were doing portrayals of concentration camp when they asked us to emerge from victims, initial!) disagreed wiuj our individual cocoons and jump Benigni's choice to lei the child live AMYJO BROWN/ The BG News into the river. in "Life is Beautiful" based on the RAFTS — Rafters get ready Gathering with the other students to claim a wetsuit. grounds thai Ii was unrealistic. to set off on their trip down booties, paddle and life jacket, it was obvious they did. "Benigni's movie is a table." the New River. "I don't wan) to see any cotton on anyone." yelled one Celli said. "It is more an Italia! of the river guides. Wearing wet cotton underneath the wet nun ie than a mm ic about the Holo- suit will suck your body heat away, he said. caust; Benigni was alter his film, not I hurriedly checked my a Holocaust film." clothing labels, and then reehecked with (he guide. Relieved that 1 wasn't wear- ing any of the heat-theiving InslcU material. I listened to our next instructions. SPORTS 10 "Don't wear the wet suit inside out." he said. "We'll laugh at you." Check. "Don't drop the helmets, they're fragile." he yelled out. Gotcha. "Hold onto your paddles no matter what, they can be used to rescue your friends or to help in your own rescue." he said. "They can also be used as weapons." OK. AMYJO BROWN/ The BG News At that point, we all climbed onto the JUMP — Rafters take a blue North American River Runners' buses and headed down to the break from paddling to take ri\ er. Because of the colder than usual temperatures, our overall trip had been shortened slightly. Instead of putting the rafts in where originally a plunge in the freezing cold planned, we were starting out about five miles further down the river. Accord- water. ing to the guides, doing so cut out many of the calm spots where we were more like- ly to become cold. Plan B had us running the rapids immediately. Excitement was building among the first-time rafters With the coldness nearly forgotten, ■ The Falcon Softball team loses 6-2 to toe I Set RAFT, paa 9. Buckeyes. I .! , i sage 2 The BG News Wednesday, April 12,2000 WORLD www.bgnews.com/ap The World Elephant keepers fear lifting of world ivory ban In Brief THE ASSOCIATED PRESS NAIROBI. Kenya — A hip-high Explosion kills 3 in Bosnia herd of nuzzling affection, the dozen SARAJEVO. Bosnia-Herzegov- ! baby elephants butlir.g and bumping ina (AP) — An explosion killed I in a dusty grove Tuesday are the three children who strayed into a \ most ever to fall under the care of minefield, police said Tuesday, Kenya's privately run elephant including an 11-year old girl who orphanage in its 13-year history. screamed for help for hours as Most lost their mothers following would-be rescuers watched, too a one-time easing of an ivory ban — fearful to go after her. a ban their keepers fear a U.N. con- Police identified the victims as ference in Nairobi this week will Ema Alic. 11. Goran Biscevic. 12, vote to lift. and H;ris Balicevac, 12. They died "All hell would be let loose," said Monday after venturing into a mine- keeper Jill Woodley, whose family field outside the capital. operates the orphanage in a 60- Millions of land mines are strewn square-mile national park outside across Bosnia as a result of the Nairobi. 1992-1995 Bosnia war Mine explo- "We're already seeing ivory on sions kill and injure dozens of peo- the move again. If they were to sell ple every month, and minefields more ivory, il would send the mes- make stretches of land unusable. sage loud and clear to poachers," Residents said the fact that the Woodley said. area was mined was common South Africa. Botswana, Namibia knowledge and signs warned of dan- and Zimbabwe are asking the U.N. ger. The field was not roped off. Convention on International Trade apparently because of lack of [ in Endangered Species to relax the money. 1989 ban to allow ivory sales under Eyewitnesses said Ema was still a quota system. alive after the explosion and that she The southern African nations screamed for help for hours before ; insist elephants have rebounded in falling still. their countries and argue they should Nenad Krestalica, who witnessed be allowed to control the herds and the explosion, said the force of the reap the benefits. blast sent "the body of one child In 1997. the convention autho- through the air." rized a one-time sale of 54 tons of "1 also heard the crying voice." ivory to Japan from Namibia. Zim- • said Krestalica, 67, still visibly upset babwe and Botswana.
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