THE TEESDALE MERCUEY—WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 9, 1876. Yorkshire, tock, Crop, Inurements, OST, a BROWN LEATHER PURSE, contain­ FAIRFIELD AUCTION MART, DABLINGTON, The Hawker's Papers and Penny Eeadings. STOCKTON" AND MIDDLESBROUGH insertion in the satisfactory form in which it novr ather Bed*, Book*, Ac. ing £1 10s in gold, and some silver.—Any per- MONDAY, AUGUST 21st, 1876. —We are pleased to learn that a selection from the CORPORATIONS' WATER BILL stands in tbe bill. tell by Auction (without Ljn restoring it to the Station-master at Barnard papers by " T' Licend Hawker," now appearing at in­ * —— It will thus be seen that whatever may hare been the 1, the lStli day of August, Castle or Cotherstone, shall be rewarded. _ Choice Lot of Lambs for Sale. tervals in ourcolumns, has been read at a penny reading [COMMTJN1CATED] result to the otherparties engaged in thisParliamentary swing Valuable Stock and ESSRS TARN will Sell by Auction, at their in Westmoreland, and received with roars of laughter warfare, the millowners, at all events, have achieved and Effects, belonging PRELIMINARY ADVERTISEMENT. M Mart, belonging to Mr Amos, of Marwood and a round of applause. Several of the papers This Bill having now passed the House of Lords, it the objects for which they were contending, and the Ing of 1 useful milch cow, R. HOUGH bss had consigned to him for SALE near Barnard Castle, 200 good three-parts-bred lambs, appear to us well adapted for these readings, if may be interesting to note the important modifications importance of which, not only to themselves individ­ V-xt; 1 do. spring calver; BY AUCriON, at his Auction Mart, Turk's from good ewes, by first class tups. attempted by those only who are masters of the it underwent, at the instance and through tbe oppos­ ually, but also to all others interested io preserving |stacks of primei old met-' M Hotel Barnard Castle, on Thursday, the 17th The Auctioneers, without any hesitation, assert dialect. ition of the millowners on the Tees, (comprising Mr the flow of the River Tees from serious diminution emises, one ofwfaich is the Sgurt inst. a large quantity of Valuable HOUSE­ that the above lambs, which they have the honour to On Monday, the scholars and teachers of Morritt of Bokeby. Mr Hutchinson of Eggleston, will now be more fully understood. of fog, 2 fields of pasture HOLD FURNITURE.—Full particulars in bills and •ell on tbe 2lst. are from one of the best stocks, and the Primitive Methodist Sabbath School, Barnard Messrs. Ullathorne and Co., Mr Thomas Holroyd, and ess, cart and gears, long : future advertisement. , ., will prove equal to any that can be procured in the Castle, held their annual treat at Killmond Scar, by Mr William Barningham, aided also by the Corpor­ [itool, sheep rails, ladders, neighbourhood. Turk's Head Auction Mart, Barnard Castle, kind permission of Mr Nicholas Lowes. A procession ation of Darlington! during its progress through 's, 2 gentlemen's saddles, letter to ttje Editor. August 9th, 1876. Sale at 1 o'clock. was formed through the streets, headed by the Rev. Committee, and by which the powers sought to be ob­ Hayberries, August 8, 1876. J. Gill, Mr J. Davis, (Missionary), Messrs. R. Peel, tained by its promoters were most materially restricted FURNITURE. ^n^T^B^i IDDLETON-IN-TEESD ALE. and curtailed, and the Bill (to use their own expres­ Our columns are open for tbe expression of opinion, eat we da VALUABLE FREEHOLD PROPERTY Micklow Hill and Aldbro' Farms, near Darlington. and T. Graham, Superintendents. Several hymns not necessarily adopt the views of oar correspondents. , with loose leaves; maho- were sung by the scholars, led by one of the teachers. sion) " crippled" to such an extent as to render it a Logany card table, iraho- FOR SALE. Sale of Away-going Crops of Corn, consisting of 60 doubtful boon. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, Acres of Wheat, Barley, and Oats. (11 mahogany Bland table, 21st Durham Bifle Volunteers, Barnard The scheme of the Bill, as your readers are doubt­ MIDDLETON-IK-TEESDALE. p, hair seated ; 1 easy do. At the Cross Keys Inn. Middleton-in-Teesdale, in the ESSRS. TARN will Sell by Auction, on Tuesday, Castle.—At a committee meeting held in the drill less aware, is to empower the Corporations of Stockton SIB,—I confess bow deep were my feelings of J desk and bookcase, with County of Durham, M August 22nd, 1876, on the Micklow Hill and room, on Thursday, August 3rd, 1876, there were and Middlesbrough (therein referred to as the " Joint sorrow and regret last Sunday, when listening to the I desk with drawers, 2 oak On SATURDAY, the 19th day of Ai'orjST, 1876, Aldbro' Farms, the following growing Crops of Corn, present Captain W. Watson, Sergts. Bell, Knox and Board,") to abstract and convey to those towns, for very eloquent, able, instructive, and heart searching ill oak desk, nearly 2 hun- At half-past 2 o'clock in the Afternoon, in the follow­ comprising— Ainsley, and Private Little, (Captain Watson in the drinking and other purposes, the waters of the rivers sermons d*4js/ered by the Rev. J. Brigg, to think it j>r bedstead, painted as ing or such other Lots as may be announced at Lot A. B. r. Chair). Resolved that the shooting for the medal and Lune and Balder, two of the principal tributaries of was probably the last time we should see his genial Iga ; cbeffonier bedstead, the time of Sale, (unless previously disposed of by 1 West Kilton Field, Barley ... ... 7 2 8 £10 given by the corps, be fixed to take place on Tees: wbioh object is proposed to be effected by face, or be delighted as well as profited by bis minis­ f y pole camp and press private contract, of which due notice will be 2 Great Plough, Wheat 10 3 0 Saturday, the 19th August, under the conditions and means of a system of three reservoirs, two of which, trations. We cannot fully recognise the greatness of nattresses and bedding ; •given), 3 Rough Pasture, Wheat 12 0 29 regulations prescribed by the meeting of April 2nd, viz., Grassholm on the Lune, and Blaekton on the our loss. He has proved himself an earnest christian, Jahogany wash stand and MR. JOHN ALLINSON, Auctioneer, 4 Do. Barley 10 0 0 1874, and tbe last annual general meeting. That Balder, are to be " compensation" reservoirs, in which a kind and honourable gentleman, a faithful and in­ es, towel uirers, chamber Lot 1. * 5 Long Ploughing Field, Barley 4 3 16 Sergts. Bell, Knox, Ainsley and Longstaff, and Private water will be impounded and stored in time of flood; structive preacher. His noble manliness, with hi* elbow chairs, hair seated ; LL that front MESSUAGE or DWELLING 6 Little Blarup, Barley 3. 2 8 Little, be appointed a sub-committee to make the whilst the third, viz., Hury reservoir, on tbe Balder, high moral excellences hare endeared him to all our snds and dressing tables; A HOUSE containing a spacious Front Shop and 7 Holly Moor, Oats ... 10 1 17 necceseary arrangements. A letter was read by Cap­ is to be a " supply" reservoir, into which the streams hearts, and won fer him many earnest and sincere lid table, 8 day's clock, in Kitchen on the ground floor, two Rooms on the second Sale to commence at 3 o'clock. tain Wateon, from William Watson, Esq, of Spring will be diverted when low and clear, and thence con­ friends. However let us prayerfully hope that hi* Jsa t'rqpt, a quantity of •floor, and attics above, with a joint yard and con­ Credit will be given on approved security, and Lodge, to the effect that. *' being desirous of expressing veyed by a main conduit to Stockton and Middles­ mantle may fall upon his successor, and that oar loss (story of England, in 23 veniences behind the same, situate in Bridge Lane, further conditions on day of sale. " his appreciation of the patriotism and good con- brough ; a proportionate quantity of flood-water will be the gain of those who reside in the other i Animated Nature in 2 in Middleton-in-Teesdale, and now in the occupation " duct of tbe young men of Barnard Castle who form sphere of labour and usefulness to which Providence ICELY, or the ROSE OF RABY, an historical being discharged from the compensation reservoirs, lie, clothes horse, mangle, • of the owner, Mr Robert Barker, dealer in boots, " the 21st Durham Rifle Volunters, under his (Cap- has ordained him.—Yours truly _ I, no worse than new ; Novel, by Agnes Musgrave.—Price 3s.—May be as an equivalent for the purer water thus abstracted. shoes, and jewellery. C " tain Watson's) command," the writer begged to offer fate rack, bottle rack, 3 had of R. W. ATKINSON, Bookseller, Barnard As the Bill originally stood, the Corporations would T. THOMPSON. Lot 2. a sum of 5 guineas to be thot for by members of the am chest, patent churn, hare been enabled (and it was disclosed by their The adjoining front MESSUAGE or DWELLING Castle. s, copper kettle, copper corps at such time and on such conditions as the com­ evidence that they in fact intended) to commence CRICKET. HOUSE and Shop, which is of the same extent, and manding officer might appoint. Captain Watson taking the water for supply as soon as their main con­ f, water tub, lawn mower WING to the increasing demand for G. W. WOODLAND r. EOOIASTONE.—A match between toe above contains similar rooms and conveniences as Lot 1, and invited the committee to assist him in deciding how duit could be laid, and before constructing any of the el iilis was played at Woodland on Saturday last, and termin­ den seat, hedge shears, KIRTON'S TWELVE SHILLING GUINEA- ated in favour of the home team.
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