GOVERNMENT GAZETTE “ Published by Authority Vol. LXIX, No. 33 7th JUNE, 1991 Price $2 General ‘Notice 325 of 1991. Description of area An area of 9900 hectares situated in the Bulawayo POSTAL AND TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICES ACT ‘ mining district, commencing at a point within Umgusa Block (CHAPTER 250} . Farm (grid reference PJ590220); thence proceeding north on a bearing of. approximately 0° for a distance of 11,0 Information Concerning Certain Post Offices in Zimbabwe kilometres to a point (grid reference PJ590330); thence on a (Postal Notice No. 20 of 1991) bearing of 90° for a distance of 9,0 kilometres to a point (grid reference PJ680330); thence on a bearing of 180° for a distance of 11,0 kilometres to a point (grid reference IT is hereby notified that the postal agency at Suswe in the PJ680220); thence on a bearing of 270° for a distance of Mashonaland Magisterial District will be permanently closed 9,0 kilometres to the starting point. ' with effect from 31st May, 1991. The rights granted under this order may be exercised for a R. MUTAMBIRWA, period of two years from the Ist of June, 1991 to 31st May, 7-6-91, Postmaster-General. 1993, inclusive. ~ J. C. ANDERSEN, General Notice 326 of 1991. Minister of Mines.”, D. E. H. MURANGARI, POSTAL AND TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICES ACT 7-6-91. Secretary for Mines. - [CHAPTER 250] General Notice 328 of 1991. Information Concerning Certain Post Offices in Zimbabwe (Postal Notice No. 21 of 1991) MINES AND MINERALS ACT [CHAPTER 165] IT is hereby notified that the postal agency at Golden Valley Exclusive Prospecting Order No. 701: Gweru Mining District in the Mashonaland Magisterial District will be permanently closed with effect from 31st May, 1991. THEfollowing order is published in terms of subsection (2) R.MUTAMBIRWA, of section 92 of the ‘Mines and Minerals Act [Chapter 165]: 7-6-91. Postmaster-General. ° “{, Jonas Christian Andersen, Minister of Mines, with the approval of the President, heréby, in terms of subsection (1) of section 92 of the Mines and Minerals Act [Chapter 165], General Notice 327 of 1991. make an exclusive prospecting order, in favour of Reunion Mining (Zimbabwe) Limited over the area described hereunder, MINES AND MINERALS ACT [CHAPTER 165] in the Gweru mining district, in relation to map reference Mavule 1829C2 of the Second Edition and of the scale Exclusive Prospecting Order No. 703: Bulawayo Mining District 1:50000, produced by the Surveyor-General, subject to the following conditions:— THE followinng order is published in terms of subsection (a) the order is made in respect of gold, platinum, diamonds, (2) of section 92 of the Mines and Minerals Act [Chapter 165]: copper and nickel; : “I, Jonas Chcistian Andersen, Minister Mines, with the (b) the concession holder shall carry out prospecting opera- approval of the President, hereby, in termsof ‘subsection (1) tions in a mannersatisfactory to the Minister of Mines; of section 92 of the Mines and Minerals Act [Chapter 165], (c) no prospecting activities shoud take place 50 metres from make an exclusive prospecting order, in favour of Reunion Gwenzi Dam, Munyati and Sesombi Rivers and within Mining (Zimbabwe) Limited over the area described here- 30 metres of all rivers and vleis in the area; under, in the Bulawayo mining district, in relation to map reference Lonely Mine 1928D1 of the Second Edition and of (d) no tree cutting should take place during prospecting, the scale 1:50000, produced by the Surveyor-General, subject as excessive tree cutting has already taken place in the to the following conditions:— area and the removal of the remaining trees will create serious land degradation; ; (a) the order is made in respect of diamonds; (e) since the area is heavily settled, all trenches dug during (b) the concession holder shall carry out prospecting opera- prospecting should be backfilled so as to avoid accidents tions in a mannersatisfactory to the Minister of Mines. involving human beings and livestock. Reunion Mining (Zimbabwe)Limited is authorized, in terms ‘Reunion Mining (Zimbabwe) Limited is authorized, in terms of subsection (4) of section 94 of the Mines and Minerals Act of subsection (4) of section 94 of the Mines and Minerals Act [Chapter 165], to prospect on all registered base mineral blocks [Chapter 165], to prospect on all registered base mineral blocks which were not being worked or developed on the 22nd August, which were not being worked or developed on 22nd August, 1990, being the date of the lodgingfor this order. 1990, being the date of the lodging for this order. 502 ZIMBABWEAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 7TH JuNE, 1991 Description of area General Notice 330 of 1991. An area of 12200 hectares, situated in the Gweru mining district, commencing at a point within Zhombe Communal MINES AND MINERALS ACT [CHAPTER 165] land, North of Gwenzi School (grid reference QK480300); thence north on a bearing of 0° for a distance of 11,0 kilo- Application for Exclusive Prospecting Order: Blanket Mine metres to a point (grid reference QK480410); thence on a (1983) (Private) Limited: Bulawayo Mining District: bearing of 90° for a distance of 11,0 kilometres to a point Correction of Error (grid reference QK590410); thence on a bearingof 180° for a distance of 11,0 kilometres to a point (grid reference QK590300); thence on a bearing of 270° for a distance of IT is hereby notified for general information, that General 11,0 kilometres to the starting point. Notice 233 of 1991, contained an error. The rights granted under this order may be exercised for a That notice is corrected in the Jast line by substituting “19th period of two years from the 1st June, 1991, to the 31st of May, of April, 1991, by 26th of April, 1991”. 1993, inclusive. D. E. H. MURANGARI, J. C. ANDERSEN, Chairman, Minister of Mines.”. 7-6-91. Mining Affairs Board. D. E. H. MURANGARI, 7-6-91. Secretary for Mines. General Notice 33! of 1991, General Notice 329 of 1991. CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETIES ACT, 1990 MINES AND MINERALS ACT [CHAPTER 165] Appointment of Liquidator Application for an Exclusive Prospecting Order: IT is hereby notified that the Registrar of Co-operative Gweru Mining District Societies has, in terms of section 103 of the Co-operative Societies Act, 1990, appointed Mr. Kennedy Dzapata as IT is hereby notified, in terms of subsection (4) of section liquidator of Instant Muscle Co-operative Society Limited, 88 of the Mines and Minerals Act [Chapter 165}, that Reunion Registered No. 1448. Mining (Zimbabwe) Limited has applied to the Mining Affairs E. MANGORO, Board for an exclusive prospecting order, over the area 7-6-91. Registrar of Co-operative Societies. described hereunder, ir the Gweru mining district, in relation to the maps references Njobe 1929A1, Leopard Mine 1829C3; Hozori 1929A2, Silobela 1829C4 all of the Second Edition and General Notice 332 of 1991, of the scale 1:50 000, produced by the Surveyor-General. ROAD MOTOR TRANSPORTATION ACT (CHAPTER 262] Description of area Applications in Connexion with Road Service Permits An area of approximately 64 745 hectares in extent situated in the Gweru mining district and bounded by a line eom- mencing at a point on a track IN terms of subsection (4) of section 7of the Road Motor (which is approximately 67 Transportation kilometres west of Redcliff} (grid reference Act [Chapter 262], notice is hereby given that 35KQJ228929); the applications detailed thence proceeding on a true bearing of in the Schedule, for the issue or approximately 90° amendment of road service for a distance of approximately 7,25 kilometres permits, have been received for the to a point consideration of the Controller of Road ‘where a track meets a road (grid reference QJ303929); Motor Transportation. thence on a true bearing of approximately 69° for a Any person wishing to object to any such application must distance of approximately 17,0 kilometres to the junction lodge with the Controller of Road Motor Transportation, of two fences and tracks separating Camden and Craigholm P.O. Box 8332, Causeway— 1 (grid reference QJ461990); thence on a true bearing of (a) a notice, in writing, of his intention to object, so as to approximately 3° for a distance of approximately 11,52 reach the Controller’s office not later than the 28th June, kilometres to the junction of a narrow road anda track 1991; (grid reference QJ467105); thence on a true bearing of (b) his objection and the grounds therefor, approximately 309° on form R.M.T. for a distance of approximately 16,25 24, together with two copies thereof, so ki'ometres to the junction as to reach the of three fences (grid reference Controller’s office not later than the 17th June, 1991. QK339207); thence on a true bearing of aproximately 302° Any person objecting for a distance of approximately 6,37 to an application for the issue or kilometres to the amendment of a road service permit junction of two roads and a track (grid reference must confine his grounds QK285241); of objection to matters directly bearing on the considerations thence on a true bearing of approximately 274° for a referred to in paragraph (a), (b), (c), (d), (e) or (f) of section distance of approximately 16,16 kilometres to the junction of a 8 of the said Act. track and a fence (grid reference QK123252); thence on a true bearing of approximately 185° for a distance V. M. MUPAWOSE (MRS.), approximately of 7-6-91, Controller 8.45 kilometres to a point on a narrow road of Road Motor Transportation. and track (grid reference QK114168); thence on a true bearing of approximately 123° for a distance of approximately SCHEDULE 13,86 kilometies to the junction of two fences MOTOR-OMNIBUSES Zhombe separating and Silobela Communal Lands (grid reference Additionals QK232094); thence on a true bearing of approximately 1° Russell Noach (Pvt.) Ltd.
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