( 12 ) United States Patent ( 10 ) Patent No .: US 11,020,360 B2 Kong Et Al

( 12 ) United States Patent ( 10 ) Patent No .: US 11,020,360 B2 Kong Et Al

US011020360B2 ( 12 ) United States Patent ( 10 ) Patent No .: US 11,020,360 B2 Kong et al . ( 45 ) Date of Patent : * Jun . 1 , 2021 ( 54 ) METHODS , COMPOUNDS , COMPOSITIONS A61K 47/554 ( 2017.08 ) ; A61K 47764 AND VEHICLES FOR DELIVERING ( 2017.08 ) ; C07C 309/15 ( 2013.01 ) ; C07C 3 - AMINO - 1 - PROPANESULFONIC ACID 309/18 ( 2013.01 ) ; C07C 309/19 ( 2013.01 ) ; C07C 309/24 ( 2013.01 ) ; C070 207/16 ( 71 ) Applicant: Bellus Health , Inc. , Laval ( CA ) ( 2013.01 ) ; CO7D 209/20 ( 2013.01 ) ; C07D 217/24 ( 2013.01 ) ; C07D 233/64 ( 2013.01 ) ; ( 72 ) Inventors: Xianqi Kong , Dollard - des -Ormeaux CO7D 285/36 ( 2013.01 ) ; C07D 285/38 ( CA ) ; Mohamed Atfani, Laval ( CA ); ( 2013.01 ) ; CO7D 291/02 ( 2013.01 ) ; C07D Benoit Bachand , Saint -Laurent ( CA ) ; 317/40 ( 2013.01 ) ; CO7D 323/02 ( 2013.01 ) ; Abderrahim Bouzide , Laval ( CA ) ; CO7D 333/24 ( 2013.01 ) ; CO7H 7/02 Stephane Ciblat , Montreal ( CA ) ; ( 2013.01 ) ; C07H 15/12 ( 2013.01 ) ; C07J 9/005 Sophie Levesque , Mirabel ( CA ) ; David ( 2013.01 ) ; CO7K 5/0606 ( 2013.01 ) ; COOK Migneault , Laval ( CA ) ; Isabelle 5/06026 ( 2013.01 ) ; C07K 5/06052 ( 2013.01 ) ; Valade , Laval ( CA ) ; Xinfu Wu , Laval CO7K 5/06069 ( 2013.01 ) ; CO7K 5/06086 ( CA ) ; Daniel Delorme , Saint - Lazare ( 2013.01 ) ; C07K 57081 ( 2013.01 ) ; CO7K ( CA ) 5/0806 ( 2013.01 ) ; C12P 11/00 ( 2013.01 ) ; C12P 13/001 ( 2013.01 ) ; YO2P 20/55 ( 2015.11 ) ( 73 ) Assignee : Bellus Health Inc. , Laval ( CA ) ( 58 ) Field of Classification Search Subject to any disclaimer , the term of this CPC .. A61K 31/145 ; C07C 309/18 ; C07C 309/19 ; ( * ) Notice : C07C 309/24 ; C07D 323/02 ; C07D patent is extended or adjusted under 35 233/64 ; CO7K 5/06026 ; CO7K 5/06052 ; U.S.C. 154 ( b ) by 0 days. CO7K 5/0606 ; CO7K 5/06069 ; CO7K This patent is subject to a terminal dis 5/06086 ; CO7K 5/0806 ; CO7K 5/081 claimer . See application file for complete search history . ( 21 ) Appl. No .: 16 / 857,520 ( 56 ) References Cited ( 22 ) Filed : Apr. 24 , 2020 U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS ( 65 ) Prior Publication Data 2,319,078 A 5/1943 McNally et al . US 2020/0253897 A1 Aug. 13 , 2020 2,531,468 A 11/1950 Reynolds et al . ( Continued ) Related U.S. Application Data ( 63 ) Continuation of application No. 16 / 276,941 , filed on FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS Feb. 15 , 2019 , now Pat . No. 10,857,109 , which is a CA 1051802 A 4/1979 (Continued ) CA 1095306 A 2/1981 ( Continued ) ( 51 ) Int . Ci . CO7D 323/02 ( 2006.01 ) OTHER PUBLICATIONS A61K 31/145 ( 2006.01 ) C07C 309/15 ( 2006.01 ) Akira, Kadota , et al ., “ Method and Reagent for Determining Bilirubun , " C07D 233/64 ( 2006.01 ) Patent Abstracts of Japan Publication No. 09-178755 ( Jul. 11 , CO7K 5/062 ( 2006.01 ) 1997 ) . COZK 5/068 ( 2006.01 ) ( Continued ) CO7K 5/083 ( 2006.01 ) C07C 309/18 ( 2006.01 ) C07C 309/19 ( 2006.01 ) Primary Examiner — Jonathan S Lau C07C 309/24 ( 2006.01 ) ( 74 ) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Cooley LLP CO7H 7/02 ( 2006.01 ) CO7H 15/12 ( 2006.01 ) C07 ) 9/00 ( 2006.01 ) ( 57 ) ABSTRACT C12P 13/00 ( 2006.01 ) The invention relates to methods, compounds, compositions CO7D 317/40 ( 2006.01 ) and vehicles for delivering 3 - amino - 1 - propanesulfonic acid C070 207/16 ( 2006.01 ) ( 3APS ) in a subject, preferably a human subject. The inven CO7D 209/20 ( 2006.01 ) tion encompasses compound that will yield or generate C07D 217/24 ( 2006.01 ) 3APS , either in vitro or in vivo . 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