FOURTH ANNUAL MINERALOGY EXHIBIT OF THE KIWANTS CLUB Sept, 24 & 25, 1960 di„s'-)lays to the mineral nollecting public a great variety of secimens from the acted Franklin and Sterling Lill mines. Although the Franklin mine is worked out and flooded and the Sterling Hill mine is currently shut down, specimens new to the list of Franklin area minerals are being discovered at a rate never achieved in the past fifty years. Since the first Kiwanis exhibit in 1957, an upsurge of interest has resulted- in the addition of well over a dozen minerals te the list. Many specimens have been made available through sale, and the Buckwheat and Parker dumps continue to reward careful examination on the part of the collector. The visitors should not fail to see the displays at the National Guard Armory at the junction of Route 23 and 577 at the foot of the mountain, where the main mineral exhibit will be housed, the model mine opposite the open cut on Evans Street above the Buckwheat dump, and the Buckwheat Dump itself where the knowledgeable collector can find twenty different minerals in less than an hour. MINERALS OF THE FRANKLIN-STERLING AREA Albite Brucite, Mangan- Ganophyllite Allactite brucite Garnet, Allanite Bustamite Almandite Amphibole Cahnite Andradite A ctinolite Calamine Grossularite Crocidolite Calcite Gersdorfite Cummingtonite Calcium lar- Glaucochroite Edenite senite Goethite Hastingsite Celestite Gold Hornblende Cerussite Graphite Pargasite Chalcocite Greenockite Tremolite Chalcophanite Gypsum Analcime Chalcopyrite Halloysite Angle site C hloanthite Hancockite Anhydrite Chlorite Hardystonite Anorthite Chlorophoenicite Hedyphane Anorthoclase Magnesium- Hematite Anthophyllite Chlorophoenicite Hetaerolite Apatite Chondrodite H eulandite Apophyllite Clinohedrite Hexahydrite Aragonite Copper H odgkins onite Arsenic Corundum Holdenite Arsenolite Cuprite Hortonolite Arsenopyrite Cuspidine Humite Aurichalcite Datolite-Botry- Hyalophane Axinite, Ferro- olite Fi ydr oha us - axinite Desaulesite M annite Manganoaxinite Descloizite Hydrohetaerolite Azurite Dolomite liydromuscovite Barite Epidote Hydrozincite Barylite Ettringite Ilmenite Barysilite Fluoborite Kaolin Bementite Fluorite Kentrolite Bianchite Franklinite Kutnahorite Biotite Friedelite Larsenite Manganophyllite Gageite Lead Bornite Gahnite Leucophoenicite Birnessite Galena Limonite Lollingtte Pr ahnite Siderite Loseyite P silomelane Sideratile Magnetite Pyrite Silver LItlachite Pyrochroite Skutterudite Dimganese Berze- Pyrolusite Smithsonite liitk; Pyroxene, Sphalerite MaagarLite Deop side. Spinel Maregancsite Hederibergite Stilbite Mangalapyrosmalite Jetfersonite Sussexite Marcasite Johann.senite Svabite Margarosanite Schefferite Talc Mariposite Pyrrhotite T ennantite Mcgovernite Quartz, Flint T ephr oite Melanterite Milky Magnesium- Microcline Rock Crystal Tephroi.te 1\13.11erite Rose Thorns orate Molybdenite Rammelsbergite lvlooreite Realgar T odor okite Muscovite Rhodochrosite Torreyite Oellacherite Rhodonite, Ftmlexite T ourmaline, Nasonite Roeblingite Dravite Natrolite Roepperite Schorl Neotocite Roweite \Tesuvianite Niccolite Rutile. Norbergite Sarkinite W ollastonite W oodruffite Oligocase Scapolite Xonotlite Orpiment Schallerite Pararammelsbergite Serpentine, common Yeatrnanite Pactol.ite Chrysotile Zincite Phlo gopite Vorhauserite Zircon Zoisite mtNERALs FOUND NOWHERE EXCEPT AT FRANKLIN OR STERLING Cahnite F Glaucochroite F Loseyite F Calcium-larsenite F B ancockite F Magna sium- F. Ch.alcophanite S Hardystonite F chlorophoenicite S Chlorophoe.nicite F Hetacrolite F,S Mcgovernite S Clinohedrite F Hodgkinsonite F Mooreite Desaulesite F Holdenite F Roeblingite F F arroshallerite F Jelfersonite F,S lioepperite S Franklinite F,S Larsenite F Roweite F Gageite F Leucophoen- Schallerite F icite F Sussexite F, S Tor reyite Zincite FS Fluorescent Franklin- Common minerals of the Sterling Minerals Buckwheat Dump Anorthite Hydrozincite Amphibole Limon te Aragonite Margarosanite Biotite Magnetj Nasonite Calcite Mier °line A xinite Norbergite Chlorite Pyrite Barite Pectolite Dolomite Pyroxane B arylite Epidote Quartz Calcite Rhodonite- Calcium- Bustamite Franklinite Serpentine larsenite Scapolite Garnet Sphalerite Clinohedrite Smithsonite Graphite Willamite Corundum Sphalerite Hematite Zincite Diopside Svabite Fluorite Tremolite Hardystonite Willemite W ollastonite .
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