E1274 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 2, 2009 HONORING RALPH AND ROBERT his daughter Michelle, who succumbed to leu- HONORING MR. AND MRS. WALLY BROWN FOR THEIR SUPPORT OF kemia. The Michelle Mitzvah Group seeks to AND MARY GROTZ ON THEIR WOUNDED WARRIORS practice the Jewish covenant of Mitzvah 60TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY through ‘‘hands-on projects,’’ such as minis- HON. GUS M. BILIRAKIS tering at children’s hospitals, food banks, and HON. MICHELE BACHMANN OF FLORIDA homeless shelters. The Group also raises OF MINNESOTA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES money for charities, sponsors blood drives, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Tuesday, June 2, 2009 and collects items for our wounded veterans. Tuesday, June 2, 2009 Three years ago, Nathan LeBron partnered Mr. BILIRAKIS. Madam Speaker, I rise with the Michelle Mitzvah Group to form the Mrs. BACHMANN. Madam Speaker, I rise today to honor two of my constituents, broth- LeBron-Michelle Mitzvah Scholarship Fund. today to honor Mr. and Mrs. Wally and Mary ers Ralph and Robert Brown. Ralph and Rob- Nathan is a cancer survivor who grew up in a Grotz of Delano, Minnesota, on the occasion ert will be attempting a 2nd Guinness World dysfunctional home and was mentored by of their sixtieth wedding anniversary. For the Record this summer by sailing non-stop Marc Applebaum. With the love and support of last sixty years, they have raised four children across the Atlantic Ocean from Tampa, Florida individuals such as Marc, Nathan went on to and lived in the homestead Wally built while to Hamburg, Germany to raise funds for graduate from SUNY Albany and Harvard Uni- the town of Delano grew into a city. But this Wounded Warrior Foundations. versity. Nathan formed the LeBron-Michelle is no ordinary couple; they are some of Amer- In 2007, Ralph and Robert set their first Mitzvah Scholarship Fund to help other prom- ica’s ‘‘Greatest Generation’’ and both have tre- Guinness World Record for the ‘‘longest non- ising-yet-disadvantaged youths in receiving the mendous wisdom to share from their personal stop ocean voyage in a flats boat’’ traveling help and guidance they require to go on to histories. from North Carolina to Bermuda and back to Wally was a B–24 bomber pilot during college or technical school. New York in a 21-foot open fishing boat of Doneisha Brown is an exceptional student World War II and at one point served under their own design. This voyage garnered a and role model for her peers. I am proud of American film legend, Jimmy Stewart. But great deal of publicity and convinced the her accomplishments, and expect great things Wally’s story goes much deeper. He was shot brothers to use this notoriety to raise money from her as she continues her education. I am down over Germany in 1944 and taken as a for Wounded Warriors Organizations in the fu- also proud of the Michelle Mitzvah Group and Prisoner of War until May of 1945. When he ture. Ralph and Robert will be using the pub- Beth Haverim Shir Shalom Temple on helping returned home he found a job at the local post licity from their second voyage to raise money make a college education possible for Ms. office where he worked for 34 years, serving for six Wounded Warrior and Disabled Vet- Brown. Through this scholarship and countless as Postmaster for 16 years. Mary spent her time working for Minnesota- erans Organizations, having set a goal of $3 other acts of selfless service, the individuals based food producer, General Mills. Her job million. involved have made their community a better In 1980, former Marine Ralph Brown was was as unique as she is; she answered cook- place. I wish all the very best in the coming placed on the roster to liberate the American ing and baking questions as Betty Crocker, years. Embassy in Iran during the hostage takeover. the General Mills kitchen icon. She still re- However, at the last minute Ralph’s group was f mains active in her church and the Delano replaced by another group of soldiers, out of PERSONAL EXPLANATION community today. which three men were killed. Mr. Brown and Madam Speaker, I rise today to congratulate his brother have since dedicated their lives to HON. DEVIN NUNES and honor Wally and Mary Grotz. Their ac- honoring the lives of these three soldiers and OF CALIFORNIA complishments as individuals and dedicated their many other brave countrymen. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES citizens would be enough to warrant recogni- Madam Speaker, Ralph and Robert Brown tion, but the love and devotion they have truly are doing more than just saying ‘‘thanks,’’ Tuesday, June 2, 2009 shown to one another sweetens their story as by raising money and awareness for our na- Mr. NUNES. Madam Speaker, on the legis- American heroes. I wish them a happiest anni- tion’s wounded warriors. And they are doing lative day of Thursday, May 21, 2009, I was versary and another sixty years together! so in one of the most original manners pos- unavoidably detained and was unable to cast f sible. a vote on a number of Rollcall votes. Had I IN HONOR OF GERALD OEHLER, f been present, I would have voted: Rollcall 289—‘‘yea’’; Rollcall 290—‘‘yea’’; Rollcall M.D. CONGRATULATING DONEISHA 291—‘‘nay’’. BROWN f HON. SAM FARR OF CALIFORNIA HON. SCOTT GARRETT YARITZA HUERTA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF NEW JERSEY Tuesday, June 2, 2009 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. ED PERLMUTTER Mr. FARR. Madam Speaker, for more than OF COLORADO Tuesday, June 2, 2009 50 years, Dr. Gerald Oehler has dedicated his IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. GARRETT of New Jersey. Madam life and his work to the care and well being of Speaker, this evening the Michelle Mitzvah Tuesday, June 2, 2009 his patients. Born January 29, 1933 in Harvey, Group and the Beth Haverim Shir Shalom Mr. PERLMUTTER. Madam Speaker, I rise North Dakota, Dr. Oehler’s well rounded med- Temple of Mahwah will bestow their LeBron- today to recognize and applaud Yaritza ical education came from Kansas University Michelle Mitzvah Scholarship upon an out- Huerta, who has received the Arvada Wheat Medical Center, where he was trained in sev- standing young woman, Doneisha Brown. Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth award. eral specialties and gained the broad-based Doneisha is a graduating senior at Eastside Yaritza Huerta is a senior at Jefferson High knowledge that would become his hallmark. High School in Paterson, NJ, where she is School and received this award because her Graduating from medical school in 1958, Dr. ranked in the top 5 percent of her class. Dur- determination and hard work have allowed her Oehler put his skills to work for his country, ing her time at Eastside, Doneisha was active to overcome adversities. enjoying a distinguished career in the United in the PEER Leadership Program, a student- The dedication demonstrated by Yaritza States Navy. run organization that helps incoming freshmen Huerta is exemplary of the type of achieve- Named to the staff at Salinas Valley Memo- acclimate to a high school setting. PEER ment that can be attained with hard work and rial Healthcare System in 1966 and Board seeks to create a positive, reaffirming commu- perseverance. It is essential that students at Certified in 1973, Dr. Oehler’s practice was nity by creating small support groups that cut all levels strive to make the most of their edu- dedicated to the entire patient. In his four dec- across class divides, and by standing up cation and develop a work ethic that will guide ades at Salinas Valley Memorial, his surgical against physical, emotional, and psychological them for the rest of their lives. and family practice touched the lives of thou- bullying. Along with contributing to this very I extend my deepest congratulations once sands in the Salinas Valley and Monterey Pe- important organization, Doneisha is a scholar again to Yaritza Huerta for winning the Arvada ninsula. Dr. Oehler’s specialty was the patient, athlete, having competed in track and field Wheat Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth his practice in the operating room, at bedside and girl’s softball. award. I have no doubt she will exhibit the or in his medical office. Regardless of the lo- The Michelle Mitzvah Group was founded same dedication she has shown in her aca- cation, his knowledge and experience touched by Marc Applebaum as a living memorial to demic career in her future accomplishments. and saved lives. VerDate Nov 24 2008 02:30 Jun 03, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A02JN8.019 E02JNPT1 jbell on PROD1PC69 with REMARKS June 2, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1275 While witness to many changes in medical The dedication demonstrated by Eathan Once the Iron Curtain fell and thousands of techniques and styles, Dr. Oehler showed a Holtz is exemplary of the type of achievement Jews were permitted to leave, Si turned his remarkable ability to adapt, and to keep his that can be attained with hard work and perse- focus to assist in resettling those who arrived focus on patient-based medicine. His legacy verance. It is essential that students at all lev- in Los Angeles and Southern California. He will long remain a testament to that focus. els strive to make the most of their education became the liaison for the e´migre´s on every- Dr. Gerald Oehler became Physician Emer- and develop a work ethic that will guide them thing from re´sume´ workshops to clothing itus at Salinas Valley Memorial Healthcare for the rest of their lives.
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