© [Regd. No. TN/CCN/467/2012-14. GOVERNMENT OF TAMIL NADU [R. Dis. No. 197/2009. 2016 [Price: Rs. 32.00 Paise. TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY No. 29] CHENNAI, WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 2016 Aadi 5, Thunmugi, Thiruvalluvar Aandu – 2047 Part VI—Section 4 Advertisements by private individuals and private institutions CONTENTS PRIVATE ADVERTISEMENTS Pages. Change of Names .. 1745-1824 Notice .. NOTICE NO LEGAL RESPONSIBILITY IS ACCEPTED FOR THE PUBLICATION OF ADVERTISEMENTS REGARDING CHANGE OF NAME IN THE TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. PERSONS NOTIFYING THE CHANGES WILL REMAIN SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE LEGAL CONSEQUENCES AND ALSO FOR ANY OTHER MISREPRESENTATION, ETC. (By Order) Director of Stationery and Printing. CHANGE OF NAMES 25370. My daughter, S. Balabavani, born on 1st November 25373. My daughter, C. Sweety, born on 22nd April 2003 2000 (native district: Virudhunagar), residing at No. 2/664-3, (native district: Kanyakumari), residing at No. 36B/34, V.O.C. Nagar, Soolakkaraimedu, Virudhunagar-626 003, Meyappan 3rd Street, Gnanaolipuram, Madurai-625 016, shall henceforth be known as S. BHAVANI. shall henceforth be known as C. SWEETLINSHERLY. T. SUBRAMANI. S. CHARLES. Virudhunagar, 11th July 2016. (Father.) Madurai, 11th July 2016. (Father.) 25371. My son, K.S. Padmanathan, born on 14th August 25374. My daughter, C. Dargini, born on 13th July 2004 2001 (native district: Madurai), residing at No. 50A, Muthu (native district: Kanyakumari), residing at No. 36B/34, Street, Thoothukkudi-628 001, shall henceforth be Meyappan 3rd Street, Gnanaolipuram, Madurai-625 016, known as K. PADMANABAN. shall henceforth be known as C. JOYLINDHARSHINI. J. KRISHNAMOORTHY. S. CHARLES. Thoothukkudi, 11th July 2016. (Father.) Madurai, 11th July 2016. (Father.) 25372. My son, V.C. Praneswaran, born on 8th March 25375. I, C. Periyanayagi, daughter of Thiru 2002 (native district: Theni), residing at Old No. 141/B8, R. Chandrasekaran, born on 10th November 1994 New No. 271/2, East Street, Aranmanaipudur, (native district: Dindigul), residing at No. 4-318B, Theni-625 531, shall henceforth be known Kuttam, Devinaickanpatti, Vedasandur, Dindigul-624 711, as V.C. BHARRATHPRANESWAR. shall henceforth be known as C. SANGAVI. V. CHELLADURRAI. C. PERIYANAYAGI. Theni, 11th July 2016. (Father.) Dindigul, 11th July 2016. D.T.P.—VI-4 (29)—1 [ 1745 ] 1746 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [Part VI—Sec.4 25376. I, Shahenar Begam Raj Hussein Sayyed, wife of 25385. My son, K.V. Hasan, born on 2nd March 2010 Thiru Raja Hussain, born on 12th May 1971 (native district: (native district: Ramanathapuram), residing at No. D-3, Mumbai-Maharashtra), residing at No. 132/1, South Marret 6th Avenue, Glad Way Housing Private Limited, Street, South Gate, Madurai-625 001, shall henceforth be Avaniyapuram, By-Pass Road, Madurai-625 012, shall known as R. SAINAZ. henceforth be known as K.V. YADVIK. SHAHENAR BEGAM RAJ HUSSEIN SAYYED. K.R. VARADARAJAN. Madurai, 11th July 2016. Madurai, 11th July 2016. (Father.) 25377. My daughter, C. Piramasakthi, born on 25386. My daughter, R. Reefa, born on 4th December 2002 4th September 2012 (native district: Virudhunagar), residing (native district: Madurai), residing at No. 12/213, at No. 17/2, Pillaiyar Kovil Street, Kamaraj Nagar, Seithur, Kattabbomman Street, West Sivanthipuram, Ambasamudram Muthusamypuram, Rajapalayam Taluk, Virudhunagar- Taluk, Tirunelveli-627 425, shall henceforth be 626 121, shall henceforth be known as C. PRIYADHARSHINI. known as REEFA EBEN JOEL. S. CHINNAMUNIYANDI. RICHARD EBENEZER JOEL. Virudhunagar, 11th July 2016. (Father.) Tirunelveli, 11th July 2016. (Father.) 25378. I, S. Arulpandi, son of Thiru A. Savarimuthu, born 25387. My daughter, M. Samrithi, born on 23rd January 1999 (native district: Dindigul), residing at Old No. 18, on 15th May 1981 (native district: Sivagangai), residing at New No. 2-3, Mettu Vavalivu Street, Devathanapatti, No. 6/85B, Alavakottai, Sivagangai-630 553, shall henceforth Periyakulam Taluk, Theni-625 602, shall henceforth be be known as S. ARULPACKYARAJAN. known as M. SAMRITHILAKSHMI. S. ܼœð£‡®. S. MANOHARAN. Sivagangai, 11th July 2016. Theni, 11th July 2016. (Father.) 25379. My son, E. Gukaneshwaran, born on 18th April 25388. I, Ganeshan, K., son of Thiru Karuppaiah, R., 2016 (native district: Tirunelveli), residing at No. 225-80, born on 6th June 1972 (native district: Madurai), Nadu Theru, Karumpalai, Madurai-625 020, shall henceforth residing at No. 3/308, Anna Street, Thenur Post, Madurai- be known as E. MOHANA VISHNU. 625 402, shall henceforth be known as K. GANAPATHY. P. ESAKIMUTHU. GANESHAN, K. Madurai, 11th July 2016. (Father.) Madurai, 11th July 2016. 25380. I, K. Maheshraja, son of Thiru M. Kalasamy, 25389. I, J.C. Ramkarthick, son of Thiru N. Chelladurai, born on 25th June 1996 (native district: Virudhunagar), born on 10th April 1995 (native district: Virudhunagar), residing at Old No. 18, New No. 21, Gurukulampatti residing at No. 170, Ram Nagar, Shenbagathoppu Road, Street, Srivilliputtur Taluk, Virdhunagar-626 125, Rajapalayam, Virudhunagar-626 117, shall henceforth be shall henceforth be known as K. MAHESRAJA. known as J.C. SRIRAM KARTHICK. K. MAHESHRAJA. J.C. RAMKARTHICK. Virudhunagar, 11th July 2016. Virudhunagar, 11th July 2016. 25381. I, R.M. Sundar, son of Thiru T.E. Ramachandaran, 25390. My daughter, K. Thamaraidhanuka, daughter of Thiru born on 5th April 1957 (native district: Madurai), Kannan, born on 22nd October 2001 (native district: Madurai), residing at No. 9-6-9, Adhiyaman Street, residing at No. 1/81, Sampiranipatti, Kidaripatti, Vallalapatti, Viswanathapuram, Madurai-625 014, shall henceforth be Alagarmalai, Madurai-625 301, shall henceforth be known as R. MEENAKSHISUNDARAM. known as K. THAMARAIDHANUSHA. R.M. SUNDAR. K. SELVI. Madurai, 11th July 2016. Madurai, 11th July 2016. (Mother.) 25382. My son, Pandi Roshan, born on 1st March 2005 25391. I, R. Thilothama, daughter of Thiru K. Renganathen, (native district: Theni), residing at No. 14-5-7, V.O.C. Street, born on 14th May 1995 (native district: Madurai), residing at Palanichettipatti, Theni-625 531, shall henceforth be Old No. 3-100E, New No. 3/83/100E, North Street, known as T. ROSHAN. L. Kottanipatti, Nallamaram Post, Peraiyur Taluk, Madurai- R. THANGARAJ. 625 702, shall henceforth be known as S.R. THILOTHAMAI. Theni, 11th July 2016. (Father.) R. THILOTHAMA. Madurai, 11th July 2016. 25383. My daughter, Pandi Roshini, born on 23rd January 2003 (native district: Theni), residing at No. 14-5-7, V.O.C. 25392. My son, Venkatesh, born on 1st September 2002 Street, Palanichettipatti, Theni-625 531, shall henceforth be (native district: Virudhunagar), residing at No. 137, known as T. ROSHINI. Jaihindupuram 2nd Main Road, Madurai-625 011, shall henceforth be known as R. VENKATESH KUMAR. R. THANGARAJ. P. RAJU. Theni, 11th July 2016. (Father.) Madurai, 11th July 2016. (Father.) 25384. My son, B. Venkatesh, born on 30th August 1998 25393. I, J.R. Dinesh Bapu, son of Thiru J.R. Ramesh, (native district: Madurai), residing at No. 2/95, Andaman born on 6th August 1992 (native district: Madurai), residing Road, Periyapatti, Kancharampettai, Madurai-625 014, at No. 72, Ramakrishna Colony, Hanloom Nagar, Madurai- shall henceforth be known as B. VENKADESH. 625 005, shall henceforth be known as J.R. DINESH BABU. R. BOSE. J.R. DINESH BAPU. Madurai, 11th July 2016. (Father.) Madurai, 11th July 2016. July 20, 2016] TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 1747 25394. My daughter, B. Mahima, born on 20th November 25403. I, R. Karthick, son of Thiru Rajasenthilkumar, 2001 (native district: Madurai), residing at No. 8B, born on 18th September 1984 (native district: Theni), Visuvasapuri 4th Street, Arasaradi Post, Madurai-625 016, residing at No. 5-2/17, Raj Nagar 2nd Street, Shanthi shall henceforth be known as M.B MAHIMAA. Nagar, Vilagudi, Madurai-625 018, shall henceforth be K. BALASUNDARI. known as R. KARTHIKESHAV. Madurai, 11th July 2016. (Mother.) R. KARTHICK. 25395. I, N. Balamurugan, son of Thiru Narayana Reddi, Madurai, 11th July 2016. born on 15th May 1972 (native district: Madurai), residing at No. 2-99A, Mela Street, Sivarakottai, Thirumangalam 25405. I, Thangaraj, son of Thiru Karuppia Pillai, Taluk, Madurai-625 706, shall henceforth be born on 1st January 1975 (native district: Madurai), known as T.N. BALAMURUGAN. residing at No. 7/536-1, Manjana Mariyamman Kovil Street, N. BALAMURUGAN. Sakkarakottai, Ramanathapuram-623 504, shall henceforth Madurai, 11th July 2016. be known as K. THIYAGARAJAN. 25396. I, Geethavijay, wife of Thiru R. Vijayan, born on THANGARAJ. 5th April 1977 (native district: Madurai), residing at No. 9, Ramanathapuram, 11th July 2016. Nehru Street, Sathyamoorthi Nagar, Madurai-625 010, 25406. My son, S. Jayandan, born on 19th October 2007 shall henceforth be known as V PASUBATHI. (native district: Virudhunagar), residing at Old No. 2, GEETHAVIJAY. New No. 23, Vadivu Illam, Alagappan Nagar, Madurai- Madurai, 11th July 2016. 625 003, shall henceforth be known as SA JAISARAN. 25397. I, M. Bala Jegan Suriesh, son of Thiru M. Marimuthu, C. SARAVANA MUTHU. born on 10th March 1988 (native district: Madurai), Madurai, 11th July 2016. (Father.) residing at Plot No. 14, Sundharar Street, Sastha Nagar, S. Alangulam, Madurai-625 017, shall henceforth be 25407. My son, Velmukeshwaran, son of Thiru known as M BALA JEGAN SURESH. P. Velmurugan, born on 5th December 2006 (native district: M. BALA JEGAN SURIESH. Virudhunagar), residing at No. 1/196-A, Main Road, Madurai, 11th July 2016. Valaiyapatti, P. Sallipatti Post, Srivilliputur Taluk, 25398. My son, Chinnaiah, born on 9th April 2002 (native Virudhunagar-626 138, shall henceforth be district: Sivagangai), residing at No. 2/36, 18. Sukkampatti, known as V. VELMUKESH. Nattarmangalam Post, Melur Taluk, Madurai-625 101, shall V. ó£ü¶˜è£. henceforth be known as C. SANJAY. Virudhunagar, 11th July 2016. (Mother.) N. CHANDRAN. 25408. I, Sankar, son of Thiru Narayanamoorthy, born on Madurai, 11th July 2016. (Father.) 5th October 1961 (native district: Madurai), residing at 25399. My daughter, Darsha, born on 15th August 2001 No. 101, Pulipandian Street, Madurai-625 011, shall (native district: Virudhunagar), residing at No.
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