TUESDAY, OCTOBER i t , IM S * ■' ■ ' The Wsuther • rOXJBTEEN iHdnclfpatfr S ttgitittg l^gralb Average Daily Net Press Run Pateeaet «c U. R. Weatiwf Baieea For the Month « f Ueptambar, ISf* ' . aaaamaawm not lived at the property in ques­ Partly eioody, ■uiui i i hat mlldar Ihomas Blanchard has baM S t Mary's Oulid wlU meet Thurs­ tion, it was sta M . thla aftetaooai elcarlag aod cold­ day In the Oulid room. Members Is Leading Man Smdl Claims elected vice president of Tau Blpsi- Plaintiff In the other case was 9,676 er toalght; Thoraday fair aad eoef. About Tow n Ion fraternity at Bryant College. fbmalnlng aU day will provide Mra. Alfred Andefaen, 39 Russell Providence; Wchard Buckley, sec­ their own lunch and dessert, tea w af nw AoiH Court Cases street who claimed damages to I o f c Uealatioaz 4*i« Qm h m L> Qmtkdio retary and Bdward Weiss, ser­ and coffee wUl be served by the her. huabsnd'a trousers that ware Mtmeheitar^A City of ViUaga Charm hostesses, Mrs. Edward Dauchy \ B «U 7 B tn ti, pMt geant at arms. cleaned at Holland Cleanaers, me., tin Bmbtom Club, bM h*d and Mrs. Clayton Allison. 1007 Main atreet. The defendant f«rts rws«rtiy. > • pre^ Judge Reserves De­ At Peace at Last ptank J. Mansfield Marine stated that nothing used In the (Ctaensad AdvectMag Oa Page W t eea) MANCHESTER, CONN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1949^ (THIRTY-EIGHT PAGES—IN THREE SECmONS) PRICE FOUR (»N T S Mit b**a o f tho ord*r. Mw. Corps League AuxiUary wtU seat Ail- workers In the Luthersin cleaning process could cauae the VOL. LX IX h NO. 21 h®r lupTttEn^ ro^ffiiw, Mr®. cision in Two Local Its officers et an installation cere­ program o f Pariah Evangelism will damage done to the trouaera. The No more mortal tribnilationB beset ihose B u old Folk »nd mi^reme corre*- mony tomorrow evening at the A r­ meet tomorrow evening at 8 t» law firm o f Schatz-Weinateln in lwn4o«g oecroUry Mr*. Klchard Disputes whom the Lord takes away. Ih that thought my and Navy club. Emanuel Lutheran church vestry Hartford appeared for Holland all o f Almm, Ohio. Alro at which time Instruction will be Vanishes at Sea Dust Theory Deputy Judge John D. LaBelle Cleanaers. , And solace. And in our complete funeral serv^ vMttnc Mn- Onsladlo hav« b««n “Fun with Sewing” wlU be the given Rev. MUton OuatafSon, News Tidbits Past Supramo PraoMant Mra. Halan subject of Miss Hannah Jensens Arlington, Masa, director of ^on e reserved deciaion In two disputed Ice find ease In your mouming. Britons Told They Secret Atomic Talks Bomar of Paabody, Maas., and Mri. talk before the Mothers Club of Missions In tho New England area plalma presented in Small Clalma CaUad From (/P) WItm On Crieation Richard Dwight, auprema v im CenUr church tomorrow evening for the Augustana Lulherun There’s Nothing Irttter Than praaidant o f Hui^nfdon Park, church. All workers are Urged to court yeaterday afternoon. at 8:16. Mothers who have used Thomas R. Ooodwln, 429 Oak­ California. clothing to exchange should bring be present. Refreshments will be Must Lift Output Paul O. Hoffman heads for Eu­ Given Today land street, claimed 3110 in un­ them to this meeting. Mrs.. Lyman served following the meeting. rope reportedly armed with ulti­ Mrs. AUaa W. Tork, praaidant of paid rent from Charles J. Kapp- matum to Marahall plan countries ’ Stand Swormstedt will be in charge. ; Russians tha Hartford District Paran :ier, 31 Summit street. Cloodwln, if ml N LCCLItC M ra Fred Finnegan and Mrs. OCco-tfa that they speed np their recovery Taachar Associations of Connacti- who was represented by Attorney Vrey Looks With Chenu The Connecticut Valley Zone Richard Ruddell are co-chairmen ST.,mAIKHE$Ttir • 9 2 6 9 progiMS—or else. .Chicago cut,, will praslda at the dlrtnot John Mroeek, asserted that he To Rescue Nation Nazarene churches will hold h for the Military Whist, to be held m ^ n g Thursday at the Hock- had leased property at 429 Oak­ ROASTING widow, red-haired and demure, i$t*§ Eyes to Find Home Missions Rally this evening in St. Mary's parish house, Friday tells Jury how she lost her heart aumw school. Bast Hartford, which land street to Happier on a month at 7:30 in the local Naxarec at eight o'clock. Preston Sage will and her $8,706 anvtaga to Sig­ Signs and Clues to will be caUad to order at 3:30 p m. be In charge of the games. to month basis be^nning Septem­ CHICKENS On Security Blamed church. The speaker will be Dr. O ipps Also Advocates •skI •vtnlnf session At tol* ber 1 and that the defendant had mund (Bhm) Engel. .Senate Roy Smee, general iieoretary of seems likely to face enduranoa Origin of Earth lowing tha school of instruction i.t The Salvation Army Women’s refused to pay the rental, by stop­ JUsing Less; Allepna- Three Sections |C» 7KXJ. Local P T A ’s will .aend dele­ Home MUslons and Evnngellsm contest early in its next aesslon for the denomination. He will be League will meet tomorrow after­ ping payment on a $110 check ROGER OLCOTT gates. AUaa 1L Ose, 4r. live W lll_B e to Go Today ad result of President Tnnnan's By Howard Blakcalee [United States and Four' accompanied by the Rev. J. C. noon at two o'clock at the citadel. given to Ooodwln. 408 West Center Street Hostesses for the social to 1 llTW new call for action on civil rtghte Associated Press Science Editor Minimum Pay Passeir Away at 75 Albright, New England District Happier told the couH that he TUephone 7858 Hungpy and Jobless; The Herald is being pub­ legleintloa. ! Other Powjcrs Give Ren Superintendent. will be Mrs. Elizabeth W eir and Allan R. Om , Jr., wUl taka the had given the plaintiff a $110 Start With A Rochester, N. Y., Oct. 36—(S1- Mra. Louise Wilson. leading masculine role In the Cen­ check on August 24. He returned Debate on Economy lished today in three sec­ A t least two steel companies A theory that the earth waa cre­ \ port Along With^ fire off telegrams to government Law Signed PRESCRIPTIONS Rev. Carl Olson of Emanuel ter Thespian production of. F. on the afternoon of the same day, tions. Besides the two gen­ ated from dtist instead of'fire waa Lutheran church is att.endlng the The Ladies’ Aid of Zion Church, Drive Opens Today mediators nrgtng recall of faet- Formal Report on Con­ Hugh Herbert’s comedy, “ For he said, When he discovered the eral Wednesday news and unfolded before the National Acad­ CALLED FOR New England Pastoral Conference Cooper and High streets, has possibility of a more convenient findlBg board aa means o f ending arranged for another nipper for Love or Money” , to be presented advertising sections, there emy of Sciences today by one of Truman Odls Raise to | ferences Held With at Camp Lutherwood, Mass. ren t On that day, a Wednesday London, Oct. 26.— (/Pi— Sir atrike. .Federal old age and AND the congregation and community, Thursday and PYiday nighta of Goodwin said, “ I’ll give you an HALE'S HOME is a third special one of 10 dependency benefit payments roae the world's foremost chemists. Soviet Union in Seek­ Stafford Cripps told Britons 75 Cents Hourly. Ad>, The American Legion Auxiliary with pork, sauerkraut, and dessert, this week In the 'HoUiater School option until Friday,” according to Pages devoted to the for­ more than 12 per cent in Connect­ DELIVERED for Thursday, from 5 to 7 p.m., at The author of the new theory will conduct a setback and whist Jteppler’s testimony. Ooodwln today they must produce icut during past year. Social Se­ is Dr. Harold Urey of the Univer­ ing to End Dead­ A h Uoadltinacd the Church. Reservations may still auditorium. Headquarters mal opening of the new, ministration Victory in the Legion hall on Leonard denied using the word "option." more and use lees, or go hun­ curity admialstraUon anaouneea. Staart Benson, 72, noted acalptor, sity of Chicago— eminent atomic street tomorrow evening, with be made by calling this evening. Mr. Due, a graduate of Man­ modem Marlow store, a lock Over Matter Happier said he notified Oood­ gry and jobless. "Unless we . .N avy conunander testifies at myaterlonaly dlsappenred at scientist, Nobel prize winner and PINE prizes for the winners and refresh' Miss Oladys Seelert, 6701, or Mls:i chester High School, was active In FOR noted development in Man­ Boaton trial that subordinate used wUle returning from France on Washington, Oct. 36 —(/P)— : Sock and Buskin, the dramatic wln on Thursday that the other discoverer of heavy water. ments. Emily Kissmann, 5952. Children of Your Own can quickly produce more what proved to be fatal charge of tiM PoHeh liner SoMoskL Ben- President Truman today signed Lake Success, (jet. 26,— art invited to this fainily supper. group of the ic h o ^ and served as rent was available and, when chester’s mercantile his­ Urey did something unique He PHARMACY and get our costs down,” the T N T in mock invasion o f Boaton 1, whose atatoee are ezUbIted looked with e<fihemlst's.^eyeB r.t the legislation raising the minimum Santa Lucia Society will hold As Mrs. Louise Mertens is ^airm an of president of the group during hla Ooodwln said he had already de­ tory.
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