MSUClip hee A sampJin& of recent articles of interest to Morehead State University MEDIA RELATIONS • MORE HEAD STATE UNIVERSITY • UPO BOX 1100 • MOREHEAD, KY 40351 -1689 • 606-783-2030 LEXINGTON HER~L!J-LEADEA LEXINGTON. KY. TUESDAY, JANUARY 2. 1990 I ·vu AR General Assembly begins today cH,vE:s amid controversy, major issues By Jack Brammer Herald-Leader Frankfort bureau FRANKFORT - Kentucky's Legislative news 1990 General Assembly that begins phone numbers today at high noon is expected to cost state taxpayers about $4 mil­ Herald-Leader s1att report lion. FRA:-.:KFORT - Toll-free Whether Kentuckians get their better schools. impro\'ed he:ilth pro• telephone numbers are avail­ money's. worth ~or the 3 ½-mon~ grams and rr.ore pruon beds? Will able to help Kentuckians par­ lawmaking session probably will •I taxes incre:ise? ticipate in the making of new not be known for years. The legislature's budge! chair- laws in the 1990 General As­ The legislative script about to men - Sen. :\lichael ~loloney. D­ sembly that startS today. unfold is fraugh~ with importa~t - Lexington, and Rep. Joe Clark~ .. D­ To leave a message for a and controversial - questions. Dan\'ille - have proposed raising legislator, call (800) 372-7181. How they are answ~ed will affect the sale:; tax and making sweeping To check the status of a the state for 'years. changa in the state's.income taxes bill, call (800) 882-0180. • Will Kentuckians get a school to raise at least $562 million a ye:ir. To check the schedule of system that gives each child a fair Wilkinson has said he would legislative meetings, call (800) and equitable shot at a good educa- veto anv tax inc:-eases on property, 633-9650. 'tion? incomi: ·and sales. But his adminis- The Kentucky Supreme Court t:ration is ccnsidering elimir.ating or floor leaders .,..;11 get an extra S'.20 has declared the state's school sys- closing some ta:< bre:iks. dailv. All other legislative le.:iders tern unconstitutional. Will a new • How will la,,makers grapple .,..;!( receive an extra $15 daily, and system be put in place by the 1990 with such emotional issues as abor­ committee heads get SlO more each regular session, or will a special · tion. the right to die. gun conrrol day. - legislative session be needed to and the em·ironme:1t? The legislative staff .,..;11 double revamp the system? The high court. "It looks like one of the most to about 240 employees. The ses­ has given the legislature until mid- difficult ever." said House Speaker sion will cost taxpayers about July to act Don Blandford, D-Philpot. $-t-0.000 a day or about S4 million .• Will Gov. Wallace Wilkinson "l agree." said Senate President in its entirety, said Robe.rt Glenn get his long-held "desire to seek Pro Tern John "Eck" Rose, D-Win- Osborne, head of the the legisla­ another four-year term? chester. ture's public information office. Some legislators have dubbed Blandford and Lt Gvv. Brereton Monday is a scheduled work Wilkinson's attei:npt_ to change the Jone:; as president of th~ Senate :,vill day. but the entire General ASS<;m· Kentucky Constitution and allow officially ga,·el the legislature mt? bly will meet in an unusual semng gubernatorial succession as his "ob- ~ion. They will fulfill the constt- - the Old Capitol in downtown session amendment." tutional requirement that the Gener· Frankfort. The meeting v.ill help But several legislative leaders al ..\55embly begin to meet for u~ to kick off celebrations for Kentucky's say it is a non-issue that is dead on 60 days on the first Tue-::...day art~r 200th binhday in 1992. arrival. the first ~londay in Janu:iry m • Where will money come from e\'en,numbcred ye:i_rs. Legislati\'e committees are ex­ to pay for big-ticket items like A proposed c:::ilendar for t~t! pected tc st.art considering bills · session c:ills for it to w:nd up ns \\iednesdav. "It's important to grt ~\·ork April 12. The legislature is to the session off to a fast Start recess :-.larch 30 through April 10. because there are ro many impor• and then to rerum co Frankfort on tant issues co be addressed in a ..\ pril 11 for a two-day session to comparatively short time." said leg• consider any bills vetoed by the islarive spokesman Osborne. go\'emor. Today's action in the ~ouse and E\'ery day legislators are m Senate will deal mostly \\1th house­ session. including Saturdays a~d keeping procedures. A join t_ session Sundays. each ,,ill receive $100 tn is scheduled for a program m mem­ salary and S,5 in expenses. Bland· ory of Edith Schwab, a ~igh-rank­ ford and Rose will gee an exrra $25 ing General Assembly staff member a day, while majomy and minority who was killed in April. - A service of the Office of Media Relations- LE_2(1NG_TON HERA_LD-LEADER, LEXINGTON, KY., TUESDAY, JANUARY_2, _1990 New president will signal UK's intentions • • • ' • • ' l __The announcement that Univer­ ciple that Kentucky will hire only . sity of Kentucky President David the best person available. I Roselle will leave to become the The university needs to search , president of the University of Dela­ far and wide to find the best person 1 ware was unwelcome news. available. I · It also sets the stage for another The criteria used in 1987 wheri tug-of,_war involving Gov. Wallace Roselle was hired should be re- i Wilkinson. examined, but it is hard to imagine The ·governor says he is not they can be improved much or that ' interested in exerting any influence times have changed so greatly that over the process of selecting a new they should be altered. And most leader for the state's flagship uni­ Kentuckians agree that the process versity. and the criteria led the committee to But plenty of people at . the an outstanding selection. university- suspicious, perchance, Kentucky has spent much of the because of the governor's battles decade discussing ways to improve : with President Roselle - are not the state's education system. The ' displaying a lot of confidence in the choice of a new president for UK · governor's disavowal. · will signal whether the state is · ' Their confidence, however, needs · ready to move ahead toward the to be buoyed by a selection process next century or remain bogged ! that is careful, immune from the down in petty politics. · . · _I whim of politicians such as the · ·_. The (Covington) l governor, and dedicated to the prin- ! Kentucky Post t . 'CEXINGTON HERACb-LEADEff[EXINGf6N;·i<Y~;-suNDA'i'; DECEMBER 3(1989' l Tql jtiCal ;d,qptrqbi§~tl;)i g;cpn~~r11 at UKl /la~i~-L~~ke •.·· i ; ;'· ·,.,·,:/ .:_:; : : 'Ockeiman and the board vowed .. ·t"Kentucktiy hast'sirufin"ggd lecrfor-ibte;::, C~dler ~added in his wheel- : .. · • · .. -, '· .. 1· d ct · artia' I nati'onal pas genera on a way 0 ch · hi I ed h f th ,raid-Leader education writer . : ,., : 0 con U an unp . treat its universities° differently than 1 • arr, S eyes COS muc o_ . e . -Wben Charles Wethington be- ~ch for a_permanent pres1d_ent t? its"highway departments and pa-' time. He was.roused for two cnti~ une ·interim president of the Uni}eplace DaVld ~oselle,_ the ~mv~1-, troriage politics," Sexton said. .. , ·-,~- V?les. Both li?'es, the trust~ at_Ips. ersi~ of Kentucky last w_eek, some.~_!lf_ Dela~es,?e\V presid. ~nt ., .. , ;;·:The"ildmiriistrationsof UK res: ~1de and_ a_ fii.l:lld who w~eeled him . ·omed that UK had been reduced .. · ~ut Sext~n said, "By saymg th_e,,.d · tsJ h Os Id Oti s· 1Ptary mto the meeting told him how to ' a po_liti_cal spoil . .'; .. ·. '. 'C: c_'.-i,f!I' mterun pres1~ent can be a cand1-t :mc:r Riseie ,;:etty r::uchg:roke !oJe~ . '. --; ·•. '.i'•· .. ; ·,: . ! . ··Others · including Wethington, date for presiden~ .they, to some, that tt f !'ti 1 tr. Th · r•,, It wasn t even subtle. Everyone' ud he wdu!d rise above the coniro- degree, set the tone of.the search for - P~, em 0· po I cabe~h i°.'1 ·; · e.,, in· the rciom could hear him being ' =y an' d prove"·himself an inde- a permanent presiden.t::.:·'""'" '~ .. percepedl~~_nq~ ~- - a _Y.e:t_elprompted ".Bratt, the chairwoman-· r w~ ·· JJ - uld be d'd · ...,~ ..... ·unlik revert · ·· · · · ' ' · endent leader>',,;.;';;·_--,S:~f,;,.J•t: N;.,Vf~_ ..; .8!n I atesar~ e- · ·...... •-'-- ·, electofthe,UKSenate,said._''ltv,,as fHe took a siepin "that direction ly ~Cl go _through th~ .. a:msi~erable ff l~t "".ould!" ·d blotiv ~l~s-1,just outrageous."· ' ·, .. , .,._ ,--... , :<s_'i 1e}morning after _his '··selection I tro?ble and _professiona! .. nsk.'. of ~i~. · ~ mov~- . ~. ,';'. t ·, ~; ._. ~ i\;5."Chandler's ·vote assured. Weth-. ·hen he met ·:with three elected_ yYlng for 1!1:Job ~use it looks o.;:, -, ,. • ·.. .' • ., ·.• ·· :-,-' ... , --:,;,· .11ngton's supporte:3 the mar!llll they 1culty leaders: J- ._.. ·.c,;~_d, _.,,,, .if the .dec1S1on .has. ~'J?retty much ·I ·1:... Robert Bell, who serv~ __und';f needed. Wben the outcome became -:-'"He sald he wants"to·reassure been made,_Sexton ~1d._ ..-' :, ·.-. several Kentuc)cy governors and 1s_ i;lear, some trustees who aid not · ie faculty that he doesn't hold · "·"That person from ·outside wt!!, a former ._cha~ of Kentu~ky want to let a contender for presi­ rudges, which was a .very ·nice: also ~:'e I? ask_ whether the hand Adv~tes for Higher Education, dent serve in the.-interirn switched live branch," said Carolyn Bratt;a of P_Ohl:cs _is gomg _to be more on wa~ \n the gallery Thursday w_hen .sides.
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