ANNEXURE Chetna Kuanr and Rashmi Muraleedhar KEY INFORMATiON Ruling family: Hashemite Ruler: King Abdullah II (since 7 February 1999) Crown Prince: Crown Prince Hussein since 2 July 2009 National Day: 25 May Parliament: Bicameral Majlis al-Umma comprising the Upper House Majlis al-Aayan and the Lower House Majlis al-Nuwwab Last parliamentary election: 20 September 2016 Major group in parliament: Independents primarily of tribal origin and decent SOCiO-ECONOMiC INDiCATORs (2017 FiGUREs) Area: sq. km; 89,342 sq. km Population: 10.25 million; Native: 69.3 per cent Expats and refugees: 30.7 per cent (Syrian 13.3 per cent, Palestinian 6.7 per cent, Egyptian 6.7 per cent, Iraqi 1.4 per cent, other 2.6 per cent) C. Kuanr (*) • R. Muraleedhar University of Chicago, Chicago, USA e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] © The Author(s) 2019 477 P. R. Kumaraswamy (ed.), The Palgrave Handbook of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-9166-8 478 ANNEXURE Religious groups: Muslim 97.2 per cent (official; predominantly Sunni), Christian 2.2 per cent (majority Greek Orthodox, but some Greek and Roman Catholics, Syrian Orthodox, Coptic Orthodox, Armenian Orthodox, and Protestant denominations), Buddhist 0.4 per cent, Hindu 0.1 per cent, Jewish <0.1, folk religionist <0.1, unaffiliated <0.1, other <0.1 (2010 est.) Youth: 20.07 per cent (15–24 years) Population growth rate: 2.05 per cent Life expectancy at birth: 74.8 years Major population groups: Arabs 97.6 per cent; Circassian, Armenian and others 2.4 per cent Literacy rate: 95.4 per cent National currency: Jordanian Dinar GDP (ppp): US$ 89.1 billion GDP per capita: US$ 12,500 Foreign trade: Export-US$ 7.734 billion; Import-US$ 18.12 billion (2017 est.); Defence budget: 4.8 per cent of GDP (2017 est.); Sovereign Wealth Fund: NA billion; External debt: US$ 27.72 billion; Oil reserves: 1 million bbl. Gas reserves: 6.031 billion cu m HDI rank: 95 Infant Mortality Rate: 14.2 deaths/1000 live birth; UN Education Index: 0.700 Gender Inequality Index: 0.460 Labour force: 2.295 million Unemployment rate: 18.5 per cent Urban population: 91 per cent Rate of urbanization: 2.43 per cent annual Last National Census: 2015 National Carrier: Royal Jordanian Airlines BibLiOGRAPHY Ababsa, M. (2011a). Citizenship and urban issues in Jordan. In M. Ababsa & R. 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