Palacky University in Olomouc Faculty of Physical Culture THE INFLUENCE OF SPORT AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITIES ON YOUTH DEVELOPMENT WITHIN THE CONTEXT OF DEVELOPING COUNTRIES (THE KIDS LEAGUE, UGANDA) Dissertation thesis Author: Mgr. Simona ŠAFAŘÍKOVÁ Department: Faculty of Physical Culture, Palacky University in Olomouc Supervisor: doc. PhDr. Zbyněk Svozil, Ph.D. Co-supervisor: Dr. María Rato Barrio, Ph.D. Olomouc 2013 Author´s first name and surname: Mgr. Simona Šafaříková Name of the dissertation thesis: The influence of sport and physical activities on youth development within the context of developing countries (The Kids League, Uganda) Department: Department of Social Sciences in Kinanthropology Supervisor: doc. PhDr. Zbyněk Svozil, Ph.D. Co-supervisor: Dr. María Rato Barrio, Ph.D. Year of the defence of the dissertation thesis: 2013 Abstract: The dissertation thesis aims to provide a basic overview of the new and emerging field of “sport and development”. It describes the use of sport as a tool to solve various development problems. The research focuses on the role of football in the personal development of the children. It was carried out with the NGO called The Kids League that organizes sporting activities for young people in Uganda, which falls in the group of so-called developing countries. The qualitative research used observation, interviews and focus group as methods of data collection. Data were analysed by the use of thematic analysis. Positive as well as negative effects were found. Football and the international tournaments play a very important role in the lives of the youths. It can provide access to education and help them gain new knowledge and skills. On the other hand, due to football the youths miss classes and when abroad they can learn bad behaviour and become disrespectful. Key words: developing country, development through football, Football for Hope Festival, personal development, role of football, sport and development, The Kids League, thematic analysis I agree that this thesis paper can be lent within the library service. Jméno a příjmení autora: Mgr. Simona Šafaříková Název disertační práce: Vliv sportu a pohybových aktivit na rozvoj mládeže v kontextu rozvojových zemí (The Kids League, Uganda) Pracoviště: Katedra společenských věd v kinantropologii Školitel: doc. PhDr. Zbyněk Svozil, Ph.D. Konzultantka: Dr. María Rato Barrio, Ph.D. Rok obhajoby disertační práce: 2013 Abstrakt: Disertace se zabývá tématem sportu a rozvoje. Sport je zde chápán jako nástroj, který slouží při řešení nejrůznějších rozvojových problémů. Výzkum se přímo zabývá rolí fotbalu v osobnostním rozvoji dětí. Byl realizován ve spolupráci s neziskovou organizací The Kids League, která nabízí sportovní aktivity mládeži v Ugandě (rozvojový stát ve východní Africe). K zodpovězení výzkumných otázek byl využit kvalitativní výzkum, jehož hlavními metodami sběru dat bylo pozorování, rozhovory a ohnisková skupina. Při analýze dat byla využita tzv. tematická analýza, která prokázala pozitivní i negativní vlivy fotbalu na osobnostní rozvoj mládeže. Fotbal a mezinárodní turnaje hrají v životě zkoumané mládeže velkou roli. Fotbal může zprostředkovat přístup ke vzdělání a také nové znalosti a dovednosti. Na druhé straně kvůli fotbalu mládež zameškává vyučování ve škole a při účasti na zahraničních turnajích se mohou naučit špatné návyky a zpychnout. Klíčová slova: Football for Hope Festival, osobnostní rozvoj, role fotbalu, rozvoj prostřednictvím fotbalu, rozvojová země, sport a rozvoj, The Kids League, tematická analýza, Souhlasím s půjčováním práce v rámci knihovních služeb. I declare in lieu of oath that I wrote this dissertation thesis myself under the supervision of doc. PhDr. Zbyněk Svozil, Ph.D. and with the co-supervision of Dr. María Rato Barrio, Ph.D. All information derived from the work of others has been acknowledged in the text and a list of references is given. Olomouc, 31st March, 2013 ……………………………... Acknowledgements I would like to express special thanks to my supervisor, doc. PhDr. Zbyněk Svozil, Ph.D., for his patience with my enthusiasm, his understanding of my way of thinking, his assistance, never-ending support and valuable advice. The next thanks are for María Rato Barrio for her co-supervision and Clemens Ley, who both inspired me, especially at the beginning of my research. Thanks María very much for your comments, discussions and guidance. Muchas gracias María para tus comentarios, discusiones y toda la ayuda. Further thanks are devoted to my friends who have helped me with the English corrections and gave valuable advice on the whole thesis and its structure. They had great ideas, made valuable comments and showed incredible patience with me. I am just happy to have friends who can support you when needed. Big thanks also go to Jarka Lamačová who has patiently read my writing during recent months and Dave Richardson who made it sound more English. Thanks also to Lenka Dušková and Lenka Sobotová for their valuable input and fruitful comments. Thanks also to Lenka Mařincová for her help. The next thanks go to all my colleagues at the Faculty of Physical Culture who had the patience to listen to me and shared their own ideas and opinions. Thank you, Hana Válková, Michal Kudláček, Donald Roberson and Anastasiya Khomutova Channon. My thanks also go to all my colleagues at the Department of Development Studies. I would not have been able to finish my data analysis without my students, who helped me with transcriptions and other research work. Last but not least, I have to thank the The Kids League and all the people in Uganda who helped me with my research. Poděkování Zde bych chtěla poděkovat svým rodičům za trpělivost, kterou po celou dobu mého studia měli, a za prostředí, které mi ke studiu poskytli. Contents List of abbreviations……………………………………………….………………….. 8 List of figures and tables …………………………..…………………………………10 1 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 11 1.1 Organisation of the thesis ................................................................................. 12 2 Conceptual framework of the thesis .................................................................... 13 2.1 Sport and development ..................................................................................... 13 2.1.1 Introduction of the concept ...................................................................... 14 2.1.2 History and current status of the concept ................................................ 27 2.1.3 Football .................................................................................................... 34 2.1.4 A critical perspective on the field of “sport and development” .............. 38 2.1.5 Research in the field of sport and development ...................................... 41 2.1.6 Sport as a tool in intercultural education and global development education ... 48 2.1.7 Existence of the topic in the Czech Republic, Czech literature and academia .. 49 2.2 Uganda ............................................................................................................. 53 2.2.1 Basic characteristics of the country ......................................................... 53 2.2.2 Educational system, sport and physical education .................................. 55 2.2.3 The Kids League (TKL) .......................................................................... 58 2.3 Qualitative research .......................................................................................... 60 2.3.1 Data collection ......................................................................................... 61 2.3.2 Sampling .................................................................................................. 63 2.3.3 Data analysis ............................................................................................ 64 2.3.4 Quality indicators in the qualitative research .......................................... 65 3 Aim and objective of the thesis ............................................................................ 67 3.1 Aim of the thesis .............................................................................................. 67 3.2 The principal research question ....................................................................... 67 3.2.1 Subsidiary research questions: ................................................................. 67 3.3 Commentary to the aim, objectives and research questions ............................ 68 6 4 Methodology of the research ................................................................................ 69 4.1 Type of research ............................................................................................... 69 4.2 Research sample ............................................................................................... 70 4.3 Timeframe of the research in the field ............................................................. 73 4.4 Methods of data collection used in this research ............................................. 73 4.4.1 Observation .............................................................................................. 73 4.4.2 Semi-structured interviews ...................................................................... 74 4.4.3 Focus group ............................................................................................. 75 4.5 Analysis of the collected data .........................................................................
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