*TJ O 0 Scan Profile: Jay Doty to Louis Cassels Bold New n (Coiitlmietl h-rom I'na« 3) Vatican Coimull adopls Red Cloud readers likely lo Ix; inlereslcd inles for Ihe Mass (whli-h will (Continued Tram l'*o« 4) lit n slory <ir nictuie, nnd (he actutilly chaiij'.i! the Furniture Program Manager prttbdble. intei^ity of their ill, stives WewahMe from rK-ntJi at tJiu (lands of Red habits of all pi:iitlc!ii|; Cn Cloud's vengeful kinsmen, Interest. lies) Hum II Is w hen Ihe Actions nf Catholic author!- Besides Ynrnclt ns Rod Cloud, (ho soloists nrc Mar- Concepts Notional ('windI uf Churches Jene Moffott of Kiwi hide, Wcwahstc-; JJurl Uenn lies, especially tin: Pope or adopts a icsoltilion (which Isn't fr«m P»M ») those ciu.sc to him in Ihe Smftli ol JUvctiildc, HtHifM; Ulilx'H l.fndsey of Upl- Loves His blmtiiiB on miylxtdy, even ihu anil, Waktiwuf Dclos Jenkcii ol Suitl.i Monicn, Owl n greater appreciation of the a <N Vatican, rale hluli In news delefjaies who ndopl It,) type ol furniture you design? Is -P By JOSEPH IM-'IRMAN the 81 -year-old cl.issiiMl piano jcnrs, bounlit lite sloie and viiliie not only iwcause, there Mini; and Ulah Stcwtiilot Ki>tll:iiuts, llurpsiiiiah. 1 Still anolher ronsiderallon !o P-B Sinff Writer virtuoso and the \\inwmi young npcrated )l for 10 yvnvs, and aic a lot of Catholics, but sil.so Conductor Giifliric has been dltcclor of mstrrnncn- It in fabric, color, technology ^ IK lK)rne In mind !•; that the with materials? o^ s Cl-AREMONT — Jay Doty ktlladcer ~ should diaw full sold It In 1%!) to join '(he staff of because lite impact of ofticinl l«l music at the Redlands Howl since h« was IS, nnd was smiling— ami he had rea- V.Hlcan, tn iiddltion to bciitj; lie lias itpjKiart'd ns jjaest conductor with many of the A—I would rather say thai the r^ Bridges Auditoilitm. (lefision-i mi the lives of ht'adijiKirlei.s of lim Cathulic son. "In thu let-ord business I Individual mcmhm is much Icndlni; orclicFlnin In Ani'-ifc-a, iiiclinJftij; ilwj J.o-i break Hi ron j;h has b«n In the I lie is nssoL-lnie oi'HiinKt of (he Chureh, iilso K a secular stale 1 The p-'opram niann^cr of leanied lhal you give ihc public United Church of Clnfst, Cmi- Bloater in a hierarchical church Airjjelcs Plillliarinoiilc, the Holljwwxf Jiowl Or- selling of things. People are tin- 3 Bridges Auditorium had just what they want — and that's —;r tiny one, to be Mite, but clicMni, and the New York Plilllmintonfc. Por two derstandin/i tliat industrially R* gre|>atlon;t1, nnd n past president lhan in n Pjoieslanl denominti- wilh far-ie;ichini; diplomatic sold out two evenings In the 2.- jtisi about everything." he snid of the Ctiircnioiit.Chnmber of tion which emphasi/es fieedom years lie was nssMimt to l-eotwld SiokowMtl nnd produced furniture and desfpn g t'tniitr.-cilotis. l!y vlitiic of his hflvc a Rrent appeal and can he ^ (3 700-scnt hall — pianist Anur Ru- in an inteiview (his week. Com m tree, of ittdlviclual coiiscieiice, served as chief opera cmuluuw al the Hollywood binstein nnd folkslnger Judy dual role tw a hplillual nnd Bowl, used simultaneously with things o Doty Is a jjenliil six-fooler wlllt Hubhlcs: Doty gave n wiy For exiiinpli-: scculur ruler, Hit' Po(x? some- Collins. n soft-spoken, almost courtly smik\ When Pope Pan! VI con- Tickets to "Hod Cloud" ran 1x> purchased at He- and fiirnilitrc made In the old — o time's is involved In jnlcinalion- Ix-ll's music More, I'otmmn; [ oik Music (<>ntrr, way, by hand. (By pulling seats on the stage, manner. A native of Honda, he "I've been so busy wlih Hie re- di'itmed all lornis of aitifichil al nffiiii:; In :i w.'iy lh:tt other —i Doty was nblo to wedge 3,008 studied nt Sherwood Music cord slot i.1, show bitsliii'ss nnd W till contiol, his edict caused ClatcmORl; l)ui;:in's music: sluic. Momd.ilr; and al I L'hrlhllan leaders aie not, the Ontario Chamber ol Commutce. Tlu-y will nlso be Q—Where do most persors RO ^ music lovers in for the Rubins- School in Chicago nnd married church music I've fni^nltun immediate and highly personal wronj? when selectlnE furniture? o tein reciial. The Big Bridges re- anguish in millions of Catholic On the locirl level, Catholic on salt: ;it t!ie Ixix of I In;. Wanda, n Mtow piano student, what holiday means," lie said. news may get an cd(;c from the Do they select an Itetm to please cord, 3,349, was set by Frit?; n years ago. They h;ur a M- "I've worked seven days a week homes. The Ttiur.s<l:iy performance k srlwdwlr-a* (or 7:30 Rucsts, impress others or for Kriester back In IBM when the If ihe president of Ihe fuel lhal much ol it conies p.m.; (he Filthy and Satind.iy presentations nt 8 year-old daughter. for 18 years. My family Is my fionr n central source —the personal comfort? fire laws permitted many more Doty was a coipoial dining hobby." Sou I he ni BttptisL Convention p.m. 1 liisliop'ii chancery. 1 ooh closely A—I don't think people RO extra seats.) World War 11, n memlx't of the Aclunlty, Uoty is one of lima1 ctiniL out against hit Hi contml "Red Cioml" was composed In 1027 and hnd n and you may observe (hat Ihe small presentation 31 Challcy College, win-re Blades- wronf; In selecting furniture lor fl9th Division (hat sped across happy few whose bii'-lnrst is his Iheie mlftln l« some debate these reasons. They po wrons if iuiimir, Suuthcin Haplists as lo non-Cal liollc Ixidios which fstt lee headed the muslr ilquririK'tx for 38 yean; until Do!y owned a music store in Vranco under (Jen. P.illon. Af- hobby. He books imisis, or- they use what they have chosen Claremont until last year. He's whether he had laken u wise Ihe most news space usually his retirement in ID!H, Two yr.us ap,o several wloc- ter the war Doty intended I'o- chestras mid ballet ininpanies tire those which have a similar in a different way, I think you been selling records for almost mona College, majotin^ in mus- for Bridges, niakt"! contractual can Bullet!healer. stand, or whether ho had tiny llons fiom the ojwra weie |iK"-<.riU'd In a picvk-w ol Coming up «ie the Phllhar- far Ynnr Cwttulfiitr centra! KOUICO of news —such the Los Anodes County [;.ili^Mtun<h, wlili the Clare- arc so much In your home alone two decades, and he was not ic. and grnduak'il in I050. nrrangemcnts, handles publicity business pionounciiif; on such (i or wlih a family that the over- surprised that two such diver- monic again, pianist l.coiuml .subject, iiul the impact of the ns an Episcopal diocese, a man t Symphony Orchestra. He worked at Hi-ben'* music and promotion, nnd takes care Methodist district, a Unhcran riding idea in your selection of gent mitslcnl presentations — store In Claicmont for i-lght of n thousand details that r;n into ]H>iiniulo, "Macbeth" by the Open st;i!enioMi (ami hence fl.s news On the fatter occasion, Will Rogers Jr., special con- synod or a 1're.sbyieriiiit prts- furniture must be to select on each production. National Shiikcspcaic Company, I'sihii') would be miniml^oti by Nultiiiit to llic U.S. Comtnlsslon for Indian Affairs, Judy Collins, and tlic Steni-lslo- bj'li'iy, Ihe basis of your family's dally "1 love it." he said. "It's such The fuel lluil all Southern .said, "I was j'l.'id to come hero to sec this opera mill-Rose !rio. SUNDAYS 'Mils leads l» a practical where the* Indian Mory, In Us full richness arid com- life. I pcrsonnlly like very much stmiulfuitift work. I pel an Idea Baptists would feel fiee to to come to people ard see their RADIO SELECTION .sttj;f;est ion; Protestant plexity, is presented us ttlj-Ii ;ut, 'Mils could be a for a conceit, take il to the com- Like oilier theater nianngei"! 12 Noon to 5 p.m. Ijniore il If they wKlied. home reflect their own life, not This also explains why 11 is groups which cmphnst7e Hit; major com rl but ion to Arnei lean mimic." mittee tm the Artists Course and tltroughoul the nation, Uuiy Is atitonomy of Hie local corif;i'Cfta- (o see a home which reflects Concert Series, then talk fees, concerned over the ilslng costs HART moie newswoilhy when (he CuiiMJllanl for the producdon Is Chief neoij*o their Income or what I would ex- • NIGHT RADIO-SATURDAY e llon mli>hl find it hidpfn! In Pierre, a fnll)>lorxfed Oknntijvm, chk'f of the Colviffc dates, and nrvntijiemcnts with of getting su|jet!or talent. Rock Ccirpot & Drapery Sales cooftcrale in establishing n pcci them to have. S:M P,M, KIIV— Country Mule, «.00 P.M. the ap,cncy." 970 W. Holt, Confederated Tribes, historian, political scientist, a«. MtC— Ncwi Rtuc* Itardi KDPO—Ldrry Stott groups nnd lop pop artists can central community sotttce for BIG— Gofy Gr<w KMPC — Roger Coir6[[ KGlfl-Gfoot Jtruioltm/' 629-7135 ilior, find former memlwr of ihe House of Rcprc- : G«<P*t Army He works largely with llurok fill n 15,000 wat nuditmlum, and BOOK news of Ihc-lr denomination.
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