€5.75 Vol 23 No 10 December 2015 / January 2016 Latest course information from Journal of the Irish Nurses and the INMO PDC Midwives Organisation See centre pages World of Irish Nursing & Midwifery ED trolley figures continue to worsen page 6 INMO National Conference special report page 8 Importance of clinical handover in midwifery page 58 Beyond breaking point INMO serves strike notice over ED crisis CONTENTS 3 NEWS & VIEWS 35 Recruitment and retention Albert Murphy highlights some activities 5 Editorial that may be of interest to members Liam Doran, INMO general secretary discusses ED overcrowding and the 49 Interview Merry Christmas possibility of a campaign of industrial Martin McNamara interviews inaugural action involving the withdrawal of labour professor for health systems in UCD, and happy new year in EDs Eilish McAuliffe 6 News 52 Refugees in Ireland to all members ED members set for strike action… St In part two of an article on the needs of Vincent’s work to rule suspended during migrants and refugees, PJ Boyle discusses from all talks… INMO called for Mater ED to go their care within the Irish health services off-call due to overcrowding…National conference special report: National 58 Midwifery focus at the INMO conference explores future funding Deirdre Munro discusses the importance of Irish health service and Update on of clinical handover in midwifery ongoing issues... Call for sex buyers Branch update law by Christmas... Executive Council 65 This month we focus on the INMO election 2016 – call to all candidates… Kilkenny Branch Phil Ní Sheaghdha, INMO director of industrial relations, reports on recent 68 Update ICTU negotiations and other national IR Round up of healthcare news items issues… Workplace stress – does anyone care? Hospitals are ignoring safety-at- work legislation, writes Dave Hughes... Action averted at Limerick maternity CLINICAL hospital… HSA called in over Croom safety issues … Labour Court rules in 55 R esearch focus In the second instalment of a two-part favour of staff in Ard Aoibhinn services… series, CJ Coleman award winner Denise Plus: Section news, page 23 McGuinness provides insight into the world of bereaved mothers 28 International news Elizabeth Adams discusses the ongoing role of the INMO in international LIVING projects 67 Book review 61 From the President Sonja Storm reviews Floor Play - You will 8 INMO president Claire Mahon rounds never look at your feet in the same way up news from the Executive Council and again by Isobel Guckian beyond Plus: Monthly crossword competition 63 Students & new graduates Dean Flanagan updates readers on news 71 Finance for students and new graduates Ivan Ahern offers some seasonal tips to ensure there’s money in your bank account after the Christmas spree FEATURES JOBS & TRAINING 26 Section focus This month we focus on the Student 37 Professional Development Section Eight-page pull-out section from the INMO PDC 30 Quality and safety This month Maureen Flynn looks at the 72 Diary Health Foundation, a UK charity that Listing of meetings and events nationally aims to bring about better healthcare and internationally Recruitment & Training 33 Questions and answers 73 WIN Bulletin board for industrial relations Latest job and training opportunities in 49 queries Ireland and overseas 23 No 10 December 2015/January 2016 Vol WIN – World of Irish Nursing & Midwifery is distributed by controlled circulation to over 32,000 members of the INMO. It is published monthly (10 issues a year) and is registered at the GPO as a periodical. Its contents in full are Copyright© of MedMedia Ltd. No articles may be reproduced either in full or in part without the prior, written permission of the publishers. The views expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the INMO. Annual Subscription: e145 incl. postage paid. Editorial Statement: WIN is produced by professional medical journalists working closely with individual nurses, midwives and officers on behalf of the INMO. Acceptance of an advertisement or article does not imply endorsement by the publishers or the Organisation. EDITORIAL 5 Journal of the When enough really Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation World of Irish Nursing & Midwifery is enough (ISSN: 2009-4264) Volume 23 Number 10 AS I am preparing this editorial, the Organ- December 2015/January 2016 isation is continuing to prepare for the WIN, commencement of a campaign of indus- MedMedia Publications, trial action, involving the withdrawal of 17 Adelaide Street, labour, in emergency departments (EDs) Dun Laoghaire, up and down the country. This follows on Co Dublin. Website: www.medmedia.ie from our ED members voting by a margin of 92% in support of this campaign. The details of the action, including our when they are faced with adverse publicity four key goals, are detailed on page 6. and negative media attention. This cer- Our members made it clear, in the meet- tainly seems to generate corrective action ings surrounding the ballot, that they in contrast to the lack of action forthcom- Editor Alison Moore want strong forceful action, including ing when nursing staff, concerned about Email: [email protected] Tel: 01 2710216 strike action, as they do not believe health professional standards, raise misgivings employers fully understand the extent of only to have them fall on deaf ears. Production & news editor Tara Horan the crisis or will be willing to do what is However, on the back of the recent bal- Sub-editor Sinéad Makk necessary without such radical action. lot, our members have now said, and I am Designers Fiona Donohoe, Paula Quigley At the outset it should be said that absolutely certain they mean it, that they Advertising manager Leon Ellison it would be very hard to find a group of have had enough, they will suffer no longer Email: [email protected] workers, in the public or private sector and, in the interests of patients’ health Tel: 01 2710218 or in any type of employment, who have and their own wellbeing, they will take Publisher Geraldine Meagan shown more patience and fortitude than whatever action is necessary to secure an WIN – World of Irish Nursing & Midwifery our members in EDs over recent years. improved environment within our EDs. is published in conjunction with the Against the background of ever increas- It should be noted that this decision and Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation by ing levels of overcrowding, recruitment this campaign of action recognises that MedMedia Group, Specialists in Healthcare bans, flawed hospital reorganisations ED overcrowding, and admitted patients Publishing & Design. and increasing levels of demand, they on trolleys, will remain a daily reality for have always strived to provide the best the Irish public health service. That is why possible care, to very ill patients, in intol- the demands being made as part of this erable environments. They have asked, on campaign, are all designed to improve the an ongoing basis through the INMO, for environment, for patient care, in EDs and remedial action but, in response, all they to provide sufficient staff to protect safe Editor-in-chief: Liam Doran received is broken promises and broken practice and, indeed, the personal health INMO editorial board: agreements. and wellbeing of our members working in Claire Mahon; Geraldine Talty; David O’Brien; While nursing numbers were being these departments. Moira Craig; Theresa Dixon; Martina Harkin-Kelly; reduced due to the recruitment embargo, As you would expect in such a situa- Eileen Kelly; Catherine Sheridan; Mary Leahy the numbers of doctors and allied health tion, efforts will undoubtedly be made to INMO editor: Ann Keating professionals were, correctly, being avoid strike action, with the assistance Email: [email protected] increased. However, the reality is you can- of the Workplace Relations Commission INMO editorial assistant: Freda Hughes not have a quality assured health service, (formally Labour Relations Commission). INMO photographer: Lisa Moyles you cannot have quality care for patients However, arising from the decision and INMO correspondence to: and you cannot have the best outcomes the strong mandate from our members, Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation, for patients without the necessary number all parties, particularly government, the WIN Whitworth Building, of registered nurses. The fact is our EDs are Minister for Health and the HSE, must 23 No 10 December 2015/January 2016 Vol North Brunswick Street, Dublin 7. grossly understaffed and, as a result, care realise token gestures and vague promises Tel: 01 664 0600 standards are consistently, and repeatedly, will not suffice on this occasion. What is Fax: 01 661 0466 compromised through no fault of the staff. required is a radical new approach to man- Email: [email protected] To add insult to injury, when ED nursing aging and staffing our EDs. Patients have Website: www.inmo.ie staff have raised concerns, like nursing and had enough, staff have had enough and midwifery staff in other areas, they have now government and management must www.facebook.com/ been told that they will have to ‘get on deliver or face the consequences. irishnursesandmidwivesorganisation with it’ or ‘make do’. Indeed our experience shows that management, at both local twitter.com/INMO_IRL and national level, only do what is right Liam Doran and required with regard to overcrowding, General Secretary, INMO 6 NEWS ED members set for strike action Over 92% vote for action up to and including withdrawal of labour INMO members working in emergency departments are set Enough of broken to begin strike action on Tues- promises: day, December 15, following an INMO President Claire overwhelming vote in favour of Mahon and general secretary Liam Doran a campaign of industrial action. announcing that 92% of This is due to the persistent and ED members had voted deepening levels of overcrowd- in favour of strike action due to the deepening ing, inadequate staffing levels levels of overcrowding and the ongoing compromising and understaffing in emergency departments of patient care in EDs through- throughout the country out the country.
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