Draft Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) for the Formulation of a Master Plan on Logistics in the Northern Economic Corridor, Uganda SEA Report November 2016 www.erm.com The business of sustainability SEA Report Draft Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) for the Formulation of a Master Plan on Logistics in the Northern Economic Corridor, Uganda November 2016 www.erm.com Prepared by: For and on behalf of Environmental Resources Management Approved by: Mike Everett Signed: Position: Partner Date: November 2016 This reportl is provided solely for the purposes set out in it and may not, in whole or in part, be used for any other purpose without ERM's prior written consent. This proposal may not, in whole or in part, be reproduced without ERM's prior written consent.. DECLARATION OF INDEPENDECE Declaration of independence: We declare that we are independent consultants and have no business, financial, personal or other interest in the proposed Master Plan for the Northern Economic Corridor in respect of which we were appointed to provide input into the Strategic Environmental Assessment other than fair remuneration for work performed in connection with the activities. There are no circumstances that compromise the objectivity of our performing such work. Name and qualifications Designation Signature Edgar Mugisha Team leader MSc in Environmental Assessment and (NEMA Registered Management - Oxford Brookes University Environmental UK; BScH in Environmental Management - Practitioner) University of Durham UK Rhoda Nankabirwa Environmentalist MSc (Zoology) and BSc (Conservation Biology) all from Makerere University Dauda Waiswa Batega Sociologist Isaac Muyinza Transport Planner/Engineer Charles Amooti Koojo Physical Planner Acronyms AIDS Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome AU African Union AADT Annual Average Daily Traffic ART Anti-Retroviral Therapy AEO Authorized Economic Operators BID Background Information Document BAU Business As Usual COD Cargo-Oriented Development CFR Central Forest Reserve CAO Chief Administrative Officer CSA Climate Smart Agriculture CAIIP Community Agriculture Infrastructure Improvement Programme CNDPF Comprehensive National Development Planning Framework CFS Container Freight Station CBFT Cross Border Freight Traffic CIA Cumulative Impact Assessments DRC Democratic Republic of Congo DPs Development Partners DEM Digital Elevation Models DWRM Directorate of Water Resources Management DDPs District Development Plans DEO District Environment Officer DNRO District Natural Resource Officers EAC East African Community EARS Eastern African Rift System EN Endangered ERB Engineers’ Registration Board ENR Environment and Natural Resources EHS Environment, Health and Safety ESIA Environmental and Social Impact Assessment EIA Environmental Impact Assessment ERM Environmental Resources Management East Africa Limited EC European Commission EDF European Development Fund EU European Union EFC Expected Further Clearance FEI Fuel Efficiency Initiative GIS Geographical Information Systems GOJ Government of Japan GoK Government of Kenya GOU Government of Uganda GKMA Greater Kampala Metropolitan Area GHG Greenhouse Gases GDP Gross Domestic Product HSSIP Health Sector Strategic Investment Plan HCT HIV Counselling and Testing HIV Human Immuno Virus IBA Important Bird Area IBS Industrial Baseline Survey ICD Inland Container Depots ITCZ Inter Tropical Convergence Zone IOM International Organisation for Migration IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature JICA Japanese International Corporation Agency JST JICA Study Team JWESSP Joint Water and Environment Sector Support Programme JKIA Jomo Kenyatta International Airport KCCA Kampala Capital City Authority KACITA Kampala City Traders Association KPA Kenya Ports Authority LVBC Lake Victoria Basin Commission LAPSSET Lamu Port Southern Sudan-Ethiopia Transport LC Local Council LFR Local Forest Reserves MP Master Plan CBFT Maximum traffic for the cubic feet MW Mega Watt MGR Meter Gauge Railway MDAs Ministries, Departments and Agencies MFPED Ministry of Finance Planning and Economic Development MoH Ministry of Health MoLHUD Ministry of Lands Housing and Urban Development MoLG Ministry of Local Government MTWA Ministry of Tourism, Wildlife and Antiquities MoTI Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure MoWT Ministry of Works and Transport NAADS National Agricultural Advisory Services NAPE National Association of Professional Environmentalists NDP National Development Plan NEMA National Environment Management Authority NFA National Forestry Authority NPA National Planning Authority NRSE- National Response Strategy for Elimination of Non-Tariff Barriers NTB NTMP National Transport Master Plan NMT Non-Motorised Transport NTB Non-Tariff Barriers NCIP Northern Corridor Integration Projects NCSDP Northern Corridor Spatial Development Programme NCTTCA Northern Corridor Transit Transport Coordination Authority NEC Northern Economic Corridor ODA Official Development Assistance OSBP One Stop Border Post OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development OVC Other Vulnerable Children PPP Policy, Plan, Programme PSFU Private Sector Foundation Uganda RDL Railway Development Levy RMCs Regional Member Countries RDC Residence District Commissioner RVR Rift Valley Railways RORO roll-on/roll-off STEI Science, Technology, Engineering and Innovation SDPs Sector Development Plans STDs Sexually Transmitted Diseases SEZ Special Economic Zones SEP Stakeholder Engagement Plan SGR Standard Gauge Railway SEA Strategic Environmental Assessment SDGs Sustainable Development Goals AfDB The African Development Bank COMESA The Community of Eastern and Southern Africa TDAs Tourism Development Areas TMEA TradeMark East Africa TTFA Transit Transport Facilitation Agency TEU Twenty Foot Equivalent Unit UNRA Uganda National Road Authority UAIA Uganda Association of Impact Assessment UBOS Uganda Bureau of Statistics UCMP Uganda Chamber of Mines and Petroleum UEPB Uganda Export Promotions Board UFFA Uganda Freight Forwarders Association UFFA Uganda Freight Forwarders Association UHSSP Uganda Health System Strengthening Project UGIETA Uganda Importers & Exporters Association UIRI Uganda Industrial Research Institute UMA Uganda Manufacturers Association UNCCI Uganda National Chamber of Commerce and Industry UNMA Uganda National Meteorology Authority URC Uganda Railways Corporation URF Uganda Road Fund URSSI Uganda Road Sector Support Initiative USSIA Uganda Small Scale Industries Association USMID Uganda support to Municipal Infrastructure Development UWA Uganda Wildlife Authority UN United Nations USEPA United States Environmental Protection Agency UPE Universal Primary Education VECs Valued Ecosystem Components VHT Village Health Team VU Vulnerable Wfp Water for Production YLP Youth Livelihood Programme NDC Nationally Determined Contributions WHO World Health Organisation PM Particulate Matter Abbreviations m3 Cubic metres μg Micro grams NO2 Nitrogen dioxide O3 Ozone SO2 Sulphur dioxide NON-TECHNICAL SUMMARY Overview The Northern Corridor is defined as all the transport infrastructures and facilities providing a gateway through Kenya to the landlocked economies of Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi and Eastern Democratic Republic (DR) of Congo. It also serves South Sudan. The Corridor is multi-modal: consisting of road, rail, pipeline, and inland waterways transport, and is recognised as a significant corridor for logistics in East Africa. It is recognised as one of the major economic corridors in Africa. The importance of the Northern Corridor is increasing, and the current combined transit and trans-shipment traffic through the Corridor has been growing at a rate of 20 percent annually (JICA Study Team, 2015).There are however, some obstacles in the Northern Corridor such as; inadequate infrastructure, poor interconnectivity of transport modes, long delays (stagnation) of cargo at the port and broad post, and lack of goods to transport for the return trip from the inland area to Mombasa port. These obstacles raise the transport cost within the Corridor, which accounts for about 30 percent of the value of the goods (JICA Study Team, 2015). The above mentioned impediments are increasingly being recognised as some of the factors hindering the economic development of the region, particularly the inland area. It is on this basis that, the Government of Uganda (GoU) and the Government of Japan (GoJ) agreed to formulate a Master Plan on Logistics in the Northern Corridor in order to promote regional development (or the ‘Master Plan’). Concurrently, the Government of Kenya (GoK) also requested the GOJ for a project on the Northern Corridor which shares the same goal and outputs. The Master Plan (MP) formulation process commenced in October and November 2014, during which, the GoJ through the Japanese International Corporation Agency (JICA), dispatched a “Detail Design Formulation Team for the Project”. The Team proposed the application of the project concept known as the Northern Economic Corridor (NEC) since the Project should cover not only logistics, but also regional development along the Northern Corridor. The GoU and GoK agreed with this concept and signed a Record of Discussion (RoD) with JICA for implementation of the Project for Formulation of the Master Plan on Logistics in NEC. In order to ensure that potential environmental and social challenges attributed to the Master Plan are addressed holistically and in a proactive manner, it was decided that the Master Plan be subjected to a Strategic Environmental
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