VOL. XXXVil NO. 32. MAINE WOODS, PHILLIPS, MAINE, MARCH 4, 1915. PRICE 4 CENT* KENNEBAGO AND NORTHWARD ■_____________ / 4* One of the ‘‘Sure’ Places for Mid-Summer Fishing. Dinner Out of Doors One of the Most Popular Pastimes. | SUMCAHO C*ACt JtMAHMER RCPEATEKlESS T a s Time was when the magic word i best kind. The fact that only fly­ tended to the Kennebago Hotel Com-' ^^lARorr wuai - MAMMfRIISi CALIBER RIFLES “ Kennebago” conjured up visions of! fishing prevails and that the place pany’s steamboat landing and Grant’s 2 2 RfPlATU! j some fair El Dorado and envious feel­ attracts every year larger numbers Gamps. By the extension of this When you buy your .22 calibre j ings of those who Dad leisure. It of anglers from all parts of the road the objectionable transfer by •j*^e—rePea*er or single shot—b e j is now possible to travel direct country is ample proof that this row boats from the end of tine road guided b y the example of the crack-j from Boston or Portland to Kenne- j sportsmanlike method brings satis­ to the steamboat landing will be shots and the growing majority of rifle; bago Lake by the extension of the I factory catches. Brook trout to overcome, a new twelve-passenger users. Get a real gun—a Rem ington-UM C. I Maine Central Railroad recently built; seven pounds weight have recently wagon being in service. d isplays Go see the dealer who the R ed Ball\ from Oquossoc toward the north. been caught in the stream and land­ Many of the members of the fam­ Mark o f Rem ington-U M C. Y ou r sign of Sportsmen’* Formerly it was necessary to drive! locked salmon of equal weight in ous Megamtic Club now approach Headquarters the Remington-UMC arms you want from Rangeley village by way of' tb ©lakes. Brook trout are taken to own, and the ammunition you ought to have. their preserve from the new Kenne­ Loon Lake. The prolongation of the; by fly-fishing in all the lakes of this bago station. The Seven Ponds To keep your run cleaned and lubricated use Rem railroad demonstrates the increasing region. There are several places in the new p ow d er solvent, ruat preventative, a d Sfury^Uibricant. country, north of Kennebago, high popularity of this attractive region j the mile,s of stream fishing where Remington Arms-Union and the railroad company’s assent to' the enthusiast may c a s t his fly from in favor of traveled sportsmen, is al­ Metallic Cartridge Co. meet the traffic needs of a develop­ a canoe over fast water: this sport so reached by this route and on t e 299 Broadway. New York ing territory. The Kennebago exten-: is especially popular among expert w w zm shores of these lakes are comfortable sion forms tine most recent and j anglers. camps also under the direction of mmm striking illustration that in Maine one Few sections of the state furnish ithe Grants of Kennebago. Tho’ Jack Frost is around To find out about it, write to And his presence we feel, E D . G R A N T (Si. S O N S C O .. Soon Spring will be here HENNE3AGO, MAINE And the song of the reel GRANTS* CAMPS BALD M OUNTAIN CAM PS Bald i% BaJdlMountaln Camps are situated at the foot of Bald M ountap on Mooselooknie- pnntlcLake. Near the best fishint? grrounds, Fir-t class steamboat connections— Auto : road to camps—Telephone connections—Two mails daily—Write for free circular. AMOS ELLIS, Prop’r., Bald Mountain. Maine Mountain View Mouse | Mountain View, Maine Pof farther particulars write or address | L. E. BOWLEY, Mountain View, mmm Maine. ONE FINDS MANY LOG CABINS IN THE KENNEBAGO REGION. RANGELEY L A K E S AND may step from the Pullman car into such abundance of deer. They are ICE KICKS UP the heart of the forest and there seen from the cabins and camps, sur­ DEAD find every form of provision for phy­ prised in their feeding among the RIVER REGION sical comfort. lily pads of the lake coves and form SERIOUS TROUBLE ' AS A Tlhe Kennebago region is the wat­ most interesting quarry for the phot- ershed of the Rangeley Lakes and ograipiher. The new and thrilling Trains Suspended! for Few Days the Androscoggin River and contains sport of flash lighting wild game at HUNTING RESORT the headwaters of tlhe Kennebec night may be practised here to per­ Now Running on Schedule River. ' The general1 elevation is fection. Moose are seen in large more than two thousand feet above This territory is unsurpassed in Maine. It is easy of numbers, and beaver colonies furnish Time. sea Level. Scienically, it has few access and nearly all the camps are open through the unfailing entertainment. equals and no superiors' in the state. Hunting Season. Deer, Bear, Partridge, Duck and Lakes of wonderful purity,, embower­ Several well and favorably knoown The heavy rains which last week small game are very abundant. ed in forests and surrounded by lofty establishments are situated in this mountains, are connected by streams region. At the head of the lake is were quite general over the eastern famous alike for their stretches of the Kennebago Lake House, surround­ state resulted in more or less dam­ The SANDY RIVER & RANGELEY LAKES RAILROAD placid water and magnificent falls. ed by some fifteen pee led-spruce log age to property. cabins, many of which have private Kennebago Lake, the largest of the In Phillips the trouble was serious Issues a descriptive booklet of this territory, containing map of entire region, which will be fu rn ­ group, is five miles1 long and is often baths and other conveniences. Close on Davenport flat as it has been in ished upon application to spoken of as the most beautiful lake by, are log cabins where one may F. N. BEAL, General Manager, Phillips, Maine. in Maine. Three miles up Kenneba­ have the advantages of hotel com­ years past several times, covering go Stream is Little Kennebago Lake. fort, and at the same time secure ti e track of tl e Sandy River & the privacy of remote locations in Both these bodies are densely wood­ Rangeley Lakes railroad and causing the deep woods. Guides are sup­ Come to my house:— A real home nest, ed to the wafer’s edge except where the suspension of trains. A big ' Just under Mount Bigelow's lofty crest. sand beaches furnish tempting bath­ plied, if desired, who will attend to Myou want liishing, hunting, health and rest NEW BILL IN the housekeeping and direct the day gorge of ice in the river backed Please put my statements to the test, ing grounds or canoe landings. Ken- if you come just once, you’ll find it true. excursions. Little steamers navigate the water across the flat. The We have them all, and more, to offer you; ; rtebago Stream, a short distance be- Now don’t get worried,—You can't get "blue LEGISLATURE low Kennebago Lake, plunges over a the Hake and make daily trips to the bridge at Black Brook was taken In the center of "G od’s own Country” . granite cliff in a sixt.foot fall fur- j camp®. out, and several other bridges nar­ HOTEL BLANCHARD, rowly escaped. STRATTON MAINE. K. H. GROSE. Prop. nisihing an excellent river picture. Grant's Camps, famous among fre­ j ---------------------------------------------------— Provides That Present Chairman Owing to their unusual elevation 1 quenters of tine locality and lovers The mail for Rangeley was trans­ Thomas A. Jamies, curator of 'the .and purity, both stream and Lake are j of woods, are situated a mile from ferred by team for a few days, but Shall Hold New Office. the railroad station of Kennebago. the tracks were cleared, repairs State museum, Augusta, reports that notable among the best angling wat­ Friday he saw near hitsi home at 21 ers of Main© and have attracted an They include many log cabins, with made, bridge built, etc., in three ba-ths and other comforts, and in J days and the train running cn sched­ Lincoln street a jjjock of 25 or 30 The committee on salaries and fees increasing and critical clientage.) addition there are several other! ule time Monday. cedar wax wings , a species of * bird returned the report “ ought to pass Hare, fly-fishing only is permitted camps situated on the shores of) Willed), is rarely seen itn tble State un­ in new draft” on the act to abolish both cn stream and lake. The stream, W. H. Casweai, master mechanic, nearby lakes to which excursions can til May. the office of inland fisheries and recently opened to anglers, is ideal took some snapshots of the ice wfi.ilcli be made. These cam.ps cam be rent­ game and to appoint instead one water, with deep pools,, swirling ed­ we shall hope 'to show in Maine ed for long or short periods with or commissioner. The new draft pro­ dies and little obstruction of brush Woods soon. without the service of guides. Nothing in a Name. vides that the present chairman shall or trees to interfere with good The river is now running through Another of life’s little ironies: hold the new office until the expir­ casting. The new carriage road which was1 Will Davenport’s land, and undoubt­ Pennsylvania’s great gun works are ation of the period foT which he was Kennebago is one of the ‘‘isure” recently built from Kennebago sta­ edly he will be damaged more or located at Bethlehem! — Columbia places for midsummer fishing of the tion to the lake has how been ex- less on this account.
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