E. C. No. 489 ESTIMATES COMMITTEE, (1967-68) FIFTH REPORT (FOURTH LOK SABRA) MINISTRY OF EDUCATION (i) Indian Museum, Calcutta (ii) Victoria Memorial Hall Museum, Calcutta. LOK SABHA SECRI!.TARIAT NEW DELHI Jun,! 1967/JyGistho. 1889 (5aka) Price: Rs. 1.35 Ll~T m' AUTHORISED AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF LOK SABIH SECRETARIAT PUBLICATIONS SI. Name of Agent Agency SI. Name of Agent Agency No, No. No. No. ANDHRA PRADESH t. Andhra University General 13. Deccan Book Stall, Fer- Cooperative Stores Ltd., guson College Road, Wa1tair (Visaidlaparnam). Poona-4· z. G. R. Labhmipatby Chetty 94 RAJASTHAN and SODS, General Mer- cbaaII and News Agents, 14. Information Centre, Newpet, Chandragiri, Government of Rajastlwt, Chittonr Distrlc:t. Tripoli., Jaipur City. ASSAM UTTAR PRADESH 3. Western Book Depot, Pan 7 IS. Swastik Industrial Works, Bazar. Gauhati. 59, Holi Street, Meerut City. BIHAR 16. Law Book Compan}. Sardar Patel Marg, 4. Amar Kitab Ghar, Post 37 Allahabad-I. Box 78, Diagonal Road, Jamalicdpur. WEST BENGAL GUJARAT 17. Granthaloka, 5/1, Ambica 10 Mookherjee Road, Belgha- 5. Vijay Stores, Station Road, 3S ria, 24 Parganas. AnaaJ. 18. W. Newman & Company 44 6. The New Order Book, Ltd., 3, Old Court House Company, Ellis Bridge, Street, Calcutta. Ahmedabad-6. 19. Firma K. L. Mukhopadhyay, 6/1A, Banchharam Akrur MADHYA PRADESH Lane, Calc:utta-u. ,. Modera Book House, Shiv 13 Vilas Palace, Indore City. DELHI MAHARASHTRA ~ JBin Book Agency, Con- naught Place, New Delhi. 8. Mis. Suaderdas Giaac:haad 6 5ol,Girgaum Road, near 21. Sat Narain & Sons, 3141, 3 Princess Street, Bombay-2. Mohd. Ali Bazar, Mori Gate, Delhi. 9. The International Book 22 House (Private) Limited, 22. Atma Ram & Sons, Kash- 9 9, Ash Lane, Mahatma mere Gate, Delhi -6. Gandhi Road, BombaY-I. 23· J. M. Jaina & Brothers, 11 10. The International Book Mori Gate, Delhi. Service, Dea:aa Gym- \thaaa, Poooa-4. 24. The Central News Agency, I~ 23/90, Connaught Place, II. Charles Lamben & Com- 30 New Delhi. pany, 101, Mahatma Gandhi Road, Opposite 25. The English Book Store, zo Clock Tower, Fan, 7-L, Connaught Circus, Bombay. New Delhi. U. The Current Boot House. 6" 26. Lakshmi Book StOre, 42, Z3 Maruti Lane, Rqhuaarh Municipal Martet, Ja11- Dadaj; ~t, BombaY-I. path, New Delhi. -. CORRIGENDA--- TO- -- """ - Fifth Report (Fourth-Lok Sabha) of ~stirnatcs Committee on the Ministry of ~::luc".tion - (1) Indian Museum, C".lcutta; and (11) Victoria Me1'l6r1al Hall Museum, C~1cutta; Page 8, line 22, for 'organisation' ~ 'organisational'. Page 16, line 10, ~ 'Authropologic~l' ~ '.illthropological'. Page 23, line 34, for 'lebelling' ~ 'Iabell1ng'. Pag'3 24, line lq, f.Q.!: 'subducad' ~ 'subdued' • Page 29, lina 37, !£t 'Blucation' ~ 'Bducc.tion'. Pa~e 34, line 1, for 'inaugation' ~ I inauguntion'. Page 53, line 16, f.Q.!: 'researchs' rGad I resaarch' • Page 56, rrne 28, for 'deteriorates' read 'deteriorate'. Page 56, line 34, delete 'will'. P';.ge 65, line 18, for 'Dep"lrtrnents' read 'Department'. P~gc 67, rrne 37, !Qt 'books' ~ 'book'. P2..gc 69, st3.ternent, for '961-62' read '1961-~. P"-se 89, rrne 15, for 'fassils' ~ 'fossils' P'1ge 93, line 31, for 'Publicity Publication' ~ 'PubliCity/Publication'. Page 94, line 9, ~ 'Museum' read 'Museums'. Page 97, line 3, dolete 'will'.• Page 98, line 46, add 'of' ~ 'exhibit'. CONTENTS PAOli ae-oSlTlON OF THE CoMMlTI'l!ll (iii) 'IHnoDUCTION (v) 'CIurn!a I-INDIA."I MUSl!UM, CALClITTA A. Genesis and Functions B. Organisational set-up 4 C. />cquisition 18 D. Display 23 E. Consetvation 26 F. Educational Facilities 28 G. Finance 40 oCIiAPTER II-AsIATIC SOCIETY, CALCt'TTA 47 -()apTER III-VICTOJUA MEMORIAl HALL MUSl!UM, CALcUTTA A. Genes:s and Objectives B. Organisational Set-up 60 C. Acquisition 61 D. Display E. Conservation F. Educational Facilities G. Finance l. Board of Trustees of the lpdian Museum, Calcutta II. Details of tbe meetings of the Board of Trustees held during 2lld and 3rd Plan period. 73 III. Chart showing the organisational set-up of me Indian Museum. 77 IV. The sta1f which bas been transferred and which has not been transferred to the Indian Museum by different Surveys 79 \~ Statement showing details of the amounts sanctioned for some of the New Projects, the target dates of oompJe- lion and the proposals for sta1fing them. (ii) VI. Central Government Grant under plan espenditure for cataloguing and publication of Sanskrit and Arabic manuscripts. 8~. VII. The Trustees of the Victoria Memorial Hall Museum. Calcutta • 8S" VIII. Statem~t showing summary of RecommendatioDs/Con- clusions contained in the Repon IT IX. Analysis of Recommendations/Conclusions contained in the Repon lOS ESTIMATES COMMrrTE'E (1967-68) CHAIRMAN Shri P. Venkatasubbaiah MEMBERS 2. Shri Panna La! Barupal 3. Shri Onkar Lal Berwa 4. Shri Maharaj Singh Bharti 5. Shri Bibhuti Mishra 6. Shri R. K. Birla 7. Shri Jyotinnoy Bosu 8. Shri Tridib Chaudhuri 9. Shri Hardayal Devgun 10. Shri Y. G'adilingana Goud 11. Shri J. N. Hazarika 12. Shri J. M. Imam 13. Shri Tulshidas Jadhav 14. Shri Dhireswar KaIita 15. Shri S. Kandappan 16. Shri Baij Nath Kureel 17. Shri Yashwant Singh Kushwah 18. Shri K. Lakkappa 19. Shrimati Sangam Laxmi Bai 20. Shri j. M. Lobo Prabhu 21. Shri Inder J. Malhotra 22. Shri Yamuna Prasad Mandal 23. Shri Dhuleshwar Meena 24. Shri F. H. Mohsin 25. Shri Chintamani Panigrahi 26. Shri Rajdeo Singh 27. Shri Gajraj Singh Rao (iii) (iv) 28. Shrimati Jayaben Shah 29. Shri Shantilal Shah 30. Shri P. Sivasankaran· SECRETAllIAT Shri B. K. Mukherjee-Deputy SecreUlry. Shri K. D. Chatterjee-Under Secretary. INTRODUCTION I, the Chairman, Estimates Committee, having been authorised by the Committee to submit the Report on their behalf, present this Fifth Report on the Ministry of Education-(i) Indian· Museum, Calcutta; and (ti) Victoria Memorial Hall Museum, Calcutta. 2. ~ subject was examined by the Estimates Committee (196fHi7) and necessary information obtained and evidence taken by them. That Committee, however, could not finalise their Report due to the sudden dissolution of the Lok Sabha on the 3rd March, 1967. The Estimates Committee (1967-68) have perused the minutes of evidence and have come to their own conclusions whiCh have been embodied in the Report. 3. The previous Committee (1966-67) took evidence of the representatives of the Ministry of Education, Indian Museum, Calcutta and Victoria Memorial Hall Museum, Calcutta on the 28th September, 1966. The Committee wish to express their thanks to the Joint Secretary, Ministry of Education, Dir'ector of the Indian Museum, Calcutta and Curator and Secretary of the Victoria MemoriaJ. Hall Museum., Calcutta and other Officm-s of the Ministry of Education, Indian Museum, Calcutta and Victoria Memorial Hall Museum, Calcutta for placing before them the material and infor- mation they wanted in connection with the examination of the estimates. 4. They also wish to express their thanks to Dr. T. N. Ramachan- daran, Joint Director-General of Archaeology (Retired) and Dr. (Mrs.) Grace Morley, Adviser on Museums, Ministry of Education for giving evidence and making valuable suggestions to the Com- mittee. 5. The CommLttee also wish to thank Numismatic Society of India, Varanasi; Prof. D. P. Ghosh, President, Museums Association, West Bengal; Director, Prince of Wales Museum, Bombay; Curator, Mysore Government Museum, Bangalore and Director, Museums & Zoos, Trivandrum for furnishing Memoranda to the Committee. 6. The Report was considered and adopted by the _Committee on the 9th May, 1967. 7. A statement showing the analysis of recommendations con- tained in the Report is also appended to the Report (Appendix IX). NEW DELHI; P. VE~TASUBBAJAH, June 7,1967 Chairntan, lyaistha 17, 1889 (Saka) Estimates Committee. (v) CHAPTER I INDIAN MUSEUM, CALCUTTA A. Genesis and Functions lHiStorica.l' Background The origin of the Indian Museum, Calcutta can be traced back to '1814, when Dr. Nathaniel Wallich, a Danish Botanist proposed. to the Asiatic Society, founded in 1784, the formation of a Museum, offer- ing to act as its Honorary Secretary and to provide the nucleus ·tlmlugh the duplicates of his own personal collection. The proposal -.eompanied by the generous offer' met with ready response from "the members of the Society which formulated a scheme -to establish "the Museum in two Sections, one comprising of the archaeological, ethnological and technical matters, and the other, of Geological and ~logical, with Dr. Wallich as the first Superintendent of the latter. 2. The scope and jurisdiction of the Museum was laid down in 'the widest possible terms. It was to be an institution meant "for 1be reception of all articles 'that might be sent to illustrate oriental manners and history, or to elucidate the peculiarities of Art or lIfature in the East." 3. The' Museum remained under the control of the Asiatic Society upto the formation of the Board of Trustees in 1865. With the enactment of Indian Museum Act of 1866, the Society made over its entire collection to the Board of Trustees. A building was sanction- ed and created on a separate piece of land and the Society was paid a compensation for its claim to accommodation in the Museum Building whiCh was now made available exclusively for its own purpose as a separate institution. It was, however, not until 1875 that the Museum Building came to be completed and ready for 'OCCUpation. It was on the 1st April, 1878 that the galleries were "thrown open to the public for the first time with the Zoological and the Archaeological Galleries. Gradually the other Sections, viz. 'Geology, Botany, Art and. Anthropology were added. 4. By successive Acts of Legislature, the Board of Trustees was n!Constituted from time to time. After the initial Act of 1866, it -was followed by -those of 1876 and 1887, raising the number of 13 to 16 and then to 21.
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