North Chichester County Local Committee (CLC) 6th March 2007 – At a meeting of members of the Committee held at 7.00p.m. at Midhurst Grammar School, Midhurst. Present: Miss Hendon and Lt Col Pemberton. Apologies: Mr. Moffatt In attendance: Steve Johnson (Area Highways Manager), Martin Downy (Highways & Transport), Rick West and Robin Davison (Democratic Services), Adrian Murphy (Deputy Divisional Commander) West Sussex Fire and Rescue Service, Andrew Moreman (Youth Service). Chairman’s Welcome 100. The Chairman welcomed those present to the meeting. Declarations of Interest 101. In accordance with the Code of Conduct the following members declared interests in items on the agenda: Lt Col Pemberton declared a personal interest in minute number 96/2006 as a member of Cowdray Polo Club. Minutes 102. Resolved – That the minutes of the meeting held on 28th November 2006 be agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman subject to the deletion of the last bullet point at minute no. 86. 103. Further to minute 97, second bullet point, Mr Johnson confirmed that new procedures were in place to deal with the problems with complaints handling. He commented that unfortunately there was no capacity within the Area Office to cover for annual leave or sick leave. Urgent Matters 104. There were no urgent matters. Youth Opportunities Fund 105. Andrew Moreman, Team Leader, West Sussex Youth Service introduced Andrew Griffin and Alex Sprinks, two members of the Midhurst and Petworth Locality Forum. 106. Alex and Andrew informed the meeting that the Forum had been established so that the young people in the area could decide what they wanted their share of the Youth Opportunities Capital Fund from central Government (Department for Education and Skills) to be spent on. Groups of young people had to put forward bids to the Forum. For 2006/07, the Forum had approved grants from: After School Cricket Club £1234 (new cricket mats and equipment) Ski trip T shirts £ 675 (for group identity on the trip) XL Project £2800 (for children at risk of exclusion) Midhurst Youth Club £445 (for lighting and music equipment) Lurgashall Youth Club £495 (establishing a new youth club) Sylvia Beaufoy Youth Centre £3500 (after school/homework club) N Downs Youth £10,300 (new minibus) 107. Alex reported that the decision to fund the new minibus had been taken because the existing bus services, such as ‘Doris’ did not operate at times when the young people wanted to use them, particularly in the evening and the existing minibus was beyond repair. Before the Forum made their decisions, the members had received training on how to deal with applications and decision-making. 108. Mr Moreman commented that the funding for the area from 1st April 2007 was not yet known but he anticipated that the figure would be similar to this year’s funding. The Forum started in September 2006 and young people from 13-19 were eligible to sit on it. Currently there were seven young people on the Forum drawn from local schools and youth clubs. 109. In response to a question about joint working between the County Council and Chichester District Council, Mr Moreman stressed that the Midhurst Youth Wing was open to all 13-19 year olds and was advertised. This did not mean, however, that all young people chose to attend and so outreach workers were provided in partnership with District colleagues to work in the surrounding villages. He said that they worked very closely with the District Council’s Community Engagement Team in 10 different locations across the North Downs area. 110. A group of young people asked about the possibility of applying for funding for a skateboard park and Mr Moreman advised them that at least three 13 – 19 year olds had to apply as a group and a responsible body had to be available to handle the funds. A responsible body could be the Youth Service or a parish council, a registered charity or a company with a bank account that was prepared to hold the funds for the group. They would need to identify how the project would help the community. The group would also need to report back to the Locality Forum at a later date about their project. Mr Moreman agreed to talk to the group outside the meeting about how to progress their ideas. 111. The Chairman thanked Andrew, Alex and Mr Moreman for the presentation. Community Voices 112. Off street car parking, Midhurst - Mr Shaxson, Chichester District Council, asked why the Committee was not considering a decision on the car parking charges in Midhurst. Lt Col Pemberton commented that as the Committee was inquorate due to the absence of Mr Moffat, he had agreed to take the decision. Mr Shaxson informed the meeting that the District Council’s Executive Board would be considering a proposal to defer the introduction of car parking charges due to Sussex Police withdrawal of a traffic warden from the area. 113. A272 - Mr Moss of Rogate asked why the County Council classed the A272 as a primary route when the Hampshire County Council classed it as an ‘A’ road? He said that the continued increases in traffic volumes were causing a problem for the village, as it straddled the A272. HGVs were a particular problem and he was also concerned that the bridges were strong enough and vibration caused by HGVs was also a problem. 114. Mr Johnson replied that traffic volumes continued to grow at three percent per year but he did not believe down-grading the route would make any difference as the A27 had its own problems and there was no other suitable East – West route across West Sussex, unlike in Hampshire. Furthermore it would still appear on maps and satellite navigation systems as the most suitable alternative to the A27 even if it were down graded. Following a study of the A272 from Petersfield to Haywards Heath, road safety measures would be implemented at various sections during 2007/08. Mr Johnson also confirmed that all bridges in West Sussex could take the weight of 44 tonne lorries. Trotton Bridge in particular could take far higher loads due to its design. 115. Lt. Col Pemberton informed the meeting that the status of the A272 had been reviewed just over two years ago. The lack of improvement to the A27 was having an impact on the other routes in the County. 116. A285 Graffham Junction, Traffic Regulation Order - In response to a question about the traffic order for the A285 at Graffham Junction (minutes 85-88/2006 refer) Mr Johnson commented that there had been one objection to the proposal. Mr Johnson was hopeful that the objection would be withdrawn so that the order could be sealed. If the objection were not withdrawn the order would need to be determined by the Committee at a future meeting. 117. A member of the public asked about the cost of removing HGVs that became stuck in Petworth and Mr Johnson informed the meeting that the County Council was not involved in dealing with such problems and it was a matter for Sussex Police. 118. Petworth Lorry Ban - Mr Johnson informed the Committee of the work that had been undertaken by Atkins Ltd into a feasibility study to tackle the problems of HGV movements through Petworth Town Centre. Phase 1 of the study would provide recommendations for each entry point into Petworth and Phase 2 would provide preliminary designs. 119. A steering group had been formed to consider the proposals and was chaired by Lt Col Pemberton Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport. The membership had been drawn from local County, District and Parish councillors, Petworth Enterprise Partnership, representatives of the emergency services, bus operators and officers of the County Council. 120. Mr Johnson reported that four locations had been investigated and an initial assessment produced for each one as follows: Location Proposal Additional work 1. Junction of A272 Physical barrier in form Enhanced signing on Midhurst Rd & A283 of a rising bollard, current HGV route Station Rd, N of mini signing and construction plus Vehicle Activated roundabout work to restrict N bound Sign to warn N bound non-authorised HGVs HGV travelling on A285 Station Road 2. Junction of A272 Physical barrier in form North Street and A272 of a rising bollard, Horsham Road, S of signing and construction mini roundabout work to restrict S bound non-authorised HGVs 3. Junction of Kingspit Construction of either a Speed limit may need Lane & A283 Angel mini roundabout or amendment. Street alterations to change priority. 4. Junction of Construction of a mini Speed limit may need Haslingbourne Lane & roundabout once works amendment. A285 Station Rd. completed at Location 3 121. The Steering Group would receive the Consultants report at the end of March 2007 and would then consider how the scheme should progress. 122. Lt Col Pemberton commented that there were problems with satellite navigation systems and he had written to the European Union (EU) asking it to consider the matter as a road safety issue. The Ordnance Survey would include the restrictions on future mapping and it would also sell the maps to satellite navigation makers. However, unless such systems automatically updated there would still be a problem with out of date information. In response to a question about provision of signage in various European languages, Lt Col Pemberton reported that the County Council was also involved with the EU in developing harmonised pictorial road signs to overcome the language problems. 123. An Advisory Traffic Route Map would be provided on the County Council’s website. 124. Polo Lorries in Ambersham and Selham - The meeting acknowledged the considerable effort that had been put in to finding a satisfactory solution for Petworth.
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