May Catholics Be Masons? By REV. JOSEPH I. MALLOY; C.S.P. FREEMASONRY, as we know it, began in the first quarter of the eighteenth century. The first Grand Lodge was organized in England in 1717. Twenty-one years later Pope Clement XII issued a Bull of excom- munication entitled "The Condemnation of the Society of Conventicles de Liberi Muratori, or of the Free- masons." 1 The reasons for the condemnation may be summarized as follows: (1) Freemasonry has a peculiar "unsectarian," nat- uralistic character, by which theoretically and practi- cally it undermines the Christian faith, first in its members and through them in the rest of society, cre- ating religious indifferentism and contempt for ortho- doxy and ecclesiastical authority. (2) The inscrutable secrecy, and the oaths of secrecy and fidelity to Masonry and Masonic work, cannot be justified in their scope, their object, or their form, and cannot,- therefore, induce any obligation. (3) Such societies involve a grave danger for the security and tranquillity of the state and for the spir- itual health of souls. From the time of Clement XII seven Supreme Pon- tiffs of the Catholic Church have repeated the con- demnation of Freemasonry for substantially the same reasons.2 It is the purpose of this pamphlet to show that the objections made to Freemasonry nearly 200 years ago by Pope Clement XII still hold at the present day. As Catholics were forbidden under pain of excom- I munication to affiliate themselves with the Masonic fraternity in 1738 and thereafter, so they are still MASONRY AND RELIGION forbidden, and on practically the same grounds. It is even possible to allege additional reasons peculiar to One should bear in mind that large numbers of our age. Nevertheless, in a country like the United "lodge-members," especially in English-speaking coun- States, and possibly in several other countries, Catho- tries, have not the slightest interest in the philosophy lic priests and laymen often number Freemasons among of Masonry, and perhaps have never read the works their friends, and in certain places Catholic societies of prominent members of the fraternity who profess and Masonic Lodges have fraternized to' some extent. to interpret true Masonic ideas and ideals. But the It is also true that hundreds of Masons llave not the Catholic Church and every other non-Masonic organ- slightest feeling of bitterness or antagonism toward ization or individual can fairly judge Freemasonry the Catholic Church, and will assure you in all honesty only by its "Constitutions," by its official magazines. that they have never seen or heard anything in their and by the writings of Masons who stand high in the Lodge against the Catholic religion or any other re- ranks of their brethren. On the evidence of this testi- ligion, and hence many find it hard to understand why mony there can hardly be any doubt that Masonry the Church forbids Catholics to become Masons. promotes religious indifferentism. Now indifferentism It is worth noting that other Christian churches of the Catholic Church, and, is the greatest enemy also object to Masonry. In fact up to sixty years ago indeed, of every Christian Church; for if it makes no most of them did. Even at the present day "between difference what a man believes, why believe anything? orthodox Lutheranism and the large rationalistic sec- If it makes no difference to what Church a man be- tion of Germanic Masonry the mutual antipathy is longs, why belong to any? strong, not to say bitter, as represented, for instance, The first article of the "Old Charges" incorporated by the radical 'Humanitarian' Grand Lodges and the in the "Constitutions" (text of 1738,—the very year aggressive Verein deutscher Freimauer." 3 of Pope Clement's condemnation), shows- this tend- ency. It states: "In ancient times the Christian --3— charged to comply with the Christian Portugal, for example, a republic was established in Masons were 1910 largely by Masons. Living under a successful usages of each country where they traveled or worked: but Masonry being found in all nations, even of di- republican form of government ourselves, we may con- sider that was a worthy and patriotic achievement. verse religions, they are now generally charged to ad- But note some of the articles in the Constitution here to that religion in which all men agree." Is there drawn up for the new republic under Masonic influ- any religion in which all men agree? In the same "Charge" the Brothers are urged "to ence as competent authorities both Masonic and non- Masonic agree.5 be good men and true, men of honor and honesty, by whatever names, religions, or persuasions they may "Ministers of religion shall have no part in the parochial lay corporations or associations in charge be distinguished, for they all agree in the three great articles of Noah, enough to preserve the cement of of temporal affairs. A minister of religion who criti- the lodge." The articles of Noah refer to a time not cizes or attacks any of the acts of a public authority or the form of government or the laws of the Re- only pre-Christian but pre-Mosaic, to that time in the history of the human race when it was undivided public or any of the provisions of the present law will either racially or religiously. The "three articles" may be punishable by law. Church property shall belong to the State, but shall be loaned to the Church. The mean "the duties toward God, the neighbor and him- wearing of the clerical habit outside of the churches self," or may refer to "brotherly love, relief, and and ceremonies is prohibited. It is also prohibited to truth." a Here is the very essence of indifference to revealed Christian dogmas. How can the Catholic publish in any way by word or deed, any boils, de- crees, or communications from the Roman Curia. or Church, teaching, as she does, that she is the "pillar prelates, or others, without explicit permission from and the ground of the truth" given to the world by the civil authorities. The State will have charge of Jesus Christ, permit her children to belong to a society whose official pronouncements undermine the very naming and approving the professors in ecclesiastical seminaries for the training of priests and will de- foundation of that truth? Moreover, it is unquestionable that in some parts termine the text-books and courses of study therein. of the world, Masonry has displayed a marked hos- No Jesuits or other monastic orders or religious con- tility to the Catholic Church. Here we must note a gregations shall be admitted into Portuguese territory. distinction between Latin countries and what, for con- All Jesuits, whether aliens, naturalized citizens, or venience, we may call .AngIo-Saxon countries. In natives, are expelled, and all their real or personal — 4 — — 5 — covered early in the present century; the infamous "index slips" of the officers kept by the "Grand property is confiscated. As for the members of other Lodge," in which a man's "qualifications" for advance- religious orders, if they are aliens or naturalized citi- ment were listed. Did he go to Mass, or allow his zens, they are likewise to be expelled, and if they are wife and children to go? Did he send his children to natives, they must return to secular life, or at least may not live in community, and shall not be allowed a Catholic school, or did he encourage his soldiers 10 to go to church? No matter what his merits as a to exercise the teaching profession or intervene in any soldier, if he was guilty of these "crimes' he was way in education." g kept in the least favorable quarters or dispatched to What has been done during this year, 1926, in Central Africa; other officers, favorably listed in the Mexico, seems to follow quite literally along the lines "fiches' (index slips), passed over his head to higher of the Portuguese Constitution of 1910. "The Mexi- rank, but he could secure no promotion. This con- can Constitution of 1857 was largely the work of spiracy went on for four years, from 1901 to 1904; Masons, while the more recent Constitution promul- over 18,000 officers were denounced by the "Grand gated February 5, 1917, apparently with Masonic ap- Orient"; the evidence for all this has been published proval and co-operation, is in its politico-religious with photographed copies of the "charges.' sections almost identical with the Portuguese—only But if this type of anti-Catholic bigotry is confined more so!" 7 The laws of Calles in 1926, go even be- to Latin countries, why object to Masonry here in yond the provisions of the Constitution of 1917. the United States? Is it not unfair to hold American The story of Masonry in France is well known. Masons responsible for what is said and done by "In 1893 the Convention or general meeting declared European or Mexican Masons? that none were eligible for the Council of the Order— Of course it would be, but we do not hold then, which serves as its Executive —unless they had responsible. Nevertheless, they belong to the same pledged themselves to abstain from all religious rites. organization. It is true that in the past, Lodges in themselves and their dependents. And it has been re- England and in this country have repudiated the phi- peatedly asserted, as by Mayoux and others, that no losophy of their brethren in France, and have con- orthodox believer, Catholic, Protestant, or Jew, could demned their atheism and irreligion. But there is a be a sincere Freemason in France." g They were not decided drift the other way at least among the Masons content with ruling religion out of their own lives, of the Scottish Rite in this country.
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