June 22, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4671 NAYS—45 NAYS—50 There appears to be a sufficient sec- Barrasso Hagerty Risch Barrasso Graham Portman ond. Blackburn Hawley Romney Blackburn Grassley Risch The clerk will call the roll. Boozman Hoeven Rounds Blunt Hagerty Romney The senior assistant legislative clerk Braun Hyde-Smith Rubio Boozman Hawley Rounds called the roll. Capito Inhofe Sasse Braun Hoeven Rubio Cassidy Johnson Scott (FL) Burr Hyde-Smith Sasse (Mr. KELLY assumed the Chair.) Cotton Kennedy Scott (SC) Capito Inhofe Scott (FL) (Mr. MURPHY assumed the Chair.) Cramer Lankford Shelby Cassidy Johnson Scott (SC) The result was announced—yeas 50, Crapo Lee Sullivan Collins Kennedy Shelby Cruz Lummis Thune Cornyn Lankford nays 50, as follows: Sullivan Daines Marshall Tillis Cotton Lee [Rollcall Vote No. 245 Ex.] Thune Ernst McConnell Toomey Cramer Lummis YEAS—50 Fischer Moran Tuberville Crapo Marshall Tillis Graham Paul Wicker Cruz McConnell Toomey Baldwin Hickenlooper Reed Grassley Portman Young Daines Moran Tuberville Bennet Hirono Rosen Ernst Murkowski Wicker Blumenthal Kaine Sanders The nomination was confirmed. Fischer Paul Young Booker Kelly Schatz The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. Brown King The VICE PRESIDENT. On this vote, Schumer LUJA´ N). Under the previous order, the Cantwell Klobuchar Shaheen the yeas are 50, the nays are 50. The Cardin Leahy Sinema motion to reconsider is considered ´ Senate being evenly divided, the Vice Carper Lujan Smith made and laid upon the table, and the Casey Manchin Stabenow President votes in the affirmative. Coons Markey President will be immediately notified Tester The motion is agreed to. Cortez Masto Menendez Van Hollen of the Senate’s action. Duckworth Merkley f Durbin Murphy Warner f Feinstein Murray Warnock EXECUTIVE CALENDAR Gillibrand Ossoff Warren CLOTURE MOTION The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk Hassan Padilla Whitehouse Heinrich Peters Wyden The PRESIDING OFFICER. Pursuant will report the nomination. to rule XXII, the Chair lays before the The senior assistant bill clerk read NAYS—50 Senate the pending cloture motion, the nomination of Kiran Arjandas Barrasso Graham Portman which the clerk will state. Ahuja, of Massachusetts, to be Director Blackburn Grassley Risch of the Office of Personnel Management Blunt Hagerty Romney The bill clerk read as follows: Boozman Hawley Rounds CLOTURE MOTION for a term of four years. Braun Hoeven Rubio f Burr Hyde-Smith Sasse We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- Capito Inhofe ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the Scott (FL) RECESS Cassidy Johnson Scott (SC) Collins Kennedy Standing Rules of the Senate, do hereby Shelby Cornyn Lankford move to bring to a close debate on the nomi- The VICE PRESIDENT. The Senate Sullivan Cotton Lee nation of Executive Calendar No. 107, Kiran stands in recess until 2:15 p.m. Thune Arjandas Ahuja, of Massachusetts, to be Di- Cramer Lummis Thereupon, the Senate, at 1:38 p.m., Crapo Marshall Tillis rector of the Office of Personnel Manage- recessed until 2:15 p.m. and reassem- Cruz McConnell Toomey ment for a term of four years. bled when called to order by the Pre- Daines Moran Tuberville Charles E. Schumer, Gary C. Peters, Ernst Murkowski Wicker Jacky Rosen, John Hickenlooper, siding Officer (Ms. CORTEZ MASTO). Fischer Paul Young Tammy Baldwin, Richard J. Durbin, f The VICE PRESIDENT. On this vote, Richard Blumenthal, Kirsten E. Gilli- brand, Raphael Warnock, Martin Hein- EXECUTIVE CALENDAR—Continued the yeas are 50, the nays are 50. The Senate being equally and evenly di- rich, Chris Van Hollen, Christopher The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- vided, the Vice President votes in the Murphy, Sheldon Whitehouse, Bernard ator from Michigan. Sanders, Jeff Merkley, Patty Murray, affirmative, and the nomination is con- Margaret Hassan. NOMINATION OF KIRAN ARJANDAS AHUJA firmed. The PRESIDING OFFICER. By unan- Mr. PETERS. Madam President, I The nomination was confirmed. imous consent, the mandatory quorum rise in support of Kiran Ahuja and her The VICE PRESIDENT. Under the call has been waived. nomination to be the Director of the previous order, the motion to recon- The question is, Is it the sense of the Office of Personnel Management, or sider is considered made and laid upon Senate that the nomination of Kiran the OPM. OPM needs an experienced, the table, and the President will imme- Arjandas Ahuja, of Massachusetts, to qualified leader who is committed to diately be notified of the Senate’s ac- be Director of the Office of Personnel the Federal workforce and is invested tion. in their future. Management for a term of four years, f Ms. Ahuja is that leader. She under- shall be brought to a close? LEGISLATIVE SESSION The yeas and nays are mandatory stands the unique challenges facing under the rule. OPM, and she has the management ex- --- perience and vision needed to restore The clerk will call the roll. FOR THE PEOPLE ACT OF 2021— and strengthen the workforce. I am The senior assistant bill clerk called MOTION TO PROCEED the roll. confident that Ms. Ahuja is the right person to lead OPM at this pivotal The VICE PRESIDENT. Under the The yeas and nays resulted—yeas 50, previous order, the Senate will proceed nays 50, as follows: time. I urge my colleagues to join me in supporting the confirmation of to legislative session to resume consid- [Rollcall Vote No. 244 Ex.] Kiran Ahuja for Director of OPM. eration of the motion to proceed to S. YEAS—50 VOTE ON AHUJA NOMINATION 2093, which the clerk will report. The senior assistant legislative clerk Baldwin Hickenlooper Reed Madam President, I ask unanimous Bennet Hirono Rosen read as follows: Blumenthal Kaine consent that the vote scheduled to Sanders Motion to proceed to Calendar No. 77, S. Booker Kelly Schatz occur at 2:30 would occur immediately. 2093, a bill to expand Americans’ access to Brown King Schumer The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there Cantwell Klobuchar the ballot box, reduce the influence of big Shaheen objection? Cardin Leahy Sinema money in politics, strengthen ethics rules for ´ Carper Lujan Smith Without objection, it is so ordered. public servants, and implement other anti- Casey Manchin Stabenow The question is, Will the Senate ad- corruption measures for the purpose of for- Coons Markey Tester tifying our democracy, and for other pur- Cortez Masto Menendez vise and consent to the Ahuja nomina- Van Hollen Duckworth Merkley tion? poses. Durbin Murphy Warner Mr. PETERS. I ask for the yeas and The VICE PRESIDENT. Under the Warnock Feinstein Murray nays. previous order, the time until 5:30 p.m. Gillibrand Ossoff Warren Hassan Padilla Whitehouse The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there a is equally divided between the two Heinrich Peters Wyden sufficient second? leaders or their designees. VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:54 Jun 23, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A22JN6.001 S22JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE S4672 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 22, 2021 The Senator from Michigan. people about their concerns, and we back. It includes disclosure require- Ms. STABENOW. I rise today to en- worked hard to gain people’s support ments so that citizens have a right to courage all of my colleagues to support for the next election. That is what you know who is giving them money, who the motion to proceed that is in front usually do, rather than trying to stop is behind those dark money donations. of us. people from voting. It reforms the Federal Election Com- We might disagree about the under- We did that hard work in Michigan, mission so they can better enforce the lying bill. In fact, we do disagree. Re- and you know what, we won the next election laws already on the books, and publicans and Democrats disagree election. In 2020, in the middle of a pan- it takes steps to protect our elections about the underlying bill, but that fact demic, more people in Michigan voted from foreign influence. shouldn’t prevent us from even having than ever before, 5.5 million of us. And I, for one, think these are essential a discussion about the bill and about Michigan voters clearly and resound- to our democracy. I know my Senate the issue. It is what we were sent here ingly chose Joe Biden to be our next Democratic colleagues feel the same. to do, to talk about the important President and KAMALA HARRIS to be However, Senate Republican colleagues issues that face the American people. our next Vice President of the United disagree. I can’t think of anything more im- States and the President of the Senate. So let’s pass this motion to proceed portant, anything more fundamental to They won by more than 150,000 votes. so we can talk about it, so we can have our democracy than the freedom to That is 14 times Donald Trump’s mar- a debate about it. Michigan voters vote. That is what we are talking gin in 2016. made their voices heard. The American about, the freedom to vote. We are sent But what did the Trump campaign people made their voices heard in the here to make our best arguments, to do? Well, their campaign—his allies election. We need to be debating this try to persuade Members who don’t see filed eight lawsuits in our State, lost issue and making sure that our voices the issue in the same way that we do, every one. And in the only case that are being heard across the country. and in the end, to vote on important was appealed to the Michigan Supreme I yield the floor. legislation like the bill that is in front Court, the court declined to hear the I suggest the absence of a quorum.
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