Idea & Some Work on Grammatical and Weight Wise Concordance of the Qur'an (Version 1.1) I am thankful to ALLAH for honoring me with this oppurtunity to serve Qur'an, no credit is mine at all. All credit goes only to ALLAH. Any mistake is due to me. Advantage: Grammatical concordance of the Qur'an. Many efforts are being made on vocabulary and root wise concordance of the Qur'an , but this idea focuses on grammatical and weight wise concordance of the Qur'an using similar weights of different roots. Like in vocabulary concordance different weights of the same root have some link to the root meaning, similarly in grammar concordance same weights usually have some similar effects on the meaning of the root. Column named Fa Ayn Laam is meant to put 3 letter roots of words e.g. for Raheem root is ra ha miim, column weight is to put weight of root e.g for Raheem weight is fa'eel, and G2 is meant to put noun forms for ease of grouping related words, like verbal forms have terms like I, II, III etc. Similarly these can have terms like N01.1, N01.2..., N02.1..., N03.1... etc. For columns, weight and root, additional columns containing text in Arabic in addition to transliteration can be added making total new columns as 5. For roots containing 2 letters suad laam is used and for 4 letters ba ra zay kha is used. Source: Lemmas sorted by : Group & Frequency from http://corpus.quran.com/lemmas.jsp as on 1-December-2010 . This document is being edited by Asim Iqbal 2nd http://asimiqbal2nd.110mb.com . ' stands for 1 ayn and '' stand for doubled ayn. The suggestion is to cover all the lemmas and weights. The "ta" at the end also increases intensity in some forms while in others it is just an indicator of feminine. I have tried to add t in G2 column and tried to mention t.f with real feminine only, keeping remaining ta cases open. Note : this work requires verification. Note: I have only worked on 3 new columns introduced by me i.e G2, weight and root, (root based on root data available in the lemmas data, but verification of roots containing weak letter to be done again at a later time). Remaining columns taken from lemmas directly and I have not yet edited or improved the remaining columns. To check any entry in detail, copy text of column lemmas, go to http://corpus.quran.com/morphologicalsearch.jsp and paste text in lemma and press search. Any suggestion, improvement or correction can be sent to my email address given on http://asimiqbal2nd.110mb.com . Invitation : http://corpus.quran.com is strongly invited to verify this data and add it to http://corpus.quran.com/lemmas.jsp , along with 2 new options, 1st to arrange them gramatically using G2 column to sort, 2nd to arrange them root wise using Fa Ayn Laam column to sort. For further improving, send your suggestions to me. ap is active participle, pp is passive participle,im is imperative and md is masdar (verbal noun) . vb.I.ap means active participle of verbal form I type. Similarly for others, as terms already exist for verbal forms and they should be kept. pl means plural and dl means dual and cl means collective noun, and in G2 dual is mentioned as p.dl. For roots with ayn and laam as same letter in simple cases, I have used laam's letter twice. If any one wants to do any other work on Grammatical and weight wise concordance on the Qur'an , feel free to discuss with me your project. For latest version keep visiting http://asimiqbal2nd.110mb.com . In pl of N foms e.g. N03.1zpl is written instead of N03.1pl so that it is sorted after N03.1t and N03.1y. Moreover in certain cases, only plural form is used in the Qur'an and singular is not used, so singular is checked using some grammar books, so due to this, sorting these pl at the end with zpl is better option. t.s is written where ta is only in singular and not in plural and t.p is written when ta is only in plural. z.G1 is written on basic grammar like prepositions, particles, conjunctions, pronouns etc. as sufficient material is available on these for these arranging via weights is not so important, check part of speech column, vocabulary concordance, grammar notes etc. for these. If you have any idea on how to sort these even better, feel free to give me suggestion. Usually a language comes first and then is analysed to derive grammar rules, so grammatical and weight wise concordance of the Qur'an is an important idea, by which existing grammar rules can be verified or improved, exceptions can be studied & there are many other benefits. Qur'an is a Miracle in Arabic so from its Miraculous language, you can get highest quality grammar. Context also has effects on the scope of the meaning e.g. The being whose quality is described, its context & placement in the Qur'an etc. This work is just a beginning, and scholars could take this idea and work to the next level by the help of ALLAH. Entries Initial work Total entries Entries done % complete Verification Required remaining Last edited: 8th 3383 0 3383 100 February 2011 Fa Ayn Lemmas Buckwalter Frequency G2 Weight Part-of-speech Laam ll~ah 2704 ALLAH ALLAH ALLAH Proper noun} ﭐﻝﱠﻠﻪ (taw~aAb 12 N01.1 fa''aal ta waw ba Noun (10), Adjective (2 ﹶﺘﻭﺍﺏ ( jab~aAr 10 N01.1 fa''aal jiim ba ra Adjective (5), Noun (5ﺠﺒﺎﺭ (aw~aAb 6 N01.1 fa''aal alif waw ba Noun (5), Adjective (1< َﺃﻭﺍﺏ qah~aAr 6 N01.1 fa''aal qaaf hay ra Adjective ﹶﻗﻬﺎﺭ zuay laam Zal~a`m 5 N01.1 fa''aal Noun miim ﹶﻅﱠٰﻠﻡ (gaf~aAr 5 N01.1 fa''aal ghayn fa ra Adjective (3), Noun (2 ﹶﻏﱠﻔﺎﺭ (ka*~aAb 5 N01.1 fa''aal kaaf zaal ba Adjective (3), Noun (2 ﹶﻜﱠﺫﺍﺏ (kaf~aAr 5 N01.1 fa''aal kaaf fa ra Adjective (4), Noun (1 ﹶﻜﱠﻔﺎﺭ siin miim sam~a`Euwn 4 N01.1 fa''aal oon.pl Noun aynﺴ ٰﻤﻌﻭﻥ Sab~aAr 4 N01.1 fa''aal suad ba ra Adjectiveﺼﺒﺎﺭ ayn laam Eal~a`m 4 N01.1 fa''aal Noun (2), Adjective (2) miimﻋﱠٰﻠﻡ qaaf waw qaw~a`miyn 3 N01.1 fa''aal een.pl Noun miim ﹶﻗ ٰﻭﻤﻴﻥ ( wah~aAb 3 N01.1 fa''aal waw hay ba Noun (2), Adjective (1ﻭﻫﺎﺏ af~aAk 2 N01.1 fa''aal alif fa kaaf Noun< َﺃﱠﻓﺎﻙ aw~a`h 2 N01.1 fa''aal alif waw hay Noun< َﺃ ٰﻭﻩ kha laam xal~a`q 2 N01.1 fa''aal Noun qaaf ﹶﺨﱠٰﻠﻕ kha waw xaw~aAn 2 N01.1 fa''aal Noun (1), Adjective (1) nuun ﹶﺨﻭﺍﻥ ghayn siin gas~aAq 2 N01.1 fa''aal Noun qaaf ﹶﻏﺴﺎﻕ faE~aAl 2 N01.1 fa''aal fa ayn laam Noun ﹶﻓﻌﺎل miim nuun m~an~aAE 2 N01.1 fa''aal Adjective aynﻤﱠﻨﺎﻉ alif kaaf >ak~a`luwn 1 N01.1 fa''aal oon.pl Noun laam َﺃ ﱠٰﻜﹸﻠﻭﻥ ٓ ban~aA^' 1 N01.1 fa''aal ba nuun ya Nounﺒﱠﻨﺎﺀ vaj~aAj 1 N01.1 fa''aal tha jiim jiim Adjective ﹶﺜﺠﺎﺝ Hal~aAf 1 N01.1 fa''aal Ha laam fa Nounﺤﱠﻠﺎﻑ xat~aAr 1 N01.1 fa''aal kha ta ra Adjective ﹶﺨﱠﺘﺎﺭ xar~a`Suwn 1 N01.1 fa''aal oon.pl kha ra suad Noun ﹶﺨ ٰﺭﺼﻭﻥ kha nuun xan~aAs 1 N01.1 fa''aal Adjective siin ﹶﺨﱠﻨﺎﺱ day~aAr 1 N01.1 fa''aal daal waw ra Nounﺩﻴﺎﺭ r~az~aAq 1 N01.1 fa''aal ra zay qaaf Nounﺭﺯﺍﻕ saH~aAr 1 N01.1 fa''aal siin Ha ra Nounﺴﺤﺎﺭ Taw~a`fuwn 1 N01.1 fa''aal oon.pl tuay waw fa Noun ﹶﻁ ٰﻭﹸﻓﻭﻥ ghayn waw gaw~aAS 1 N01.1 fa''aal Noun suad ﹶﻏﻭﺍﺹ fat~aAH 1 N01.1 fa''aal fa ta Ha Noun ﹶﻓﱠﺘﺎﺡ fax~aAr 1 N01.1 fa''aal fa kha ra Noun ﹶﻓﱠﺨﺎﺭ miim shiin m~a$~aA^' 1 N01.1 fa''aal Adjective ٓ yaﻤﱠﺸﺎﺀ hay miim ham~aAz 1 N01.1 fa''aal Adjective zayﻫﻤﺎﺯ waw hay wah~aAj 1 N01.1 fa''aal Adjective jiimﻭﻫﺎﺝ kaf~a`rap 4 N01.1t fa''aal at kaaf fa ra Noun ﹶﻜﱠٰﻔﺭﺓ say~aArap 3 N01.1t fa''aal at siin ya ra Nounﺴﻴﺎﺭﺓ am~aArap 1 N01.1t fa''aal at alif miim ra Noun< َﺃﻤﺎﺭﺓ laam waw law~aAHap 1 N01.1t fa''aal at Noun Ha ﹶﻝﻭﺍﺤﺔ laam waw l~aw~aAmap 1 N01.1t fa''aal at Adjective miim ﱠﻝﻭﺍﻤﺔ nuun zay naz~aAEap 1 N01.1t fa''aal at Noun ayn ﹶﻨﺯﺍﻋﺔ naD~aAxataA fa''aal at nuun dzuad 1 N01.1t Adjective n aan.dl kha ﹶﻨﻀﺎﹶﺨﹶﺘﺎﻥ Ha miim Ham~aAlap 1 N01.1t.f fa''aal at Noun laamﺤﻤﺎﹶﻝﺔ n~af~a`va`t 1 N01.1t.f fa''aal aat.pl.f nuun fa tha Noun ﱠﻨﱠٰﻔﹶﺜٰﺕ kub~aAr 1 N01.2 fu''aal kaaf ba ra Adjective ﹸﻜﺒﺎﺭ ra miim r~um~aAn 3 N01.2z.n.sp fu''aal Noun nuunﺭﻤﺎﻥ ki*~a`b 2 N01.3 fi''aal kaaf zaal ba Nounﻜﱠٰﺫﺏ zay qaaf zaq~uwm 3 N01.4 fa''ool Noun miimﺯﱡﻗﻭﻡ qaaf waw qay~uwm 3 N01.4 fa''ool Adjective miim ﹶﻗﻴﻭﻡ t~an~uwr 2 N01.4 fa''ool ta nuun ra Noun ﱠﺘﱡﻨﻭﺭ qaaf daal qud~uws 2 N01.5 fu''ool Adjective siin ﹸﻗﺩﻭﺱ suad daal Sid~iyq 5 N01.6 fi''eel Noun qaafﺼﺩﻴﻕ siin jiim sij~iyl 3 N01.6 fi''eel Noun laamﺴﺠﻴل siin jiim sij~iyn 2 N01.6 fi''eel Noun nuunﺴﺠﻴﻥ ayn laam Eil~iy~iyn 2 N01.6 fi''eel een.pl Noun wawﻋﱢﻠﻴﻴﻥ siin kaaf sik~iyn 1 N01.6 fi''eel Noun nuunﺴﱢﻜﻴﻥ qaaf siin qis~iysiyn 1 N01.6 fi''eel een.pl Noun siinﻗﺴﻴﺴﻴﻥ suad daal Sid~iyqap 1 N01.6 t.f fi''eel at.f Noun qaafﺼﺩﻴﹶﻘﺔ fa'aa'eel pl of >abaAbiyl 1 N01.7zpl alif ba laam Adjective fi''awl َﺃﺒﺎﹺﺒﻴل alif waw Noun (62), Adjective (19), >aw~al 82 N02.1 fa''al (laam Number (1 َﺃﻭل siin laam sul~am 2 N02.2 fu''al Noun miimﺴﱠﻠﻡ ur~aE 1 N02.2 fu''al shiin ra ayn Adjective$ ﹸﺸﺭﻉ ghayn zay guz~FY 1 N02.2 fu''al Noun waw ﹸﻏﺯﻯ kaaf nuun kun~as 1 N02.2 fu''al Adjective siin ﹸﻜﱠﻨﺱ miim waw m~ay~it 38 N02.3 fae'il / fa''il Noun (32), Adjective (6) taﻤﻴﺕ (Tay~ib 16 N02.3 fae'il / fa''il tuay ya ba Adjective (8), Noun (8 ﹶﻁﻴﺏ Tay~ibap 9 N02.3 fae'il / fa''ila t tuay ya ba Adjective ﹶﻁﻴﺒﺔ qaaf waw qay~im 5 N02.3 fae'il / fa''il Adjective miim ﹶﻗﻴﻡ ( say~i} 4 N02.3 fae'il / fa''il siin waw alif Adjective (3), Noun (1ﺴﻴﺊ siin waw say~id 3 N02.3 fae'il / fa''il Noun daalﺴﻴﺩ hay waw hay~in 3 N02.3 fae'il / fa''il Noun nuunﻫﻴﻥ dzuad ya Day~iq 2 N02.3 fae'il / fa''il Adjective qaafﻀﻴﻕ bay~in 1 N02.3 fae'il / fa''il ba ya nuun Adjectiveﺒﻴﻥ suad waw Say~ib 1 N02.3 fae'il / fa''il Noun baﺼﻴﺏ laam ya l~ay~in 1 N02.3 fae'il / fa''il Adjective nuun ﱠﻝﻴﻥ fae'il / fa''il vay~iba`t 1 N02.3 t.f tha ya ba Noun aat.pl.f ﹶﺜﻴﺒٰﺕ fae'il / fa''il bay~ina`t 51 N02.3t ba ya nuun Noun (36), Adjective (15) aat.plﺒﻴﹶﻨٰﺕ fae'il / fa''il say~i_#aAt 35 N02.3t siin waw alif Noun ٔ aat.plﺴﻴـَﺍﺕ ( say~i}ap 23 N02.3t fae'il / fa''il at siin waw alif Noun (22), Adjective (1ﺴﻴَﺌﺔ fae'il / fa''il Tay~iba`t 21 N02.3t tuay ya ba Noun aat.pl ﹶﻁﻴﺒٰﺕ ( bay~inap 20 N02.3t fae'il / fa''il at ba ya nuun Noun (18), Adjective (2ﺒﻴﹶﻨﺔ qaaf waw qay~imap 2 N02.3t fae'il / fa''il at Adjective (1), Noun (1) miim ﹶﻗﻴﻤﺔ fa'aal aa pl of >aya`maY` 1 N02.3zpl alif ya miim Noun fa''il/fae'il َﺃﻴٰﻤﻰٰ shiin ya tuay fa'laan (others say instead of shiin tuay fae'aal as Proper noun (80), Noun $ayoTa`n 88 N03.1 nuun) but I (fa'aaleen pl vs (8 ﹶﺸﻴﹶﻁٰﻥ prefer shiin fayaa'eel pl ya tuay due for hint.
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