BANK REGISTER; iMUtd. Wnklr Catered ae aecoMMHasa Ueltn at tht PM*> JVOLUME XLVIIl, NO. 27. oBot *M Bed Bwk. N. J. iwdn the aei tf tlaroil »1 16)«. RED BANK, .N.- J., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1925, PER YEAR. PAGEii 1 f&i was the spokesman for the petition, "SANTA SAVES THE DAY." ONE MORE DAY TO GIVE. STREET MAY BE WIDENED ort, He said the Btreet was a short WAY AHEAD WITH BRIDGE BUDGET WILL BE HIGHER. j and, that the residents did not An Elaborate Christmas Cantata by THE EKS' CHARITY BALL. LOSERS FEAST VICTORS! tho Baptist Sunday.School. FIREMEN NEED MONEY 'FOR PROJECT TO WIDEN «ND PAVE I that it be awarded on a sep- CONTRACT TO BE FINISHED AN INCREASE OF ABOUT v IT WAS ATTENDED BY OVER BUILDING AND LOAN Ml COAL AND POTATOES. MONMOUTH^ STREET. arate contractjjut be included with LATE IN APRIL. - $20,000 IS EXPECTED. About 75 young peopl will take paving soms larger- street The part in the Christmas cantata, SIX HUNDRED PERSONS, HAVE A BANQUET. The High Prlce~~o7" Thete Things The- Matter Plicwied at Length matter was. referred to tho street Cold W«atl)er ITHoWlnr Up the "Santa Saves the Day," which will inner 'at Thomas's Inn I*atfv"| The Salarle* of the A«<e.tor and Tlio • Shrewsbury River Country Makes the Firemen's Charitable Monday Night and the Borough committee of the council, Work Now and' Preventing Much be given at the Red Bank' Baptist Wednesday Night to Celebrato > the Collector Will Be Advanced Club, Where the Ball Was Held, •Undertaking This Year More Ex. Engineer Instructed to Make • Headway but What u Left Can church. Monday night. -The cantata End of a Campaign lor fWi, |30O Each—Trolley Company's Was Decorated With: Christmas 'pensive Than Ever Before. Survey—Favorable Comments. MARRIED 35 YEARS. be Dons in Sf Weeks. Failure to.Pay HiU Taxpayer;. will show fairies, brownies and oth- Shares in Mainstay Association, ,'' - The project of paving and widen- Tho new| Cooper's bridge across ers trying to take the place of Greens and Electric Lights. .. :. Tho dinner given by the losing*i.'v 'Everything is in readiness for The commissioners of lied Bank ing Monmouth street was regain dis- Anniversary Celebration at Mr, and the liver ot Bed Bank will be com- Santa Claus, who is sick and can- "Six hundred .persons from nil te^m in the contest for new share* >, tfy> Christmas party which Inde- and tha commissioners-elect held o pendent fire company o:1 Red Bank cussed at length at the meeting of Mrs. Francis V. Many's. pleted by the, latter part of April. nofc^, make, his annual trip, They parts of the county attended the in the-Mainstay building and l«»n* an executive meeting at tho town will givo Friday morning at' the the commissioners of Red Bank Mr: and Mrs, Francis V. Many- of Th;e work' has- progressed far fail despite heroic attempts, but Elks' charity ball last Wednesday association was held nt Thomai'v ^ hall last Thursday night. The ob- Palaco theater tit Red Bank, the use Monday night. Most of the commis- Sunset avenue, Red Bank, celebrat- enough to make Miat seem almost Santa, Clau's-recovers in time to night at the Shrewsbury river coun- inn last Wednesday night. Tlio two \-. ject was to discuss a" budget of of which has been donated by M, E sioners did not commit themselves ed their 35th wedding anniversary, sure! This; whl be about ten weeks visit the children.. try club. Both as a social function teams in the contest wero made Up' expenses for the town f8r the com- McNylty, the proprietor. The fes- outright on this matter, but such last Thursday night with a gather- ahead of the time specified in the Albert VanNostrand wil' be San- and as a means of raisin*; money of the officers and directors of the?, ing year. The officials would not tivities are scheduled to begin at remarks as they made seemed to Ing of friends at their home. The contract, i ta'Claus, Catherine Conkl' will be for charitable purposes the ball ex- association. In addition t» the • talk much about what they had ceeded the expectations of the com- half-past nine o'clock* Santa Claus Bhow'that they were in^favor of evening was spent in feasting and The contract was awarded last Mrs. Santa Claus,and Margaret Ma- done, but certain facts leaked out. mittee in charge of the affair. Tho lombefs of the teams thero were a' ' rc will be.there,'a big ClirlstmaV tree the proposed improvements. -This general sociability. Mrs. Many had May to Schenck S. Thompson Com- Bee will be thef fairy queen. Others It was unanimously agreed to in- lodge realized about $900 and few invited guest3 at the dinner., " ' i will bo there loaded with presents matter was first brought to the at- been confined.to the house several pany of Bed Bank for ¥S90,000. in the cantata are Verna Harrison, crease . the salary of .Assessor this money will be used to help The contest was'won by the Stay* * ' and Harry Mazza's orchestra will tention of the officials two weeks weeks with sickness, but she was in It specified that the bridge must be Muriel Young, Elizabeth Ackerman, George W_. Bray from- $1,200 to those in need of food and clothing. team with f. total of 989 new eharti,, be there. Also there will bo mov- ago by Councilman Thomas M. good health when the celebration completed in 22& working days, Louise Brown, Evelyn Browcr, Jean $1,500 and to increase the salary One of the most active and import- The Main team secured 721 shares. ing pIctures^than'-i-to-Mrj-McNul- Gopsill.- /- : was held. Oneof the features was which wofald bring the time, up to Stryker, Beatrice Hurley, '.Ruth ot Mrs. Julia M. Kqough fr<mi ant_functi6ns »f the' lodge is its Tha dinner was an informal af- ty, Evory child in tho community It was brought up Monday night the presentation o£ a large, Boquet tne~ middle pFlatteV part of July: Scattergood,_ Betty_. Minton, Alma; has been inyited to be present and of powers to IAIB, Many by Miss $2,200 to $2,u00> a year." Even Howell, Lorei.e Stanford, Mary chanty work among tlio poor. fair.aiuL.v/as arranged by tho com- by Paul Oschwald of Little Stiver, All the foundation work has been mittee in oharge witl. a view of pro-' there will bo'glfts for nil of them, Sara Armstrong, who acted as with this increase in the collector's Helen Stanford, Douglass Manson, In .keeping with tlio Christmas son of Joseph .Oschwald of- Little dene, all the steel has bee.I erected, viding plenty of Inn for all who at- not only giits o." candy and oranges flower girl at the wedding of the salary the expense of thi3 office to Jeremiah Kenyon, William Sayre, •season the ballroom at the country Silver, who is building a large the- half of the. steel has been encased tended. Thnt, the arrangement' but also useful articles and toys, couple in 1890. Tho guests were in concrete and half of the concrete the town will be considerably less Geraldine Clayton, Clarence" Gray, club was decorated with Christmas ater on Monmouth street. Paul connnitteo had plannel well ondj : Mr. and Mrs. H,' Edward Arm- roadway of the' bridge has been than it. was before l Mrs. Keough Marian Dietz, Shirley Bioren, Thel- trees, holly wreaths and evergreens. In addition to making tho chll Oschwald stated that he spoke for 1 liad thoroughly . accomplbhcd its- strong, Miss' Sara Armstrong, Mr., assumed the office, 'as the town ma Mustoe; Vivian Braistcd, Ber- At tho entrance to the clubhouse dren happy the firemen will do a his father, who was unable to speak laid. purpose was '." .o unanimous opinion and Mrs, George McC. Taylor, Mrs. paid salaries to both collector and nice Fowler, Evna Dny, Edna Man- were a number of trees, decorated great deal of charitable work for for himself because he is in Florida. From How until spring very lit- of those present. Throughout tho John W,' Hance, Miss Caroline an assistant collector at that. time. son, Laura Hewitt, Dorothy Story, with colored electric lights. Inside needy families. The public has He made a strong, plea for paving tle work can be done on the'"bridge dinner old-time and mot1 ^rn popular Hance, Mr. and Mrs, Ezra Osborn, Since Mrs. Kcough took the posi- Elsia and Ellen Mattson, Marjorie the decorations weie carried out on boen more generous than ever be- and widening tho Btreet, stating that because of the bad effect cold songs were su.ig by the entire com* Mr. and Mrs. Wallace B. Rankin, tion there has been no assistant Grooms, Adeline Olson, Hclbn Har- a more elaborate scale. An im- fore in. contributing money for this these improvements should be made weather has on i concrete'. The pany with music furnihhnd by n Mi-, and Mrs. Leon Longstreet-'and, collector, as Mrs. Keough does all rison, Eleanor 'exander, Ethel pressive feature of the ball was work and for the party, yet in spite amount of work remaining to be four-piece orchestra. Fred D. Wl- not only as a matter of justice to Miss Mary J. Rosoncrans. ' Manson, Beatrice Lewisi James the eleven o'clock'Elks' toast to ab- of this fact the firemen ar". going to done could be' completed in six the work.
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