S&'SS^r-r' ~7M im m r'' 1 : ~ “ 1 ^ THEyBAKER' ' V «> w V.y ■ , ,~57 ^ ^ " SENTINEL. - _ A T THUMBNAIL SKETCHES OF 15 HANA8BIS HAYES IS ECCENTRIC j?gwi Babe V a d U Rad h t t g es 5 l ’ , V m SuuTlpaw PBsSbt Evans. t£&-1 INVESTMENT IN POOR COWSi ; BnerQoteGBBtEnig^ MUk Producer Must 8top Guessing fa r IMbgins and FStim fl am M r a t f i |r York Monkeys Cry Over Finger-Printand Be CertainTests of Results— Much Entry ■firmr HLsagms sS Hfixfie Money Is Wasted. 5» t i e Ctonflayt. JEW YORK.—Almost every monkey Sa tbe Central park monkey boose was ■ led, exying and ashamed. tap do a p&attter o f black printers ink the other Chief obstacles in successful dairy­ Rubs WndSeH Hires teen <ra3M tte ti§'Tikftenioan. Then be bad to watch. white bis “fBegers” were dipped in the most eccentric «teaas9sr tfh* mgriitnaH t o '' ing are lack of well balanced, In­ ink anasj then pressed upon sheets o f tensive methods and not applying busi­ ftiryg <EVET ikn in m fh rtt W frihre gutzfi)- white paper. ness principles. The milk producer ably gkrnnd ffbe nt*qiin reiiimi tenons* t e 1 x * r r After the ceremonies, the mon­ must stop guessing and know for sure was a ttGEter 3*un anirHji^tliT ftg- keys eontmaed Jabbering to them­ what the results will be and adopt the fnrre r=Hre rrmjnr tengnre giTflffir Ban tt e ICKT selves and inspecting their forepaws ways of most profit. real encsntric jihiwiiii fe Bteme. to see what had happened to them. Large sums of money are invested samtlumw paribHr. wdhn wcas agger PeJfficeoiBani Patrick Ryan, who had In many acres of land, extensive and r f r o r t f gnnfl gmmgfti &rrtfhre mrejra* charge o f the professional work upon Evans has j rh-rfiHafl te x-hnzstt e s e y the monkeys, announced that they had minor league off aittte te idg <rnn mini been ~ffiniger printed” and carried and earned a nKfimnsuSe i^pnasnm away a score or more sheets of pa­ as a “ sqmnreL’' EEs rntet amuiagg: p a -. which he said would constitute » jii probably n-he ttpggestt “hang*"' a —SSmiaD) Rogues’ Gallery.” Just that ever was “frirffterfF am a teiS fB?fi£ what the purpose o l raftrimy jibe fiaager prints was PoEiceman Ryan was re­ H e was y ticlngg fa r fftorftenfl a few luctant to say. But be pointed out tbat tthe finger prints o f Bill and Bob, two years ago when ifhre «ngiwgwtre gflxgr toes baboons, were so near to tbe points off the hntmam finger that they could be all the rage because off tfia sssmsir sent in as human finger prints and wwnfd proBmBuB? pass ail examiners and be 3n white tbe AthleSts were esmrteBrg- duly classified in tbe remand. the play. The wjTjinsnig ISe h s were There was a slight hint in tbe proceedings that the finger prints were using it with snte rojgtfhimhy tttes to be assorted among human finger prints and torned over to policemen in Manager SJdOreiBp toss te a nags* tbe fiTigoT print school to see bow easily ttfeey coo Ed pick out human finger when Tmen "were am whlh num* prints from tbe monkey prints. one eat. As the finger-print experts pressed tbe p a «s off the monkeys o f the lower Finally atter the ffttay hurfl teen, cl«o«!(»c on the sheets of paper tbey obtained impressions tess and less like worked un Emms twuue te ame rmifug tbe p»i"i of the human band. The test monkey they experimented with was McCredie sard' a black-and-white faced lemur, the lowest member off the monkey family T h e nest time that ttegr any thES known. play, bean him '(miEjihg, off asurse. vl When Keeper Snyder entered the Bemnr's cage to capture him for the tbe batsman). \that to33 Stem ahem" finger printers, the lemur grunted, instead off crying like a hurt baby—as a-n iiTrmtg tet-er tfhe antpesirg ttgncm most of the other monkevs had done The Uemar's paw failed to show up tried the sqneeze. T h s r e t e goesv.” prints that would pass as human at all Instead o f fingers composed of was the •cry set tg> t e ffitemsf feme- sweat glands and an infinitely large number off *whurts” and “delta' forma­ mates. Imagine tbe surprise ■•mufl irs- tion of lines, there was an appearance off a cat s ffoot. except that at the end extement in the grtnmfis wtem Eyura Excellent Milk Producers on Pasture. of each division there vas a remind cnshnoni om which the “ whirls" shaped whirled about and tflmw ss themselves in almost perfect carries expenshe buildings, costly horses, an at tow at tbe haf® aunmer. BE6s O f all the monkeys submitted to the f e w print test Knocko a two-year- tools and machinery, high-priced feed Jim Was good and The hritl ■WTTmrrfe nh» old ring-tail monkey, showed tbe mc*gt grieff Maybe this was because Knocko and labor, and all of this outlay turned nnmer just hark off tbe «ar aanfl was the first to be brought out off bis rage and hadn't heard in monkey talk, to raising crops that do not yield any­ stretched him <mn mrild. A. ntett x5- as the others seemed to later, that it was all right thing like tbe amount of digestible most ffbDowted a-nfl E-mos toss thuky nutrients per acre that should and to escape hens meftted. The one striking improvement in mside game thoroughly. but weak an could^be obtained, and to feeding and On the way hark fa tee teued. JPe- base-ball in recent years is the selec­ judging pitchers, Indexes Cities fay the Length of Theirpoorly “Snipes” caring for a herd of poor cows Credie said: "4-Vbnt tee itenw woua tion of higher-class, brainier and more Wilbur Robinson. Dodgers—Close utterly unable to return a profit. you te biking off. yon h ^ Smateoxfi^” studious men as managers. student o f game: too good-natured on HICAGO—“ Before proceeding to the brnsoimess in hand." said Mr Bo mar. The same expenditure of money and “You told me fa hrean lHnn tffi&rk A brief study o f the managers may and off the field. clearing his throat, “ would it be too inarch to ask that you do not smoke labor bestowed in an intelligent man­ yon'" Why ®3ut vein say tee teansr' C give Fotne line on what their teams Fred Clark. Pirates— Hard-driving, I thought you Tmemrs nfbe has© mmv your cigar too far and that you Brave it wo*?! z. - when taking your departure•» ner upon the same farm and an effi­ Ah, a fresh one! Sir—to you"" will be, for the team in every in­ dead-in-earnest fellow. Wearing un­ ner." cient dairy herd would return a band- stance is a reflection of the personal­ der the long strain. It was in the Louis Quince tecep some profit lion room at the bridewell Mr Eto- m s iu ro " ity of its leader: Bill Carrigan. Red Sox—Good-na­ LIKES CHANCES OF DOSSERS xnar—Edward Romar connoisseur off AftE GETTIHC George Stallings, Braves—Big. im­ tured. “good-fellow " type. Improved pressive and thoughtful. The closest greatly last year. imported and domestic tobaccos and SM ALLER BEST SIZE OF SILO TO BUILD Jake iDauhrra Says Bn&xftSyai Team Bs originator o f a distinctly novel method student of baseball in the game. Fair Rill Donovan. Yankees—Good-na­ AND with his men off the field, a slave off That Chuskm IHbfisriafl—Sm- of determining the comparative pros­ Not Advisable to Construct Recep­ tured. easy going. Student off pitch­ driver on it. ers. prrovxs aff Evsr$r Sttacitt. perity o f municipalities — was about to j f l A L U R tacle With Diameter Over Twenty Patrick Moran, Phillies—Quiet, Connie Mack. Athletics — Quiet speak for publication Feet—Right Height. Jake Ttenhert. tee EimtSdlym fate earner-t. tho.ightful fellow. A trifle forceful and thoughtful. Success due “ It is not hard for me to guess sucker, likes the locks <aff tee HSffiflgsin? easy going ar.u untried as a disciplin­ to selection and handling of men. your mission," resumed Mr Rotaae In building a silo one should plan this reason. “W e win .'mTn-nii* irggWt arian Clark Griffith. Nationals— Best judge —You wish doubtless to get informa­ w ell tbe width of tbe silo. If the silo along." decterrs tee iTim-a hare fti-ng- Roger Bresnaban, Cubs— McGraw of pitchers and coadiucms in the tion concerning the infallible system * Is too wide for the number of stock to “ That doesn't mem niln/r yoe wall wim school of managers. Great judge of game. Hard loser. by which ! hare arrived at the ooaaclinsieoi that iTticago stands eleventh be fed from it duily, there will not every game, hut w>e wo3 he giteyteg piteht rs. bights for everything. Well Hugh Jennings. Tigers— Aggressive, among American cities in jcint of prosperity The truest Etttiev to the finan­ be a sufficient amount of silage taken liked by some players, disliked by hard-driving manager. Great leader better basehaH whh <emtgy su rf. The cial status of a community is the hutmWe so-caBBed "snipe —the unsmoked from the silo per day, especially in others off the field.
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