ILE rjif:' · ... · · · 1 OA7 E oh :. ' 76 1 !, REPOHT MADE BY 1J.~r.:n:-~~ Jr _,. 0 ' (U) \i6HN EDWt.no PIC (008:( 17 Jan 32) ~~~;:.,,_.;:.;r:..;;;._;=.:.....;:P~A;,;:;;CA;.:.F....._.._A~........ --'"""I I SSgt, AF 11313239 f 1960 JSll~~ Hospital Tachi!:awa, APO 323 il,, i ,I j J " i' i i ' : , I .,' t sq fa~ 4.,' ;:o (D aa. 13 DO #'16 F'ile 33-476 a. 1 [ go SYNOPSIS (Cont'd) (D C ::, · that the half brother served with Marine Air Control Squadrons with duties involving ground control intercept and the possibility he may have had access to CONFIDENTIAL information. Correspondence from u. s. State Department rcflacts that SUBJECT requested u. s. Embassy I Moscot'J, to transmit personal message to his half brother c.1sking reconsiderntion of intentions. Neither the name of SUBJECT nor that of his spouso appears in the Special Files (files con ... ·~nining unfavorable information) of the 2710th Air Base \'Jing, APO 323. Review of SUBJECT's military records reflected no unfavor• i . 1•. able information contained therein. Sxpiration of Term of Service (ETS) of SUBJ2CT: 25 September 1964. SUBJZCT' s Month of Travel (r;lOT): 6 rlovomber 1961. ,. t' : .. :i '~ ! 9 pJLHE-'~ - ,,·.~-.,,.,3':'-,··~,·-... ,~,, , ..,,., ,,.F,Zr~·."7&11 l • 1' · ss,4; JR>,, ,-/"e~•/',~~, Details, DO #46, rile 33,...476 ····-··DE:.CAILS_: ___________________~ ___ 1. This investigation was initiated by direction of the Director, OSI (IG) PACAF, APO 953, by letter, file 31""'63, dated 29 December 1959, in an effort to establish the security qualifications of JOHN EDWARD PIC, SSgt, AF 11313239, USAF Hospital Tachikawa, APO 323; further, to resolve :rny possible sympathetic association he may have had with his half brother, LEE HARVEY OSWALD, t·rho allegedly turned in his passport to American Embarsy ~fficials in Moscow, USSR, stating the intention of renouncing his U9 ·s. :i tizenship. • A!_ TACJ!_IKAVJA J\:W..J3ASE, TACJIIKAWA 1 HQf:§HU, JAPAN :1 2. On 15 January 1960, File 31-30, this District Office, was reviewed EDWARD PIC, SSgt, Ali' 113122'.39 ,J and the following information relative to JOHN 1 USAF Hospital Tachikawa, APO 323, was extracted therefrom: :Ii 2 of I On 4 NIJvember 19591 PIC voluntarily appeared at Detachment !! this District Office and was interviewed by Special Agent SHIGEO R. Ol{UUA .,I He related thnt on Sunday night, l November 1959, ho hoard I and the writer. I a radio broadcast relntive to his half brother, LEE HARVEY OSWALD, who hod I allegedly turned in his passport to American Embossy officials in Moscow, Ii USSR, stating the intention of renouncing his u. s. citizenship. PIC stated thot.- he had been to tlie chaplnin, Tachikawa Air Bose, who sug.ge,5.\Ji\d,.. that ,ho \ brother, his i report to this office. PIC stated that OSWALD is his half I his family as I mother hnving been married several times. He identified i follows: I Father: EDWARD JOHN PIC (address unknown i may be living in Louisiana). Mother: Mrs. MARGUERITE OSWALD (address unknow~, Fort Worth, Texas),, Half brother: ROBIBT L. OSWALD, 7313 Davenport Street, Fort Worth, Texas. This brother is married and is a student at TCU. I unl<nown; formerly from I\ Half brother: LEE HARV~:y OSl'lALD (address I Fort Worth, Te,cas )(Former u. s. Marine)• i PIC explained that his family relationship is not a close one due to his mother's several marriages. He related that his mother is o · very argumentative person and is very difficult to get olong with; cons.,. quently, he has severed his connections with her. · '"t:i I ~ ! : PIC rolotcd that he last saw his brother LEE approximately 6~ '"t:i 1 11 years ago (spring or summer of 1953) when LE3 was about 13 years old, At ~ ::i' that time, LEE mid his mother resided in New York City nnd PIC was in tho ~ l' u. s. Const Guard sto'tioned nonrby. ;:3 s ~ I i '. 2 I. •) Reviewed BY AFO-. l O'\ :i 1l :r:,pr r·'\Jt. frr·- u For Pub\\c Disclosure ~ In j\rcm;h,ce With , I · 2 ~ ·~ . .. ... .. ... ... ... .. JF~~RcA, ~~~1~ . 21I ,,, V·'•:c,,,, j/, '. .. '' ,· ',,· (\.' ,, i;.\j'"UJ'fiill;;>J,li'ii!i1l1/ii'~.!l'~t&:iil\,'ti.1;,,,2!11',;,,~!Mi~,il.;~'.lJ'~·z■r'Wdaltll!fMfl~:•:•1~~iJ.':~2~:bc''it,{ r{,<· tJfL::·;~~:·,~tL,:>:~·~-·~j,i:'.-;;~i..Lt.:ii\;:.lf.1~~~Vtf1~f-f:&tli~~~ ~ . , • • .·, ·~ · · · Ii /7 ~. (D 'O g_ C §_ ;i} gx;)' f~i!!1''??t?~ g 3 Details (Cont'd), DO #46, l~ile 33,...476 So (D C :::, He described LEZ as a mood and bitter oun ster, and attributed ---Q. received ~. - ·- this 1tterness to his mother's personality. PIC said he has :=t, • only one letter from LEE and that was about two years ago when L~E first ~ 0 to answer the lot tor., (D joined the Marine Corps. He related that he planned Q. but the return address was illegible, and he has never corresponded with !½ =ii "'(D LEE. 0. :r: 0 0: might have for his contem,­ 5· When questioned as to the motives LEE (Cl p1.ated renunciation of citizenship, PIC stated that his mother had ex,., "'s, So , Jrienced an aecidcrnt at her place of woric and he believed that. she (D ho z 10qucstod the Marine Corps officials to discharge LEE in order that ~ 0 reportedly very mueh attached :::, tilight support and tnko care of her. LEE was ~ o since LEE )> to the Marine Corps and planned to make it corcor. However, 0 ::r is o minor, his mother might hove been successful in her request and ~- perhaps LEE was rosentful for being forced out of his· chosen career~. · P!C related that LEE was not scheduled to be discharged normolly until Deco1t.b?):: 1959. PIC also believed that LEE might have been influenced by the ootiont of two other Americans who renounced their citizenship in recent months and whoso actions wore widely publicized. PIC related that, to his lcnowledge, LEE had never been to Europe before, nor had he ever had any acquaintances or contacts there. He said that he did not !mow LEE's position in the Marine Corps, or whether he· had access to classified materials or areas while a member of the mili­ tary, but believed LEE does not possess ony technical knowledge whatsocvero PIC stated that he has obtained the above information ·concerning LE~ by letter from his brother ROBERT and personally from a cousin, Miss MARILYN MURRETI', who is a teacher in Japan and resides in a hotel (name unknown) in Itabashi I Tokyo. Miss MORRE.TT is from New Orleans, Louisiana, and is the daughter of his mother's sister, PIC stated that LEE's actions have caused him and his wife great mental anguish since they are loyal citizens of the United States; and al though he feels he has a moral obligation to attempt to dissuade LEE from this action, he was reluctant to pursue the attempt unless it wus with USAF sanction. Ho related that although LEE's actions invoked a :!Jtro.ng family feeling within him and that he would do anything to stop LEE from this action, his first loyalty was to his country and to the USAF; and that should LEE persist in going through with his intent, he I, would be "legally dead" as far as PIC was· concerned. · l. .. PIC produced. two newspoper articles concerning the aqUq,n of his half brother LEE HARVEY OSWALD. The clippings were taken from t»e ustars and Stripes" newspaper, To date of interview, PIC's relationship with LEE had not become known locally, and PIC had not been approached by any member of the press. 0 ;u (D td 1j f ,-- .. ) ( %) '-i -0 1 I ~ a ; g @ Details (Cont'd), 00 #46, File 33-476 0. a 3 of this District Office reflected no info::.,na,, So A review of the files (D C tion pertaining to LEZ HARVEY OSWALD or JOHN E. PIC. :., - _.___ () I. Reproductions of the newspaper clippings given this District "''(D Office by PIC were made; a copy of which is appended to this report as 0. an inclosure. 3.. On 15 January 1960, correspondence emanating from the Directora,.e, OSI (IG) PACAF, A~O 953, was reviewed. Within this correspondence wore 1ttachments initiated by the u. s. Naval and u. s. State Departments which cro pertinent to this investigation. The naval authorities relate summorily as follows: OSWALD is o PFC in the Inactive l.lnrine Corps Reserve with an obligated service until -'3 December 1962. OSt'JALD attended an Aircraft Control and Warning Operot0r course in 1957. He served with Marine Air Control Squadrons in Japon c:ic\ Taiwan, with duties involving ground control intercept. His job descriptiJn • code indicates that he is an aviation electronics operator A There is no record of his clearance at Hq, Marine Corps, but the possibility·exists that he may have had access to CONFIDENTIAL information. OSWALD's service number is 1653230; his 00B/POB 18 October 1939 at New Orleans, Louisiana; he was released to inactive duty on 11 September 1959; his home of record is 4936 Collinwood Stree-t, Fort Worth, Texas. OSWALD has a brother, JOHN EDWARD PIC, 11313239, on active duty with the USAF. The Department of State officials relate summarily as follows: USAF Staff Sergeant JOHN E. PIC, Tachikawa Air Base, called at the Embassy, Tolcyo, Japan, on 6 November 1959, concerning news reports that ,, his half brother, LEE HARVEY OSWALD, 20 years old, intends to renounce a.
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