VOLUME XXVIII AUGUST, 1955 NUMBER 8 THE TWO HENS ALEC C. THOMPSON President, Gilbert and Ellice Islands Mission E HAVE all heard the expression "scratching about like W an old hen," but this hen wasn©t scratching about. With her one lone robust chick she was hurrying hither and thither, or following the chick if he dashed off in any direction. She was evidently hungry, and* greedily devoured an insect that was disturbed. I continued with my work, giving no further thought to the hen and her chick. Then I noticed another come through the same patch of grass. She was going slowly, and in a methodical way stripping all the tiny seeds from a certain type of grass. She spent some time feeding upon this same patch through which the other hen and her chick had passed, finding only one or two insects. All Bible students can be divided into the same two classes as those two fowls. "It is a lamentable fact that the advancement of the cause is hindered by the dearth of educated laborers. Many are wanting in moral and intellectual qualifications. They do not tax the mind, they do not dig for the hidden treasure. Because they only skim the surface, they gain only that knowledge which is to be found upon the surface." Gospel Workers, p. 93. How often we find ourselves going hither and thither through the green pastures of His Word, only occasionally alighting upon something of real value, some food for thought. There is ample available for all, and it is not to be needlessly passed by. The others "will seek by earnest study to obtain all the knowl edge they can from the Word." Ibid., p. 94. With set purpose they methodically go to the Word and find an ample supply- quite often from the very same place that the other student hurriedly passed by. They find something of real value the bread of life in every verse of the Scriptures. As they follow the divine admonition, "Search the scriptures," the promise is fulfilled that those who "hunger and thirst after righteousness . shall be filled." Page 2 THE MINISTRY In This Issue ASTORS and evangelists will appreciate Pthe statement on the question of rebap- Official Organ of the tism from the pen of Ellen G. White which MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVEXTISTS appears on page 14 of this issue. Editor: ROY ALLAX AXDERSON Why does the Spirit of prophecy place Associate Editors: such unusual emphasis on Isaiah 58? With REUBEN R. FIGUHR, ALBERT V. OLSON that question in mind we draw attention to LOUISE C. KLEUSER, GEORGE E. VANDEMAN the quotations in the Counsel section on WALTER SCHUBERT, EARL E. CLEVELAND page 31 on "The Ministry of Benevolence," Office Editor; Advertising and Circulation Manager: BEN GLANZER and with this, the item "Importance of Consulting Advertising Manager: Isaiah 58" on page 17, and the editorial R. J. CHRISTIAN "What Is True Religion?" on page 8. On page 21 are some excellent thoughts on the importance of a continued training for personal work. Also in the Bible Instruc tor section this month is Part II of the study on "Reaching Hearts," by Ruby Williams, VOLUME XXVIII NUMBER 8 which has real value for all personal work AT A GLANCE ers. A valuable discussion of "The Gift of FEATURES ............. __....................___...... 4 Tongues," by Earle Hilgert, instructor in The Spirit and Power of Elijah Who Is Sufficient Bible and Systematic Theology at our for These Things? Theological Seminary, appears on page 11. EDITORIAL .„.__.___....._..__..__.___..__.-.....____._..._ 8 What Is True Religion? Part I NEWS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS ...---. -.....-. 10 Cov&r San Antonio, Texas, Church EVANGELISM ..........__............................ 11 The Gift of Tongues The Question of Rebaptism THE beginning of the work in San Antonio, Texas, dates back to 1895. PASTOR . - ..... ... .... ... ...... .... 15 It was in that year that John "Sons of Strangers Shall Build Up Thy Walls," Part IV Importance of Isaiah 58 Berean Club Holbrook held public meetings in BIBLE INSTRUCTOR ..._................. ....... 21 the form of Bible study groups. Personal Work as Basic Training Reaching Hearts Two persons accepted the message (Study Outline) and were baptized. Thus was SEMINARY EXTENSION SCHOOL .......... 24 formed the nucleus of the Sabbath school that was organized. Each SHEPHERDESS . -.._..-...._....... ........__. 27 A Woman-Ministry, Part III year new members were added until in 1900 the official church was organized. The church met in COUNSEL ........ ........................................ 31 members© homes and public halls until 1916, when The Ministry of Benevolence, Part I a church building was erected, which served as PULPIT ........................... 35 the church home for thirty-four years. Christ©s Righteousness t; Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God" (Sermon Outline) In 1945 A. K. Phillips came to San Antonio. RESEARCH --_.._..._„__.._„ _„__._ _______„___ __ „„ 41 During his pastorate the vision of a new church Messianic Echoes in Jewish Traditions. Part III was born. In 1946 a lot was purchased on the BOOKS ______.___„_______ _________________ 43 corner of Breeden Avenue and Ashby Place. This location is considered one of the choice locations NEWS ______________________________ 45 for a church as it is in a good residential district POINTERS _________....................... 48 and located on a hillside overlooking a beautiful city park. In 1949 the building project was started by E. B. Hallsted. It was carried on by Douglas Printed and published monthly for the Ministerial Association Marchus and completed in March, 1954, by Charles of Seventh-day Adventists by the Review and Herald Publish Keymer. Approximately one third of the labor ing Association, Washington, D.C., U.S.A., $2.50 a year; on the church was donated by church members. 25 cents a copy. Add 35 cents for yearly subscriptions to countries requiring extra postage. Entered as second-class mat The total cost (not including estimated cash value ter December 19., 1927, at the post office at Washington, of donated labor) was $97,328. The present mem B.C., under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. bership is 450. H. M. S. Richards, Jr., and C. A. Holt are associate pastors. CHARLES KEYMER, Pastor. AUGUST, 1955 Page 3 The Spirit and Power of Elijah E. E. CLEVELAND Associate Secretary, General Conference Ministerial Association "And he shall go before him in the spirit and secret of his power, would outshine him. power of Elias, ... to make ready a people pre He knew that the work would be finished pared for the Lord" (Luke 1:17). by younger, stronger men than he. He evi dently realized that his business was to ©©HE desire for power in make men, not break them. What a scene! the heart of the minister Standing on the south bank of the river is not a selfish one when Jordan, the experienced evangelist makes it has as its object "to make a last generous gesture. "Ask what I shall, ready a people prepared for do for thee, before I be taken away from the Lord." The power of thee" (2 Kings 2:9). This man knows that Elijah is available only to he is about to go on sustentation (celes those who possess the spirit of tial). He is not zealous that his record as Elijah. A brief examination of the spirit of a soul winner, healer, or prophet be un Elijah must, then, of necessity precede any excelled. The great mission of his life has discussion of his power. been to "make ready a people." First of all, his was a spirit of humility. Also worthy of note at this point is the He was doubtless aware of his own limita attitude of the young intern, Elisha. There tions. There is no record that he ever as was apparently no premature urge on his pired to the throne of Ahab despite his part to "take over" in the meetings at Gil- influence with the people. Moved at times gal, Bethel, and Jericho. There is also no by a power that did supernatural things, indication that he permitted his diploma Elijah was content to retire to the seclusion from the school of the prophets to swell his of the cave or the quietness of the wilder head, making him scornful of the knowl ness. From his behavior after his most edge of the older man, gained in the school successful "effort" (on Mount Carmel), of experience. There is almost an eagerness one would conclude that he was not at all on the part of the young man to be a good sure of himself. As a matter of fact, God learner. Consider his request: "I pray thee, chided him on this occasion for being "too let a double portion of thy spirit be upon retiring," but He loved the man. me" (2 Kings 2:9). Elisha knew that the The spirit of Elijah was not a spirit of power of Elijah accompanies his spirit. compromise. A thing was right or wrong To the possessor of Elijah©s spirit the with him and there was no question as to power is consequential. A power that with where he stood. Hear the voice of this held rain, parted rivers, healed the sick, ancient evangelist as it pounds like a ham and brought reformation to a backslidden mer upon the sin-dulled consciences of an people for such the whole creation stands apostate people: "How long halt ye be in desperate need. That this need will be tween . ." (1 Kings 18:21). "Your position met we are assured by an evangelical minis is untenable," he tells them.
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