The Archives of The University of Notre Dame 607 Hesburgh Library Notre Dame, IN 46556 574-631-6448 [email protected] Notre Dame Archives: Alumnus ·aJm-.·. , ' ' ~ Vol. 46 No.6 October 1968 November John P. Thurin '59 EDITOR Tom Sulli\'an '66 1\IANAGISG EDITOR June Shassere AssiSTANT EDITOR Margaret Zwers Bill Mitchell '71 Mike McCauley '69 EDITORIAL AssisTANTS M. Bruce Harlan '49 CmEF PuoTOGRAPIIER ALUMNI ASSOCIATION OFFICERS Ambrose F. Dudley Jr '43 HosoRARY PRESIDENT Richard A. Rosenthal '51 PRESIDENT William D. Ka,•anaugh '27 VICE· PRESIDENT William F. Kerwin Jr '40 VICE-PRESIDENT Leo V. Turgeon '42 VtcE-PRESIDEST James D. Cooney '59 ExECUTI\'C SECRET.\RY DIRECTORS TO 1969 William D. Ka\'anaugh '27 (CoNTINUING Eo­ UCATION, FACULTY RELATIONS, No~JINA• Tioxs) 3445 Ordway St. NW, Washington, DC 20016 William F. Kerwin Jr '40 (AoMtsstoNs, RE­ LIGION AND CtTIZENSIIIP) 1108 Emilie St., Green Bay, Wis. 54301 Richard A. Rosenthal '54 (ExECUTI\'E, NoMI­ NATIONs) P.O: Box 200, South Bend, Ind. 46624 Leo V. Turgeon '42 (CLUBS) 3731 Stocker St., Los Angeles, Calif. 90008 ' DIRECTORS TO 1970 Edward G. Cantwell '24 (PuBLIC RELATIONS AND DE\'ELOPMENT) iOO Binns Blvd., Columbus, Ohio 43204 Edward B. Fitzpatrick Jr '54 (STUDENT AF­ FAIRS) 5 The Maples, Roslyn Estates, NY 11576 . John J. Reidy '27 (ACADEMIC AFFAIRS) 11850 Edgewater ·Dr., Lakewood, Ohio 44107 Leonard H. Skoglund '38 (ATIILETIC, SENATE RELATIONS) 426 Dover Ave., LaGrange Park, Ill. 60525 DIRECTORS TO 1971 W. Jerome Kane '38, P.O. Box 3707, Seattle, Wash. 98124 Walter M. Langford '30, 1315 Otsego St., A Little Something South Bend, Ind. 46617 Donald F. O'Brien '42, 1113 Rocky River. Rd., Houston, Texas 77002 you're one who believes in a Francis J. Wilson '28, 6105 Howe St., IF ending report of campus activi­ Pittsburgh, Pa. 15219 little something for everyone, then ties such as the organization of 1968 Notre Dame ALUMNUS, University of try on this issue of the ALUMNus. the Student Life Council; the on­ Notre Dame, all rights reserved. Reproduction in ,,,.hole or in part without written pennis· You may not agree with every­ going attempt to oust Student sion is prohibited. thing you read. Hardly! But I Body President Richard Rossie; The Notre Dame ALUMNUS is published eight promise you won't go away bored the progress several of our engi- times a year by the University of . Notre or uninformed. Dame. Second-class postage paid at Notre . neers are making toward solving Dame, IN 46556. For openers, Dr. George Shus­ the. problem of water pollution; ter comments on Humanae Vitae; Father Hesburgh's visit with "our Jim Cooney who recently re­ man" in Paris; and, in turn, the turned from a Latin American visits on Campus by certain tour evaluates Notre Dame's for- spokesmen of liberal and conser­ ' eign policy; and self-styled movie vative bents. critic Dick Conklin draws a rather Our cover story concerns a unique c o m p a r i s o n between subject of singular interest to "Knute Rockne All American" Alumni. ADMISSIONS. Need I and "The Graduate." Still with say more? Not only is it an urgent me? matter to Notre Dame men wish­ From there we get into an un- ing to send their sons to Alma _for Everyone Mater but it's right -in. the season ter plushy Kentucky blue-grass INSIGHT early in the new year when high school seniors are siz­ and maturing maples literally are for the full account. ing up the campuses of their sprouting up overnight. choice. Brother Raphael Wilson CSC, director of the Univcr~ sity's Admissions Office, pulls no punches in telling it "like it is." 'TALK about variety · and the For many, however, the story A&C Center is the ultimate. Not ~c ~ Editor of the hour and, perhaps this only , ~re its physical facilities issue, is the dedication of the varied and numerous but its open- - P.S. _Last issue's cover provoked Athletic and Convocation Cen­ ing week's activities, known as many comments, mostly questions - ter scheduled December 1-8. In­ . "Performance Maximus," pro­ of "What's that?" For those who side the $8.6 _million plant vide again that little something saw our "not so jolly green giant" painters arc covering the last for. everyone. Though our pre­ · as an aerial view of the stadium ' few inches of bare plywood; work­ view on pages 8 and 9 is limited or as the Campus map or as a men arc finishing the main floor we hope to bring you complete battlefield mancuv~r, we suhmit of the Arena; and electricians are coverage of the facility in full usc two items for your'comparison in checking out scoreboards. Out during the spectacular eight-day the far - left column of this and around the duo-domed cen- affair. Look for a special issue of spread. · EDITORIALS i- A _View of 'Dnmattae Vitae' f GEORGE N. SHUSTER I wouLD LIKE to talk about Pope the West from moral debasement living can be raised. But it wiii Paul's birth control encyclical as and to try to make sure that a life take a long time to accomplish a "moralistic" statement. When which had the quest for holiness these things; and observers arc I call it moralistic, I mean to at its core could be assisted toward surely correct when they say that emphasize that it is an exhorta­ its goal. continued large increases in the tion based on conclusions drawn Therefore, if we ask the ques­ birth -rate will make it a very . from the Church's long effort to tion: Must we attribute to Pope long time indeed. formulate a code of ethics for its Paul's encyclical no greater In short, 'the framework of the members-and not based on finality than John Courtney Mur­ population ptoblem emerged .in Scriptural teaching. ray did to the Papal Bull that our studies as enormous and it To me the Church's code is a trampled the rights of conscience was clearly - in a real sense - good and noble one and one to in a Catholic State (Unam at the heart of a terrifying human be treated with respect. Stiii, it Sanctam) , we must keep two need. What can the practice of is the work of men (who have things in mind : ~- Rhythm do to meet that need? been fallible in all ages) , and First, we have a clear right to Admittedly the sanction of this who have certainly made mistakes ask the question and to determine method of birth control by Pope upon occasion. what the answer should be, and Pius XII was a notable change Lord Acton has wisely pointed Secondly, we ought also to bear in Catholic teaching. But it does out the Inquisition as one such in mind how deeply indebted we not follow that at the present · error. He explained it with are to the Church. time Rhythm is practicable in Goethe's maxim: "All power cor­ any sense. It docs not "work" rupts and absolute power corrupts At Notre Dame we began the study of population problems and well enough even under clinical absolutely." That such a horrible supervision to be of genuine so­ and bloody business as the In­ of birth control seven years ago. · Our work was done by moral cial value. As my colleague at quisition could have been carried Notre Dame, Dr. Donald Bar­ on for such a long period of time, theologians and scientists of the highest reputation. The studies rett, a member of the papal even with Papal sanction, is a sad birth control commission, has fact which we can only teryn in­ \vere done with complete openness of mind. said: the "logistical" ·aspects of comprehensible, however '·sound Rhythm arc more than enough the premises may have seemed in to consign it to Utopia. · former times. IN our studies, we concluded Father John Courtney Murray, that three new factors had been Pope Paul recognizes these in his studies on the relation of introduced into the discussion. things implicitly in the encycli­ Church and State, had to con­ The first was that called Casti cal: - Scientists are urged to front one basic underpinning of Connubii (the last encyclical. that discover ways of perfecting the the theory which "justified" the dealt with birth control) called Rhythm method. - A plea is Inquisition: the doctrine that a halt to enlightened pastoral made to bring about an end to whenever Catholics ruled the care which had permitted birth poverty, disease, and ignorance State they could suppress the control in cases where a .woman in the spirit of Pope Paul's ear­ rights of dissident religious groups. could not have another child lier encyclical Populorum Pro­ In this confrontation; Father without· serious jeopardy to her gressio. · Murray was bent on striking from well-being, or when the family We may, therefore, surely con­ the books a doctrine of which the was desperately poor•. clude that the Pope joins us in Papacy had approved. The result The second fact was that the recognizing a time lag during was that not too many years ago conquest of disease by medicine which humanity must face the the Vatican's Congregation of the and consequent. vaccination of fact that answers to the problem Holy Office considered Murray's the world's masses had led to a of population which arc based vie\vs so pernicious that it forbade very great : expansion of the on past history and experience the publication of a book in which population. This was especially are inadequate. he developed them.
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