THE AUSTRALIAN ELIZABETHAN THEATRE TRUST TI®®[0 THE AUSTRALIAN ELIZABETHAN ..... ..C' IL..... -.n m'UTTOrw-. THE AUSTRALIAN ELIZABETHAN THEATRE TRUST NOTICE OF MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the ANNUAL ORDINARY GENERAL MEETING of the Members will be held at the offices of The Australian Elizabethan Theatre Trust, 153 Dowl ing Street, Potts Point, N.S.W., on Tuesday, 10th June, 1969, at 5.30 p.m. BUSINESS 1. To receive and consider the Balance Sheet and Income and Expenditure Account made up to 31st December, 1968, and the Report of the Directors and Honorary Auditors thereon. 2. The President and Vice-Presidents retire in accordance with Article 69, and being eligible, offer themselves for re-election. 3. To elect Directors. Th e following Directors who were appointed by the Board since the last Ordinary General Meeting, retire in acco rd ance with Article 43. Being eligible, they offer themselves for re-election: Mr. W. H. Butts, C.B.E .; Hon. Vernon Christie, M.P.; Mr. Maurice Parker. The following Directors retire by rotation in accord ance with Article 44, and being eligible, offer themselves for re-election: Mr. Claude Alcorso; Mr. Kenneth von Bibra; Mrs. P. W. E. Curtin; Mr. C. J. legoe; Mr. B. Macklin; Mr. Albert Monk, C.M.G .; Sir Charles Moses, C.B.E.; Dr. lloyd Ross; Mr. Maurice C. Timbs. Mr. F. E. lampe, M.B.E., and Sir Arthur Smithers, C.B.E., retire pursuant to Section 121 of the Companies Ordinance, 1962, and the meeting will be asked to co nsid er th e following resolutions pursuant to Section 121 (6) of the Companies Ordinance, 1962: "That Mr. F. E. Lampe, M.B.E., be authorised to continue In office as a Director until the next Ordinary General Meeting." "That Sir Arthur Smithers, C.B.E., be authorised to continue in office as a Director until the next Ordinary General Meeting." 4. To elect Honorary Auditors for the ensuing year. The retiring Auditors, G. T. Hartigan & Co., Chartered Accountants, are eligible and offer themselves for re-election. 5. To transact any other business which may be brought before the meeting in conformity with the Articles of Association. By order of the Board, STEPHEN C. HAll Secretary. Sydney, 9th May, 1969. A , '- THE AUSTRALIAN PROXY FORM .......................... .................................... .. ... ...... .of .. .. ............... ..... ....... .......................... .. .................. .. ...... ...... .......... ... ......... .......... ..... being a Member of The Australian Elizabethan Theatre Trust hereby appoint. ............... .. of.. ....................................................................... as my proxy to vote for me and on my behalf at the Ordinary General Meeting of the Company to be held on the tenth day of June, 1969, and at any adjournment thereof. Signed by the said this .... day of.. ... ........ , 1969 in the presence of.. ....................... .. i r ir THE AUSTRALIAN ELIZABETHAN THEATRE TRUST (A c.ompa ny incorporated in the Australia n Capita l Territory and limited by guarantee.) PATRON : HER MAJESTY THE QUEE . PRESIDENT: Colonel Aubrey H. L. Gibson, E.D. VICE-PRESIDENTS : Sir james Darling, CM.G., O.B.E., Sir Robert Knox. CHAIRMAN : Sir Ian Potter. DIRECTORS: A.CT.: Professor j. A. Passmore. N.S.W.: Claude Alcorso, Mr . P. W. E. Curtin, Sir Warwick rairfax, Miss Margaret Gillespie, Stanley Haviland, CB.E., Sir Charles Moses, CB.E., Maurice Parker, Dr. Lloyd Ross, Maurice C Timb . QLD.: L. W. H. Butts, CB.E., Sir Reginald Groom. s.A.: N . F. Hopkins, C j. Legoe, Bruce Macklin. TAs.: j. B. Piggott, CB.E., Kenneth von Bibra. VIC: Hon. Vernon Christie, M.P., F. E. Lampe, M.B.E., Mrs. F. Mas y Burnside, A!bert Monk, CM.G., Sir George Paton, Miss M. E. Roper, . R. Seddon, CB.E., Sir Arthur Smithers, C,B.E. W.A.: Emeritus Professor Frederick Alexander, CB.E. EXECUTIVE COMMITIEE: Sir Ian Potter (Chairman), Claude Alcorso (Reporting on Opera), Colonel Aubrey H. L. Gibson, E.D. (Reporting on Drama), N. R. Seddon (Reporting on Ballet), Maurice C Timbs (Reporting on Finance and Administration). HONORARY SOLICITORS: Allen, Allen & Hemsley, 55 Hunter Street, Sydney. HONORARY AUDITORS: G. T. Hartigan & Co. , Chartered Accountants. BANKERS: Commonwealth Trading Bank of Australia. REGISTERED OFFICE: Reserve Bank Chambers, London Circuit, Canberra, A.CT. SECRETA RY /CO-ORDINATOR: Stephen C Hall. FINANCE AND PERSONNEL MANAGER: Donald B. McDonald. Th e deaths of two directors are recorded with regret: Sir Alexander Reid and Professor Sir Fred Schonell. The following Directors have resigned from office ince the last Ordinary General Meeting: eil Hutchison, Sir Robert Madgwick, Peter Scriven. Th e following appointments have been made to the Board: Hon. Vernon Christie, M.P., L. W. H. Butts, CB.E., Maurice Parker. Report of the Directors to the Members at the Ordinary General Meeting to be held in Sydney on 10th June, 1969. Your Directors have pleasure in presenting their report for the year ended 31st December, 1968. The year was an important one for the Trust in many ways, but most particularly because it initiated the period in which the Ballet and Opera Companies moved toward a more independent status. This new status of the Companies was an inherent part of the new scheme whereby they will draw the Commonwealth Government's financial support directly from the Australian Council for the Arts. Besides requiring a new type of administration for the Ballet and Opera, the overall change in status has necessitated a revision of the future functioning of the Trust. It is envisaged that the Trust will continue as an entrepreneurial body, serving the performing Companies in various areas, and toward this end it ha s been necessa ry to effect quite important re-arrangements in duties and in personnel within the Executive of the Trust. On the other hand, the responsibilities of the Trust, while less important in some areas, have become of greater significa nce in oth ers, especially in the field of administration. This change in emphasis has required the recruitment of personnel with particular sk ills. Throughout the year the Trust has been involved in considerable negotiations with the Australian Council for the Arts. These negotiations have been conducted with great goodwill on both sides. In this connection, it is apparent to your Directors that in the end result the responsibilities of the Trust may be greater than was at fi rst thought. A major problem exists for us: The Companies do not draw the whole of their financial support from t he Commonwealth (through the Australian Council for the Arts), but rely upon the States to provide a substantial amou nt - on the average about one-third. The States have fo und it convenient to deal with the Trust i n the handling of their contributions to the performing arts. As yet, the position is by no means clear. It would seem that the Trust, through its long experience and its entrepreneurial activities, will be playing a more positive part in the operation of the performing Companies than appeared likely when the Council was formed. The Board of t he Trust realises that the ass umption of financial responsibilities, if not matched at some stage by Governmental support, adds considerably to the financial burdens of the Trust. Within these limitations the Board is willing to pursue discussions with the Council for the Arts and the State Governments and other interested parties to achieve an effective and efficient overall organisation in the development of these important activities. The Balance Sheet and Statement of Income and Expenditure of the Trust for the twelve mo nths ended 31st December, 1968, have been audited by Messrs. G. T. Hartigan & Co. Income from all so urces other than box office receipts amounted to $1,558,875 (1967, $1,300,505) and net expenditure was $1 ,475,428 (1967, $1 ,236,370). The surplus for the year, $83,447 (1967, $64,135), has been transferred to the Trust's accumulated funds which now stand at $280,895. An amount of $7,5 43 has been provided for doubtful debts. It has been necessa ry to write off debts totalling $16,543. However, th e provision ca rri ed forward of $13,000 should be adequate to cover any further losses in this rega rd. During the year, steps were taken to liquidate the non-operating subsidiary companies - Newtown Majestic Pty. Limited and The Elizabethan Theatre Company (Syd ney) Limited. In accordance with the Companies Ordinance, 1962, as amended, the Directors report as follows: 1. Th e resu lts for the year under review have not been affected by items of an abnormal character other than as mentioned in the accounts and in this report. 2. No circumstances have arisen which render adherence to the ex isti ng method of va luation of assets or liabilities of the Company misleading or inappropriate. 3. No contingent liabilities have been undertaken by the Company si nce the end of the period covered by the last report and no contingent liability has become enforceable or is likely to become enforceable within the succeeding period of twelve months which will materially affect the Company in its ability to meet its obligations as and when they fall due. The Australian Ballet had another successful year. At the req uest of, and with the support of. the Commonwealth Government, it undertook an extensive tour of far-eastern countries in the earlr months of 1968 and enjoyed an outstanding success. The second half of th is year was devoted to performances in the capital cities of Australia. Three new ba llets were commissioned and performed duri ng the seaso n - " j eu nesse" by the Company's leading male dance r Garth Welch, " Threshold" by the United States choreographer john l3utier, and "Sun Music" choreographed by Sir Robert Helpmann to music by Peter Sculthorpe.
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