• ------. ~'i'II>:~:;m4~Nnrt4l!illt" itt-rnrb PLD NORTHVILLE SPRING For At/ore Than 82 Years - Friend, Companion and Kindly Counselor Norrhville, Michigan, Thursday, December 11, 1952 $2.50 Per Year in Advance Volume 82, Number 28 E,ghteen Pager This Week ._-------------------- -, Ne"Wspaper to Move to NeW"Location I iWayne Council Authorizes -- Annual 'Messiah' New Location Will Provide Largest I !Changing irom Village to City I" ,_ Presentation to Be Adequate Room for Expansion I 1 Sunday, Dee. 21 Arrangements for movmg the Norrhville Record into larger quar- Record .Creatio? of .4e Ci,tY of Wayne, \ The ~esolutiOlt set the applOxi- • .." ,- '.' ters m the thrcc-story building at the corner of Main and Center streets . _ ,WtthI boundanes to mclude near"'! mate limits of the proposed City ': The annual pel formance of were completed thIs week. l\foving day WIll be as soon after Chnstmas , You are lookmg at one of the ly .three times as much territory I... bl d d h' k largest issues of the Record, if as now included in the present Iof Wayne as ?ounded on the north . " '< Handel's "The Messiah" by the as POSSI e, epen 109 upon ow qulC Iy alterations can be completed. not the largest, This issue has 18 village, was ordered last week by by Cherry Hill road, on the south, ~- ,.", 'J - Northville Commumty Chorus The deCISIOn to forsake the ptesent location, in which the Record pages, s.ix more t.han our usual 12'1 the Wayne Village Council. I' by Merriman road and on the west ~' \ will be given at 7'30 ,m. Sunday, -ha~ been published for many years, was made several months ago be- d t dver I ~ - ~. Dee. 21 at the NorthVille First cause the size of the present building made it impossible to handle the Th e mcrease 15 ue 0 a - In a surprise resolution, offer- by Hannan road. t Presbyterian Church, Using by. Northville merchants ed by Councilman Duncan Miller, I The area proposed would create Leslie G. Lee, music director at Record's growing volnme of job printing For a time, plans were con- I who combmed. to present a town- the ,Council L.structcd Village a municipality iour miles lung un J " NOlthvilie High Sehoul, has CUll- ~id(,rI'rl for erecting:l new h'lilrling at 118 E Dl!nl?p St., and the prop- 1 wide selection of merehandise for Manager Wallace Arrowsmith "to' the northern and southern boun-, ducted rehearsals of the chorus, etry at that location was purchased last spring for the purpose, j Christmas shoppers. proceed with the necessary steps I' daries and "three on the eastern """ and will direct at the perform- ThiS plan was discarded when I • • _. to create' such a city, and that and western. It would mclude the ance. the Northville Hardware decided /" this be. accomplished not later' Lincoln-Mercury plant on Michl- ~ , < Four guest artists from the Uni- WaLe to vacate the building at Main and 1 h Most of the ads appearing in I than the year 1953." The resolu- gan Ave. versity of Michigan School of Mu- Center streets, which has approx- 1 1; this issue also appeared in an ition was unanimously approved W ff' 1 1 . d' t d th t sic will sing the solo parts in the imately four times more floor eight-page "shopper's guide" by the Council. th ayne °thlC a s m ~.ca: a popular oratorio. Frances Hans- space than the present Record which was mailed 10 6,000 homes e move ere wa: n~ unex- lovsky WIlt sing the soprano parts, Y home.' in ~is area. R I U b N- ht foe~:dd~n~"; somethmg Just had She was here two years ago. Vivi- 0 Ur PRESSES IN BASEMENT Is ur~ r an Ig - an Milan, who was here last - • - ~ U - The resolution said: Christmas, will be contralto. Ar-! W II' The basement and part of the The advertising effort benefits Wel m N ,"Whereas the problems con- thur Jones wIn sing the tenor solo a el. first floor in the new building merchants, certainly, for it's to CO es ew fronting the Village of Wayne are and David Murray will be bari- Win be occupied by th~ composing their advantage to keep shoppers ' daIly becoming more difficult of tone, room and presses, With office 1 t' d h 't' d Christmas won't be very hap- in Northville. , ·eSI-den tSOlt Vill so u IOn, an w ereas· I t IS eeij1-t f ORGANIST NAMED py for any of you or your fami- space at the front of the first age d t b t th b t But it's to the shopper's ad- R e 0 'dentse 0 ofe thees Villagemeres -sOland Orgamst WI I b e Mrs, J ohn lies if "Lightfingered Louie" Hoor. The third floor and part of ~ g too the resl R d 't t th F t B the second floor will be used for van~a e, . More than 180 members of the the surrounding area that an in- t' eet Ch,orgamsh' aA e A Irsb Shap- liftsd' yourh walleth or dpocketbookh f bmdery operations and paper Th ere are now on 1y 12 sh oppmg Northville Rotary Club and guests telligent plan of develoment be I IS urc m nn r or, e unng t e rus an crus 0 1 days left before Christmas, If were present Tuesday evening at laid out ... be it resolved that replaces Mrs, Gerald V. Harnson, shopping. storage. you haven't taken care of your the Rural-Urban Night dinner the Council -,of the Village of who was organist here for ten The Chris!mas s hop pi I\ 9 The major problem in moving I gift list, you're likely to find which the cluo sponsors annually Wayne go on record, and it docs years before she moved to Fern- crowd is an ideal target for will be to plovide a foundation I yourself "painted into a corner" to' bring new and old members hereby go on record, that th'e Vil- dale where she is organist in the pickpockets, said PQIice Chief for the large press on Which the I J" with you'r gift list still in the of the community together to get lage of Wayne and the surround- Shirley Snow (left) points out to her mother, MYs. Royal First Methodist Church. The Joseph Denton, and they oper- newspaper is prmted. This piece stores instead of wrapped up un- acquainted. ing area De created into the City Snow. the location of Buffalo Bill Youth Camp in Wyoming church there has a program the ate in small towns as well as of eqUipment weighs 22,000 del.' yOUr tree. DOl f wa n .. where, she wili attend the 1953 All-States Encampment next ~ame night as the Northville large ones. pounds and is too large to go into I ~I r. R. Yoder, medical su- 0 ~' y e. presentation. The boys who have an eagle the basement. • • • ,perintendent of the Ypsilanti tNORTHVILLE PETITIONS August •. Shj~ was one of the four Michigan Senior Girl Scouts I Pianist WIll be Mrs. Barton I eye on your week's pay don't . _. ; State .tlospit~l, was the principal·, r... _ -. ,seleded f9.1-t}:1etrip. IC· h h ' d th It Will be partly torn down be- Look over all the gift suggest· Ispeaker for the 'occasion. He was I PetItIclns w111 be Circulated In onors,' w 0 as accomparue e I necessarily look shifty or like fore it is moved, but even so, it ion! pr.esented in. the. ad. s of the introduced by Rotarian Dr. Philip Northville in t.h.enear future,' said Chorus fOr many years. • suspicious characters. They may will be necessary to bring it into • be Nort h ville s.ores m. 'hIS ISSUe.Th e N. Brown medical superintendent IAttorney P h IIIP R. 0gl1Vie, t 0 Sh - 1 S Sid t t Mr. Lee urges all college stu- a grandmother Jype like the th e new quar ters th roug h th e other fel1ow;'s gras.s always ~~ of the .N~rthviIle State Hospital,' have the Clty-Villpge question 1f ey e ec 0 dents who-formerly sang with the "Grandma Bank Bandit" of the south side of the bui1din~. It is • _.:. t his jl d th b II t f I now e Chorus to sing again this year. West Coast, or the kindly·ap- to be I'nstalled on a bas f la ge a IoJ. greener u~ you ge m who described himself as Dr, Yo- p ace on e a 0 or popu ar cor yard and take a close look. The der's protege' for many years vote. Attend G1·rl Scout Concla/lJe Rehearsal Sunday, Dec, 14, will pearing lady arrested recenny oak timbers seated in concrete same thing's true of shopping. D Y d ' - h I ~ Work on the proposal has been ... be at 4 p m. and the last rehearsal, in Detroit. beneath the bar,ement floor and Look around home and 'See what f r. ~ er s ~pe~c ~as ~ p ea. curtailed during the past few" Sunday. Dec. 21, will be at 3 p,m. To be safe. don't carry large ,erected in such a 'way that none there is in your ovm shopping or grea er un ers an g Y eV-1 k h'l' d Shirley Snow of Novi has been Iwell as to their qualities of lead- The Youth Group of the Pres-, amounts of money with you.
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