RIGHT ARM RESOURCE UPDATE JESSE BARNETT [email protected] (508) 238-5654 www.rightarmresource.com www.facebook.com/rightarmresource 7/24/2013 Kings of Leon Beth Hart “Supersoaker” “Better Man” #1 Most Added by a landslide! BDS Debut 30* in its add week! The second single from Bang Bang Boom Boom, going for adds now First week: WXRT, KGSR, WRNR, CIDR, WTTS, WNCS, WXPK, Single available on PlayMPE and on your desk Early: KSUT, KSLU WRLT, WZEW, KRVB, KINK, KPRI, KPND, WFUV, WXPN, KCMP, “It is the voice that turns your head...in seconds flat, you are enrap- WFPK, WCNR, KXT, WEXT, WERS... Mechanical Bull in stores 9/24 tured by what is emanating from this woman’s throat. Beth Hart has Upcoming live shows; Global Citizen Festival in NYC 9/28, Austin City got it.” - Glide Magazine On tour in September: 9/1 Atlantic City, Limits Festival 10/5 and 10/12, Life Is Beautiful Festival in Vegas 10/26 9/3 Englewood NJ, 9/5 Ridgefield CT, 9/7 Boston, 9/8 Westbury NY, Played on Fallon this week Just played at the Rock For Oklahoma benefit 9/10 Pittsburgh, 9/13 Milwaukee, 9/14 Cincinnati, 9/16 Lexington KY... Bastille Andrew Belle “Pompeii” “Pieces” Blowing up in the UK and at Alternative in the US, now at AAA The first single from Black Bear, on your desk and going for adds now 31 million video views! Highest selling debut of the year in the UK Single edit on PlayMPE and in your mail Already in at KBAC and WFIV New adds this week: KSMT, KFMU, KSPN, KMTN, WFIV, KDEC New Music spiins already from KGSR, WTTS, WXPN, WTMD, KCSN Early at AAA: KCSN, WCNR, WYEP, WYMS, KTBG, WEXT, WNRN... On tour now: 7/24 Vienna VA, 7/25 New York City, 7/27 Philadelphia, 7/28 Pushing into the top 15 at Alternative US dates in September: 9/16 San Boston, 7/30 Pittsburgh, 7/31 Cincinnati, 8/21 San Diego, 8/22 LA, 8/24 SF, Diego, 9/18 LA, 9/19 SF, 9/20 Portland OR, 9/21 Seattle, 9/23 Chicago... 8/25 Sacramento, 8/27 Portland, 8/28 Seattle... Album promo vid on our site Vampire Weekend Leftover Cuties “Unbelievers” “One Heart” Mediabase Debut 28*! BDS #1 New & Active! Indicator Debut 14*! New this week: KCRW, WNCW, WYCE, WDIY, MoodMedia, KVNF, WERU New: KINK, KPRI, WEHM, WBJB, WYEP, KDTR, WMWV, WNTI... Already on: WEXT, WJCU, Music Choice, WFIV, KSUT, WMVY, WOCM, Already on: WXRT, KBCO, WXRV, WRNR, WXPK, Siirus Spectrum, KSMT, KUNC, WCBE, KROK, KAXE... The Spark & The Fire in stores now KPND, KRSH, WZEW, WWCT, WWNU, KXT... Almost 300K scanned Tons of licensing on their last album On tour now: 7/28 Winooski VT, September US tour: 9/19 Philadelphia, 9/20 NYC, 9/23 Columbus OH, 7/31 Cambridge MA, 8/3 New York City, 8/4 Bethlehem PA/Musikfest, 9/24 St. Louis, 9/25 Fayetteville, 9/27 Phoenix, 9/28 LA, 9/30 San Diego... 8/6 Arlington VA, 8/7 Chapel Hill NC, 8/9 Tampa, 8/10 Jacksonville... Johnnyswim Little Comets “Heart Beats” “Jennifer” First ever You Oughta Know+ artist! See the video on our site now From Life Is Elsewhere, in stores 8/20 Full cd on your desk now New: WRLT, WJCU, WNRN Already on: KSMT, KNBA, KSLU, MOOD, WFIV New: WYEP, KYSL, KCLC, MSPR, KSMF, KAXE ON: WXPN, WFUV, Tour dates coming soon See the Tonight Show video on our site WTMD, WCBE, WDST, KTBG, Music Choice, KSMT, KNBA, WJCU, “It makes you want to turn around and fall in love with the first MOOD, KRCL... US tour dates in August: 8/12 New York City, 8/13 DC, person you make eye contact with.” - Post And Courier live review 8/14 Philadelphia, 8/17 Indianapolis, 8/18 Chicago, 8/19 Minneapolis, Fantastic impromptu performances at NON-COMM and Bonnaroo 8/20 Denver, 8/22 Portland OR, 8/23 Seattle, 8/25 SF, 8/26 Los Angeles Patty Griffin Satellite “Don’t Let Me Die In Florida” “Say The Words” The driving second single from American Kid New: WCNR and WNRN New this week: KRVB, KPND, WOCM Already on: WXRV, KRSH, Already in rotation: WFPK, WXPN, KCSN, WTMD, WYEP, WNKU, WZEW, WEXT, WBJB, WFIV, WJCU, KCLC, KROK, WCBE, KDBB WDST, WJCU, KBAC, WKZE, KFMU, KSPN, KDBB, WMVY... Over 1.5 million view for the video Catch them playing in Boulder “When Patty Griffin has a story to tell, we have no choice but to listen.” - Glide “This is a band that makes me love music” – Karoline Kramer Gould/ WJCU UK tour dates going on now, more US shows coming: 8/17 Lyons CO On tour: 7/25 Pontiac MI, 7/26 Chicago, 8/13 Allston MA, 8/14 Philadelphia, (Rocky Mountain Folk Festival), 8/31 Mather CA (Strawberry Festival)... 8/18 Vienna VA, 8/20 Columbus OH, 8/21 Pittsburgh, 8/22 Pontiac MI... Robert Randolph & The Family Band Ivan & Alyosha “Born Again” “Be Your Man” BDS Indicator 11*! FMQB Public 16*! Played on Leno last week Official video online now! ON: WRLT, WFUV, WFPK, KSMT, KBAC, New: WFIT, KRVM, KKCR, MSPR, KAXE, WERU... Already on: WXPK, KHUM, KMTN, KNBA, KROK, KRML, WTMD, WYEP, KDTR... WRLT, KPND, WZEW, KCSN, WFUV, WXPN, WTMD, SiriusXM Loft, All The Times We Had in stores now Single on PlayMPE On tour: WERS, WVOD, WNKU, WDST, WJCU... NPR Morning Edition online 8/9 San Diego, 8/10 Anaheim, 8/11 LA, 8/13 Santa Cruz, 8/14 SF, 8/15 “This is one hell of a tasty, funky party.” - Glide (rating: 4 out of 5) Saratoga CA, 8/16 Turlock CA, 8/17 Sacramento, 8/18 Santa Rosa... Gregory Alan Isakov Tom Odell “Living Proof” “Another Love” Over 500,000 free iTunes downloads last week! In stores now Mediabase 32* and BDS New & Active! New this week: WMVY, KDBB Already on: KCLC, WFIV, WNRN, WCBE, WYCE, WEXT, KRCC, KRCL, KDBB, KUNC, ON: WXRV, WRLT, WCLZ, KCKC, KPND, WZEW, WCOO, KRSH, WWCT, KSUT, KSPN, KFMU, KNBA, KDNK, WUMB, KFMG, MSPR, KSMF, KDEC, KAXE... KCSN, WFUV. KCRW, WEHM, WYEP, WFIV, KCLC, WAPS, KMTN, KSUT... Top 5 Billboard Folk albums Paste is premiering the video today Catch him in Boulder Songs From Another Love ep available now “Isakov has created something truly stunning here.” - Denver Westword First male to win the Brit Critics Choice award (best artist without a full length album) The Lone Bellow Sigur Ros “Bleeding Out” “Isjaki” Mediabase18*! BDS 21*! Indicator #20! FMQB Public 10*! Lyric video for the single on our site North American tour in Sept/Oct New: KINK, WYEP, WLCE ON: KBCO, WXRV, WMMM, KRVB, ON: WFUV, KEXP, KCRW, WYEP, KDHX, WYCE, WCBE, WNRN, SiriusXM Spectrum, WCLZ, WNCS, WRLT, WXPK, KCKC, WQKL, KBAC, WFHB, WDIY, KRCC, KVNF, WHRV, KDNK, WFIT, KDEC... KTHX, KPND, WCOO, WFUV, KCSN, WXPN... See them in Boulder “Even in Paradise, the angels fell. Kudos to Sigur Ros for getting Tour: 7/24 Vienna VA, 7/26 Atlanta, 7/27 Newport Folk Fest, 7/28 Lancaster PA... the sound of it on tape.” - Paste Magazine, rating 9.0 out of 10 Matt Nathanson Truth & Salvage Co. “Mission Bells” “Appalachian Hilltop” Mediabase 9*! BDS Indicator #16! ON: KFOG, KINK, KTCZ, The first single from Pick Me Up, in stores and on your desk now KBCO, KGSR, Sirius Spectrum, WTTS, CIDR, WMMM, WXRV, New: MSPR, WGWG Already on: WCOO, WNKU, WWNU, WVMP, WBJB, WEXT, WXPK, WNCS, KRVB, KPRI, WRLT, WQKL, WCLZ, KCKC... WCBE, WFIV, KMTN, WUIN, KDTR, WNTI, WFHB, KDNK, KSMF, KFMG... In stores now - #1 iTunes Alternative chart, top 5 overall, USA On tour: 7/25 Atlanta, 7/26 Birmingham, 7/27 Jackson MS, 7/28 Mo- Today Album Of The Week, in rotation now at VH1 Played Leno bile, 7/29 New Orleans, 7/31 San Antonio, 8/1 Austin, 8/2 Houston... The Boxer Rebellion ZZ Ward “Diamonds” “365 Days” Mediabase 34*! BDS #2 New & Active! Indicator Debut 26*! Mediabase and BDS Monitored 17*! Indicator #30! New: WCNR New this week: KCKC, KDHX ON: KINK, WXRV, WXPK, KPRI, ON: KTCZ, KGSR, WMMM, WRNR, KRVB, Sirius Spectrum, KPRI, WRLT, WRLT, KCSN, WWCT, KXT, WFPK, SiriusXM Loft, KRSH, WCOO, WNCS, KTHX, KCSN, WCLZ, WZEW, KPND, WCOO, KCKC, KRSH, KXT... KPND, WZEW, WFUV, WTMD, KCRW, WYEP, KSMT, WUIN... On tour: 8/11 Spokane WA, 8/13 Roseburg OR, 8/30 Milwaukee, 8/31 Watch the Leno video on our site Returning to the US in October Seattle/Bumbershoot, 9/2 Portland OR, 9/4 SF, 9/6 LA, 9/7 Anaheim... Steve Earle & The Dukes (and Duchesses) David Ford “21st Century Blues” “Pour A Little Poison” FMQB Tracks #50, Public 35*! New: WTMD ON: WXRT, KRSH, KPND, Already on: KCSN, SiriusXM Loft, WFPK, KNBA, WMVY, WYCE, WEXT, KCSN, WCNR, KTBG, WNKU, WYCE, KNBA, WNCW, WMWV, WVMP, KTAO, KTBG, WFIV, KRML, WVMP, WOCM, WCBE, WBJB, WFIT, WUMB, WYEP, WBJB, WCBE, WJCU, WFIV, KSPN, KFMU, WEXT, Music Choice... WNRN, WNTI, WFHB... Fantastic press - See the CNN piece on our site On tour: 8/1 Apple Valley MN, 8/2 Fish Creek WI, 8/3 Madison WI, 8/5 “It is something of a crime that a songwriter and performer Milwaukee, 8/6 Bloomington IN, 8/20 Portand ME, 8/22 Sellersville PA... this great is still operating in the margins.” - UK Telegraph Listen to everything and find out more at www.rightarmresource.com as well as facebook.com/rightarmresource or twitter.com/rightarmjesse The New York Times sums up Lickety Split in no time “A few years ago, the pedal-steel phenom Robert Randolph re- leased his third studio album, “We Walk This Road” (Warner Broth- ers), a T Bone Burnett production that made a point of poking through the dustbin of American roots music.
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