T t o u ^ r r v l i Ъ ~J 0 f 1-1 M EKEEL'S STAM P COLLECTORS' AND DEALERS' Aed d r e s s B qdk CONTAINING OVER 5000 NAMES AND ADDRESSES FROM ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD, AND ADVERTISEMENTS ,DF ALL THE LEADING DEALERS IN THE TRADE, AND HUNDREDS OF COLLECTORS’ EXCHANGE NOTICES. SECOND EDITION, 5CD0D COPIES, 1B91. PRICE, - ONE DOLLAR. ftìT SPECIAL NOTICE. — Persons desiring their names in future editions of this work should notify the Publisher, and they will be inserted free, provided they agree to buy a copy of the Directory containing their names, paying One Dollar for same after its publication. С. H. M ekeel Stamp & P ublishing Co. 1007, 1009 aid io n Locust Street, S t . L ouis, Mo. ' VDDIÆS2 BOC ‘ A 31VIAlb СОГГЕСХОВЗ, 1Л1ЕКЕЕГ.2 PREFACE. N presenting this the second edition of my Address Book to the stamp collectors and dealers of the world it is with mojre assurance, as my firstI edition although very imperfect was a pronounced success. It is impossible for a work of this kind to be perfect, but this is a great improvement on my first edition. The names have been carefully revised and I wish to express my thanks to those who have very kindly revised and corrected my lists in their various localities. The United States list will be found much better than the former edition, and we hope that the third edition will be even better. Those who send $1.00 in advance for a copy of the third edition will be en­ titled to a 5-line advertisement in the book free. I will be glad of any corrections or additions, and as I commence to get the next edition ready as soon as this is printed, it is not too soon to let me hear from you. I hope to have more foreign advertisements in the next edition. Please send them in without further notice before January t, 1892. C. H . M e k e e l , 1007-1011 Locust St., S t. L o u is , Mo. ■ . M e k e e l ’s A ddress B ook. 7 AMERICA. ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. BUENOS AYRES. Juan Migoni, 929 Cangallo Rud. Muller, Casilta 3 Enrique Auzcm, 528 Paraguay Oscar Naef, 65 Maipu I Frank Berg, 645 Reconquista Manuel D. Noya, 2858 Santa Fé Jorge A. Benard, 768 Rivadavia Dr. Enrique Parodi, 419 Defensa Francisco Bernabé, 1076 Rivadavia José Olceste Ravenna, 835 Paraguay Federico Bertuch, 821 Medrano Federico Redlich, 284 San Martin Antonio Bosch, 815 Buen Orden E. Ristenpart, Casilla 170 Ernesto Bullrich, 92 Cangallo Adolfo E. Sackmann, 324 Montevideo Guillermo Bustorf, 1126 Uruguay Julio F. Sandoval, 1007 Santa Fé William P. Daws, 140 Piedad Emilio Schmidt, 242 Saavedra José Marco del Pont, 689 N Belgrano Juan Schürer, 342 Belgrano Emilio Devoto, 1076 Rivadavia Louis Sobrino, Casilla 126 Hugo Eckmann, 768 Rivadavia Carmen Sousa, Calle Piedad 836 Eugenio Éggel, 156 Piedras Juan Soutomayor, Esmeralda 673 Arturo Einert. 652 Europa Eulogio Viiletä, 944 Victoria Emilio Engel, 768 Rivadavia E Voigtlander, Casilla de Correo 1443 G. Falene, 522 Corrientes Carlos E. Westermayer, 859 Alsina Carlos Feitis, 65 Maipu I. Enrique H. Wiebe, 228 Victoria Pedro Gallardo, Post Telegraph Federico Wilhelm, 1292 Belgrano Abel Fontaine, Casilla de Correo 1265 Carlos F. Willers, 85g Alsina Pablo Gewelke, Casilla 962 Otto L. Willers, 284 San Martin Manuel Guerrero, 1076 Rivadavia Francisco Yarman, Casilla tgio Roberto H. Honoré, Calle Victoria 826 Carlos Jennerich, 875 Rivadavia LA PLATA. Juan Kahl, 768 Rivadavia Edgar Gillmayr Carlos Kestner, 144 Maipu I Guillermo Gerling N Krull, 260 Florida ROSARIO. Carlos Leon, 936 Cangallo Eduardo Lumann, 292 Bolivar Fredrico Strasser, M Magules, Casilla de Correo 1937 Care E. C. Strasser, German Consu BOLIVIA, COCHABAMBA. José E. Camacho Enrique Jordan S. BRAZIL, BAHIA. C. A. C. Andrade, Rue du Commerce 3 José Aurelio do Valle, Rua dos Ourives C. F. Hindgren, Caxia 35 No. 5 8 M e k e e l 's A ddress B ook. RALPH P. SPOONER, New York, U.S.A. C. B. M ERRILL, New York, U. S.A. 37 West 32d Street. 130 W. 14th Street. Stamps bought, sold and exchanged. Good U. S. postage and revenue, includ­ Foreign correspondence solicited in English ing íe Black Gorman Match, to exchange or French. Sample copies desired of For­ for any kind U. S for my collection, on eign Philatelic Papers _______ basis of Scott's or Mekeel's catalogue. Cor­ respondence solicited. GEO. H. WATSON, New York, Ü. S. A. 36 Broad Street. C. VAN DEUSEN, WestfieidTMass. ' Desires to enter into correspondence with U. S. A. foreign card collectors who can write in . Desires consignments of good foreign English, with a view of exchanging post stamps, for which he will return as good cards. American stamps. French, English and German. Е. H. SMITH, Washington, D. C. 1640 E. rst Street. L. MAUDUIT, Effingham, Ills., II. S. A. Will exchange entire War envelopes, valued at 5c each, for stamp» from sheets, Desires to enter into correspondence with at 2c each. foreign collectors who can write in English or French, with a view of exchanging. CHAS, A. ERNEY, Washington, D. C. Sample copy of the Globe free. Sample of U S. Patent Office. foreign papers solicited. Desires to enter into correspondence with foreign collectors who can write in English, JOS. S. DAVIS, Ft. Collins, Colo. French or German, with a view to exchange. Agricultural College. Use stamped envelope for correspondence. For Trade!—I have several hundred good stamps from Europe, Africa and W. C. W. H. STRONGMAN, Boston. Mass. Indies to trade for those not in my collec­ P. O. Box 7. tion of 1200 varieties. Will always exchange on basis of any standard catalogue. Correspondence sol­ R.F. ALBRECHT, Tompkinsville, N. Y. icited. S. Island, U. S. A., P. O. Box 245. LEON LAMBERT, St. Paul, Minn., U. S. S. I. P. S. 76.— A. P A. 873.— N. P. S. 97.— B P. C. 84. — C. P. S. 241.— I. P. V. 252 Rice Street. Dresden, 1540— Kjöbenhavn P. K. 307 — Desires to correspond in English, French, Collects only the Stamps of Germany and Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and Dutch to exchange on the basis of any catalogue. U. S Alsace-Lorraine stamps bought or Sample copies of foreign papiers desired wanted for examination of their cancel­ lation E. F. McPIKE. Chicago, Ills. Room 22, Quincy Bldg. J. M. HUBBARD, Lake Village. N. H. Fair, good or excellent approval sheets U. S. A. to responsible parties. Agents wanted. Hubbard's "Black List,” 12c. Good commission. Good stamps to sell at Hubbard's “ Stamp Dealers of the World,” i and 2 cents each, at 30 cents per hundred, 600 addresses, 12c. postpaid. Hubbard's ‘ * Stamp Collector of the World, ” 1000 addresses, 12c. W ILL E. SAYER. Warwick. N. Y.. U. S. A. Hubbard’s "Stamps, How to Buy and Sell,” I2 C . Desires to enter into correspondence with Hubbard’s “ Granite State Pbilatilist,” foreign collectors, with a view to exchang­ ing. Samples of stamp papers desired. 1882-84, 26 issues, complete $1, Hubbards "Curiosity World," "Stamp Would especially like correspondence in West Indies. World,” "Hubbard's Magazine," 50 numbers, complete, Si 75 Hubbard's " Premium Coin List and Prices W. J. RAMSAY, Covington. Ky. Paid for Stamps," containing 114 Desires to enter into correspondence illustrations of Coins, and prices paid with foreign collectors who can write in for every U S Coin worth over face, English or German, with a view of ex­ and prices paid for U. S. and foreign change of specimens to our mutual advan­ stamps, I2C- tage. Sample copies of foreign stamp I will pay cash for good collections of papers desired stamps, coins, autographs or Indian relics M e k e e l ’s A ddress B ook. 9 BELEM [PARA ] ' Miguel Marzo & Co., Caixa no Correio 177 CAMPINAS. Albino d'Oliveira jr., 1 Rua Luzitana CEARA. Théophile Fortuna, 36 Rue do S. Pompeu Areas Coelho & Co., P. О. Box 43 Y. Mendes Pereiro CHARUTARIA. J. L. Broganca, Rua Costa Pereira 10 CURITYBA [PROVINCE PARANA] Professor August Herzberg Frederico Kopp Antonio Schneider Pires e Albuquerque Jacob Dechandt Sr Skoenberg, Rua d'Aquidaban Oscar Von Mein Carl Meisner Edgar Nelfeld Robert Springer G. Metzenthin B. Amhof DESTERRO. W. Freyesleben, 34 Rua do Principe ESTADO VIÇOSA. J. Albuquerque MACEIÓ. Antonio Stipino de Silva Yucá PARA. Ricardo C, Baťata, Caixa no Correio 3 Angelo Cardozo, Caixa no Correio 12 M. Rego, Caixa no Correio 240 . PERNAMBUCO. Otto Báhne, Caixa 141 Louis Krauss, Rua de Ranzel E Buthoes, Empregado de Correio Dr. Manuel Cicero, Rua de Sandade 6 Dr Ysao ď Oliveira, Rua de Aurora 77 Beimiro Novaes, Rua P. Floriano F Tondella, Caixa 42 PILAR DE ALAGOAS. M . Ramos PONEDO CITY [PROVINCE ALAGÖAS.] Miguel Salvador, Correa Manuel Pereira da Rocha PORTO ALEGRE. José Fendt Anto J. E. Barbosa, 383 Rua dos Andradas Paulo Fuchs Octavio Camara de San Beilo, 182 Rua Rischuels IO M e k e e l 's A ddress B ook. G. Y. LANSING, Albajiy, N. Y., U. S. A. R. M. SPENCER, Nordhoff, Calif. 146 State Street. I desire to exchange stamps with all col­ British Colonials (North American espe­ lectors, especially in foreign countries. cially) wanted by the piece or in parcels Send me a wholesale selection and receive for cash or exchange____________________ mine. Correspondence desired in English only. DANIEL JAGER, Brooklyn, N. Y., U. s T 170 Hamburg Avenue. C. W. BURNHAM, Washington, D. C. Desires to enter into correspondence with Stamp Dealer. Member A. P. A. 1079. South and Central American collectors, 32 Grant HI ace.
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