Central Station z Theatre Royal z BALTIC z The Sage Gateshead z Gateshead Interchange Q1 Haymarket z Theatre Royal z East Quayside z Ouseburn Valley z St.Peters Basin Q2 Service Q1 via Neville Street, Clayton Street West, Bewick Street, Neville Street, Grainger Street, Market Street, Grey Street, Dean Street, Side, Sandhill, Swing Bridge, Bridge Street, Hillgate, South Shore Road, Mill Road, Hawks Road, Oakwellgate,The Sage Gateshead, Oakwellgate, Eastgate, High Street, Jackson Street, Gateshead Interchange. Return via Gateshead Interchange, Jackson Street, High Street, Quaysgate, Eastgate, Oakwellgate,The Sage Gateshead, Oakwellgate, Hawks Road, Mill Road, South Shore Road, Hillgate, Bridge Street, Swing Bridge, Sandhill, Side, Dean Street, Grey Street, Market Street, Grainger Street,Westgate Road, Neville Street. Service Q2 via Haymarket Bus Station, Percy Street, St.Mary's Place, John Dobson Street, Market Street, Grey Street, Dean Street, Side, Quayside, Sandgate, City Road, Cut Bank, Byker Bank, Ford Street,Walker Road, St.Lawrence Road, Dobson Crescent, Bottlehouse Street, Glasshouse Street, St.Lawrence Road, Quayside, Low Level Bridge, Quayside, Mariners Wharf, Quayside bus link, Quayside, Side, Dean Street, Grey Street, Market Street, John Dobson Street, St.Mary's Place, Percy Street, Haymarket Bus Station. During Quayside Sunday market, westbound Service Q2 buses do not observe the Wesley Square bus stop, instead QuayLink stops opposite the Law Courts. MONDAY TO WEDNESDAY Service number Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Central Station - - 0731 - 0751 - 0811 0826 1736 1746 1756 1806 1816 36 56 16 2256 2316 DDA Aware Theatre Royal, Grey Street - - 0733 - 0753 - 0813 0828 1738 1748 1758 1808 1818 38 58 18 2258 2318 Please contact us Quayside Guildhall - - 0737 - 0757 - 0817 0832 1742 1752 1802 1812 1822 42 02 22 2302 2322 BALTIC Square - - 0739 - 0759 - 0819 0834 1744 1754 1804 1814 1824 44 04 24 2304 2324 if you have difficulty mins at The Sage Gateshead - - 0743 - 0803 - 0823 0838mins until 1748 1758 1808 1818 1828 48 08 28 2308 2328 reading this document. Gateshead Interchange, arr - - 0747 - 0807 - 0827 0842 1752 1802 1812 1822 1832 52 12 32 2312 2332 A fax line is also 20 10 Gateshead Interchange, dep 0710 0730 0750 0805 0815 0825 0835 0845 1755 - 1815 - 1835 55 15 35 until 2315 - available for those The Sage Gateshead 0714 0734 0754 0809 0819 0829 0839 0849 1759 - 1819 - 1839 59 19 39 2319 - who are hard of BALTIC Square 0718 0738 0758 0813 0823 0833 0843 0853 1803 - 1823 - 1843 03 23 43 2323 - Quayside Guildhall 0720 0740 0800 0815 0825 0835 0845 0855 1805 - 1825 - 1845 05 25 45 2325 - hearing or deaf. Theatre Royal, Market Street 0725 0745 0805 0820 0830 0840 0850 0900 1810 - 1830 - 1850 then every 10 30 50 2330 - then every FAX: (0191) 276 9738. Central Station 0727 0747 0807 0822 0832 0842 0852 0902 1812 - 1832 - 1852 12 32 52 2332 - Service number Q2 Q2 Q2 Q2 Q2 Q2 Q2 Q2 Q2 Q2 Q2 Q2 Q2 Q2 Q2 Q2 Q2 Q2 Q2 Haymarket Bus Station - - 0719 0739 - 0759 - 0819 1729 1739 1749 1759 1809 1824 44 04 24 2244 2304 Theatre Royal, Grey Street - - 0723 0743 - 0803 - 0823 1733 1743 1753 1803 1813 1828 48 08 28 2248 2308 QuayLink Quayside Guildhall - - 0727 0747 - 0807 - 0827 1737 1747 1757 1807 1817 1832 52 12 32 2252 2312 The East Quayside, Sandgate - - 0730 0750 - 0810 - 0830 1740 1750 1800 1810 1820 1835 55 15 35 2255 2315 mins at electric bus Ouseburn Valley 0657 0717 0732 0752 0802 0812 0822 0832mins until 1742 1752 1802 1812 1822 1837 57 17 37 2257 2317 service St.Peter's Basin, arr 0700 0720 0736 0756 0806 0816 0826 0836 1746 1756 1806 1816 1826 1841 20 01 21 41 2301 2321 10 St.Peter's Basin, dep 0700 0720 0740 0800 0810 0820 0830 0840 1750 1805 1806 1825 1826 1845 05 25 45 until 2305 2321 connecting Mariners Wharf 0704 0724 0744 0804 0814 0824 0834 0844 1754 1809 1809 1829 1829 1849 09 29 49 2309 2324 Newcastle and Quayside Guildhall 0710 0730 0750 0810 0820 0830 0840 0850 1800 1815 - 1835 - 1855 15 35 55 2315 - Gateshead Theatre Royal, Market Street 0715 0735 0755 0815 0825 0835 0845 0855 1805 1820 - 1840 - 1900 20 40 00 2320 - then every Haymarket Bus Station 0719 0739 0759 0819 0829 0839 0849 0859then every 1809 1824 - 1844 - 1904 24 44 04 2324 - THURSDAY AND FRIDAY Service number Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Central Station - - 0731 - 0751 - 0811 0826 2336 2346 2356 0006 0016 Changes to QuayLink Theatre Royal, Grey Street - - 0733 - 0753 - 0813 0828 2338 2348 2358 0008 0018 from Sunday 23 November 2008 Quayside Guildhall - - 0737 - 0757 - 0817 0832 2342 2352 0002 0012 0022 BALTIC Square - - 0739 - 0759 - 0819 0834 2344 2354 0004 0014 0024 Due to the very low numbers of people The Sage Gateshead - - 0743 - 0803 - 0823 0838mins until 2348 2358 0008 0018 0028 travelling during the late evenings, Gateshead Interchange, arr - - 0747 - 0807 - 0827 0842 2352 0002 0012 0022 0032 Sunday to Wednesday late evening buses Gateshead Interchange, dep 0710 0730 0750 0805 0815 0825 0835 084510 2355 - - - - after 2315 will be withdrawn. The Sage Gateshead 0714 0734 0754 0809 0819 0829 0839 0849 2359 - - - - BALTIC Square 0718 0738 0758 0813 0823 0833 0843 0853 0003 - - - - Buses at all other times - including late evening Quayside Guildhall 0720 0740 0800 0815 0825 0835 0845 0855 0005 - - - - journeys during Thursday to Saturday late Theatre Royal, Market Street 0725 0745 0805 0820 0830 0840 0850 0900 0010 - - - - then every evenings - will continue to operate unchanged. Central Station 0727 0747 0807 0822 0832 0842 0852 0902 0012 - - - - Service number Q2 Q2 Q2 Q2 Q2 Q2 Q2 Q2 Q2 Q2 Q2 Q2 Q2 Haymarket Bus Station - - 0719 0739 - 0759 - 0819 2329 2339 2349 2359 0009 90p - Adult single fare for local journeys within central Theatre Royal, Grey Street - - 0723 0743 - 0803 - 0823 2333 2343 2353 0003 0013 NewcastleGateshead, or for local journeys Quayside Guildhall - - 0727 0747 - 0807 - 0827 2337 2347 2357 0007 0017 within the Ouseburn/St.Peters area. East Quayside, Sandgate - - 0730 0750 - 0810 - 0830 2340 2350 0000 0010 0020 £1.10 - Adult single fare for journeys which travel across Ouseburn Valley 0657 0717 0732 0752 0802 0812 0822 0832mins until 2342 2352 0002 0012 0022 the St.Annes/ Mariners Wharf bus stops. St.Peter's Basin, arr 0700 0720 0736 0756 0806 0816 0826 0836 2346 2356 0006 0016 0026 10 £1.60 - QuayRider tickets, which allow unlimited travel St.Peter's Basin, dep 0700 0720 0740 0800 0810 0820 0830 0840 2350 2356 0006 0016 0026 on QuayLink buses for 1 day. Mariners Wharf 0704 0724 0744 0804 0814 0824 0834 0844 2354 2359 0009 0019 0029 Quayside Guildhall 0710 0730 0750 0810 0820 0830 0840 0850 0000 - - - - Megariders, Day Tickets, Uniriders and Theatre Royal, Market Street 0715 0735 0755 0815 0825 0835 0845 0855 0005 - - - - Network Traveltickets are also accepted. Haymarket Bus Station 0719 0739 0759 0819 0829 0839 0849 0859then every 0009 - - - - SATURDAY Service number Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Central Station - 0734 04 34 1034 - - 1104 - 1126 2336 2346 2356 0006 0016 For travel information Theatre Royal, Grey Street - 0735 05 35 1035 - - 1105 - 1128 2338 2348 2358 0008 0018 contact Traveline on Quayside Guildhall - 0738 08 38 1038 - - 1108 - 1132 2342 2352 0002 0012 0022 BALTIC Square - 0740 10 40 1040 - - 1110 - 1134 2344 2354 0004 0014 0024 0871 200 22 33 mins at The Sage Gateshead - 0743 13 43 1043 - - 1113 - 1138mins until 2348 2358 0008 0018 0028 Calls cost 10p per min from a BT Gateshead Interchange, arr - 0746 16 46 1046 - - 1116 - 1142 2352 0002 0012 0022 0032 30 10 landline, calls from other service Gateshead Interchange, dep 0717 0747 17 47 until 1047 1105 1115 1125 1135 1145 2355 ---- The Sage Gateshead 0720 0750 20 50 1050 1109 1119 1129 1139 1149 2359 ---- providers or from mobiles may vary. BALTIC Square 0723 0753 23 53 1053 1113 1123 1133 1143 1153 0003 ---- Quayside Guildhall 0725 0755 25 55 1055 1115 1125 1135 1145 1155 0005 ---- Theatre Royal, Market Street 0729 0759 then every 29 59 1059 1120 1130 1140 1150 1200 0010 ---- then every easyACCESS Central Station 0730 0800 30 00 1100 1122 1132 1142 1152 1202 0012 ---- All journeys on QuayLink are Service number Q2 Q2 Q2 Q2 Q2 Q2 Q2 Q2 Q2 Q2 Q2 Q2 Q2 Q2 Q2 operated by easyACCESS vehicles. Haymarket Bus Station - 0717 47 17 1017 1047 - - - 1119 2329 2339 2349 2359 0009 Theatre Royal, Grey Street - 0720 50 20 1020 1050 - - - 1123 2333 2343 2353 0003 0013 These buses have a special kneeling Quayside Guildhall - 0723 53 23 1023 1053 - - - 1127 2337 2347 2357 0007 0017 facility to lower the entrance step. East Quayside, Sandgate - 0726 56 26 1026 1056 - - - 1130 2340 2350 0000 0010 0020 Inside there's a flat floor with a mins at Ouseburn Valley 0658 0728 58 28 1028 1058 1106 1116 1126 1132mins until 2342 2352 0002 0012 0022 special buggy parking area, and St.Peter's Basin, arr 0701 0731 30 01 31 1031 1101 1110 1120 1130 1136 2346 2356 0006 0016 0026 space for a wheelchair in the middle 10 St.Peter's Basin, dep 0702 0732 02 32 until 1032 1101 1110 1120 1130 1140 2350 2356 0006 0016 0026 of the bus. For more details on Mariners Wharf 0705 0735 05 35 1035 1104 1114 1124 1134 1144 2354 2359 0009 0019 0029 Quayside Guildhall 0710 0740 10 40 1040 1110 1120 1130 1140 1150 0000 ---- easyACCESS vehicles, please visit Theatre Royal, Market Street 0714 0744 14 44 1044 1115 1125 1135 1145 1155 0005 ---- www.stagecoachbus.com then every Haymarket Bus Station 0717 0747 17 47 1047 1119 1129 1139 1149 1159then every 0009 ---- SUNDAY Service number Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Central Station
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