SOPHOMORE HEAR I WEEK-END DEC 16-17 TOje ©abfogoman PROF.BAGBY | glenfaa Hux Wlbi 0tta Hibertaa VoL XX DAVIDSON COLLEGE, DAVIDSON, N. C, DECEMBER7, 1932 No. 13 Newly Formed Spanish International Relations Dr. James L. Tryon, of Fraternity Issues Bids Club Asks Several New M.I.T.,Delivers Address N. C. Gamma Chapter of to Prominent Students Men to Present Papers of Scientific Interest Kappa Shopomores Phi Beta Initiates Seven Juniors and Eight Themes Are to Be On Some Subject Well-Known Educator Advises Stu- Are Honored by Invitations to of National or International dents of Courses Necessary for the Club Interest Advanced Study of Science Eleven New Men Monday TO BE INITIATED TONIGHT PAPERS DETERMINE BIDS OUTLINES M. I. T.COURSE Holds Special Conferences With Stu- SophomoreCabaret Five Students and Six Alumni Honored Bixler RecentlyElected President,Mc- Interesting Subjects Are Offered On dents Interested inGraduate Work by Society in Annual FaU Bryde, Secretary,and Fleagle, Which They May Write Scheduled for 17th Treasurer On Friday, December 2, the Davidson stu- Initiation dents were fortunate in having as their The InternationalRelations Club, a nation- As well as the two dances to be given by DR. J. S. WILSON SPEAKS The newly organized Spanish Club, under al student organization for the purpose of chapel speaker Dr.James Libby Tryon, pub- the Sophomore class on the week-end of the supervision of Sigma Delta Pi, national studying and discussing current national liciat and educator from the Massachusetts December 16th, 17th and 18th, there will be Institute of Technology in Boston. Dr. Try- "Best Sellers in Washington's Time" honorary Spanish society, has recently ex- problems and affairs of national and inter- the original and most entertaining feature of Is Subject of InterestingLecture tendedinvitations to fifteenmen. These men national scope, has issued bids to several on, whose name is listed in the "Who's Who a cabaret, which the Sophomore entertain- in America," man of great experience, will be initiated tonight. This club, which men to write papers of from one thousand is a ment committee plans to hold the afternoon The annual fall having travelled both in this country and 17, initiation exercises of was organized this year, is for, those men to two thousand words in length on a sub- of Saturday, December from four o'clock Gamma chapter of Phi Kappa Spanish, abroad. He is now on the second round of Beta were who take an interest in and who ject which deals with some national or in- till six. The cabaret is designed to be two held in the banquet of Spanish a tour to the outstanding colleges and uni- amusement, providedby hall Chambers Build- intend to pursue their courses in ternational interest. Some of the various hours of continuous ing last Monday evening, December Sth. further, hope being subjects been versities in which he is endeavoring to ac- ; show, in the of taken into the which have selected tobe writ- an act or two of class talent a floor This initiation by an quaint both the faculty and students with was followed address Sigma Delta Pi fraternity. ten upon are as follows:"The Nazis in Ger- consisting of novelty dancing by one of the given by Dr. Southall Wilson by receiving many," Debts and Tariffs the prerequisites necessary for a student to leading Charlotte dance;and, prin- James of the The men who were honored "Effect of War schools of University of Virginia, a celebrated and very Tech either as an undergradu- invitations to this club are:BillBogart,Fred Upon World Prices and Recovery," "World enter Boston cipally, "Jelly" Leftwich and his Orchestra, learned authority English ate or a post-graduate. Light on literature. And McPhail, R. W. Ogburn, R. E. Woodside, Comradeship at Olympic Games," "Cancella- providing music and skits on the floor. after this speech, the evening finished Alderman, Dr. Tryon's talk during chapel hour was was Jack Williams, Bill ReiU, Matt tions of War Debts." refreshments will be served. with an illustrious ■banquet given in Christ- Cunningham, Miller, Faculty very general and brief. He began by say- charge fifty A. M. Thomas R. G. members of the InternationalRe- An admission of cents per mas background in the banquet hall of the ing that he was pleased to be at Davidson stag Orr, Blanton Little, W. L. Shewmate, Odi lations Club are Dr. C. K. Brown, Prof. A. couple and of thirty-five cents will be same building. Casali, Humphrey and Smyre. Currie, T. W. Lingle, and Dr. because of having heard so much about it charged. to early demand for tables Ed Fred These Dr. J. M. Due the Dr. Watts, professor of French at David- present and knowing that several Davidson gradu- which will be in the men will be taken into the Spanish Club, McConnell. At the there arc about at the cabaret, held son, and president of Gamma chapter of twenty-two students belong ates arc now at M. I. T. Davidson has also committee has the policy and if in the future their interests and ac- who to this gym, the assumed Phi Beta Kappa, had charge of the entire been represented at this institution quite a complishments warrant it, willbecomemem- club. It is considered an honor to be in- of reserving tables in advance, at a cover affair, being the one to introduce the speak- bers of Sigma Delta Pi. vited to write a paper and much more of bit in the past. charge of twenty-five cents per couple,if so science, engineer- er. The officers of this club, who were re- an honor to become initiated. Dr. Tryon stated that desired. After his ing, architecture, economics, and business introduction. Dr. Wilson ex- cently elected are:Frank Bixler, President; pressed his appreciation being privileged administration are "iron-bound." One must at Duncan McBryde, Secretary, and Fred to come back to Davidson, this being his Fleagle, Treasurer. Team Meeting choose a career in sonic particular field and Lecture Committee second Rifle the preparation for phase visit. The club expects to be very successful in continue this con- A of his in Preparation sistently through the desired degrees. In to Sponsor statement subject, "Best Sellers its purpose, and hopes to greatly increase Held Visit of in Washington's Time," this, arffl other one constantly change followed the interest in Spanish among the student words cannot then Dr. Wilson explained how subject Active Practice (Continued on page 6) AustrianDramatist this body, as well as further the pursuit of ad- for was of interest to Phi Beta Kappa in that vanced Spanish knowledge. CaptainBrown Hopes to Pick Team by Max Montor,— Internationally Known these books which were the bes.t sellers in Class Competition Davidson Chapter Impersonator, to Give Program (Continued on page 6) Regular Meeting of in Davidson of Paul Brown, who succeeded Sam Wiley as Scabbard and Blade Pre-Med Fraternity captain of the Rifle Team, held the first offi- Austrian Impersonator to Visit David- Dozen Davidson Seniors cial meeting of the prospects for the team Initiates Seven Men son in January HeldFriday,Dec. 29 on last Monday afternoon. About thirty and Alumni Candidates boys turned out for this meeting, half of Formal Initiation to Be Held Friday Monday evening, January 23, under the for Scholarships Avery Patton and Alex Little Main whom were from last year's squad. At this Night, December 9th auspices of the Davidson College Lecture Rhodes Speakers Evening time Captain Brown laid plans for inter- Committee, an internationally known Aus- of Undergraduates Cuerrant, Mc- class competition, which is to take place The Davidson chapter of Scabbard and trian reader and impersonator, Max Montor, Are The Pi Delta Alpha pre-medical fraternity Keithan, McBryde, Mackorell, after Christmas. He hopes to pick his ma- Blade, national honorary military fraternity, will give a program at Davidson. He has regular meeting in Dr. Lyon's class- Mullis,McCallie, held its terial from the winners of these matches. hold an informal initiation Friday, Decem- a very extensive repertory in both English Howard, Friday night. Features of the Brown, room last Ten men arc to be on each team, and the ber 2, after drill. The new men who were and German, and will give selections in both and McNair program were by Avery Patton and talks winning team shall be presented with ten initiated arc D. M. McConncll, H. D. Cash- languages here. In view of the interest Alex Little on new drugs discovered by a dollars. About forty-eight matches with ion, C. PcnninRton, E. Moore, aroused in America by the recent visit of REPRESENT SIX STATES of J. C. W. W. group of South Carolina students, one many different colleges and clubs have been Seymour, G. C. Neal, and E. B. Cannon. The Gtrmany's greatest living dramatist, Gerhard Mr. Patton Christian,Enloe and whom is a Davidson alumnus. (Continued on page 6) initiates, after being properly outfitted in (Continued on page 6) Russell Are Those Cucurbocitrine, Trying From Alumni spoke on a medicine for the overalls and covered with flour, marched treatment of low blood pressure. He also around the track in the stadium brandish- exposed on bismuth-violet, a On Thursday and Saturday of this week some ideas ing wooden swords before an appreciative Club cure can as an Mr. Jackson Elected Davidson Qlee dozen Davidson for malaria which be used The date of the formal initiation a Seniors and alumni will disinfectant. audience. he candidates for the Rhodes Scholarship antiseptic or to Important has been set for Friday night, December 9. Returns Tour Office from in half states, Mr.
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