By NAME MORNING REPORTS - 410Th, Company F March '44 Thru July '45 Date S/N Last Name First Name MOS Rank Action 4/15/1945 44039332 Adams Arnold R

By NAME MORNING REPORTS - 410Th, Company F March '44 Thru July '45 Date S/N Last Name First Name MOS Rank Action 4/15/1945 44039332 Adams Arnold R

by NAME MORNING REPORTS - 410th, Company F March '44 thru July '45 Date S/N Last Name First Name MOS Rank Action 4/15/1945 44039332 Adams Arnold R. 745 PVT Abv 8 EM asgd & jd fr 2d RD, par 5, SO 83, Hq 103d. 7/20/1945 44039332 Adams Arnold R. PVT Abv 8 EM dy to reld fr asgmt & atchd unasgd 2d RD, par 1, SO 163, Hq 103d. 4/15/1945 33296001 Adams John Q. 965 SGT Abv 8 EM asgd & jd fr 2d RD, par 5, SO 83, Hq 103d. 7/27/1945 33296001 Adams John Q. SGT 94 EM dy to reld fr asgmt & trfd to 9th ID, par 2, SO 171, Hq 103d (List atchd). 3/13/1944 34581272 Alexander David L. PFC Abv 14 EM dy to trfd in gr to AGF RD #1, Ft Meade, MD. Departed. 4/18/1944 36714744 Alkire PFC Abv 2 EM dy to fur (11 days). 4/29/1944 36714744 Alkire PFC Abv 2 EM fur to dy - abs 11 days. 6/6/1944 36714744 Alkire PFC Abv 26 EM trfd in gr to AGF RD #1, Ft Meade, MD. Departed. 6/1/1944 38528946 Allen A.J. T/5 Asgd, not jd, fr Hq AATC, Ft Bliss, TX, 26-May. 6/3/1944 38528946 Allen A.J. T/5 Correct'n, 1-Jun - Delete Entry. 6/3/1944 38528946 Allen A.J. T/5 Asgd enroute to jn fr Hq AATC, Ft Bliss, TX, 31-May. 6/3/1944 38528946 Allen A.J. T/5 Fr enroute to jn fr Hq AATC, Ft Bliss, TX, to jd. 6/27/1944 38528946 Allen T/5 Rd to PVT. 7/29/1944 38528946 Allen A.J. PVT Dy to fur (9 days). 8/7/1944 38528946 Allen A.J. PVT Fur to dy - abs 9 days. 11/1/1944 38528946 Allen A.J. PVT Dy to sk 80th Sta Hosp, Marseille, FR, LD, 31-Oct. 11/14/1944 38528946 Allen A.J. PVT Sk 80th Sta Hosp to trfd to DoP 80th Sta Hosp, 31-Oct, par 4, SO 213, Hq 80th Sta Hosp . 11/20/1944 38528946 Allen A.J. PVT Correct'n, 14-Nov - Deleted 11/20/1944 38528946 Allen A.J. 745 PVT Fr sk 80th Sta Hosp, LD, to dy 16-Nov. MCO 480 12/9/1944 38528946 Allen A.J. PVT Abv 4 EM aptd PFC per Co O #10. 3/9/1945 38528946 Allen A.J. PFC Dy to TD VI Corps Rest Cen, Nancy, FR (5 days). 3/13/1945 38528946 Allen A.J. PFC Fr TD VI Corps Rest Cen, Nancy, FR, to dy. 7/20/1945 38528946 Allen A.J. PFC Abv 8 EM dy to reld fr asgmt & atchd unasgd 2d RD, par 1, SO 163, Hq 103d. 3/4/1944 36413132 Allen PVT Dy to fur (12 days). 3/11/1944 36413132 Allen PVT Correct'n, 4-Mar - Delete entry. 3/11/1944 36413132 Allen PVT TD to fur (12 days). Departed 4-Mar. 3/16/1944 36413132 Allen PVT Fur to TD Serv Co this Regt - abs 12 days. 5/13/1944 36413132 Allen PVT TD Serv Co this Regt to dy. 6/6/1944 36413132 Allen Marshall J. PVT Abv 26 EM trfd in gr to AGF RD #1, Ft Meade, MD. Departed. 6/5/1945 35929453 Alting Jack T. 745 PVT Abv 3 EM asgd & jd fr 6960th RD, 3-Jun, par 2, SO 128, Hq 103d. 6/21/1945 35929453 Alting Jack T. PVT Abv 8 EM dy to reld fr asgmt & trfd to 42d ID, par 1, SO 141, Hq 103d. 5/19/1944 31285976 Anderson George N. 504 PFC Abv 10 EM asgd enroute to jn, 18-May, fr Hq 86th ID, Cp Livingston, LA to jd, 19-May. 1/22/1945 31285976 Anderson George N. PFC Dy to reld fr asgmt & trfd to 516th MP Bn, par 1, SO 11, Hq 103d. Drpd fr rolls. 7/1/1945 39680682 Andrew Marion F. 821 SSGT Asgd & jd fr 2d Cml Mtr Bn, par 1, SO 57, Hq 2d Cml Mtr Bn. ASR 88. 5/17/1944 16126196 Andruch John P. 521 PFC Abv 10 EM asgd enroute to jn, 16-May, fr 63d ID, Cp Van Dorn, MS, to jd. 8/8/1944 16126196 Andruch John P. PFC Abv 2 EM dy to fur (13 days). 8/21/1944 16126196 Andruch John P. PFC Abv 2 EM fur to dy - abs 13 days. 2/2/1945 16126196 Andruch John P. 604 PFC LWA, 2-Feb (GSW ankle, rt). Trfd to DoP, evacd 117 EH, A&D 33, Hq 103d. 9/1/1944 36897914 Aranosian Varkas 745 PVT Asgd & jd fr Hq 144th Inf, Cp Van Dorn, MS, par 1, SO 209, Hq 103d. MCO 590 11/22/1944 36897914 Aranosian Varkas PVT Dy to Clr Sta 328 Med, LD, (Trenchfoot), 21-Nov. 11/25/1944 36897914 Aranosian Varkas 745 PVT Fr Clr Sta to reld fr asgmt & trfd to DoP, evacd to 27th EH, A&D 12, Hq 103d. Drpd fr rolls. 6/6/1944 37245494 Ash PFC Abv 26 EM trfd in gr to AGF RD #1, Ft Meade, MD. Departed. 1 by Name by NAME MORNING REPORTS - 410th, Company F March '44 thru July '45 Date S/N Last Name First Name MOS Rank Action 4/15/1945 37180419 Atha Willis 745 PVT Abv 8 EM asgd & jd fr 2d RD, par 5, SO 83, Hq 103d. 5/7/1945 37180419 Atha Willis M. PVT 26 PVTs aptd PFC per Co O #5, 6-May. 7/10/1945 37180419 Atha Willis M. PFC 30 EM dy to reld fr asgmt & trfd to 1st ID, 7-Jul, par 3, SO 157, Hq 103d. (List atchd). 4/16/1944 34591941 Austin PFC Abv 3 EM dy to fur (13 days). 4/29/1944 34591941 Austin PFC Abv 3 EM fur to dy - abs 13 days. 6/6/1944 34591941 Austin Garland S. PFC Abv 26 EM trfd in gr to AGF RD #1, Ft Meade, MD. Departed. 3/3/1944 36715071 Babcock PFC Fur to dy - abs 11 days. 6/6/1944 36715071 Babcock PFC Abv 26 EM trfd in gr to AGF RD #1, Ft Meade, MD. Departed. 7/5/1945 31303833 Bagdon Adam 607 SSGT 30 EM asgd & jd fr 157th Inf, par 6, SO 145, Hq 45th ID, 1-Jul (List atchd). 7/10/1945 31303833 Bagdon Adam SSGT 30 EM dy to reld fr asgmt & trfd to 1st ID, 7-Jul, par 3, SO 157, Hq 103d. (List atchd). 7/26/1945 20383460 Baker John A. 745 PFC 33 EM asgd & jd, 20-Jul, fr 71st ID, par 2, SO 101, Hq 71st ID. (List atchd). 5/3/1944 38080357 Baldridge SSGT Dy to sk Sta Hosp, LD. 3/19/1944 39080357 Baldridge SSGT Dy to emerg fur (10 days). 3/29/1944 39080357 Baldridge SSGT Emerg fur to dy - abs 10 days. 5/13/1944 39080357 Baldridge SSGT Sk Sta Hosp to dy, LD. 5/22/1944 39080357 Baldridge SSGT Dy to emerg fur (10 days). 6/1/1944 39080357 Baldridge SSGT Emerg fur to dy - abs 10 days. 6/16/1944 39080357 Baldridge SSGT Abv 2 EM dy to sk Sta Hosp, LD. 6/23/1944 39080357 Baldridge SSGT Sk Sta Hosp to dy, LD. 6/27/1944 39080357 Baldridge Fred W. SSGT Abv 13 EM dy to trfd in gr to 8th SC & atchd unasgd to 1885th Unit, Cp Howze. Dep. 3/14/1944 19073562 Ballhous Donald W. SGT Abv 2 EM asgd & jd fr Hq ASTU 3873, OU, Norman, OK. 6/10/1944 19073562 Ballhaus Donald W. SGT Dy to trfd in gr to 301st AAF Base Unit, Plant Pk, Tampa, FL. Departed. 12/12/1944 36397110 Banick Emil W. 610 CPL Abv 23 EM asgd & jd fr 71st Repl Bn, 11-Dec, par 3, SO 249, Hq 103d. MCO 590 7/2/1945 36397110 Banick Emil W. CPL Dy to sk 117 EH, 30-Jun (Arthritis, knee, rt - old). Not drpd fr rolls. 7/4/1945 36397110 Banick Emil W. CPL Fr sk 117 EH to dy, LD. 7/27/1945 36397110 Banick Emil W. CPL 94 EM dy to reld fr asgmt & trfd to 9th ID, par 2, SO 171, Hq 103d (List atchd). 5/11/1944 37532463 Barber William J. 745 PVT Asgd enroute to jn fr 1540th SU, Ft Thomas, KY, 10-May. 5/11/1944 37532463 Barber PVT Fr enroute to jn fr 1540th SU, Fto Thomas, KY, to jd. 7/5/1944 37532463 Barber 504 PVT Abv 2 EM fr MOS 504 to MOS 607. 8/12/1944 37532463 Barber William J. PVT Abv 2 EM dy to fur (10 days). 8/22/1944 37532463 Barber William J. PVT Fur to dy - abs 10 days. 9/1/1944 37532463 Barber William J. PVT 31 EM aptd PFC per Co O #8, Co F, 410th (Copy atchd). 11/24/1944 37532463 Barber William J. PFC Abv 3 EM dy to Clr Sta 328 Med, LD (Trenchfoot). Abv 3 EM fr Clr Sta, LD, (Trenchfoot) to reld fr asgmt & trfd to DoP, evacd to 95th EH, A&D 12, Hq 11/25/1944 37532463 Barber William J. 607 PFC 103d. Drpd fr rolls. 3/13/1944 36624809 Barber PFC Abv 14 EM dy to trfd in gr to AGF RD #1, Ft Meade, MD. Departed. 5/17/1944 37515506 Barnthouse William T. 521 PVT Abv 10 EM asgd enroute to jn, 16-May, fr 63d ID, Cp Van Dorn, MS, to jd.

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