< '\\V\\ ///>’/ . FINALiL ' H I - E D I T I O ^N ^ 1 ■ " — .......M H v — "2^______ A Regional Newspaperer ServingS —£■T Nin* Irrig!Tigated Idaho Counties OfClrUI CitT .n4 Count, N o ip .tx r ■ n v lN F AMLS. U IDAHO, THURSDAY, ^^AY UraiW nr Au>11l n»r*>u af ClrrnU w o T w ^ --------------- IAY 26, 1955 Awoclilxl TrMt *Bd U nlt^ PrMi PRICECE BS CENTS ' M H Polio Experts'ts Confer Here t ^ n t aact ller’ Toiirnadoes - I s e s L i s;ted i H n - B r ring Degath, Rui m m II [fem A^ e a H ro Mid\^ » * e a s 1 M ,. (m_Three new " cIo m sflsociHtion"«»sc polio ■ «vest Ar( ■uj by thc Idahoho thealth depart. Can.x., M ay 2 6 <U.P)_KiUer tornadoladoes left a Irnil of death andid ruinru today in H'f I j ■ what Director L. J. PetersonFet Bnid he ^ ^ B |^ ^ ^ B Kansas, Oklahorihoma and Texas. Shatterod commmmunications made an accuratelie countC( of the 'V; 1 ji dead impossible, I s - S e ? c e that vaceineine is responsible ,blc, but it. appeared lhai about 909 0 were killed in the three-stateJtate area. Hun- r p t j d re d s w ere n ju red . til climbed lo 62J-m.-!-more than four to m a ddoes, o e spawned by a violent atormDrm front, atruck last night along a 2Q0-mil9 the Texas Pan- — -------------------- -there were thc8« B b ^^ ' ' path from the ■ f i i thU l™ « » 5'“ '' handle to southlutheastern Kan- B . JS j’ 1 Peterson said- thle e stast te would ac- * * * R t sa s. M fSn. ottered * * One twister lunturned Uila village X . f O v f >af t Gr^hes, of 610 persons lnt<Into a giant scrap »^rr;.tFouryaV a l i n e t * , ~ i ~ he ap w ithin 60 :seconds. Nol a tn;tldlns was lefl—undam aged anri —. , the mounting death loll already Passeng^rsK' r a i e d J srs Okay K waa th e In T h is w u the best*eM'lmat«'orbes: Uie S A N A N gELO, E U Tex., M.y .26 (fl?)_A-tlamlnB-ning-B36-bomber-lU H dend: crashed and explodedexp last night during a violentvioie rain and M M :lnlty-M or 5< dead, hail storm. Atit leastle nine crewmen were killed. Tl .. ■ -uwic Federleral Plan |||r a ^ 300 ed. There was an ilHMfl ^ E S i ‘';«)S''no* W«SHDiaTOW.nOl^, M ay 28 /VT—ro u r kia.-ifi to ai dead, unconfirmed reportrep the globe-girdling air forceorce bomber1 may |I|% m of v»cclne polio vaccine manufacturersm ar today H B S B ^ ^ ^ ^ at least l&O Injure,Jured, have plowed IntcInto a tornado. ^ V ^ ^ t n n l S the (!»(■ BCC«pUd- t b ee ' g<govemmenl'a - new Chayenne. Okla,-kla,—Two dead. A cowboy watchedwat the plane smash into) the lonely, rug> J l j w l AJ * maltcr safety itAnd&rdsrda tfor producing and ^ H H B i ^ B f. dead In c o u n try 660 0 nmiles northw est of this w est Tex ■ ^ K f ^ d t d » longer testing S alk »hota. (he craah t t Texaa ranching Ijflei lie Davis, 21, said the plane was 0 ■ ^ K r hnb uiiially «lve« Their aoceptamiptance appeared to |^ ^ ^ B i B B B slruck by a lornsc,‘J r “"‘er- CIlLie i A'as on fire as ft w lH ’ for speedy release of The destrucMonton here waa all but . plunged to earth.earth After the | ^ B ■ ^ amfirmed by at )m t aome v*«vaccine for the limp- undwcrlbable. Tor :t, the plane was W ^ B inc. innculmonn programnri ;___________ roofing were 5foun L"S"U' Plane BiBuildup ■^Sikw H ho -Snba6T»-;-8#ir;Ti:lfTi«lne~^By meav town. In th e centersnter of town,, a two- vo ei(plo8ions. B ^ B ure up QUlckly/ to tthe new standards ' siory irain4 ounai •g----------r T- ~ O ---------Ther*_ware-no-ai Ja n e waa ohn . ]4 ion of to perm it releaae ol completely around tla k5e jng'^Mo^WaSka^ klund, lefl, U. S. public health aervlcee vlrologlitvlr who heada (he Roeky Mountmnlaln laboratory, llon and tt« roofrs"r;fr„r=Eyea%iMf 1waa lo rn olf, J J iksr-aJr- forc*tba^Z ^^B AnMlrongr cine..u.-W tly-M ,5 ont,, arrlTcs In Twln-palli tti.diicuii loui formed »ource*aal<J southern Id sb o pollD Caiei with Dr. Cec«-RrReta*te«n.Cecl Twentyftve or-or-30-aulomobllea <*a*Hp - -Tx • Rww'l'i N. M.. TherThere, Maj. A. s. ^ ^ B .iS to th.n.w i.tei, ll director of the aoutheentral publlc healthheall department. Dr. Elilund made an oTcmigbt atop were demolished,ed along th e m ain 1 Q M i l ! informaUon officer, ■ m BoUe. Tho“ »Kreeln« i ray »o ineel aUta public health offlelalj Jn IJ UwUton. iU n d a rd t w e^P: Puto w l D«vl«. D.lrolt, °° *'* * " '' 1* In BoIm. (SUff pholo-enirttlnf} street. One cmashtlashed Chevrolet waa ffset Foe ‘"w^'Jwere aboard the ^ ^ B largest producer; Ell > ------------ — — — perched on a pile of rubble eight WA8H1NQTOK.)N . May1 3fl W l-T he nd possibly fifteen. ' utal "leeond* lhe naUon’a largi Nelson. Biggs air / T i I high, a ir force said toda>;oday It wUl aUp up ^ ■ ft AMthtr 19 chll- UUy; Wyeth L Paso, said Carswell IfiM ! ^ B bi MKtDlt<d-wn' Sharj>-ajjdJ3flhineU“ !^“RussLe W Ited crossDas 1set up headquar- pwductlon of somesom of lU-laUsl Ih* ftther case* P red'-BStlmpert, tlm i dircotor of • ^ balterectered bnnk building, pltnut la flew alal recentze Rualin air at Jft. Worth had f«3B I'Sates - DullesesJVarns U.g reported th e BSoSO had hit a tornado. - connection w ith microbiologicalll rcJresearch tor Parka *. te new aUndards "look V X H IIC I' • men totaling ^0 men unjrt"^e tJhatrman Rtcharchard B. Rusaell. D.; Uo ^contact sy are ffolor to be very Capt. C. L. Brown Qa,, of the senatenate armed aervlces It Wv10:44 psn. u it H Ul. tJSPHS labora- « though th e y w . I C C I o n e com m and of Ca] n Angelo, it craahed !f{ ^ lO O lC lllk d moved into town.wn, committee discloseclosed these olans over S a n Ang H ^ U o a l, hu Uolat- workable." B eWary \ of Rus force offtcUU had minutes later.later, l U W !d iource aald enough l u Y |H Uprooted treeses blblocked the streeU; »ft«r high air for titM ■ ® t o ipeclmenj fr« n ^ Inform ed ao tie heard th a plana i B l i C d o i O Balk vaccine) mmay measure up UgoslaviaC w a s h i n g t c sotao still aunduindlng on the out- briefed the grouproup on U. 8 . a n d aald he bei gTON, M ay 26 ,(/P)— S ecretary oof f State Dulles iwer. low overr hls 1house. He ran ■UjB --------- quickly to thele BOvemment'sb< Ught BELQRAOE. yi •ared jt the top as if R ^ a n air i»wer. !. Yug0.ilavla. May 25 a a id y e s te r dday a y the Russians aeem to be re to see it coma d o ^ - f new safety aundaiandards to permit par- l^N lklta S, Khri reversing their r of aclssors. Russell aald Air Force SecreUry ouUlde in time to aee Khrushchev landed In t a r t i r a in <inmn)mc important wnya, but America i t» tt "tndtcated th ere »«ft »l<le In flameflamea., - ^n3IlC 6 O l resumption>n of the program ne»t Belgrade todayly wlwith a soviet dele- w u c s in .some ca m ust be care- At Blackwell,1. okOkla,, United Preu Harold E. Talbott gatldn fo r talksks wlw ith Presldeni T ito. ^ o t t o mi.itakemi.-l' any “false dawn for the rcfl dawn. - sUtf corraapondenIdent Leroy A. Ham- wou’O be. aomeI actaceeleraUoa of our .When it blt,j^vuDavU said th e Whole countryside shook.Mk. 'nT ie'T lm es 'H «ff ^Tni-preaititon-1;toirfollowed & public He-saJd-Moscow'Jcow's present leaders D uiles’ rem ark,ark, before the house foreign affai:!faira committee, tnann reportedI a similari scene. prwram. ce apokeaman's com- are sincerely sor »«r given » hoi, DavU aaldaaid tba eouldnt get I H BMeetuis^ »' sorry for lhe 1Q48 recalled PresideJsident Eisenhower’s comment of MayI 17: ‘ ^ o' o"* Is. J N B ment tbat somejme •vaccine manutac- break between Yt X Weant iteppln* up y*”!*- a VU8HI..I. «nd th. ..^Ve w ilU ta auch planea as the Bodlea couldI be teoL1 Kulde the. B B ^tay' strong and we will stay vigil^t.tatWvig .K .i'fcC ap to extinguliBK tK^h‘ope"that“a”ni ooUaeoUl H-bomber. wreokaefc_rlpped_motd miBWanU Jat«r..hy-JBD hei the itandards" set The break—whi-Which =.m. .n u,. «re -ot going t a new daw n-m ay hirdembmh-ea irei I dont' tblnk there Is two eiploalons.. WreikageWred waa toaaed J M i I by l ^ s X s rsflut aot Immediately stalln era. wasu duedi to a "mlslnter- ___ be coming ever!Ven if th e sun it rained almo Ibout It." over eight acrea.es. 3$ U^His So- r°>de public, prelaUon" Uaced•ced tot "enem les'of th e C # ^ " M :7r T f / ^ery slowly.” Biwkweii uniii « Ufcvt;^n qaesUonlng -«ha area wb«i».tb*r»-th» planttrfMhed : 4ccepted ye«- m w it*ndaiandards, It waa under- people," the sovteikivtel Communist par- O lc lC C yS^orkers j i *fore' tha wmnaiU* the work y e*?«er».
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