Y C 0 W [ ing investigation was conducted by SA #2: -..... .F92 414$ ti 92 92 4:- 92 .7 &#39;&#39; . :&#39;.., F-a|& V @___ l._ -3:3 > {F 607$ - "Ira ii, W, g I K. 5 W i * 1 ---_ _ i 1./5/79 T0: SAC,DEIWBl ram: sac, momma-to Ba-7780! Rue! W9 I92.- RE : UEDDQQ RDBRET BIIIDY; llil Ted Bandy, Theodora Robert 0011011 IR! um? - mans: A! 00:08 as: su tel to x, 114/70. DI an two copies each of Sacramento bk insert: and Ont tat 0 01555" "%°"-I5!-"1 b"c. LEAD: DENVER 5» id» AI C531] CITY. C010. 3- P1/_ 4 4% MD g 41 an an c1:y ua=..sJ,,;§s~sa9s!A . j % j "i. L § 38- 681$ - rL_.__ r SAEE w Mgw , C, M;§l , 1-17- -- SC 88 7780 F- SALT LAKE CIT! 1-_-.._ AI 5&#39;1 EQGE, UTAH .-.. - i b7Dmm u r 92 4 __ _:_.-:- 1"-3!-§ .- . 1" 35 11,; _S__¢_:&#39; Ji l r am cowAVAMBLE I $1 92 /has Rev.&#39;r-21-m - C" F BI - TRANSNHT VIA: [Q Teletype - || -&#39;. [:| [:1 Facsimile EJSECRET [:1 Airtel PRECEDENCE: CLAS SIFICATION: QEFTO . me EQCLEAR|:| CONFIDENTIAL --_?- Date :3-.-&#39;-" T _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ U - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ " _ _ .. 1/6/&#39;78 . 8: i j Z } 1 1 Z Z 11:.-IiiZiiiq FM SALT LAKE CITY aa6895! P! » To DENVER as-10975! PRIORITY 92. BUTTE as-7917! PRIORITY I SEATTLE PRIORITY =- BT 3 , I CLEAR THEODORE ROBERT BUNDY, AKA FUGITIVE A!; UFAP ._,92-1.-5. OO: DENVER. - MURDER; RE DENVER TELETYPE TO SALT LAKE CITY, BUTTE, AND SEATTLE ti : . i-; 15>- 3 92ON JANUARY 4,1978, ANDBUTTE TELETYPE TO DENVER,SALT LAKE ¥~ CITY,AND SEATTLEON JANUARY5, 1978. T. _.___.. ON JANUARY 5, 1978, DURING ROUTINE . 51¢ 1 I r i J. -9- D7? ADD1&#39;092&#39;BdI Transmitted_P 9? !:-!__ Per - Number! Time! GPO: l.I&#39;|"IO -225-539 FD436 Rev. 7-27-76! i. V IA: ¬&#39;1-215&#39;T r C&#39;LAS5&#39;II"lCA&#39;huu:FBI ~ Q Teletype [I Facsimile |:_] Immediate :1 TOP SECRET |:} Airtel E1 Priority |:| SECRET [:| Routine [:1 CONFIDENTIAL [:]EFTO [QCLEAR D ate -inw- ._._.55.l. _._ - -&#39;?:": w PAGE TWO, _SU,__8B-6B9e5_,_e__e_ A 7 7 _ A A -.. *2?» 1 .1-:51? 1>1P V-V. ._:% i>1I> _ . » 92 1 1 : _ 92 &#39; SALT ITAKE CITY AT SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, WILL MAINTAIN 5.. - 1, BTCONTACT WIT!-l_bqc" i "ARMED AND EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. ESCAPE RISK." 92 92 I I &#39;~ &#39; . Q? g __i_ | 2.! APPf092-ed! ii Transmitted_____ _ A Periii Numbe rl Time! 92 GR! : 10&#39;!"-IO - I25-539 T 1 L. ._:_,. Q ~. 92 § I TO: SAC, DENVER B8-10975! FROM:szwr g cm LAKE as-sass! P! l-an-p SUBJECT: &#39; UORE ROBERT BUHDY, aka " rue:-rm: A! UFAP - HURDER O0:DH! Re Denver teletype to Bureau, 1/1/78; Denve; teletype to Salt. Lake City, Butte, and Seattle, 1/4/78: and _; Salt Lake City airte]. to Denver, 1/4/78. Enclosed for each office are two copies of an investigative insert. 1-Z-» . 2*: E?-1.2 ,- SALT LAKE CITY ALEQI-:&#39;LEAJ<E CITY:U!-Ali Office tocetlaintain contact with Salt. Lake xiii: _ ,- 1>/11> if 2 CONSIDER SU§JEQ1_Ag£p AND EXTREMELY DAN§§3QQ§; ESCAPE RISK. 92 --;-Li ,1-, ~ : 92. &#39; as-svvf+§Y mam" . H "l V WE? 2 - Denver Enc. 2! - Butte Enc. 2! Info.! femltw - Seattle Enc.2! In£o.} - IHDEXED I City Ia, a ce¬T"" OFTIOIAL POI" l. I. JULY III! _ I UNITED STATES G0 Memorandum T0 3 SAC, SALT LAKE CITY 885895! DATE31/7/78 M 1|C./ I &#39;! 15:7 -Zita mnEcT7THE0DORE ROBERT BUNDY, aka - FUGITIVE A! UFAP - MURDER 0: DN! b/[CL MD _ _1,--. I ..__.._¢ I,. ff -. J R there couIa Bea strongEp5ssil;I1IEy_a1:1l;ja¬tIBUNDY would appear I 5 in that area. 54D »-""&#39; t Bake City /é%7§"55 v I SEARCHED I AN 81978 &#39;57- V! &#39; Ba] U..i&#39;.Saving: Bond: Regularly on tbePajrall Saving: Plan FD436 Rev.7-27-76! ; _ ¢-_/./"_ E B-L WTRANSMIT VIA: PRECEDENCE: CLASSIFICATION: [XXTeletype [3 Immediate [:| TOP SECRET [3 Facsimile Priority [:1 SECRET [:1 Airtel [:1 Routine |:] CONFIDENTIAL gEFTo >131 CLEAR Date 1/10/vs ___.,=_ - ----_-.__-__.¢-___-_-___----_ _ C:Tii:iiTTfL______7 -1-&#39;11.1, E FM SALT LAKE CITY 8a-6895! P! ,0 TO DENVER 88-10975! PRIORITY?~9/ U J59 ! BUTTE es-1917! PRIORITY?1!" SEATTLE PRIORITY BT 92 CLEAR 92 THEODORE ROBERT BUNDY, AKA - FUGITIVE A!; UFAP MURDER. ¢-I-1 RE SALT LAKE CITY TELETYPE TODENVER, JANUARY6, 1978. 92 .4; mi. -ii. I--&#39; "&#39;9&#39;-~q- --3.- ~h-£- Hie: A ,_- &#39;5!-I r, " _-_, Mb .~= .1 &#39;-i= -- Orr +.->"5=r5 -so 3- xamw 92 "- - I .~ Approved: Transmitted Per _ {Number} Time! GPO: I-B71O - I25-539 FD-36 gaev. 1-27-16! b E BL J ;%11sM1T VIA: PRECEDENCE: CLASSIFICATION": [:1 Teletype Z] Immediate C] TOP SECRET [:1 Facsimile [:1 Priority |:] SECRET [I Airtel [:1 Routine [:1 CONFIDENTIAL C] E F T 0 [:1 CLEAR - ~nn ""&#39;¬i""""_&#39;i| 7:. sU88¥lBé&#39;95 "0"" A A &#39; H &#39; W 92 =2 -_ .&#39;--3"."-&#39; Z -K" v - 1. APPROPRIATE LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES AND bqb L-.-;_I &#39;nT0 DETERMINE IF SUBJECT HAS BEEN IN THAT -1.1- _. AREA. L»-E3?&#39;92- "CONSIDER SUBJECT ARMED AND EXTREMELY DANGEROUS? ESCAPE RISK. " 2 1*? BT &#39;1&#39; ii l . J- 1". * 1 L... L. v .. -_&#39;5;. 92- Approved: ____i____i Transmitted _ Per ___________i_ Number! Time! GPO : 1.911 O - I25-539 &#39;-92_./ ornomu. roan! no. lo JULY 117:Innrlnll GSA Flinn I4! crlu I01-11.0 UNITED STATES GO Memorandum TO ,sAc as-6895! P! C, W &#39; __ FROM . i___i. SUBJEC-1-;THE0DOR.EBUNDY,- a1&#39;<&#39;a&#39; RoBER&#39;r FUGITIVE A! UFAP _ mmnan i oo= nu _-_-.,._ C b7» as ~_-_ LEADS &#39; ----_- SALT LAKE CITY gm. .b7<:_ "&#39;92 Exhibit photographof BUNDY to -4 ARMED & Ex&#39;1~m.-many nmsznous _.. i i ESCAPE R_Isi< é é 7c, JP: =-51 F. i978 1&#39; g Bag U.S. Saving:Bomb Rcgnlarlyon tbsPayroll Saving: Plan . ..__ ___ _>A__.. ..__.. __ _ _,,_ _ ____._...._.__ ,_...____ .1 "L.-1 PD-35U&#39; Rev.1&#39;1 ¢ D1&#39;1 75&#39;! Fw- i - _-&#39; Mount Clipping in Space Below! W Jn . _i l-- * :._ {Indicate page, name of newspaper, city and state.! ~ .- __ _. _ &#39; " P. 1 .__- __ -.__ -| _-.- More Bundy Photos l l.!-_1-9-_-*-1 - $a_e.i§ 1-ll92rsked by FBI AgenlrJ /-& D¬I&#39;~TVETl TTPT!- A special agent ior the FBI §_|__~c,92.-oi. said Monday he had requested nationwide circulation of Ted Bundy&#39;s photograph and background in an F. effort to find the escaped murder suspect. 7 . , __~b Bundy, 31, escaped Dec. 30 from the Gareld : - _;1:- County J ail at Glenwood Springs, Colo., where he was 1 &#39;? awaiting tirai on a first-degree murder charge. l - _ Ted Rosack. special agent in charge of the Denver FBI oice, said he was requesting circulation oi the photographs and background. But he said that adding Bundy fugitivesto the would FBI&#39;s be list up toof the FBI nation&#39;s headquarters:most wan Washmgto&#39; rriade. n, DC. and that no decision had been j :Bundy was charged in the slaying of Caryn Sue Campbell, a nurse from Dearborn, Mich., who disappeared from a ski resort in Aspen, Colo. Her frozen body was found January 1975 in a snowdrift outside the ski resort. _ . Edition: £7/77 Buncly, who was scheduled to begintrial this L» Author: Monday, escaped iron: his cell by squeezing through rm /- /6* * *7 a hole in the ceiling where a light xture had been Editor: 5 removed. He inched through a crawlspace and came Title: 4-1&#39; 1"; down in the adjoining, unoccupied apartment of the if A jailer. Bondy then ieit the fmnt door. It was his second escape. Bundy ju1&#39;nP¬<i_f1°I!l i s nd-story window of the Pitlcin County Courtho Character: ilAspenJune7du.ringarecessinapretr&#39;ialhe &#39; Tag &#39;was recaptured in the area six days later. or -- __ SEARCHEKEI E3Classication: ls»-,&#39;. &#39; SERIALIZEEuhmitting Ufce: S,-_&#39;.{ , I JN1 @751» FB SALT LAKE E f H 65¢/6>¢!@- &#39;. so-350 Rev- ii-it-Isl it _ .fM......~92---nun: l:.-..-.:....s-Ilypn3 |n ._ c..___upuuu I-"slow;n_|-.i.92 if.-1-i" _ _. - _l.. Elp may put Buncly A Indicate page, name of on most wanted list newspaper. city and state.! Combined AP, UPI Rosack, special agent in charge at the DENVER The FBI may place .",92en=.-er EB!c%e, said wanted posters accused killer Theodore Bunny on its on Bundy probably wouldbegin appear- list of 10 most wanted criminals, ing in law aitorcement otiices and post seeking more publicity and public help oices throughout the country by early in the search for the escaped inmate.
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