116116 JOURNAL OF THE LEPIDOPTERISTS’ SOCIETY Journal of the Lepidopterists’ Society 59(1), 2005, SALVAGE OF INDIVIDUAL PUPAE AS A MITIGATION MEASURE FOR LOSS OF PALOS VERDES BLUE BUTTERFLY HABITAT Additional key words: Glaucopsyche lygdamus palosverdesensis, Lycaenidae, environmental impact assessment, endangered species The federally endangered Palos Verdes blue butterfly Female Palos Verdes blue butterflies oviposit on (Glaucopsyche lygdamus palosverdesensis) had been either Lotus scoparius or Astragalus trichopodus. presumed extinct for 10 years when Mattoni (1994) Larvae pupate in the duff and soil beneath the plants rediscovered it on the Defense Fuel Support Point (Mattoni 1994, Mattoni and George 2002), which is (DFSP) in San Pedro, California. This single military similar to that reported for many other lycaenids (see installation constitutes the only consistently occupied New 1993, Wagner 1995, Weeks 2003). Earlier we locality for the species. G. l. lygdamus is vulnerable to recovered six pupae from a search under foodplants in a extinction. The population is exceedingly small; we 0.5 ha area to be destroyed as part of fuel pipeline estimate that the brood of adult butterflies each year repairs at DFSP (Mattoni 1999), and also have since 1994 is fewer than 300, with some years fewer recovered hundreds of pupae from the duff and soil in than 50 (Longcore and Mattoni 2003). outdoor cages used for captive rearing (Mattoni and Surveyors located Glaucopsyche lygdamus George 2002, Mattoni et al. 2003). palosverdesensis on a U.S. Navy-owned housing At the housing site, we inspected the duff and top 10 development adjacent to DFSP while negotiations were cm of soil under all Lotus scoparius plants in patches under way to dispose the housing property as surplus to (three or more plants together), all plants within 30 m of allow redevelopment. The recipient of the property recorded observations of adult Palos Verdes blue (U.S. Department of Housing and Urban butterflies, and a random subsample of all remaining Development) and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service plants. If pupae were located under any plant, we (USFWS) reached an agreement to protect most of searched all other foodplants within 30 m. For each those areas on the housing property occupied by the plant, duff was swept gently into a dustpan and butterfly (“Biological Opinion on the Formal Section 7 inspected by hand. Soil and duff were shaken lightly, Consultation for the Proposed Disposal and Reuse of which causes lighter items to rise to the surface, and the Palos Verdes and San Pedro Navy Housing Areas, sifted through screens. We removed dead plants, and Los Angeles County, CA between the Department of plants that inhibited access to soil and duff around the Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the base. We recorded the size of all plants, and when USFWS, September 4, 2002”). Outside of the protected pupae were discovered we documented local area, however, patches and individuals of deerweed vegetation. (Lotus scoparius), one of the butterfly's larval We searched 1,078 plants, representing 162 m2 of foodplants, remained. The agreement therefore vegetative cover, between November 2002 and specified that efforts be made to locate and salvage any February 2003. We located only two Palos Verdes blue pupae under these foodplants before transferring the butterfly pupae during 200+ hours of searching. We property. The disposition of the pupae was to a captive found the first adjacent to a dense patch of deerweed rearing program, so the term “salvage” is more where we had seen adult G. l. palosverdesensis and the appropriate than “translocation,” which is defined as second under a lone deerweed plant. These represented “deliberate and mediated movement of wild individuals quite different conditions, one with over 50% deerweed or populations from one part of their range to another” cover within 20 m of the plant, the other with less than (IUCN 1998:6, see also Oates 1992, New 1997). This 5% deerweed cover within the same area. We deduce short note documents the logistics and results of from this that single plants outside of patches can serve locating and salvaging pupae of this sensitive taxon as a as oviposition sites for Palos Verdes blue butterflies. The mitigation measure, which we implemented at the first pupa was considered dead (> 50 mg; Mattoni et al. direction of the U.S. Navy, consistent with the 2003). The second pupa (presumed viable at ~100 mg) Biological Opinion. We have been unable to locate was collected for inclusion in the captive rearing published reports of the salvage of individual butterfly program for the species (Mattoni et al. 2003). While pupae as a mitigation measure. only two G. l. palosverdesensis pupae were located, we VOLUME 59, NUMBER 2 117 found hundreds of pupae of other species, individuals at sites allowed to be destroyed either by 1) predominantly moths. We believe that it is unlikely that removing foodplant before the flight season and forcing pupae were missed, given previous success at locating emigration of eclosing butterflies if suitable habitat is pupae under plants (Mattoni 1999) and the hundreds of adjacent, or 2) translocating pupae en masse by other lepidopterous pupae found, unless pupae were carefully moving plants, soil, and duff to a new site. located deeper than 10 cm and far outside the canopy of The U.S. Navy funded the work described here. We thank Je- the larval foodplant. In outdoor tent rearing cages, remiah George and Arthur Bonner for their efforts locating Pa- pupae are found near the plant, not at the edges of the los Verdes blue butterfly pupae, Catherine Rich for editorial cage as if last instar larvae were dispersing to pupation comments, and two reviewers for constructive suggestions. sites away from the plant. LITERATURE CITED The effort to locate and recover individual pupae is BOWLER, P. A. 2000. Ecological restoration of coastal sage scrub and time-consuming and tedious, with limited long-term its potential role in habitat conservation plans. Env. Manage. 26: benefit. We do not believe that it is an efficient form of S85–S96. mitigation, and propose two alternatives. If endangered IUCN. 1998. Guidelines for Re-introductions. Prepared by the IUCN/SSC Re-introduction Specialist Group. 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Oxford University Press, removed from the development site, meeting the goal of Melbourne. the Biological Opinion that “take” be minimized. OATES, M. R. 1992. The role of butterfly releases in Great Britain & Europe, pp. 204–212 In Future of butterflies in Europe; pro- Salvage of plants from development sites and their ceedings of an international congress. Department of Nature translocation to restoration sites would have the Conservation, Agricultural University, Wageningen. additional benefit of stocking newly-created habitats SCOTT, J. A. 1986. The butterflies of North America: a natural history and field guide. Stanford University Press, Stanford, California. with many epiphytic species that are otherwise slow to WAGNER, D. 1995. Pupation site choice of a North American lycaenid colonize restorations (Bowler 2000). butterfly: the benefits of entering ant nests. Ecol. Ent. 20: We conclude that the survival and recovery of the 384–392. WEEKS, J. A. 2003. Parasitism and ant protection alter the survival of Palos Verdes blue butterfly would be better served by the lycaenid Hemiargus isola.
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