WRITINGS OF WILLIAM GILMORE SIMMS List of the Separate Writings WILLIAMGILMORESIMMS OF SOUTH CAROLINA 1806-1870 Compiled by Oscar Wegelin Compiler of Early American Plan etc. NEW YORK m m BY THE comm a 1906 DEDICATION TO THE MANY KIND FRIENDS WHOSE SUPPORT HAS ENABLED ME TO PROSE CUTE THE LITTLE I HAVE ACCOMPLISHED IN A E I AN I LIO A Y M R C B B GR PH , AND WHOSE CHEERIN G WORDS HAVE HELPED ME TO BEAR THE ATTACK OF WELL MERITED CRITICISM , I DEDICATE THIS BOOK . F PRE ACE. WITH the single exception of James Fenimore l m m e Cooper, Wil ia Gil or Simms stands as In f the foremost of American novelists . act many of his works surpass the minor work of that writ ’ er nl of , and o y the best Cooper s surpass such w Gu Ri vers MeIIicbam e The Yem assee orks as y , p , , The Kinsm en of and , among the most popular ’ n Simms s writi gs . C. 1806 Born in Charleston, S , in , Simms began a long and notable literary career by courting the m f . w use As a poet ho ever he is almost orgotten , and few if any of his verses are to day read by any but a handful of delvers into the beginnings of our for early poetic literature . Fortunately American Letters the young poet soon turned his attention to a field where more could begained both in fame n and from a pecuniary standpoi t . He gave his m ti e and attention to fiction , and became and still stands among the most popular of the early novel ist f His of a s o his country . first work fiction w s M in Fa h or of a riminal art ber t e t C . , S y It was s s f ucce s ul , and started the author upon a brilliant caree as s l w r a historical noveli t , a cal ing in hich only Cooper has surpassed him am org American vil PREFACE To writers . attain this prominence was not an t for for easy mat er, he had to contend supremacy w w . ith such riters as Ingraham , F W Thomas , f la . o Ga var Timothy Flint , Robert W Bird , author , f and several others o equal power . He however succeeded in outranking them all , and where his works are to-day still read to a large extent theirs have long been forgotten . Simms was also a suc Histor of ou th aro cess as a historian , as his y S C lina Life of a tain oh n will attest , and his C p & mith of S , his biographies the Chevalier Bayard , Nathaniel Greene and Francis Marion place him f among the first o American biographers . Without a single exception I think that Simms was the most voluminous writer that America has n produced , his separate works alone reachi g a of w & total over eighty titles , hile his maga ine ar ticles and editorials cannot now be gathered to n gether, so umerous are they . That the name of Simms stood high among his contemporaries is evidenced by the praise be stowed upon him by the author of The Ra ven . of : im Poe said him He has more vigour , more a ination g , more movement , and more general capacity than all our novelists (save Cooper) com d ” f bine . High praise , indeed , rom one who was not over lavish in bestowing it upon his contem r rie po a s . In compilingthislist I haveendeavored to secure, w b for l and herepossi le , line line tit es complete col 7 111 PREFACE lations of uncom , especially the earlier and more ' n efi m o books . I have made no ort to secure titles of an of n y but the first editions , as most the ovels were issued in numerous editions , some being still in print . No attempt has been made to collect a list of the writings which have appeared in maga&ines im os and newspapers , as such a task is almost p few sible at this time , and collectors seem to care about anything save separate publications . In the compilation of this work I have received f of the kind assistance o Harry L . Koopman U of Brown niversity Library , where most the r poetical publications can be seen ; M . Daniel Par n ish , through whose kindness I was e abled to see ’ the fine collection of Simms s works in the New l Mr . P t i . a s ts York Historical Society , and Victor H of a l the Lenox Library , who is lways wil ing to extend to the utmost the help at his command to f urther American Bibliography . For the kindness shown to me by these gentlemen I am most grate ful wi k S . , and sh to than them most incerely OSCAR WEGELIN . A LIST OF THE SEPARATE WRITINGS OF WILLIAM GILMORE SIMMS ON N COTESWORTH I KN A MONODY GE ERAL P NC EY . 18 5 . Charleston , 2 Although this title is mentioned by several bibliogra hera no co can e race and am un er the m ression p , py b t d , L d i p h it was ver is ue in se ara e form but ma e its t at ne s d p t , d ap in m in r n r It is the rs r pearance a aga& e o ewspape . fi t lite ary a em of S mms ri ten hen the au hor was onl nin tt pt i , w t w t y e ars oi a e teen ye g . O H E . LYRICAL IAND I T ER PO MS By William G. m M u f . Si ms, Jun . ihi c ra uturi Charleston; uf 18 . 16 6 Ellis Ne ville 27 mo, pp . , - 8 198 , ’ hi is S mms s first r in f rm D ids n T s i wo k book o . av o (in the ivin Writers of the South N. Y 1860 call it a débnt L g , ) s ol m h oes far o r v ha the Mono on Pine]: v u e . T is g t p o e t t dy i r f ney was not issued n sepa ate orm . m EARLY LAYS . By William G . Si ms, Jun . Au “ ” of thor Lyrical and Other Poems, Monody ” on . Pinckney , etc Who does not love the ’ r . M 1 . 8 ly e Charleston, S . C A . E . iller 27 . 8vo . 108 . , pp iv& 11 THE V O I ISION OF CORTES , CAIN , AND THER B . POEMS . I y W Gilmore Simms , Jr . Charles : 44 - 1 ton James S. Burges , &ueen Street 829 . 1 -1 1 6 . 8 5 . mo , pp THE TRI- COLOR ; or the Three Days of Blood in m Paris . With so e other pieces . London , f D i . 1 8 v 30 . 8vo . Wig all a s , Strand , pp 75 . An edition is also supposed to have been issued in Charles 1830 but I ann ra a . It a l rati ton , , c ot t ce copy is ce eb on in ver e of Fr n R ti n of 1830 s the e ch evolu o . D . r O E Published in O ation by William Drayton . V 4 1 1 . 83 1 1 . 83 8v o . July , Charleston , A . of the e V TALANTIS A story sea In thr e f o . parts . [ Five lines poetry ] New York : - . HE . 82 C . 1832 . 8 vo . J J Harper Street , pp 10 , 80 . H MY T E L M . BOOK OF ADY . A elange By a “ ” . Ph ladel Bachelor Knight Volti subito . i : 23 M . 1833 . phia IKey Biddle , , inor Street 4 1 . 33 . 2mo , pp i V a . & POEMS I By a Colleg an Charlottesville , ’ M e nie . K n . Published by C . P . Printed by D 1 3 1 8 3 . 95 . Deans and Co . 2mo , pp . has a r S mm but I if was This been sc ibed to i s , doubt he a t r the u ho . f u o MARTIN FABER ; the story o a Criminal . [& tation of f w- : l our lines . ] Ne York Pub ished 12 OF WILLIAM GILMORE 81MMS HE- e . No . 82 C by J J Harper, , Str et , and sold by the booksellers generally throughout t . 1 the United S ates MDCCCX&XIII . 2mo . - 4 189 . pp . [ ] 5 R OF D M EMOI MAYNARD AVIS RICHARDSON , with a f if . V Memoir o his l e By a Friend . Charleston : 1 3 . 1 8 3 2mo . R m n of nar Da vi Richar s n Published in the e ai s May d s d o . H N 1 T . E O . COSMOPOLITAN an occasional , [Charleston 1834] An t r ati of ta a nd nv r a i n The a al e n on les co e s t o s . bove was r t of a r e r es the a em n v r the fi s p opos d se i , but tt pt e e N 1 went beyond o . f au GUY RIVERS : A Tale o Georgia . By the “ ” thor of Martin Faber [ 3 lines from Rog T 1 . : ers ] In wo Volumes . Vol . New York — ’ l 1834 . Harper Brothers 82 C ifl Street . - e 12 mo . 2 278 7 2 volum s , , pp viii , ; 321 .
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