DEVOTED TO BASE BALL AND TRAP SHOOTING VOL. 63. NO. 24 PHILADELPHIA, AUGUST 15, 1914 PRICE 5 CENTS A FEDERAL WAR MOVE Which Would Indicate That There Is, In Federal League Circles, No Thought of Surrender or Extinction The Kansas City Team and Franchise Sure To Be Transferred To Cleveland Next Season his peace of mind. The Jersey City Cluli was ordered to keep the player off the bench, From Cleveland comes a seeming and Hanley, after reporting daily for several ly well-founded story of invasion of weeks and finding that he wasn©t getting paid that city by the independent Fed for it, took up his case with .the National eral League next year. This, in Board of the National Association, finally ap connection with the fact that Fed pealing to the National Commission. eral Jjeague scouts are combing the country for talent and Federal Special National League Meeting League Clubs are signing players to NEW YORK, N. Y., August 12. National long-term contracts, affords assur League club owners held a long meeting here ance that the Federal League will be yes©terday at headquarters in the Metropolitan in the field again next year, either in Tower. Up among the lowering clouds the peace or in war. Under these con magnates gathered and went over the base ditions, plans for peace between ball situation in general and the somewhat Organised Hall and the Indepen harassing conditions which obtain this year. dents might well be considered, now The meeting was purely informal and not one and henceforth. at which action was taken. It was to discuss and thrash out pertinent topics, such as the Federal League, players© contracts, and kindred matters. Governor Tener, the league presi Federals to Invade Cleveland dent,* was on hand. It was he who called the CLEVELAND, O., August 12. It is now meeting. He is on his way home from a vaca an assured fact that the Federal League will tion, and as most of the magnates were in the return to Cleveland in 1915. This is not the Bast he determined to assemble them and talk fir©st time this has been reported, but this time it over. Those present were H. N. Hempstead, there is solid foundation for the report. The of New York; Charles H. Ebbets, of Brook miserable showing made by the Naps this lyn ; Barney Dreyfuss, of Pittsburgh; Charles year has decided the Gilmore organization to Thomas, of Chicago, and W. F. Baker, of take a chance on Cleveland. The Kansas City Philadelphia, and John Heydler, secretary. franchise will be transferred here and George The absentees were Schuyler Britton, of St. Stovall, ex-Nap, will be manager. The in Louis; Garry Herrmann, of Cincinnati; and formation comes from a reliable source that James Gaffney, of Boston. The session lasted the Ward millions will back the local proposi all afternoon. tion. The reported price of ©he land near East Fifty-fifth street and Euclid, on which Cobb Signs for Three Yearf the Wards secured an option some© time ago, DETROIT, Mich., August 12. Tyrus Cobb, was a half-million, but the inside figures are prize centre fielder of the Detroit American $212,000. The reason the Feds didn©t come League team, today set at rest reports that he into Cleveland was because they could not find intended jumping to the Federal League by suitable grounds. When they learned that signing a contract to play three more years © the East Fifty-fifth street-Euclid site Was with the Tigers. The contract does not con obtainable they interested the Wards, the tain ©the maligned ten-days clause. Neither league as a whole guaranteeing to reimburse does it carry any increase in his salary,© which the Brooklyn millionaires should the plot not is said to be $15,000 a year. The contract be used as a ball park. It is said the Wards under which Cobb is now playing contains, have already made money on the purchase of the ten-days clause, but it will expire at the the land. Some business concern wants it, end of the present season. When Cobb com and has offered $250,000, but there©s nothing pletes the three seasons for which he has just doing. Federal agents are reported to have signed, he will have played 13 years with been ©©feeling© 1 out people in the neighbor Detroit. hood of the site to learn if there is any pos sibility of injunction suits being brought Outfieldcr Piez to Marry against the erection of a base ball park. It is said they found little opposition. If the plant ROBERT H. VEACH HAMMONTON, N. J., August J. :Charles is built, and those in on the know say that W, Piez, the crack outfielcler of tlw New York it will, it will be modeled after the Brooklyn Left Fielder of the Detroit American League Club Giants, and son of Councilman Piez, of this Federal plant, one of the finest steel and con town, will, it is announced today, join the crete stadiums in the country. Local capital Robert H. Veach, left fielder of the Detroit American League Club, was born in St. ranks of the benedicts, when he takes as his Charles, K.V., on June 29. 1SSS. He started playing professional ball with the Peoria Club, bride Miss Helen Middleton, of Atlantic City. is to be interested in the project, and if there of the I. I. I. League, in 1!>10. When Veach joined Peoria he was a pitcher and would is any shortage the Wards, who have big probably have still been pitching in some minor league had it not been for an injury to a Piez was formerly a star player on the local Cleveland interests, will dig, and dig deep. regular outflelder that gave him a chanca to start in at lift xfield. During the 1911 season, team. The date for the ceremony was not Veach did great work in the outfield and also pitched well wn©en called upon. After joining divulged. A Scout©s View of Situation Indianapolis Veach gave up pitching and concentrate?! himpelf upon learning to play the outfield. Three months after he joined Indianapolis Veach©s release was purchased by the Athletics Won in 15 Innings MILWAUKEE, Wis., August 12. Scout Tigers, in 1912, and he has been with .Tenninrs© team since. I.*ck of ginger in the only notice Mike Kahoe, of the Washington Club, was able drawback to Veach©s work. He is a hard hitter, fast fielder and possesses an excellent RRANTFORD, Ont., August 12. The Ath he.re last week, watching the work of out- throwing: arm. He bats and throws left-hanfl«d. ; letics opened their two days© invasion of tha fielder Felch, just sold to Comiskey. Kahoe Dominion yesterday by playing off a prolonged does not share the illusion of the big Organ contest with the Brantford Club, of the Cana ized Ball men that the Federal League will dian League. After 15 speedy innings had be extinguished before next season. Said he: been indulged in the Mackmen finally won out, "These base ball men who say the Feds are down 3 to 2. ___ and out had better wake up or they may discover can Association without a doubt and right now have his claim that the Southern League was not that they are away behind the times. They hate men watching for the stars of the Association." entitled to his services. Telegrams sent to New Pitcher for Detroit plenty of money back of them and they are spending A Player in Quandary "Hanily," were delivered to the offices of MEMPHIS, Tenn., August 12. Ben Karr, lots of it. If they wer not banking on next season the two New York base ball clubs, because a pitcher, purchased by the Memphis Club, of they would not be sending out scouts to all parts of NEW YORK, N. Y., August 11. Secretary the country to get sta- players for next year. They the pitcher of that name was unknown in the Southern League, from Selma, of the have made me offers to go out for them and good John H. Farrell, of the National Association, professional ranks. Last Spring, when Han- Georgia-Alabama League, lias been sold to the ones, too, but I am slicking with the old show. I has ruled that pitcher IJanley should report ley had become convinced that the tangle had Detroit Americans for $1500. He will report would advise some of these ball owners to take the to Mobile, but the player explained his side been straightened, he signed with Jersey City, to the Detroit Club at the end of the South Veds seriously. -They will make a raid on the Ameri- of the case and offered to furnish, proofs of but the telegrams and orders again disturbed ern League season. AUGUST 15, 1914 C. KICHTER, EDITOR THOMAS D. RICHTEK, ASSISTANT EDITOR The Superba Sensation Boston©s Great Spurt owhile late, will not be regretted. While Brooklyn may the Pittsburgh Club ever since Bransfteld was east O TRANSFER OF INFIELDER«RED" not get out of the second division the-Giants may feel adrift. John B. Miller came closest to being the real WONDERFUL ACHIEVEMENT reasonably grateful toward the Superbas, for it will blown-in-the-bottle guard of that notch, but, alas, be partly through the efforts of the Brooklyns that the he was traded to the Cards just when he was getting SMITH TO BOSTON same New Yorks will win the pennant. "Robbie©s" to be as classy as any man covering the post.
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