Summary of Databases and Keywords Search for M and T Literature Review Project Channel Migration and Fish Screen Database Contact Online via UC Davis Library ISI Web of Science Fish & Fisheries Worldwide [via NISC] FishBase Cambridge Scientific Abstracts Fish and Wildlife Reference Service (FWRS) UC Davis J. Cech, Wildlife, Fish, and Conservation Biogy DWR, Red Bluff Stacy Cepello and Koll Buer CDFG - USFWS (R. DeHaven) USACE (J.C. Fischenich) NMFS (H. Brown) USACE (Dietl) Stillwater and Associates (Noah Hume) Keywords: fish screens, fish screen, water intake pump, pumping facility, water diversion, etc. The “contact” traces where the references came from originally. Reference library for the M & T project Page 1 of 28 Highly relevant references HIGHLY RELEVANT Ayres Associates. 1997. Sacramento River Bank Protection Project (SRBPP), Sacramento River and Tributaries Hydrodynamic Modeling of the Sacramento River and Butte Basin from RM 174 to RM 194. Balasek, K. M. 1990. Gravel Filtration as an Alternative to Fish Screens. A Thesis Presented to the Faculty of California State University, Chico. Brice, J. 1977. Lateral Migration of the Middle Sacramento River, California. Buer, K. 1984. Middle Sacramento River Spawning Gravel Study. Buer, K., N. Eaves, and J. McMillan. 1984. Middle Sacramento River Spawning Gravel Study, with River Atlas. Buer, K. 1985. Executive Summary Sacramento River Spawning Gravel Studies. Buer, K., D. Forwalter, M. Kissel, and B. Stohler. 1989. The Middle Sacramento River: Human Impacts on Physical and Ecological Processes Along a Meandering River,. in. Proceedings of the California Riparian Systems Conference Held in Davis, California on September 22-24, 1988: Protection, Management, and Restoration for the 1990's, USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-110, 22-32. Buer, K. 1995. Sacramento River Meander Belt Future Erosion Investigation. Buer, K. Y., S. Klinsteker, and H. Rainwater. 1998. Draft Sacramento River meander Belt-Future Erosion Study. in. California Department of Fish and Game. 1997. Fish Screen Criteria. California Department of Fish and Game. California Department of Water Resources, N. D. 1993. M & T Chico Ranch Ground Water Investigation Phase 1. California Department of Water Resources, N. D. 1995. M & T Chico Ranch Ground Water Investigation Phase II. California Department of Water Resources. 1996. M & T Chico Ranch Conjunctive Use Investigation Phase III. California Department of Water Resources. 1997. Draft Report for the Big Chico Creek Watershed Mapping/Geographic Information System Project. Darby, S. E., A. M. Alabyan, and M. J. Van de Wiel. 2002. Numerical Simulation Of Bank Erosion And Channel Migration In Meandering Rivers. Water Resources Research 38. DFFTCC, and D. F. F. T. C. Committee. 1979. Justification For Proceeding With An Off-River Intake Concept For The Peripheral Canal. Interagency Ecological Study Program for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Estuary, Delta Fish Facilities Technical Committee Working Justification Paper No 1. Duan, J. G., S. S. Y. Wang, and Y. F. Jia. 2001. The Applications Of The Enhanced CCHE2D Model To Study The Alluvial Channel Migration Processes. Journal of Hydraulic Research 39:469-480. Edwards, B. F., and D. H. Smith. 2002. River Meandering Dynamics. Physical Review e 65. Harmon, H., and A. Henderson. 1999. 1997 Sacramento River Aerial Atlas. 1 ed. Draft. Jones & Stokes Associates, and Ayres Associates. 1999. Riparian Restoration Site Assessment Report, Sacramento River Restoration Sites. Kislingmoller, J. 1992. Lateral Sediment Transport By Bedforms In A Meander Bend. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 17:501-513. Kondolf, G. M. 1993. Glenn-Colusa Fish Screen Improvements Draft Geomophological Investigations. in. Larsen, E. W., and S. E. Greco. 2002. Modeling channel management impacts on river migration: A case study of Woodson Bridge State Recreation Area, Sacramento River, California, USA. Environmental Management 30:209-224. Larsen, E. W., E. Anderson, E. Avery, and K. Dole. 2002. The controls on and evolution of channel morphology of the Sacramento River: a case study of river miles 201-105. Lawler, D. M. 1993. The Measurement Of River Bank Erosion And Lateral Channel Change - A Review. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 18:777-821. Reference library for the M & T project Page 2 of 28 Highly relevant references Mosselman, E. 1995. A Review Of Mathematical-Models Of River Planform Changes. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 20:661-670. Nongame Bird and Mammal Section and Wildlife Management Division of the State of California Department of Fish and Game. 1992. Recovery Plan: Bank Swallow (Riparia riparia). in. Purkey, D. R., and E. M. Mansfield. 2002. Estimating the Potential for in Lieu Conjunctive Water Management in the Central Valley of California. Seminara, G., G. Zolezzi, M. Tubino, and D. Zardi. 2001. Downstream And Upstream Influence In River Meandering. Part 2. Planimetric Development. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 438:213-230. US Fish and Wildlife Service. 1984. Sacramento River Chico Landing to Red Bluff Project 1983 Gravel Study. Final Report. in. US Fish and Wildlife Service. 1984. Sacramento River Chico Landing to Red Bluff Project 1983 Gravel Study. in Final Report. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. US Fish and Wildlife Service. 1985. Chico Landing to Red Bluff Project-Gravel Studies. in. Water Engineering and Technology. 1988. Geomorphic Analysis of Sacramento River. Draft Phase II Report. Geomorphic Analysis of Reach from Colusa to Red Bluff Diversion Dam River Miles 143 to River Mile 243. Water Engineering and Technology. 1988. Geomorphic Analysis of Sacramento River Phase 1 Report. Geomorphic Analysis of Butte Basin Reach, River Mile 174 to River Mile 194. Water Engineering and Technology. 1990. Geomorphic Analysis and Bank Protection Alternatives Report for Sacramento River (RM 78-194) and Feather River (RM 0-28). Zolezzi, G., and G. Seminara. 2001. Downstream and upstream influence in river meandering. Part 1. General theory and application to overdeepening. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 438:183-211. Zolezzi, G., and G. Seminara. 2001. Upstream influence in erodible beds. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth Part B- Hydrology Oceans and Atmosphere 26:65-70. Reference library for the M & T project Page 3 of 28 Relevant references RELEVANT Associates, A. 1999. Sacramento River Bank Protection Project (SRBPP), Sacramento River and Tributaries. Pages 1- 9.3 in FINAL REPORT. Ayre Associates, Fort Collings, CO. Buer, K. 1994. Sacramento River Bank Erosion Investigation Memorandum Progress Report. in. Buer, K., and D. Forwalter. 1994. Sacramento River Bank Erosion Investigation, Red Bluff to Colusa, California. Buer, K., K. Weherly, and E. Cockrill. 1994. Use of Alternative Gravel Sources for Fishery Restoration and Riparian Habitat Enhancement, Shasta and Tehama Counties, California. Buer, K. 1994. Sacramento River Meander Belt Future Erosion Study. State of California, The Resources Agency, Department of Water Resources, Northern District. Buer, K., and e. al. 2001. Geomorphic and Geologic Considerations: Floodplain evolution and historic channel changes on the Sacramento River. in 19th Annual Salmonid Restoration Federation Conference. CALFED. 1999. Flow Regime Requirements for Habitat Restoration along the Sacramento River between Colusa and Red Bluff. in. CALFED Bay-Delta Program. California Department of Fish and Game. 1985. Memorandum: SCH 83021601- Draft EIR, Sacramento River Chico Landing to Red Bluff Bank Protection Project - Tehama, Glenn, and Butte Counties. California Department of Water Resources. 1975. Land Use Changes in the Sacramento River Riparian Zone, Redding to Colusa. in. California Department of Water Resources. 1976. Sacramento River, California Chico Landing to Red Bluff. California Department of Water Resources. 1979. Observations of Sacramento River Bank Erosion 1977-1979. California Department of Water Resources. 1983. Land Use Change in the Sacramento River Riparian Zone, Redding to Colusa A Second Update 1977-1982. in. California Department of Water Resources, N. D. 1984. River Atlas Red Bluff / Colusa. Appendix to: Middle Sacramento River Spawning Gravel Study. California Department of Water Resources, and Northern District. 1984. Appendix A To: Middle Sacramento River Spawning Gravel Study. in. California Department of Water Resources. 1987. State Water Project Future Supply Cottonwood Creek Reformation. The Dipping vat--Schoenfield Project. California Reclamation Board. 1986. Environmental Impact Report for the Butte Basin Overflow Area. California State University, and Chico-Research Foundation. 1998. Big Chico Creek Watershed Project Stakeholder Inventory of Issues and Concerns DRAFT. California State University, and Chico-Research Foundation. 1998. Big Chico Creek Watershed Project Existing Conditions Report Technical Team Administrative Draft. Cepello, S. A., Buer, Koll. 1995. Memorandum Report: Sacramento River Meander Belt Future Erosion Investigation. Cepello, S. A., and K. Buer. 1995. Sacramento River Gravel Study-Keswick Dam to Cottonwood Creek. CH2M Hill, and Resouce Consultants and Engineers. 1993. Sheet Pile Driveability Tests and Well Logging Report: Sacramento River Fisheries Enhancement Structure (Riverbed Gradeint Resoration Facility) Sacramento River Mile 206, California. in. Cunningham, J. 1988. Planning to Preserve Riparian Habitat Sacramento River, Colusa to Red Bluff. An Annotated Bibliography. Dardeau, E. A., Jr., , K. J. Killgore, Jr., , and A. C. Miller. 1995. Using
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