Why Manage Your Woodlot? Extension Bulletin E-1492 February 1982 Melvin Knelling and Russell Kidd Forestry Dept. Forests are a major feature of the Michigan landscape. Covering more than Fig. 1. Most woodlots can be 52 percent of the state, nearly 19 million managed to produce forest crops acres of forest land contribute directly to on a continuing basis by applying Michigan's economy through timber pro- periodic thinning and harvesting operations. duction and forest products industries. In addition, forests provide numerous rec- reational, wildlife, aesthetic and environ- mental benefits. Only four other states can boast of more acres of commercial forest land than Michigan. Michigan's forests are diverse in both type and ownership. At least nine major forest types are present. These produce a variety of products, including Christmas trees, sawlogs for lumber, pulpwood for paper, and raw materials for post, piling and log home industries (Fig. 1). Ownership of Michigan forest land is similarly varied. Public forest holdings, including three national forests and the nation's largest state forest system, ac- count for 6.5 million acres. Industry owns Fig. 2. Poor forest management often results in nearly 2.0 million acres; and some 10.5 large, undesirable "wolf million acres are in private ownership, trees and poor reproduction. representing approximately 55 percent of the total area. These private parcels of forest land are generally less than 100 acres and often are associated with farms or recreational properties. The productivity of Michigan's forests varies considerably with ownership. Both publicly- and industrially-owned forests private forests because supplies of forest Why Woodlot Management? are generally well managed and produce products were plentiful and forest lands at or near their potential. However, the abundant. This is no longer the case. Na- Most private forest landowners do not majority of small privately-owned forests tionally, the forest land base has been practice good woodlot management for a are poorly managed. Most are producing shrinking while the demand for wood variety of reasons. These include failure at one-half or less of their potential, even products is projected to sharply increase. to view the forest as a manageable re- though most private forests are on good Thus, it is necessary to increase the pro- source, belief that leaving a forest alone soils and possess the capacity to produce ductivity of privately-owned forest lands. will maximize its benefits, ignorance of significantly greater yields. To accomplish this, private forest land- necessary treatments and their applica- In the past, there had been little con- owners must manage their land more effi- tions, and a general mistrust of loggers cern with increasing the productivity of ciently. and timber harvesting procedures. Be- COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY • XtMTREt • • „. ^mFARMJP •< 1*.-. V •' / .^":' V •%'•.-J ' f : :• 4, tf . -... Fig. 3. Woodlots can be managed for many uses including timber, Fig. 4. In a TSI operation, undesirable trees are removed providing wildlife, aesthetics and recreation. adequate growing and reproduction space for remaining trees. cause of past experiences with indiscrimi- What is Woodlot Management? size, their growing space requirements nate logging, some landowners improp- likewise increase making periodic thin- erly associate forest management with Woodlot management is the care and nings necessary. Later thinnings and har- harvesting only large trees. Hence, many maintenance of a forest stand which en- vest cuts will yield higher quality prod- forest landowners are reluctant to plan courages continuing yields of products ucts and, more importantly, provide any new management activity. Still and services in a mix which the land- openings in the stand for the establish- others are not aware of the potential for owner desires (Fig. 3). Management is ment of new trees. Thus, with some har- producing a forest crop on a continuing designed to make each acre of forest pro- vesting occurring every few years, the basis. duce its maximum. This means that an ad- woodlot can be managed to produce con- In the past, most woodlots were not equate number of trees of good form and tinuing crops. managed for renewable crops; instead, quality are spaced to maintain maximum Previously poorly-managed forest they were periodically logged with little growth rates while using all available stands can be managed to produce at or or no concern for improving the condition growing space. Management is also con- near their potential. The proper timing of the remaining stand (Fig. 2). Usually cerned with regenerating the stand to re- and application of timber stand improve- only the choicest trees were removed, place harvested trees. Regeneration is es- ment, thinning and harvesting operations leaving defective and otherwise low- sential if the landowner is to realize the gradually will improve the quality of a value trees to occupy an increasingly woodlots potential. woodlot and help maintain its productiv- larger portion of the woodlot. A timber stand improvement cut is the ity. In addition to obtaining forest prod- In addition, many farm woodlots have most immediate need in most hardwood ucts through proper management, forest been grazed by livestock. Fortunately, forest stands. Deformed, diseased, dam- landowners will also gain satisfaction from many farmers have discontinued this aged or otherwise defective trees will not being good stewards of their land. practice. Woodlots that have been grazed produce high-value timber products. In typically contain much low-grade, defec- addition, such trees compete with more Further Help tive material. Few desirable, merchant- desirable trees for available moisture, nu- able trees are present, although desirable trients and growing space. Their pres- Information on how to complete a species may be reproduced where graz- ence not only reduces the growth of de- timber stand improvement operation is ing has been discontinued. Con- sirable trees, but often prevents the es- contained in MSU Extension Bulletin sequently, a large number of potentially tablishment of better trees within the E-1578 "Improving Hardwood Timber high quality, small diameter stems may stand (Fig. 4). A timber stand improve- Stands." Included are suggestions for be present. ment cut will remove these generally un- selecting the best trees of desirable In northern Michigan, many second- desirable and low-value trees. Such trees species and maintaining proper spacing. growth woodlots have developed where are most suitable for firewood, since their On-the-ground management assistance the original forest had been harvested, or value for other commercial products is can be obtained from your local Michigan on land once cleared for agriculture and low. Department of Natural Resources field subsequently abandoned. These stands Along with a timber stand improve- office and county Soil Conservation Dis- are generally even-aged with uniform- ment cut, most woodlots also require trict office. Assistance is also available sized trees. Most are overstocked and thinning to obtain optimum tree spacing. from consulting foresters and from some need an improvement/thinning cut to The amount of thinning necessary will of the larger forest industries in the state. maintain rapid growth rates. Thinning vary depending on the size and distribu- Additional information on woodlot man- such stands will also encourage additional tion of the trees in the stand. In a properly agement and related subjects is also avail- reproduction, thereby establishing a thinned stand, growth of remaining trees able from your local Cooperative Exten- multiple-aged stand. may double or triple. As trees increase in sion office. MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY MSU is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Institution. Cooperative Extension Service programs are open to all without regard to race, color, national origin, or sex. Issued in furtherance of cooperative extension work in agriculture and home economics, acts of May 8, and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Gordon E. Guyer, Director, Cooperative Extension Service, Michigan State University, E. Lansing, Ml 48824. This information is for educational purposes only. Reference to commercial products or trade names does not imply endorsement COOPERATIVE by the Cooperative Extension Service or bias against those not mentioned. This bulletin becomes public property upon publication and may be reprinted verbatim as a separate or within another publication with credit to MSU. Reprinting cannot be used to EXTENSION endorse or advertise a commercial product or company. SERVICE 1P-10M-2:82-KMF-JP, Price 250, Single Copy Free to Michigan Residents.
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