April10, 1991 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 7765 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Wednesday, AprillO, 1991 The House met at 2 p.m. and was S. RES. 92 latter raise the same issues that will be called to order by the Speaker protem­ Whereas, the Honorable John Heinz served decided in the authorization and appro­ pore [Mr. GEPHARDT]. Pennsylvania in the United States Senate priation process. and the United States House of Representa­ Mr. Speaker, I have sent a "Dear Col­ tives with devotion and distinction; and league'' letter to all offices explaining Whereas, his efforts on behalf of Penn­ DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO sylvania and all Americans earned him the our intentions on the budget resolu­ TEMPORE esteem and high regard of his colleagues; and tion. We appreciate the cooperation of The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be­ Whereas, his tragic and untimely death has all Members in our effort to be fair and fore the House the following commu­ deprived his State and Nation of an out­ orderly in granting a rule. nication from the Speaker: standing lawmaker. Resolved, That the Senate expresses pro­ WASHINGTON, DC, found sorrow and deep regret on the death of April10, 1991. FISCAL YEAR 1991 BUDGET the Honorable John Heinz, late a Senator RESOLUTION DESERVES SUPPORT I hereby designate the Honorable RICHARD from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. A. GEPHARDT to act as Speaker pro tempore Resolved, That the Secretary of the Senate (Mr. PANETTA asked and was given on this day. communicate these resolutions to the House permission to address the House for 1 THOMAS S. FOLEY, of Representatives and transmit an enrolled minute and to revise and extend his re­ Speaker of the House of Representatives. copy thereof to the family of the deceased. marks.) Resolved, That when the Senate recesses Mr. PANETTA. Mr. Speaker, next today, it recess as a further mark of respect PRAYER to the memory of the deceased Senator. week we will continue the fiscal year 1992 budget resolution adopted yester­ The Chaplain, Rev. James David The message also announced that the day by the Committee on the Budget. Ford, D.D., offered the following pray­ Senate had passed joint resolutions of This budget merits the strong support er: the following titles, in which the con­ of all of my colleagues on both sides of We know, 0 gracious God, that the currence of the House is requested: the aisle. It maintains strict fiscal dis­ marvel of creation manifests itself in S.J. Res. 16. Joint resolution designating cipline. It is fair. It makes needed in­ many voices and tongues and in all the the Week of April 21-27, 1991, as "National vestments in programs affecting work­ ambitions of the human family. As we Crime Victims' Rights Week"; and ing families in this country and in the recognize our differences we pray this S.J. Res. 70. Joint resolution to establish April 15, 1991, as "National Recycling Day." economic future of this country. day that You would make us one in the The President has spoken of the need spirit of a shared concern for one an­ for a new world order abroad. This other. We acknowledge the power that NOTIFICATION CONCERNING budget speaks to the need to develop a is shown by the feelings and attitudes RULES COMMITTEE'S PLANS FOR new American order at home. It is true of the heart and we pray that each per­ BUDGET RESOLUTION that both budgets strictly adhere to son will learn respect for each other (Mr. MOAKLEY asked and was given the spending limits in the budget and so fulfill Your commandment to permission to address the House for 1 agreement established last year, and us. In Your name, we pray. Amen. minute and to revise and extend his re­ they should. However, beyond that, marks.) there are great differences. The budget adopted by the commit­ THE JOURNAL Mr. MOAKLEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to notify Members of the Rules tee rejects the unfair cuts in benefit The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Committee's plans for this year's budg­ programs included in the President's Chair has examined the Journal of the et resolution. budget, including his $25 billion cut in last day's proceedings and announces As you know, the Budget Committee Medicare, his $3.5 billion cut in veter­ to the House his approval thereof. completed its markup Tuesday evening ans' programs, and reductions affecting Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour­ and, allowing 3 days for additional farmers, students, children, and the nal stands approved. views, will file on Friday. The Rules needy. Committee plans to meet next Monday, Third, in addition, this budget makes April15, to take testimony on the reso­ vital investments in programs like PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE lution.· education, Head Start, WIC, health The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen­ It is my understanding, Mr. Speaker, care, antidrug abuse programs, and a tleman from New Hampshire [Mr. that the text of the resolution will be number of others that relate to eco­ ZELIFF] will lead the House of Rep­ available at the Budget Committee. nomic security for the future. resentatives in the Pledge of Alle­ In order to provide for fair and time­ If anyone thinks that these changes giance. ly consideration, the committee is con­ are insignificant, let them ask the peo­ Mr. ZELIFF led the Pledge of Alle­ sidering a rule that may structure the ple affected. Ask the elderly; ask the giance as follows: offering of amendments. veterans; ask the child who is affected I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Mr. Speaker, any Member con­ by those kinds of reductions. United States of America, and to the Repub­ templating an amendment to the reso­ Members will have the opportunity lic for which it stands, one nation under God, lution should submit 55 copies of the next week to decide what set of prior­ indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. amendment and a brief explanation by ities are most important for this Na­ 12 noon on this Friday, April 12. The tion in the future. committee offices are in H-312 in the MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE Capitol. A message from the Senate by Mr. Mr. Speaker, as in the past the com­ CBS NEWS SEGMENT-PAID FOR Hallen, one of its clerks, announced mittee looks more favorably on amend­ BY THE AFL-CIO? that the Senate had agreed to the fol­ ments in the nature of a substitute (Mr. BALLENGER asked and was lowing resolution: than on cut-and-bite amendments. The given permission to address the House DThis symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., D 1407 is 2:07p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. 7766 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE April 10, 1991 for 1 minute and to revise and extend kids, we will take the money for infant creative in finding ways to reduce the his remarks.) mortality for rural families and give it tax burden on the middle class, those Mr. BALLENGER. Mr. Speaker, Dan to 10 big cities and call it progress. We who are financially squeezed. Rather and CBS Evening News became will welcome our troops home from the Mr. Speaker, what I am hearing at the newest advocates for the so-called gulf with smiles and handshakes and a home is that Americans want leader­ striker replacement bill, H.R. 5, a pro­ $3.5 billion cut in veterans programs. ship on a domestic agenda that reflects posal to put an end to the use of re­ We will take and take until working their needs. The Democratic budget placement workers during a strike. people drown in the wealthy's pool of provides this leadership. Last week, Dan Rather introduced excess. the lengthy feature on the subject with Enough is enough. Our working fami­ the phrase "One Strike, You're Out." lies cannot keep their heads above THE 1992 BUDGET RESOLUTION: Surprise, surprise-this is the title of water if we continue to flood them FAIRER AND BETTER FOR KIDS, the AFL-CIO slick and pricey video on with kind words and hollow promises. THE MIDDLE CLASS, THE ELDER­ H.R.5. Let we as the peoples representatives LY, AND THE FUTURE Dan Rather provided supporters of take a stand and write a budget that (Mr. SKAGGS asked and was given H.R. 5 with millions and millions of recognizes the real needs of working permission to address the House for 1 dollars of free advertising and a wide America. minute and to revise and extend his re­ viewer audience to promote the opin­ marks.) ions of organized labor on an extremely Mr. SKAGGS. Mr. Speaker, we know controversial bill. Furthermore, to en­ 0 1410 the new budget rules greatly limit our sure the AFL-CIO commercial articu­ ability to move boldly to meet Ameri­ lated all of big labor's views, more than DEMOCRATIC BUDGET PROVIDES LEADERSHIP ca's needs. That makes the Budget 95 percent of the segment explained Committee's striking improvements to why organized labor wants the bill (Ms. DELAURO asked and was given the President's budget all the more re­ passed. permission to address the House for 1 markable. And they show how much As usual, nobody at CBS bothered to minute and to revise and extend her re­ more we can do, than the administra­ report that 54 percent of the American marks.) tion proposed, to give working, middle­ public opposes firing replacement Ms.
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