www.lomondwholesale.co.uk to our 2017 Lomond – The Wholesale Food Company Catalogue! Firstly, we have been in our fantastic new depot for a year now and are pleased to say we are well and truly settled in. We are now into our 20th year and what a journey it has been, we are thankful to all of our customers who have been there along the way and proud to bring you a 20th anniversary edition of our catalogue. To celebrate this milestone we are excited to tell you we will be holding our very own tradeshow in May 2017. Look out in the coming months for more information on this. Following feedback on previous years catalogues, we have kept the handy A5 format including the useful guides at the beginning such as weights and measures convertor, and a handy allergen guide. We hope you enjoy browsing through our product range, and exploring all we have to offer in 2017. Our sister company 'Cake' has it's very own section of the catalogue on pages 6 to 13, where you will find some great new products such as Triple Chocolate Delight and our range of Buttermilk Scones. We will be adding to the range throughout the year so keep an eye out for our new product flyers and on our website for more information. All the products you need to run a successful business can be found here, and we have some great new additions for 2017. In our soup section you will find our popular Spiced Lentil & Tomato, and delicious Carrot & Fennel. All of our soups are made with fresh ingredients in small batches – giving you the highest quality range to offer your customers. You will also notice on page 102 that we have brought in a range of Coffee Syrups to enhance the flavour of your customers coffee! Our buying team are always working hard to bring you the latest trends in products and we strive to have the best product range out there. If you don't already make use of our online ordering system and would like to give it a try – please speak to your sales rep or our telesales team, who will be more than happy to get you started. It can be a great time saver and is quick and easy to use! It even has all your personal pricing and order history when you log in! We hope you enjoy looking through the catalogue and find it a handy tool in the coming year. We look forward to working with you in 2017 and wish you every success in your business. As always, your feedback is appreciated so please feed any comments or suggestions back to our team! www.lomondwholesale.co.uk USEFUL GUIDES 4 5 BREAD 82 CAKE 6 BAKERY 90 FRESH SOUPS 14 CRISPS & 94 CONFECTIONERY MEAT & POULTRY 20 BEVERAGES 98 RAW MEAT 32 ICE CREAM & SEAFOOD 36 FROZEN YOGHURT 104 CHEESE & DAIRY 38 PACKAGING & 110 DISPOSABLES FRESH FILLINGS & SALADS 48 CONTACT DETAILS 118 READY MADE 54 KITCHEN ESSENTIALS 62 FRUIT & VEGETABLES 74 www.lomondwholesale.co.uk 4 Here at Lomond we appreciate how busy you are, so for convenience we thought we would include a couple of useful guides to help make life a little easier. MARGIN CONVERSION GUIDE CALCULATOR Here you will find a handy conversion table to use Here is our handy margin as a quick reference guide. calculator which we thought 425 797 16 454 1000 1.76 1000 39.37 200 90.7 you might find useful to 400 752 15 425 950 1.67 900 35.43 175 79.4 work out how profitable our 375 707 14 397 900 1.58 800 31.50 150 68 products can be! Simply look 350 662 13 369 850 1.49 750 29.53 125 56.7 at the product portion cost column down the left hand 325 617 12 340 800 1.41 600 23.62 100 45.36 side, and then choose the 300 572 11 312 750 1.32 500 19.68 75 34.19 margin you would like to gain 275 527 10 283 650 1.14 400 15.75 50 22.68 on the bottom to see what you 250 482 9 255 568 1 250 9.84 25 11.34 should sell the product for! 225 437 8 227 500 0.88 200 7.87 20 9.72 £1.50 £2.25 £3.00 £3.75 200 392 7 198 450 0.79 150 5.90 15 6.8 £1.45 £2.18 £2.90 £3.63 175 347 6 170 400 0.70 125 4.92 10 4.54 £1.40 £2.10 £2.80 £3.50 150 302 5 142 250 0.44 100 3.94 5 2.27 £1.35 £2.03 £2.70 £3.38 125 257 4 113 150 0.26 75 2.95 4 1.81 £1.30 £1.95 £2.60 £3.25 100 212 3 85 100 0.18 50 1.97 3 1.36 £1.25 £1.80 £2.50 £3.13 £1.20 £1.80 £2.40 £3.00 75 167 2 57 50 0.09 25.4 1 2 0.9 £1.15 £1.73 £2.30 £2.88 50 122 1 28 30 0.05 10 0.39 1 0.45 £1.10 £1.65 £2.20 £2.75 ˚C ˚F oz g ml pint mm inch lbs kg Example: Example: Example: Example: Example: £1.05 £1.58 £2.10 £2.63 100˚C = 212 ˚F 5oz = 142g 500ml = 0.88pt 200mm = 7.87in 10lbs = 4.54kg £1.00 £1.50 £2.00 £2.50 £0.95 £1.43 £1.90 £2.38 £0.90 £1.35 £1.80 £2.25 OVEN TEMPERATURE £0.85 £1.28 £1.70 £2.13 CONVERSION £0.80 £1.20 £1.60 £2.00 Here you will find a handy conversion £0.75 £1.13 £1.50 £1.88 table to use as a quick reference guide. £0.70 £1.05 £1.40 £1.75 ¼ 110°C 100°C 225°F £0.65 £0.98 £1.30 £1.63 ½ 130°C 120°C 250°F £0.60 £0.90 £1.20 £1.50 PRODUCT COST PER PORTIONPRODUCT PER COST £0.55 £0.83 £1.10 £1.38 1 140°C 130°C 275°F £0.50 £0.75 £1.00 £1.25 2 150°C 140°C 300°F £0.45 £0.68 £0.90 £1.13 3 170°C 155°C 325°F £0.40 £0.60 £0.80 £1.00 4 180°C 165°C 350°F £0.35 £0.53 £0.70 £0.88 5 190°C 180°C 375°F £0.30 £0.45 £0.60 £0.75 6 200°C 190°C 400°F £0.25 £0.38 £0.50 £0.63 £0.20 £0.30 £0.40 £0.50 7 220°C 200°C 425°F £0.15 £0.23 £0.30 £0.38 8 230°C 210°C 450°F £0.10 £0.15 £0.20 £0.25 9 240°C 220°C 475°F 50% 100% 150% MARGIN MARGIN MARGIN Gas Mark °Celsius °Celsius Fan °Fahrenheit Call our Sales Team now on: 0141 353 6777 - [email protected] 5 What you need to know. Millions of people have food allergies that We recommend all our customers are aware can range from mild to life-threatening. of the allergens in products and are happy to be able to offer products that are Gluten Free, All Allergens are declared on our individual including Soups, Breads and Cakes. Please look product labels and are either written in for the symbol throughout the brochure which bold after the allergenic ingredient on the highlights that this product can be offered to ingredient declaration, or listed seperately customers who may be allergic to Wheat Gluten. or underlined. LUSCS CELER MOL Y S ES AM IN E P S U E L E D S S U L A P Y H I O T S E S M S U T S T U A N R A D E P C E R E A L S T CONTAINING GLUTEN U N M I H LK IS F S EG EAN GS CRUSTAC Call our Sales Team now on: 0141 353 6777 - [email protected] Cake 6 Everyone’s favourite section! Our very own bakery produces a wide range of Cakes, Traybakes and Scones. Here you’ll find details of the range – which we’re sure you will love! If you haven’t already – try some today, we’re sure you won’t look back once you have experienced the fantastic quality and taste. Our NPD team have been busy developing some fantastic new products such as our Triple Chocolate Delight and Cranberry & Pumpkin Flapjack. In addition, keep an eye out throughout the year for more fantastic new products. Why not be the first to hear about our new additions, and keep up with what’s happening at Cake by visiting our website at www.handmadecakeuk.co.uk. lL lH lV l6 lC lF lA lPO lGF lL lH lV l6 lC lF lA lPO lGF LOMOND EXCLUSIVE HALAL VEGETARIAN HOME GROWN CHILLED FROZEN AMBIENT PRE-ORDER GLUTEN FREE LOMOND EXCLUSIVE HALAL VEGETARIAN HOME GROWN CHILLED FROZEN AMBIENT PRE-ORDER GLUTEN FREE Call ourwww.lomondwholesale.co.uk Sales Team now on: 0141 353 6777 - [email protected] BOXED TRAYBAKES CODE DESCRIPTION UNIT SIZE VAT 23260 Ultimate Caramel Crispy Tub 1x18 lA lL l6 7 77973 Milk Caramel Shortcake 1x24 lF lL l6 32577 Milk Caramel Shortcake 1x36 lF lL l6 64425 White Caramel Shortcake 1x24 lF lL l6 58483 Luxury Millionnaire Shortbread 1x30 lF lL l6 19441 Luxury Peppermint Slice 1x24 lF lL l6 41081 Fruit Slice 1x24 lF lL l6 84349 Luxury Rocky Road 1x24 lF lL l6 12009 Ultimate Chocolate Brownie 1x30 lF lL l6 64151 Minibites 1- Luxury Rocky Road and Pink and White 2x48 lF lL l6 74739 Minibites 2- Millionaire Shortbread and Yoghurt and Cranberry 2x48 lF lL l6 37732 Minibites 3- Ultimate Brownie and Cherry Bakewell 2x48 lF lL l6 TRAYBAKES CODE DESCRIPTION UNIT SIZE VAT 21097 Butter Shortbread Finger 1x15 lF lL l6 33646 Caramel Cabana 1x15 lF lL l6 63688 Cherry Bakewell 1x12 lF lL l6 12456 Raspberry and Coconut Slice 1x12 lF lL l6 13490 Chocolate Crunch 1x12 lF lL l6 75456 Chocolate Flapjack 1x15 lF lL l6 68344 Cranberry and Pumpkin Seed Flapjack 1x15 lF lL l6 10715 Triple Chocolate Delight 1x15 lF lL l6 53958 Extra Chocolatey Cookie Tray 1x15 lF lL l6 73343 Mallow Crispy 1x15 lF lL l6 Luxury Rocky Road Raspberry Coconut Slice Extra Chocolate Cookie Tray Product Code: 84349 Product Code: 12456 Product Code: 53958 lL lH lV l6 lC lF lA lPO lGF lL lH lV l6 lC lF lA lPO lGF LOMOND EXCLUSIVE HALAL VEGETARIAN HOME GROWN CHILLED FROZEN AMBIENT PRE-ORDER GLUTEN FREE LOMOND EXCLUSIVE HALAL VEGETARIAN HOME GROWN CHILLED FROZEN AMBIENT PRE-ORDER GLUTEN FREE Call our Sales Team now on: 0141 353 6777 - [email protected] 45091 Mars Crispy Cake 1x12 lF lL l6 8 14838 Milk Teaser 1x15 lF lL l6 8 22004 Blonde Teaser 1x15 lF lL l6 16023 Pink and White 1x15 lF lL l6 14605 Puff Candy Crunch 1x15 lF lL l6 43317 Rocky Road 1x15 lF lL l6 75290 Rocky White Road 1x15 lF lL l6 41251 New Style Rocky Road 1x15 lF lL l6 34030 New Style White Rocky Road 1x15 lF lL l6 69654 Tiffin 1x15 lF lL l6 72676 Toffee Crunch 1x12 lF lL l6 68956 Ultimate Teaser 1x15 lF lL l6 80988 Ultimate Caramel Crispy 1x15 lF lL l6 25532 White Chocolate and Raspberry Slice 1x15 lF lL l6 66100 Yoghurt, Cranberry and Sultana 1x12 lF lL l6 36862 Luxury Mars Triangle Frozen 1x12 lF lL l6 69420 Luxury Millionaire Triangle 1x12 lF lL l6 60319 100mm Empire Biscuits 1x9 lF lL l6 ROUND PRE PORTIONED CAKES CODE DESCRIPTION
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